5139 lines
226 KiB
5139 lines
226 KiB
import datetime
import json
import os
import random
import math
import requests
import calendar
from users.models import UserCredentialsForBlockchain
from Blockchain2.decryption import decryptionOfPrivate, decryptionOfUrl, download_file_System,viewDecryptionOfUrl,hash_decrypation
from centralisedFileSystem.models import File, Script, ScreenPlay
from Blockchain2.DataStorage import uploadDataToIPFSNode
from Blockchain2.PPTConversion import UploadPPTConversionData, getPPTConversion, getUserprojectIds, deletePPTConversion
from Blockchain2.Conversion import UploadConversionData, getConversion, deleteConversion,scriptGetUserprojectIds
from lpp.certificate.createCertificate import certificateGenrate
from Blockchain2.blockchainsetting import OWNER_KEY
# from mnfapp.views import base, languages as lang ## import base,lang error commented 02032023
from .translation.translation_variables import code_2_language as languages, language_2_code
import re
# from .booktranslator.newConvertBook import convert_books
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
import threading
import time
from datetime import date
from pathlib import Path
from subprocess import Popen
from threading import Thread
from auto_email.views import sendmail
import docx
import fitz
import pandas as pd
import razorpay
import stripe
from django.conf import settings
from django.contrib import messages
from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.core.files.base import ContentFile
from django.core.files.storage import FileSystemStorage
from django.core.mail import EmailMessage, EmailMultiAlternatives
from django.http import HttpResponse, HttpResponseRedirect, JsonResponse
from django.shortcuts import redirect, render
from django.template.loader import render_to_string
from django.utils.html import strip_tags
from forex_python.converter import CurrencyRates
from googletrans import Translator
from langdetect import detect
from pptx import Presentation
from pymongo import MongoClient
from PyPDF2 import PdfFileReader, PdfFileWriter
from pytz import timezone
from django.utils import timezone as tz
from tqdm import tqdm
from blockchain.submitIPFS import upload_multiFile_to_ipfs, upload_to_ipfs
from conversion.ppt_translation.final_srt_ppt import translate_presentation
from conversion.translation.translation_function import all_translator
from conversion.translation.translation_variables import (
get_doc_file, get_language_script_code, get_pdf_save_dir,
# from conversion.translation import final_translation
from conversion.translation.fourstepconversion import translate_function
from lpp.models import LPPTASKDatabase
# from .storytranslator.trans import convert_story
from lpp.views import task_assigner
from MNF.email import mnfnsendemail
BasePath, pricing_data, discount_limit_handler, GetMongoDBUrl)
from mnfapp.models import *
from mnfapp.models import (MNFScriptDatabase, Notifications, PaymentData,
SampleScript, ScriptTranslations)
# from neutralAudit.tasks import NeutralAuditTask
# from ideamall.views import sendemail
from page_script.models import (Conversion_link, Conversions,
# from mnfapp.views import PaymentDetails
# from scriptAudit.script_audit_codes.script_audit import do_script_audit
# from neutralAudit.mnf_script_audit_v8 import call_script_audit_for_conversion
# from neutralAudit.views import audit1
from payment.models import conversionPayment, privilegedUser1
from users.models import *
from users.views import deduction_for_sep_wall
from utils import filesystem
# from page_script.views import service_update_internal
from utils.scripts_functions import (name_exists, script_id_generator,
from utils.utilities import csv_to_docx, get_csv_from_id
from rest_framework.response import Response
from .booktranslator2.convertBookDocx import ConvertBook
from .forms import AScript, CScript, SScript
from .models import (BookConversion, StoryConversion, UploadScript,
from .translation.detection import getInputs, language_detector, script_det
from .translation.final_transliteration_only import makeTransliteration_only
from .translation.script_reading import (breaksen, getRefined, getScenes,
getSlugAndNonSlug, getSpeakers)
from .translation.script_writing import (addActionLine, addDialogue,
addParenthetical, addSlugLine,
addSpeaker, addTransition,
dial_checker, dual_script,
from .translation.translation_function import (translate_comparison,
from .translation.translation_resources import google
from centralizePayment.views import callback, create_indent, centralPayment_get_discounts
from centralizePayment.models import CentralPayment
from mnfapp.models import centralDatabase
from institutional.views import get_discount
from .translation.translation_variables import language_script
from mnfapp.views import update_juggernaut
from centralizePayment.views import auto_refund
# ppt convert
BASE_DIR = Path(__file__).resolve().parent.parent
basePath = BasePath()
# This is your real test secret API key.
# stripe.api_key = "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"
# stripe.api_key = "sk_test_51JT8ahSF9vzGWnggJT1M69LDT0Q8tCqvHzuWd9Fih5YO2guIpMpUd58swbDrJYocpQZAn3nY8k3Ymyw8QZ8dLeEF00VxfBmMWI"
stripe.api_key = STRIPE_SECRET_KEY
# STRIPE_PUB_KEY ="pk_test_51JT8ahSF9vzGWngg9ik0jueTIilHhCQomixBFOiNzCuo4Wwc5oRm73d05vdcboMgNwhyNcNTa2si8idqbB5msvwe006q3S96tM"
# STRIPE_PUB_KEY ="pk_live_51JT8ahSF9vzGWngg4N8fwhTPk5jq8fqBFdokqSMe7AVaOvH6BdyTwAfAoY79qkeJTFA0OdT5qkAk2FCNWCu6W9l000STNnHa7H"
def adding_sample_scripts(request):
return redirect("sampleScriptC")
class sendemail(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, whomtosend, titleofmail, dateofemail, context, EMAIL_HOST_USER):
self.whomtosend = whomtosend
self.titleofmail = titleofmail
self.dateofemail = dateofemail
self.context = context
def run(self):
print("run self class", self.context)
subject = str(self.titleofmail) + " " + str(self.dateofemail) + "."
from_email = self.EMAIL_HOST_USER
to = self.whomtosend
html_content = render_to_string(
self.context, # /home/user/mnf/project/MNF/ideamall/templates/ideamall/email_templete.html
) # render with dynamic value
# Strip the html tag. So people can see the pure text at least.
text_content = strip_tags(html_content)
# create the email, and attach the HTML version as well.
msg = EmailMultiAlternatives(subject, text_content, from_email, [to])
msg.attach_alternative(html_content, "text/html")
def set_payment_token(request):
if request.user.is_superuser:
request.session["keyID"] = T_RAZORPAY_KEY_ID
request.session["keySecret"] = T_RAZORPAY_KEY_SECRET
request.session["keyID"] = RAZORPAY_KEY_ID
request.session["keySecret"] = RAZORPAY_KEY_SECRET
# languages = {
# "hi": "Hindi",
# "en": "English",
# "ur": "Urdu",
# "ar": "Arabic",
# "bn": "Bengali",
# "kn": "Kannada",
# "ta": "Tamil",
# "bg": "Bulgarian",
# "bn": "Bengali",
# "ml": "Malayalam",
# "ru": "Russian",
# "sr": "Serbian",
# "uk": "Ukranian",
# "hr": "Croatian",
# "ga": "Irish",
# "sq": "Albanian",
# "mr": "Marathi",
# "fa": "Persian",
# "te": "Telugu",
# "tr": "Turkish",
# "hu": "Hungarian",
# "it": "Italian",
# "ro": "Romanian",
# "pa": "Punjabi",
# "gu": "Gujarati",
# "or": "Oriya",
# "zh-CN": "Chinese-Simplified",
# "zh-TW": "Chinese-Traditional",
# "ne": "Nepali",
# "fr": "French",
# "es": "Spanish",
# "id": "Indonesian",
# "el": "Greek",
# "ja": "Japanese",
# "jv": "Javanese",
# "ko": "Korean",
# "be": "Belarusian",
# "uz": "Uzbek",
# "sd": "Sindhi",
# "af": "Afrikaans",
# "de": "German",
# "is": "Icelandic",
# "ig": "Igbo",
# "la": "Latin",
# "pt": "Portugese",
# "my": "Myanmar",
# "th": "Thai",
# "su": "Sundanese",
# "lo": "Lao",
# "am": "Amharic",
# "si": "Sinhala",
# "az": "Azerbaijani",
# "kk": "Kazakh",
# "mk": "Macedonian",
# "bs": "Bosnian",
# "ps": "Pashto",
# "mg": "Malagasy",
# "ms": "Malay",
# "yo": "Yoruba",
# "cs": "Czech",
# "da": "Danish",
# "nl": "Dutch",
# "tl": "Tagalog",
# "no": "Norwegian",
# "sl": "Slovenian",
# "sv": "Swedish",
# "vi": "Vietnamese",
# "cy": "Welsh",
# "he": "Hebrew",
# "hy": "Armenian",
# "km": "Khmer",
# "ka": "Georgian",
# "mn": "Mongolian",
# "ku": "Kurdish",
# "ky": "Kyrgyz",
# "tk": "Turkmen",
# "fi": "Finnish",
# "ht": "Haitian Creole",
# "haw": "Hawaiian",
# "lt": "Lithuanian",
# "lb": "Luxembourgish",
# "mt": "Maltese",
# "pl": "Polish",
# "eo": "Esperanto",
# "tt": "Tatar",
# "ug": "Uyghur",
# "ha": "Hausa",
# "so": "Somali",
# "sw": "Swahili",
# "yi": "Yiddish",
# "eu": "Basque",
# "ca": "Catalan",
# "ceb": "Cebuano",
# "co": "Corsican",
# "et": "Estonian",
# "fy": "Frisian",
# "gl": "Galician",
# "hmn": "Hmong",
# "rw": "Kinyarwanda",
# "lv": "Latvian",
# "mi": "Maori",
# "sm": "Samoan",
# "gd": "Scots Gaelic",
# "st": "Sesotho",
# "sn": "Shona",
# "sk": "Slovak",
# "xh": "Xhosa",
# "zu": "Zulu",
# "ny": "Nyanja",
# }
def conversionSHandler(script_id="scr_1652429491"):
script_info = MNFScriptDatabase.objects.get(script_id=script_id)
numPages = script_info.numPages
total_amount = 0
context = {}
if int(numPages) > 5:
context["subtotal"] = round(float(numPages * settings.CONVERSION_PER_PAGE), 2)
return context
def conversion_script_details(script_id="scr_1652429491"):
script_info = MNFScriptDatabase.objects.get(script_id=script_id)
context = {}
context["script_title"] = script_info.script_title
context["numPages"] = script_info.numPages
context["ndial_src"] = script_info.nondial_src_language
context["dial_src"] = script_info.dial_src_language
context["ndial_dest"] = script_info.nondial_dest_language
context["dial_dest"] = script_info.dial_dest_language
context["dial_dest_script"] = script_info.dial_dest_script
return context
def conversionScriptInvoice(request, script_id="scr_1652429491"):
context = {}
script_details = conversion_script_details(script_id)
tempt = conversionSHandler(script_id=script_id)
return render(request, "conversion/conversion_checkout.html", context)
# -> For Testing of Conversion
def run_testing(request):
# from conversion.translation.testing_scripts import test_run
# from conversion.translation.testing_scripts_mini import test_run
from threading import Thread
# from conversion.translation.testing_languages import test_run
# from conversion.translation.testing_languages_working_translation import test_run
# from conversion.translation.getting_languages_Scripts import test_run
# from conversion.translation.getting_languages_Codes import test_run
from conversion.translation.testing_response_times import test_run
# create a thread
thread = Thread(target=test_run)
# run the thread
# wait for the thread to finish
print("Waiting for the thread...")
return render(request, "conversion/testing.html")
def multi_lang(request):
f = open("/home/user/mnf/project/MNF/locale/hi/LC_MESSAGES/django.po", "r")
g = open("/home/user/mnf/project/MNF/locale/hi/LC_MESSAGES/django_.po", "w")
appender = ""
for line in f:
if line[0:5] == "msgid":
if line[7:-2] != "":
output = all_translator(
line[7:-2], "en", "hi").replace(""", "\"")
appender = output
elif line[0:6] == "msgstr":
g.write(rf'msgstr "{appender}"')
appender = ""
return render(request, "conversion/testing.html")
# -> Converting Docx to PDF
def convert_to_pdf(input_docx, out_folder):
p = subprocess.Popen(
print(["--convert-to", "pdf", input_docx])
# -> Counting Number of Pages
def countPages(docfile, pdfname):
convert_to_pdf(docfile, rf"{basePath}/media/PdfFiles/")
pdf = PdfFileReader(open(rf"{basePath}/media/PdfFiles/{pdfname}", "rb"))
number_of_pages = pdf.getNumPages()
return number_of_pages
# -> Conversion Script Storing and redirecting to Script Page
def ps_conversion(request):
if request.method == "POST":
script_id = script_upload(request.FILES["script"], request.user)[
except FileExistsError:
request, 'Script Already Exists ! Please choose a New Script')
#messages.success(request, f"Script Already Exists ! Please choose a New Script")
return redirect("conversion")
# NeutralAuditTask().delay(script_id=script_id, user=request.user)
# NeutralAudit(script_id=script_id).audit()
return redirect("ScriptPage", script_id=script_id)
def conversion_clone(request):
print("Entered Conversion Function")
sampleList = SampleScript.objects.all()
with open(f"{basePath}/MNF/json_keys/language_pairs.json") as c:
language_pairs = json.load(c)
with open(f"{basePath}/MNF/json_keys/default_script.json") as c:
default_script = json.load(c)
with open(f"{basePath}/MNF/json_keys/script_pairs.json") as c:
script_pairs = json.load(c)
if request.method == "POST":
print("i am here 0")
# try:
print("i am here 1")
M = MNFScriptDatabase()
UScript = CScript(request.POST, request.FILES)
if UScript.is_valid():
M.script = UScript.cleaned_data.get("script")
M.user_id = request.user
M.progress = 10
author_name = str(request.user.username)
script_title = M.script.name
numPages = countPages(
str(BASE_DIR) + "/media/" +
script_title, script_title[8:-4] + "pdf"
request.session["numPages"] = numPages
MyURL = "/media/" + str(script_title)
formInput = getInputs(request, str(BASE_DIR) + MyURL)
dial_src_script = formInput[2]
dial_src_lang = formInput[1]
non_dial_src_lang = formInput[0]
non_dial_src_script = formInput[3]
option3 = formInput[4]
option4 = formInput[5]
option5 = formInput[6]
option6 = formInput[7]
M.progress = 20
M.progress = 90
print("i am here 2")
print("The Data of formInput is:", formInput)
context = {
"id": M.id,
"numPages": numPages,
"fileName": MyURL,
"non_dial_src_script": non_dial_src_script,
"author_name": author_name,
"script_title": script_title,
"UScript": UScript,
"dial_src_script": dial_src_script,
"dial_src_lang": dial_src_lang,
"dial_src_lang_full": languages.get(dial_src_lang),
"non_dial_src_lang_full": languages.get(non_dial_src_lang),
"non_dial_src_lang": non_dial_src_lang,
"list": sampleList,
"option3": option3,
"option4": option4,
"option5": option5,
"option6": option6,
"language_pairs": language_pairs,
"default_script": default_script,
"script_pairs": script_pairs,
print("i am here 3")
return render(request, "conversion/conversion_copy.html", context)
# except Exception as e:
# print("i am here 4")
# print("Error:", e)
# messages.warning(request, "The format of file is wrong")
# return redirect("conversion_clone")
# print("i am here 5")
return render(
"list": sampleList,
"language_pairs": language_pairs,
"default_script": default_script,
"script_pairs": script_pairs,
# -> Initital Saving of Script in database and extracting various languages present in that
def conversion(request):
from utils.utilities import fdx_to_txt
print("Entered Conversion Function")
existingscripts = MNFScriptDatabase.objects.filter(user_id=request.user.id).order_by("-date_at").values_list('script_id', 'script_file_path')
sampleList = SampleScript.objects.all()
with open(f"{basePath}/MNF/json_keys/language_pairs.json") as c:
language_pairs = json.load(c)
with open(f"{basePath}/MNF/json_keys/script_pairs.json") as c:
script_pairs = json.load(c)
if request.method == "POST":
# try:
M = MNFScriptDatabase()
UScript = CScript(request.POST, request.FILES)
if UScript.is_valid():
M.script = UScript.cleaned_data.get("script")
M.user_id = request.user
M.progress = 10
author_name = str(request.user.username)
script_title = M.script.name
# if ((((M.script.name).split("/"))[-1]).split("."))[-1] == "fdx":
# try:
# f = open(str(BASE_DIR) + "/media/" + script_title, "r")
# print("Step 1 done")
# text = fdx_to_txt(f)
# doc = docx.Document()
# doc.add_paragraph(text)
# print("Step 1.2 done")
# doc.save(str(BASE_DIR) + "/media/" + str((script_title.split("."))[0]) + "-1.docx")
# print("Step 4 done")
# numPages = countPages(
# str(BASE_DIR) + "/media/" + str((script_title.split("."))[0]) + "-1.docx",
# str(script_title[8:-4]) + "-1.pdf"
# )
# print("Step 5 done")
# except Exception as e:
# print(f"Error :", e)
# numPages = 1
# elif ((((M.script.name).split("/"))[-1]).split("."))[-1] == "pdf":
# pdf = PdfFileReader(open(str(BASE_DIR) + "/media/" + script_title))
# numPages = pdf.getNumPages()
# else:
# numPages = countPages(
# str(BASE_DIR) + "/media/" +
# script_title, script_title[8:-4] + "pdf"
# )
MyURL = "/media/" + str(script_title)
formInput = getInputs(request, str(BASE_DIR) + MyURL, M.id)
dial_src_script = formInput[2]
dial_src_lang = formInput[1]
non_dial_src_lang = formInput[0]
non_dial_src_script = formInput[3]
option3 = formInput[4]
option4 = formInput[5]
option5 = formInput[6]
option6 = formInput[7]
numPages = formInput[8]
request.session["numPages"] = numPages
M.progress = 20
print("numpages", numPages)
# if UserCredentialsForBlockchain.objects.filter(user=request.user).exists():
# blockchain_obj = UserCredentialsForBlockchain.objects.get(user=request.user)
# certificatepath = certificateGenrate(request.user.username,"original script",hash)
# hash = uploadDataToIPFSNode(UScript.cleaned_data.get("script"))
# userkey = decryptionOfPrivate(blockchain_obj.privateKey)
# to_email = [request.user.email]
# email_code = 'BL1'
# key_value = {
# "service":"original script",
# "hash": hash,
# "public key":blockchain_obj.publicKey,
# "private key":userkey.decode('utf-8'),
# }
# sendmail(to_email=to_email , email_code=email_code,key_value=key_value,filePath=certificatepath)
M.progress = 90
print("The Data of formInput is:", formInput)
context = {
"id": M.id,
"numPages": numPages,
"fileName": MyURL,
"non_dial_src_script": non_dial_src_script,
"author_name": author_name,
"script_title": (((str(script_title).split("/"))[-1]).split("."))[0],
"UScript": UScript,
"dial_src_script": dial_src_script,
"dial_src_lang": dial_src_lang,
"dial_src_lang_full": languages.get(dial_src_lang),
"non_dial_src_lang_full": languages.get(non_dial_src_lang),
"non_dial_src_lang": non_dial_src_lang,
"list": sampleList,
"option3": option3,
"option4": option4,
"option5": option5,
"option6": option6,
"language_pairs": language_pairs,
"default_script": language_script,
"script_pairs": script_pairs,
"exsiting_scripts": existingscripts,
print("i am here 3")
return render(request, "conversion/conversion.html", context)
# except Exception as e:
# print("Error:",e)
# print("i am here 4")
# messages.warning(request, "The format of file is wrong")
# return redirect("conversion")
return render(
"list": sampleList,
"language_pairs": language_pairs,
"default_script": language_script,
"script_pairs": script_pairs,
"exsiting_scripts": existingscripts,
def is_processing_complete(request):
# script_id = request.GET["script_id"]
obj = MNFScriptDatabase.objects.filter(user_id=request.user.id).last()
print("Processing Chal Rahi hai", obj.progress)
if obj.progress == 100:
return JsonResponse({"status": "success"}, status=200)
return JsonResponse({"status": "pending", "progress": obj.progress}, status=202)
# -> At 10sec intervals check if conversion completed
def is_converted(request):
script_id = request.GET["script_id"]
if request.GET["centralised"] == "yes":
z = Conversion_link.objects.get(
objs = z.conversions.all()
for indx, obji in enumerate(objs):
if indx == len(objs) - 1:
obj = obji
obj = MNFScriptDatabase.objects.get(script_id=script_id)
print("obj.script convetred function", obj.translated_script_path)
if obj.translated_script_path:
return JsonResponse({"status": "success"}, status=200)
return JsonResponse({"status": "pending"}, status=202)
# -> Actually Running Translation and Transliteration of script
def make_conversion(request):
# for key,value in request.GET.items()
original_stdout = sys.stdout
print("MAke Conversion mein hu")
script_file_path = request.GET["script_file_path"]
request_id = request.GET["request_id"]
str1 = str(script_file_path)
if str1[41:45] == "user":
script_file_path = "/home/" + str(str1[41:])
script_id = request.GET["script_id"]
dial_conv_script = request.GET["dial_conv_script"]
dial_src_lang = request.GET["dial_src_lang"]
non_dial_src_lang = request.GET["non_dial_src_lang"]
dial_src_script = request.GET["dial_src_script"]
restrict_to_five = request.GET["restrict_to_five"]
option3 = request.GET.get("option3")
option4 = request.GET.get("option4")
option5 = request.GET.get("option5")
option6 = request.GET.get("option6")
# -> Saving options
script_data = MNFScriptDatabase.objects.get(script_id = script_id)
script_data.option3 = option3
script_data.option4 = option4
script_data.option5 = option5
script_data.option6 = option6
if request.GET["centralised"] == "yes":
service_update_internal(script_id, request_id,
"Conversion", "20% Completed")
z = Conversion_link.objects.get(
objs = z.conversions.all()
for indx, obji in enumerate(objs):
if indx == len(objs) - 1:
obj = obji
script_file_path = str(basePath) + script_file_path
script = str(
dial_dest_lang = obj.dial_dest_language
dial_dest_script = obj.dial_dest_script
non_dial_dest_lang = obj.nondial_dest_language
dual_dial_script = obj.dual_dial_script # Yes,No
# user_script_data = MNFScriptDatabase.objects.get(script_id=script_id)
scripttt = script_file_path
# dial_dest_lang = user_script_data.dial_dest_language
# dial_dest_script = user_script_data.dial_dest_script
# non_dial_dest_lang = user_script_data.nondial_dest_language
# dual_dial_script = user_script_data.dual_dial_script # Yes,No
# -> Audit Code
sys.stdout = original_stdout
start_time = time.time()
# print("----Auditing----")
# -> Audit Code starts here
name_script = str(((((scripttt).split("/"))[-1]).split("."))[0])
print("name if script", name_script)
"""if file is not a sample script and not a existing script then only audit it"""
print("sample script", request.GET.get("sample_id"))
print("existing_script", request.session.get("existing_script"))
if not request.session.get('existing_script') and not request.GET["sample_id"]:
script1 = str(scripttt)
doc = open(script1, 'rb').read()
file = ContentFile(
language_code = "en"
result = filesystem.new_screenplay(
# result = filesystem.new_screenplay_without_audit_in_background
audit_id = result.get("script", {}).get("id")
# audit_found = False
from scriptAudit.mnf_script_audit import NeutralAudit
# while audit_found != True:
to_email = [request.user.email]
email_code = 'SB1'
print("Hulalala 1212")
sendmail(to_email=to_email, email_code=email_code)
# audit_found = True
to_email = [request.user.email]
email_code = 'SB2'
print("Hulalala 1213")
sendmail(to_email=to_email, email_code=email_code)
# file_path_ = filesystem.get_file_path(audit_id, "script-csv")
file_path_ = filesystem.get_file_path(audit_id, "script-csv")
# to_email = [request.user.email]
# email_code = 'SB1'
# sendmail(to_email=to_email, email_code=email_code)
script_data = MNFScriptDatabase.objects.get(script_id=script_id)
script_data.audit_id = str(audit_id)
df = pd.read_csv(file_path_, encoding="utf-8")
except UnicodeError:
df = pd.read_csv(file_path_, encoding="utf-16")
pd.set_option('display.max_rows', None)
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', None)
# sys.stdout = original_stdout
dataframe = df
list_of_lists = dataframe.values.tolist()
sys.stdout = original_stdout
# audited_file = csv_to_docx(dataframe)
# audited_file.save(basePath + "/media/" + str(scripttt))
# audited_file.save(str(scripttt))
print("Audit Done")
elif request.GET["sample_id"]:
from mnfapp.models import SampleScript
sample_script = SampleScript.objects.get(sample_id=request.GET["sample_id"])
if sample_script.audit_id:
print("already audited")
audit_id = sample_script.audit_id
audit_found = False
while audit_found != True:
file_path_ = filesystem.get_file_path(
sample_script.audit_id, "script-csv")
audit_found = True
# file_path_ = filesystem.get_file_path(
# sample_script.audit_id, "script-csv")
df = pd.read_csv(file_path_, encoding="utf-8")
except UnicodeError:
df = pd.read_csv(file_path_, encoding="utf-16")
pd.set_option('display.max_rows', None)
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', None)
# sys.stdout = original_stdout
dataframe = df
list_of_lists = dataframe.values.tolist()
sys.stdout = original_stdout
# scripttt = SampleScript
script1 = str(scripttt)
doc = open(script1, 'rb').read()
file = ContentFile(
language_code = "en"
result = filesystem.new_screenplay(
# result = filesystem.new_screenplay_without_audit_in_background
audit_id = result.get("script", {}).get("id")
audit_found = False
while audit_found != True:
file_path_ = filesystem.get_file_path(
audit_id, "script-csv")
audit_found = True
sample_script.audit_id = str(audit_id)
df = pd.read_csv(file_path_, encoding="utf-8")
except UnicodeError:
df = pd.read_csv(file_path_, encoding="utf-16")
pd.set_option('display.max_rows', None)
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', None)
# sys.stdout = original_stdout
dataframe = df
list_of_lists = dataframe.values.tolist()
sys.stdout = original_stdout
# audited_file = csv_to_docx(dataframe)
# audited_file.save(basePath + "/media/" + str(scripttt))
# audited_file.save(str(scripttt))
print("Audit Done")
elif request.session.get('existing_script'):
if MNFScriptDatabase.objects.get(script_id=script_id).audit_id:
audit_id = MNFScriptDatabase.objects.get(script_id=script_id).audit_id
print("already audited")
# audit_id = sample_script.audit_id
audit_found = False
while audit_found != True:
file_path_ = filesystem.get_file_path(
audit_id, "script-csv")
audit_found = True
# file_path_ = filesystem.get_file_path(
# sample_script.audit_id, "script-csv")
df = pd.read_csv(file_path_, encoding="utf-8")
except UnicodeError:
df = pd.read_csv(file_path_, encoding="utf-16")
pd.set_option('display.max_rows', None)
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', None)
# sys.stdout = original_stdout
dataframe = df
list_of_lists = dataframe.values.tolist()
# sys.stdout = original_stdout
# scripttt = SampleScript
script1 = str(scripttt)
doc = open(script1, 'rb').read()
file = ContentFile(
language_code = "en"
result = filesystem.new_screenplay(
# result = filesystem.new_screenplay_without_audit_in_background
audit_id = result.get("script", {}).get("id")
audit_found = False
while audit_found != True:
file_path_ = filesystem.get_file_path(
audit_id, "script-csv")
audit_found = True
script_data = MNFScriptDatabase.objects.get(script_id=script_id)
# sample_script.audit_id = str(audit_id)
# sample_script.save()
df = pd.read_csv(file_path_, encoding="utf-8")
except UnicodeError:
df = pd.read_csv(file_path_, encoding="utf-16")
pd.set_option('display.max_rows', None)
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', None)
# sys.stdout = original_stdout
dataframe = df
list_of_lists = dataframe.values.tolist()
sys.stdout = original_stdout
# audited_file = csv_to_docx(dataframe)
# audited_file.save(basePath + "/media/" + str(scripttt))
# audited_file.save(str(scripttt))
print("Audit Done")
# -> Audit Code ends here
sys.stdout = original_stdout
print("Conversion Translation is Starting")
rf'translate_function("{script_file_path}", "{script_id}", "{request.session.get("translation_id", None)}","{dial_conv_script}", "{dial_src_lang}","{non_dial_src_lang}", "{dial_src_script}", "{restrict_to_five}", "{option3}", "{option4}", "{option5}", "{option6}")'
sys.stdout = original_stdout
if request.GET["centralised"] == "yes":
service_update_internal(script_id, request_id,
"Conversion", "30% Completed")
to = request.user.email
key_value = {
"User": request.user.username,
sendmail(to_email=[to], email_code="PP17", key_value=key_value)
sys.stdout = original_stdout
# f = open("/home/user/mnf/project/MNF/log/debug2255.log", "w")
# sys.stdout = f
request.session.get('translation_id', None),
# f.close()
script_original = MNFScriptDatabase.objects.get(script_id=script_id)
script_translated = ScriptTranslations.objects.get(translation_id=request.session.get('translation_id', None))
update_juggernaut(request, user_id=request.user.id, service_name="conversion",
script_original.is_juggernaut_used = True
if script_original.languages_juggernaut != "":
script_original.languages_juggernaut = str(script_original.languages_juggernaut) + "," + str(script_translated.dial_dest_language)
script_original.languages_juggernaut = str(script_translated.dial_dest_language)
except Exception as e:
print("Error is:", e)
except Exception as e:
print("Error:", e)
"Script translation failed due to some internal error. If you have made any payment for conversion "
"that will be refunded"
if request.POST.get("centralised") == "yes":
obj = MNFScriptDatabase_2.objects.get(script_id=script_id)
obj = MNFScriptDatabase.objects.get(script_id=script_id)
print("obj.script converted function", obj.translated_script_path)
# auto refund code
auto_refund(ScriptTranslations.objects.get(translation_id=request.session.get('translation_id', None)).central_payment_id)
# email for failure
to = request.user.email
key_value = {
"User": request.user.username,
sendmail(to_email=[to], email_code="PP21", key_value=key_value)
return JsonResponse({}, status=505)
sys.stdout = original_stdout
# blockchain here
scriptconversion = {}
# from pymongo import MongoClient
# MongoDBUrl = GetMongoDBUrl()
# client = MongoClient(MongoDBUrl)
# db = client.DB
# ScriptDatabase = "mnfapp_scripttranslations"
# scriptconversion = []
# scriptconversion = ScriptTranslations.objects.get(translation_id = request.session.get('translation_id', None))
# scriptconversion.pop("_id")
# scriptconversion.pop("date_translated")
print("blockchain script conversion 1")
current_datetime = datetime.datetime.now()
if UserCredentialsForBlockchain.objects.filter(user=request.user).exists():
print("blockchain script conversion 2")
obj = ScriptTranslations.objects.get(translation_id=request.session.get('translation_id', None))
obj2 = MNFScriptDatabase.objects.get(script_id=script_id)
temp1 = (str(obj2.script_file_path).split("media/"))[1]
temp2 = str(obj.translated_script_path)
uploaded_script = f"{basePath}/media/{temp1}"
translated_script = f"{basePath}{temp2}"
# scriptconversion = script_info
print("blockchain script conversion 3")
with open(uploaded_script, 'rb') as f:
hash = uploadDataToIPFSNode(f)
scriptconversion["original_scriptFile_hash"] = hash
scriptconversion["original_scriptFile_path"] = uploaded_script
scriptconversion["date_at"] = current_datetime.strftime(
"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
print("blockchain script conversion 4")
with open(translated_script, 'rb') as f1:
hash = uploadDataToIPFSNode(f1)
scriptconversion["translated_scriptFile_hash"] = hash
scriptconversion["translated_scriptFile_path"] = translated_script
# docx_file_path = translated_script.replace(".pdf", ".docx")
# docxfile_name = docx_file_path.split("/")[-1]
# docxfile_name ="translate_docx_file.docx"
# with open(docx_file_path, 'rb') as f2:
# hash1 = uploadDataToIPFSNode(f2)
# scriptconversion["translated_docxscriptFile_hash"] = hash1
# scriptconversion["docxfile_name"] = docxfile_name
print("blockchain script conversion 5")
blockchain_obj = UserCredentialsForBlockchain.objects.get(
UserId = blockchain_obj.user_id
Project = request.session.get('translation_id', None)
Data = str(scriptconversion)
userPrivateKey = blockchain_obj.privateKey
userkey = decryptionOfPrivate(userPrivateKey)
# hash1 = UploadConversionData(OWNER_KEY,blockchain_obj.publicKey, UserId, str(Project), Data)
# transaction_hash = UploadConversionData(tx_id)
tx_id = UploadConversionData(OWNER_KEY, blockchain_obj.publicKey, UserId, str(Project), Data)
print("blockchain script conversion 6")
print("scriptconversion hash >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>", hash1)
certificatepath = certificateGenrate(request.user.username,"script conversion",hash)
hash = hash_decrypation(hash)
to_email = [request.user.email]
email_code = 'BL1'
key_value = {
"service":"script conversion",
"hash": hash,
"public key":blockchain_obj.publicKey,
"private key":userkey.decode('utf-8'),
"Transaction Hash": tx_id
sendmail(to_email=to_email , email_code=email_code,key_value=key_value,filePath=certificatepath)
except Exception as e:
print("Error in blockchain is", e)
to = request.user.email
key_value = {
"User": request.user.username,
"title": (((str(obj2.script_file_path).split("/"))[-1]).split("."))[0]
sendmail(to_email=[to], email_code="PP18", key_value=key_value)
if request.GET["centralised"] == "yes":
service_update_internal(script_id, request_id,
"Conversion", "90% Completed")
if request.GET.get("to_be_vetted_by_lpp") == "on":
if request.POST.get("centralised") == "yes":
# Vetting is not allowed from Page_script conversions
obj = ScriptTranslations.objects.get(translation_id=request.session.get('translation_id', None))
X = LPPTASKDatabase()
X.user_id = obj.user_id
X.usernote = "Kindly check if the translated file is correct as per the Uploaded Document!"
X.translated_script = obj
X.generated_from = "conversion"
temp_amount = request.session["amount_without_subscrption"]
X.amoutgiventolpp_action = round((temp_amount / 2), 2)
X.amoutgiventolpp_dialogue = round((temp_amount / 2), 2)
task_assigner(int(X.task_id), "conversion")
# obj = ScriptTranslations.objects.get(translation_id=request.session.get('translation_id', None))
temp1 = str(obj2.script_file_path)
temp2 = str(obj.translated_script_path)
uploaded_script = f"{temp1}"
translated_script = f"{basePath}{temp2}"
data = [uploaded_script, translated_script]
files, timestamp = upload_multiFile_to_ipfs(
data, obj2.script_title, "convertScript", obj.user_id.email)
obj.timestamp = timestamp
obj.uploaded_script_encoded = files[0]
obj.translated_script_encoded = files[1]
print("Script Translated successfully and Sent for Vetting if chosen")
if request.GET["centralised"] == "yes":
service_update_internal(script_id, request_id,
"Conversion", "Completed")
# user = request.user
# subject = "Conversion Generated Successfully " + "."
# from_email = EMAIL_HOST_USER
# to = request.user.email
# response = redirect("narration").url
# path = request.build_absolute_uri(response)
# context = {
# # "Name": user,
# "script_id": script_id,
# "script_name": script_title,
# "dual_dial": dual_dial_script,
# "dial_src_lang": dial_src_script,
# "dial_dest_lang": languages.get(dial_dest_lang),
# "non_dial_dest_lang": languages.get(non_dial_dest_lang),
# "non_dial_src_lang": languages.get(non_dial_src_lang),
# "dial_dest_script": dial_dest_script,
# "status": "Success",
# "path": path,
# }
# # "heading2": f"To view from blockchain use following details: Timestamp - {x.timestamp}, Key - {x.script_title}, Service - convertScript",
# html_content = render_to_string(
# "conversion/email.html", context
# ) # render with dynamic value
# print(html_content, "this is a html content ****************** ")
# # Strip the html tag. So people can see the pure text at least.
# text_content = strip_tags(html_content)
# # create the email, and attach the HTML version as well.
# print("email process started")
# msg = EmailMultiAlternatives(subject, text_content, from_email, [to])
# msg.attach_alternative(html_content, "text/html")
# msg.send()
# print("after mail has been sent my context is", context)
return JsonResponse({}, status=200)
# -> For Viewing Your Conversion
def view_conversion_bkp(request):
start_time = time.time()
# get data from the blockchain for ppt
if UserCredentialsForBlockchain.objects.filter(user=request.user).exists():
ppt = []
blockchain_obj = UserCredentialsForBlockchain.objects.get(
projectIds = getUserprojectIds(blockchain_obj.user_id)
# Print array values from the last element to the first
ppt_all = len(projectIds)
for i in range(len(projectIds) - 1, -1, -1):
privatekey = blockchain_obj.privateKey
user_id = blockchain_obj.user_id
Project = projectIds[i]
private_Key = decryptionOfPrivate(privatekey)
status, getData = getPPTConversion(
private_Key.decode('utf-8'), user_id, Project)
if status == True:
data1 = getData[1]
converted_dict = eval(data1)
"ppt_scriptFile_hash"), converted_dict.get("ppt_scriptFile_path"))
"translated_ppt_hash"), converted_dict.get("translated_ppt_path"))
ppt = pptconversion.objects.filter(
ppt_all = pptconversion.objects.filter(
ppt = pptconversion.objects.filter(
ppt_all = pptconversion.objects.filter(user_id=request.user.id).count()
if UserCredentialsForBlockchain.objects.filter(user=request.user).exists():
obj = []
blockchain_obj = UserCredentialsForBlockchain.objects.get(user=request.user)
script_projectIds = scriptGetUserprojectIds(blockchain_obj.user_id)
number = len(script_projectIds)
for i in range(len(script_projectIds) - 1, -1, -1):
privatekey = blockchain_obj.privateKey
user_id =blockchain_obj.user_id
Project= script_projectIds[i]
private_Key = decryptionOfPrivate(privatekey)
status,getData = getConversion(private_Key.decode('utf-8'),user_id,Project)
if status == True:
data1 = getData[1]
converted_dict = eval(data1)
# download_file_System(converted_dict.get("original_scriptFile_hash"),converted_dict.get("original_scriptFile_path"))
# download_file_System(converted_dict.get("translated_scriptFile_hash"),converted_dict.get("translated_scriptFile_path"))
number = ReferUser.objects.filter(refferedBy=request.user).count()
obj = MNFScriptDatabase.objects.filter(
# number = ReferUser.objects.filter(refferedBy=request.user).count()
# obj = MNFScriptDatabase.objects.filter(
# user_id=request.user).order_by("-date_at")
script_path = []
pq = 0
for i in obj:
if i.get("translated_script_path")!= "":
pq += 1
script_is_vetted = []
tasks = LPPTASKDatabase.objects.filter(user_id=request.user)
for script in obj:
script_is_vetted.append({"0": "0", "1": "", "2": script})
for task in tasks:
if task.translated_script:
if script.get("script_id") == task.translated_script.script_id:
script_is_vetted[-1]["0"] = "1"
if task.outputfile:
script_is_vetted[-1]["1"] = task.outputfile
if task.lppacceptancetime_dialogue and task.completiontime_action:
script_is_vetted[-1]["1"] = f"Vetting of your file will complete in {math.ceil((((task.deadlinetolpp_dialogue - tz.now()).total_seconds()) / 60 / 60) / 24)}"
elif task.lppacceptancetime_action:
script_is_vetted[-1]["1"] = f"Vetting of your file will complete in {math.ceil((((task.deadlinetolpp_action - tz.now()).total_seconds()) / 60 / 60) / 24)}"
script_is_vetted[-1]["1"] = "Vetting of your file has not yet started"
lenV = len(script_path)
countOfScript = len(script_is_vetted)
print(pq, script_is_vetted, script_path, "view conversion data99997")
# -> Getting all Books
# if UserCredentialsForBlockchain.objects.filter(user=request.user).exists():
# blockchain_obj = UserCredentialsForBlockchain.objects.get(user=request.user)
# projectIds = getUserprojectIds(blockchain_obj.user_id)
# for i in range(len(projectIds) - 1, -1, -1):
# privatekey = blockchain_obj.privateKey
# user_id =blockchain_obj.user_id
# Project= projectIds[i]
# private_Key = decryptionOfPrivate(privatekey)
# status,getData = getConversion(private_Key.decode('utf-8'),user_id,Project)
# if status == True:
# data1 = getData[1]
# converted_dict = eval(data1)
# download_file_System(converted_dict.get("original_bookFile_hash"),converted_dict.get("original_bookFile_path"))
# download_file_System(converted_dict.get("translated_bookFile_hash"),converted_dict.get("translated_bookFile_path"))
# else:
all_books = BookConversion.objects.filter(
# no_books = 0
# for i in obj:
# if i.translated_book_pdf != "":
# no_books += 1
# return render(
# request,
# "conversion/viewConvertedBooks.html",
# {"script_path": obj22, "pqw": pq2},
# )
print("rhis is data 777", ppt, "//////////********////////", ppt_all)
end_time = time.time()
print("-------------Taken Time for input processing->", end_time - start_time)
return render(
"script_path": obj,
"pq": pq,
"number": number,
"vettdata": script_is_vetted,
"totalScript": countOfScript,
"ppt": ppt,
"ppt_all": ppt_all,
"books": all_books,
"number_books": len(all_books)
def view_conversion(request):
start_time = time.time()
# get data from the blockchain for ppt
# if UserCredentialsForBlockchain.objects.filter(user=request.user).exists():
# try:
# ppt = []
# blockchain_obj = UserCredentialsForBlockchain.objects.get(
# user=request.user)
# projectIds = getUserprojectIds(blockchain_obj.user_id)
# # Print array values from the last element to the first
# ppt_all = len(projectIds)
# for i in range(len(projectIds) - 1, -1, -1):
# privatekey = blockchain_obj.privateKey
# user_id = blockchain_obj.user_id
# Project = projectIds[i]
# private_Key = decryptionOfPrivate(privatekey)
# status, getData = getPPTConversion(
# private_Key.decode('utf-8'), user_id, Project)
# if status == True:
# data1 = getData[1]
# converted_dict = eval(data1)
# download_file_System(converted_dict.get(
# "ppt_scriptFile_hash"), converted_dict.get("ppt_scriptFile_path"))
# download_file_System(converted_dict.get(
# "translated_ppt_hash"), converted_dict.get("translated_ppt_path"))
# converted_dict["vetted_file_url"] = decryptionOfUrl(converted_dict.get("vetted_file_hash"))
# converted_dict["orginal_file_url"] = decryptionOfUrl(converted_dict.get("ppt_scriptFile_hash"))
# converted_dict["translate_file_url"] = decryptionOfUrl(converted_dict.get("translated_ppt_hash"))
# ppt.append(converted_dict)
# except:
# ppt = pptconversion.objects.filter(
# user_id=request.user.id).order_by("-date_at")
# ppt_all = pptconversion.objects.filter(
# user_id=request.user.id).count()
# else:
ppt = pptconversion.objects.filter(
ppt_all = pptconversion.objects.filter(user_id=request.user.id).filter(translated_ppt__isnull=False, translated_ppt__gt='').count()
# if UserCredentialsForBlockchain.objects.filter(user=request.user).exists():
# obj = []
# blockchain_obj = UserCredentialsForBlockchain.objects.get(user=request.user)
# script_projectIds = scriptGetUserprojectIds(blockchain_obj.user_id)
# print("All Script Ids *********----->", script_projectIds)
# number = len(script_projectIds)
# for i in range(len(script_projectIds) - 1, -1, -1):
# privatekey = blockchain_obj.privateKey
# user_id = blockchain_obj.user_id
# Project = script_projectIds[i]
# private_Key = decryptionOfPrivate(privatekey)
# status, getData = getConversion(private_Key.decode('utf-8'), user_id, Project)
# if status == True:
# data1 = getData[1]
# converted_dict = eval(data1)
# # download_file_System(converted_dict.get("original_scriptFile_hash"),converted_dict.get("original_scriptFile_path"))
# # download_file_System(converted_dict.get("translated_scriptFile_hash"),converted_dict.get("translated_scriptFile_path"))
# converted_dict["original_scriptFile_url"] = viewDecryptionOfUrl(
# converted_dict.get("original_scriptFile_hash"))
# converted_dict["translated_scriptFile_url"] = viewDecryptionOfUrl(
# converted_dict.get("translated_scriptFile_hash"))
# converted_dict["translated_docxscriptFile_url"] = decryptionOfUrl(
# converted_dict.get("translated_docxscriptFile_hash"))
# obj.append(converted_dict)
# else:
number = ReferUser.objects.filter(refferedBy=request.user).count()
# obj = MNFScriptDatabase.objects.filter(
# user_id=request.user).order_by("-date_at")
obj = ScriptTranslations.objects.filter(
# number = ReferUser.objects.filter(refferedBy=request.user).count()
# obj = MNFScriptDatabase.objects.filter(
# user_id=request.user).order_by("-date_at")
script_path = []
pq = 0
for i in obj:
if i.translated_script_path != "":
# script_path.append(i.get("translated_script_path"))
pq += 1
script_is_vetted = []
tasks = LPPTASKDatabase.objects.filter(user_id=request.user)
for script in obj:
script_is_vetted.append({"0": "0", "1": "", "2": script, "3":""})
for task in tasks:
if task.translated_script:
if script.translation_id == task.translated_script.translation_id:
script_is_vetted[-1]["0"] = "1"
if task.outputfile:
script_is_vetted[-1]["1"] = task.outputfile
if task.lppacceptancetime_dialogue and task.completiontime_action:
"3"] = f"Vetting of your file will complete in {math.ceil((((task.deadlinetolpp_dialogue - tz.now()).total_seconds()) / 60 / 60) / 24)} day"
elif task.lppacceptancetime_action:
"3"] = f"Vetting of your file will complete in {math.ceil((((task.deadlinetolpp_action - tz.now()).total_seconds()) / 60 / 60) / 24)} day"
script_is_vetted[-1]["3"] = "Vetting of your file has not yet started"
# lenV = len(script_path)
countOfScript = len(script_is_vetted)
# print(pq, script_is_vetted, script_path, "view conversion data99997")
# -> Getting all Books
# if UserCredentialsForBlockchain.objects.filter(user=request.user).exists():
# blockchain_obj = UserCredentialsForBlockchain.objects.get(user=request.user)
# projectIds = getUserprojectIds(blockchain_obj.user_id)
# for i in range(len(projectIds) - 1, -1, -1):
# privatekey = blockchain_obj.privateKey
# user_id =blockchain_obj.user_id
# Project= projectIds[i]
# private_Key = decryptionOfPrivate(privatekey)
# status,getData = getConversion(private_Key.decode('utf-8'),user_id,Project)
# if status == True:
# data1 = getData[1]
# converted_dict = eval(data1)
# download_file_System(converted_dict.get("original_bookFile_hash"),converted_dict.get("original_bookFile_path"))
# download_file_System(converted_dict.get("translated_bookFile_hash"),converted_dict.get("translated_bookFile_path"))
# else:
all_books = BookConversion.objects.filter(
# no_books = 0
# for i in obj:
# if i.translated_book_pdf != "":
# no_books += 1
# return render(
# request,
# "conversion/viewConvertedBooks.html",
# {"script_path": obj22, "pqw": pq2},
# )
# print("rhis is data 777", ppt, "//////////********////////", ppt_all)
end_time = time.time()
print("-------------Taken Time for input processing->", end_time - start_time)
return render(
"script_path": obj,
"pq": pq,
"number": number,
"vettdata": script_is_vetted,
"totalScript": countOfScript,
"ppt": ppt,
"ppt_all": ppt_all,
"books": all_books,
"number_books": len(all_books)
def fetch_data_blockchain(request):
if request.method == "POST":
id = str(request.POST.get("id"))
service = str(request.POST.get("service"))
type_file = request.POST.get("type_file")
decryptionFunc = decryptionOfUrl if request.POST.get("type_file") == "original" else viewDecryptionOfUrl
if service == "Script":
type_file = "original_scriptFile_hash" if type_file == "original" else \
if request.user == ScriptTranslations.objects.get(translation_id=str(id)).user_id:
blockchain_obj = UserCredentialsForBlockchain.objects.get(user=request.user)
privatekey = blockchain_obj.privateKey
user_id = blockchain_obj.user_id
private_Key = decryptionOfPrivate(privatekey)
status, getData = getConversion(private_Key.decode('utf-8'), user_id, str(id))
if status == True:
data1 = getData[1]
converted_dict = eval(data1)
print("Data Script ------------>",converted_dict)
# converted_dict["original_scriptFile_url"] = viewDecryptionOfUrl(
# converted_dict.get("original_scriptFile_hash"))
# converted_dict["translated_scriptFile_url"] = viewDecryptionOfUrl(
# converted_dict.get("translated_scriptFile_hash"))
# converted_dict["translated_docxscriptFile_url"] = decryptionOfUrl(
# converted_dict.get("translated_docxscriptFile_hash"))
# decryptionFunc = decryptionOfUrl if request.POST.get("type_file") == "original" else viewDecryptionOfUrl
# if request.POST.get("type_file") == "original":
# download_file_System(converted_dict.get(
# "original_scriptFile_hash"), converted_dict.get("original_scriptFile_path"))
file_name = None
if request.POST.get("type_file") == "original":
file_name = str((str(converted_dict['original_scriptFile_path']).split("/"))[-1])
file_link = str(decryptionFunc(converted_dict.get(str(type_file)))) + "/" + str(file_name)
file_link = str(decryptionFunc(converted_dict.get(str(type_file))))
return JsonResponse({"status":True, "download_link": file_link, "file_name": str(file_name)})
current_datetime = datetime.datetime.now()
if UserCredentialsForBlockchain.objects.filter(user=request.user).exists():
print("blockchain script conversion 2")
obj = ScriptTranslations.objects.get(translation_id=id)
obj2 = MNFScriptDatabase.objects.get(script_id=obj.script_link_id)
temp1 = (str(obj2.script_file_path).split("media/"))[1]
temp2 = str(obj.translated_script_path)
uploaded_script = f"{basePath}/media/{temp1}"
translated_script = f"{basePath}{temp2}"
scriptconversion = {}
print("blockchain script conversion 3")
with open(uploaded_script, 'rb') as f:
hash = uploadDataToIPFSNode(f)
scriptconversion["original_scriptFile_hash"] = hash
scriptconversion["original_scriptFile_path"] = uploaded_script
scriptconversion["date_at"] = current_datetime.strftime(
"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
print("blockchain script conversion 4")
with open(translated_script, 'rb') as f1:
hash = uploadDataToIPFSNode(f1)
scriptconversion["translated_scriptFile_hash"] = hash
scriptconversion["translated_scriptFile_path"] = translated_script
# docx_file_path = translated_script.replace(".pdf", ".docx")
# docxfile_name = docx_file_path.split("/")[-1]
# docxfile_name ="translate_docx_file.docx"
# with open(docx_file_path, 'rb') as f2:
# hash1 = uploadDataToIPFSNode(f2)
# scriptconversion["translated_docxscriptFile_hash"] = hash1
# scriptconversion["docxfile_name"] = docxfile_name
print("blockchain script conversion 5")
blockchain_obj = UserCredentialsForBlockchain.objects.get(
UserId = blockchain_obj.user_id
Project = request.session.get('translation_id', None)
Data = str(scriptconversion)
userPrivateKey = blockchain_obj.privateKey
userkey = decryptionOfPrivate(userPrivateKey)
# hash1 = UploadConversionData(OWNER_KEY,blockchain_obj.publicKey, UserId, str(Project), Data)
# transaction_hash = UploadConversionData(tx_id)
tx_id = UploadConversionData(OWNER_KEY, blockchain_obj.publicKey, UserId, str(Project),
print("blockchain script conversion 6")
print("scriptconversion hash >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>", hash)
certificatepath = certificateGenrate(request.user.username, "script conversion", hash)
hash = hash_decrypation(hash)
to_email = [request.user.email]
email_code = 'BL1'
key_value = {
"service": "script conversion",
"hash": hash,
"public key": blockchain_obj.publicKey,
"private key": userkey.decode('utf-8'),
"Transaction Hash": tx_id
sendmail(to_email=to_email, email_code=email_code, key_value=key_value,
file_name = None
if request.POST.get("type_file") == "original":
file_name = str((str(scriptconversion['original_scriptFile_path']).split("/"))[-1])
file_link = str(decryptionFunc(scriptconversion.get(str(type_file)))) + "/" + str(
file_link = str(decryptionFunc(scriptconversion.get(str(type_file))))
return JsonResponse(
{"status": True, "download_link": file_link, "file_name": str(file_name)})
except Exception as e:
print("Error is----------------*******************:", e)
return JsonResponse({"status": False})
except Exception as e:
current_datetime = datetime.datetime.now()
if UserCredentialsForBlockchain.objects.filter(user=request.user).exists():
print("blockchain script conversion 2")
obj = ScriptTranslations.objects.get(translation_id=id)
obj2 = MNFScriptDatabase.objects.get(script_id=obj.script_link_id)
temp1 = (str(obj2.script_file_path).split("media/"))[1]
temp2 = str(obj.translated_script_path)
uploaded_script = f"{basePath}/media/{temp1}"
translated_script = f"{basePath}{temp2}"
scriptconversion = {}
print("blockchain script conversion 3")
with open(uploaded_script, 'rb') as f:
hash = uploadDataToIPFSNode(f)
scriptconversion["original_scriptFile_hash"] = hash
scriptconversion["original_scriptFile_path"] = uploaded_script
scriptconversion["date_at"] = current_datetime.strftime(
"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
print("blockchain script conversion 4")
with open(translated_script, 'rb') as f1:
hash = uploadDataToIPFSNode(f1)
scriptconversion["translated_scriptFile_hash"] = hash
scriptconversion["translated_scriptFile_path"] = translated_script
# docx_file_path = translated_script.replace(".pdf", ".docx")
# docxfile_name = docx_file_path.split("/")[-1]
# docxfile_name ="translate_docx_file.docx"
# with open(docx_file_path, 'rb') as f2:
# hash1 = uploadDataToIPFSNode(f2)
# scriptconversion["translated_docxscriptFile_hash"] = hash1
# scriptconversion["docxfile_name"] = docxfile_name
print("blockchain script conversion 5")
blockchain_obj = UserCredentialsForBlockchain.objects.get(
UserId = blockchain_obj.user_id
Project = request.session.get('translation_id', None)
Data = str(scriptconversion)
userPrivateKey = blockchain_obj.privateKey
userkey = decryptionOfPrivate(userPrivateKey)
# hash1 = UploadConversionData(OWNER_KEY,blockchain_obj.publicKey, UserId, str(Project), Data)
# transaction_hash = UploadConversionData(tx_id)
tx_id = UploadConversionData(OWNER_KEY, blockchain_obj.publicKey, UserId, str(Project), Data)
print("blockchain script conversion 6")
print("scriptconversion hash >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>", hash)
certificatepath = certificateGenrate(request.user.username, "script conversion", hash)
hash = hash_decrypation(hash)
to_email = [request.user.email]
email_code = 'BL1'
key_value = {
"service": "script conversion",
"hash": hash,
"public key": blockchain_obj.publicKey,
"private key": userkey.decode('utf-8'),
"Transaction Hash": tx_id
sendmail(to_email=to_email, email_code=email_code, key_value=key_value,
file_name = None
if request.POST.get("type_file") == "original":
file_name = str((str(scriptconversion['original_scriptFile_path']).split("/"))[-1])
file_link = str(decryptionFunc(scriptconversion.get(str(type_file)))) + "/" + str(file_name)
file_link = str(decryptionFunc(scriptconversion.get(str(type_file))))
return JsonResponse({"status": True, "download_link": file_link, "file_name": str(file_name)})
except Exception as e:
print("Error is----------------*******************:",e)
return JsonResponse({"status": False})
elif service == "PPT":
type_file = "ppt_scriptFile_hash" if type_file == "original" else \
"vetted_file_hash" if type_file == "vetted" else "translated_ppt_hash"
if request.user == pptconversion.objects.get(ppt_id=str(id)).user_id:
blockchain_obj = UserCredentialsForBlockchain.objects.get(user=request.user)
privatekey = blockchain_obj.privateKey
user_id = blockchain_obj.user_id
private_Key = decryptionOfPrivate(privatekey)
status, getData = getPPTConversion(private_Key.decode('utf-8'), user_id, str(id))
if status == True:
data1 = getData[1]
converted_dict = eval(data1)
file_link = str(decryptionOfUrl(converted_dict.get(str(type_file))))
file_name = file_name = str((str(converted_dict['ppt_scriptFile_path']).split("/"))[-1]) if request.POST.get("type_file") == "original" else str((str(converted_dict['translated_ppt_path']).split("/"))[-1])
return JsonResponse({"status": True, "download_link": file_link + "/" + str(file_name), "file_name":str(file_name)})
return JsonResponse({"status": False})
except Exception as e:
print("Error is----------------*******************:", e)
return JsonResponse({"status": False})
return HttpResponse("Get Request Not Allowed")
# -> For Deleting your Conversion
def delete_script(request, id):
script_name = (((str(ScriptTranslations.objects.get(
obj = ScriptTranslations.objects.get(translation_id=id)
if UserCredentialsForBlockchain.objects.filter(user=request.user).exists():
blockchain_obj = UserCredentialsForBlockchain.objects.get(user=request.user)
userkey =decryptionOfPrivate(blockchain_obj.privateKey)
print("function is calling.......",userkey.decode('utf-8'),blockchain_obj.user_id,obj.translation_id)
to = request.user.email
key_value = {
"User": request.user.username,
"script_name": str(script_name)
sendmail(to_email=[to], email_code="PP20", key_value=key_value)
return HttpResponseRedirect("/conversion/view_conversion")
# -> Feedback on Conversion by User
def feedback_user(request):
if request.method == "POST":
x = ScriptTranslations.objects.get(translation_id=request.POST.get("mnfscriptid"))
if str(request.POST.get("text")) == " " or str(request.POST.get("text")) == "":
x.attention_feedback = ""
x.attention_feedback = str(request.POST.get("text"))
if str(request.POST.get("text2")) == " " or str(request.POST.get("text2")) == "":
x.error_faced_feedback = ""
x.error_faced_feedback = str(request.POST.get("text2"))
if str(request.POST.get("text3")) == " " or str(request.POST.get("text3")) == "":
x.improvement_feedback = ""
x.improvement_feedback = str(request.POST.get("text3"))
if request.POST.get("rating") == " " or request.POST.get("rating") == "":
x.exp_rate = 0
x.exp_rate = int(request.POST.get("rating"))
if request.POST.get("rating2") == " " or request.POST.get("rating2") == "":
x.content_accuracy_rate = 0
x.content_accuracy_rate = int(request.POST.get("rating3"))
if request.POST.get("rating3") == " " or request.POST.get("rating3") == "":
x.translation_accuracy_rate = 0
x.translation_accuracy_rate = int(request.POST.get("rating2"))
return redirect("view_conversion")
# -> For Demo of Conversion
def demo(request):
number = ReferUser.objects.filter(refferedBy=request.user).count()
return render(request, "conversion/demo.html", {"number": number})
# -> Some Random Function
def announce(request):
message = ""
user = User.objects.all()
cUser = request.user
if cUser.is_superuser == True:
if request.method == "POST":
notification = request.POST.get("message")
for i in user:
var = Notifications(user_id=i, notification=notification)
messgae = "notification sent successfull."
return render(request, "conversion/announce.html", {"message": message})
return render(request, "conversion/announce.html", {})
message = " you need to be superuser"
return render(request, "conversion/announce.html", {"message": message})
# -> Conversion Checkout
def conversionCheckout(request):
# new payment 8000
keyID = request.session["keyID"]
keySecret = request.session["keySecret"]
if request.method == "POST":
for key, value in request.session.items():
print('{} => {}'.format(key, value))
if request.POST.get("want_to_be_vetted") == "YES":
request.session["want_to_be_vetted"] = "on"
request.session["want_to_be_vetted"] = request.POST.get(
total_amount = request.session["amount"]
total_amount1 = request.session["subtotal"]
# amount_charged = request.session["amount"]
amount_discount = request.session["discount"]
request.session["pay_with_wallet"] = "no"
request.session["amount_before_pay_wallet"] = total_amount
# is he instituitional student or not
if request.session.get("student_discount_calculate") == "Yes":
from institutional.models import AffiliatedStudent, UnaffiliatedStudent, WaitForInstituteStudent
user = User.objects.get(pk=request.user.id)
if UnaffiliatedStudent.objects.filter(user=user).exists():
user = UnaffiliatedStudent.objects.get(user=user)
if user.free_credits >= total_amount:
user.free_credits -= total_amount
context = {
"mode": "Institutional User",
return JsonResponse(context)
elif user.free_credits < total_amount:
total_amount -= user.free_credits
user.free_credits = 0
elif WaitForInstituteStudent.objects.filter(user=user).exists():
user = WaitForInstituteStudent.objects.get(user=user)
if user.free_credits >= total_amount:
user.free_credits -= total_amount
context = {
"mode": "Institutional User",
return JsonResponse(context)
elif user.free_credits < total_amount:
total_amount -= user.free_credits
user.free_credits = 0
return True
elif AffiliatedStudent.objects.filter(user=user).exists():
user = AffiliatedStudent.objects.get(user=user)
if user.free_credits >= total_amount:
user.free_credits -= total_amount
context = {
"mode": "Institutional User",
return JsonResponse(context)
elif user.free_credits < total_amount:
total_amount -= user.free_credits
user.free_credits = 0
print("pay_wallet it is", request.POST.get("pay_wallet"))
if request.POST.get("pay_wallet") == "true":
request.session["pay_with_wallet"] = "yes"
with open(f"{basePath}/MNF/json_keys/conversionRates.json") as c:
curr = json.load(c)
rate = curr["rates"]["INR"]
except Exception as e:
print("checkout error", e)
rate = 80
print("Checking Wallet")
wall = Wallet.objects.get(user=request.user)
print("this is walet", wall.balance)
if wall.balance >= (total_amount * rate):
print("wallet if hai")
# wall.balance = wall.balance - (total_amount * rate)
# wall.save()
request.session["pay_wallet_deduction"] = round(total_amount * rate, 2)
total_amount = 0
print("wallet else hai")
# wall.balance = 0
# wall.save()
request.session["pay_wallet_deduction"] = round(wall.balance, 2)
total_amount = round((round(total_amount * rate, 2) - round(wall.balance, 2)) / rate, 2)
# request.session["fbalance"] = float(
# wall.balance) - float(balance*rate)
# request.session["amount"] = total_amount
# total_amount = request.session["amount"]
except Exception as e:
print("Error is:",e)
request.session["amount"] = total_amount
services_used = 2 if request.session["want_to_be_vetted"] == "on" else 1
context = create_indent(request, 'Conversion', str(
request.session["script_id"]), services_used, '', total_amount1, total_amount, amount_discount)
print("Create indent 9987", context)
for key, value in request.session.items():
print('{} => {}'.format(key, value))
# instance = MNFScriptDatabase.objects.get(script_id=str(request.session["script_id"]))
with open(f"{basePath}/MNF/json_keys/conversionRates.json") as c:
curr = json.load(c)
rate = curr["rates"]["INR"]
except Exception as e:
rate = 80
request.session["CurrencyRate"] = rate
centralPayment_instance = CentralPayment.objects.get(
# handle razor pay gateway →
if "orderId" in context:
# instance.payment_order_id = context["orderId"]
# instance.central_payment_id = context["central_pay_id"]
# instance.save() # save central payment details in your database
request.session["payment_order_id"] = context["orderId"]
request.session["central_payment_id"] = context["central_pay_id"]
pid = centralPayment_instance.order_id
amtINR = round(centralPayment_instance.amount_charged * rate, 2)
context = {
"mode": "RazorPay",
"pk": keyID,
"amtINR": amtINR,
"pid": pid,
"amount": centralPayment_instance.amount_charged,
return JsonResponse(context)
# return render(request, "conversion/checkoutC_RazorPay.html", context)
# handle stripe gateway →
elif "client_secret" in context:
# save central payment details in your database
request.session["payment_order_id"] = context["client_secret"]
request.session["central_payment_id"] = context["central_pay_id"]
amtINR = round(centralPayment_instance.amount_charged * rate, 2)
context = {
"mode": "Stripe",
"pk": context["pub_key"],
"total_amount": centralPayment_instance.amount_charged,
"secret_key": context["client_secret"],
"amtINR": amtINR,
return JsonResponse(context)
# handle corporate profile →
elif "monthly_user" in context:
# instance.payment_order_id = "corporate profile"
# instance.central_payment_id = "corporate profile"
# instance.save()
# script_id = request.session["script_id"]
# script_title = request.session["script_title"]
# script_file_path = request.session["script_file_path"]
# dial_conv_script = request.session["dial_conv_script"]
# nondial_dest_language = request.session["nondial_dest_language"]
# dial_dest_language = request.session["dial_dest_language"]
# dial_dest_script = request.session["dial_dest_script"]
# dial_src_lang = request.session["dial_src_lang"]
# non_dial_src_lang = request.session["non_dial_src_lang"]
# dial_src_script = request.session["dial_src_script"]
# non_dial_src_script = request.session["non_dial_src_script"]
# dual_dial_script = request.session["dual_dial_script"]
# nondial_dest_script = request.session["nondial_dest_script"]
# if request.session.get("want_to_be_vetted") != "NO":
# total_amount = request.session["lppamount"]
# else:
# total_amount = request.session["amount"]
# to_be_vetted_by_lpp = request.session["want_to_be_vetted"]
# option3 = request.session["option3"]
# option4 = request.session["option4"]
# option5 = request.session["option5"]
# option6 = request.session["option6"]
# # payment_intent_id = request.session["payment_intent_id"]
# # pi = stripe.PaymentIntent.retrieve(payment_intent_id)
# try:
# s = MNFScriptDatabase.objects.get(user_id = request.user, script_id = script_id)
# except:
# s = MNFScriptDatabase()
# s.user_id = request.user
# s.script_id = script_id
# s.script_title = script_title
# s.author_name = request.user.first_name
# # s.dial_dest_language = dial_dest_language
# # s.dial_dest_script = dial_dest_script
# # s.nondial_dest_language = nondial_dest_language
# # s.dual_dial_script = dual_dial_script
# s.script_file_path = script_file_path
# # save central payment details in your database
# # s.payment_order_id = "monthly_user"
# # s.central_payment_id = context["central_pay_id"]
# # s.payment_intent_id = payment_intent_id
# s.nondial_src_script = non_dial_src_script
# s.dial_src_script = dial_src_script
# s.dial_src_language = dial_src_lang
# s.nondial_src_language = non_dial_src_lang
# # s.nondial_dest_script = nondial_dest_script
# s.save()
# translation_instance = ScriptTranslations()
# translation_instance.user_id = request.user
# translation_instance.script_link_id = s
# translation_instance.nondial_dest_language = nondial_dest_language
# translation_instance.nondial_dest_script = nondial_dest_script
# translation_instance.dial_dest_language = language_2_code[str(dial_dest_language)]
# translation_instance.dial_dest_script = dial_dest_script
# translation_instance.dual_dial_script = dual_dial_script
# translation_instance.payment_order_id = "monthly_user"
request.session['central_pay_id'] = context["central_pay_id"]
context = {
"mode": "Corporate User",
# return redirect('conversion')
return JsonResponse(context)
# return render(request, "conversion/thanksconversion.html", context)
# if request.POST.get("country") == "IN":
# # try: -> Old WAy of Getting Conversion Rates between Currencies
# # c = CurrencyRates()
# # rate = c.get_rate("USD", "INR")
# # except:
# # rate = 80
# with open(f"{basePath}/MNF/json_keys/conversionRates.json") as c:
# curr = json.load(c)
# print(curr["rates"]["INR"])
# try:
# rate = curr["rates"]["INR"]
# print(rate, " : Latest rates 30sep")
# # c = CurrencyRates()
# # rate = c.get_rate("USD", str(currency.upper()))
# except Exception as e:
# print("checkout error", e)
# rate = 80
# amtINR = round(float(float(total_amount) * rate), 2)
# client = razorpay.Client(auth=(keyID, keySecret))
# payment_intent = client.order.create(
# {
# "amount": int(float(total_amount) * 100 * rate),
# "currency": "INR",
# "payment": {
# "capture": "automatic",
# "capture_options": {"refund_speed": "normal"},
# },
# }
# )
# else:
# try: -> Old WAy of Getting Conversion Rates between Currencies
# c = CurrencyRates()
# rate = c.get_rate("USD", "INR")
# except:
# rate = 80
# with open(f"{basePath}/MNF/json_keys/conversionRates.json") as c:
# curr = json.load(c)
# print(curr["rates"]["INR"])
# try:
# rate = curr["rates"]["INR"]
# print(rate, " : Latest rates 30sep")
# # c = CurrencyRates()
# # rate = c.get_rate("USD", str(currency.upper()))
# except Exception as e:
# print("checkout error", e)
# rate = 80
# amtINR = round(float(float(total_amount) * rate), 2)
# payment_intent = stripe.PaymentIntent.create(
# amount=int(float(total_amount) * 100 * rate),
# currency="INR",
# payment_method_types=["card"],
# )
# request.session["CurrencyRate"] = rate
# request.session["payment_intent_id"] = payment_intent.id
# context = {
# "total_amount": total_amount,
# "amtINR": amtINR,
# }
# return render(request, "conversion/checkoutC.html", context)
# ppt checkout
# -> Conversion Checkout
def pptCheckout(request):
keyID = request.session["keyID"]
keySecret = request.session["keySecret"]
if request.method == "POST":
if request.POST.get("want_to_be_vetted") == "yes":
# total_amount = request.session["pptamount"]
request.session["want_to_be_vetted"] = "on"
request.session["want_to_be_vetted"] = "off"
total_amount = request.session['amount']
total_amount1 = request.session['subtotal']
amount_discount = request.session["discount"]
request.session["pay_with_wallet"] = "no"
request.session["amount_before_pay_wallet"] = total_amount
if request.POST.get("pay_wallet") == "on":
request.session["pay_with_wallet"] = "yes"
with open(f"{basePath}/MNF/json_keys/conversionRates.json") as c:
curr = json.load(c)
rate = curr["rates"]["INR"]
except Exception as e:
print("checkout error", e)
rate = 80
wall = Wallet.objects.get(user=request.user)
print("this is walet", wall.balance)
if wall.balance >= (total_amount * rate):
print("wallet if hai")
request.session["pay_wallet_deduction"] = round(total_amount * rate, 2)
total_amount = 0
print("wallet else hai")
request.session["pay_wallet_deduction"] = round(wall.balance, 2)
total_amount = round((round(total_amount * rate, 2) - round(wall.balance, 2)) / rate, 2)
# balance = float(request.POST["balance"])
# payable = float(request.POST["payable"])
# wall = Wallet.objects.get(user=request.user)
# request.session["fbalance"] = float(
# wall.balance) - float(balance*rate)
# wall.save()
# request.session["amount"] = payable
# total_amount = request.session["amount"]
except Exception as e:
print("checkout error", e)
# call central payment function --> create indent
# Next follow central payment docs...
# if indian --> orderID --> razorpay gateway
# non-indian --> client secret --> stripe
request.session["amount"] = total_amount
# total_amount1 = request.session["total_amount1"]
# amount_charged = request.session["amount1"]
# amount_discount = request.session["discount1"]
services_used = 2 if request.session["want_to_be_vetted"] == "on" else 1
context = create_indent(request, 'Conversion', str(request.session["ppt_id"]), services_used, '',
total_amount1, total_amount, amount_discount)
print("Create indent bhaalu aa rhaha hai 7878", context)
# instance = MNFScriptDatabase.objects.get(script_id=str(request.session["script_id"]))
with open(f"{basePath}/MNF/json_keys/conversionRates.json") as c:
curr = json.load(c)
rate = curr["rates"]["INR"]
except Exception as e:
rate = 80
request.session["CurrencyRate"] = rate
centralPayment_instance = CentralPayment.objects.get(
# handle razor pay gateway →
if "orderId" in context:
# instance.payment_order_id = context["orderId"]
# instance.central_payment_id = context["central_pay_id"]
# instance.save() # save central payment details in your database
request.session["payment_order_id"] = context["orderId"]
request.session["central_payment_id"] = context["central_pay_id"]
pid = centralPayment_instance.order_id
amtINR = centralPayment_instance.amount_charged * rate
context = {
"mode": "RazorPay",
"pk": keyID,
"amtINR": amtINR,
"pid": pid,
"amount": centralPayment_instance.amount_charged,
return JsonResponse(context)
# return render(request, "conversion/checkoutPPT_RazorPay.html", context)
# handle stripe gateway →
elif "client_secret" in context:
request.session["payment_order_id"] = context[
"client_secret"] # save central payment details in your database
request.session["central_payment_id"] = context["central_pay_id"]
amtINR = centralPayment_instance.amount_charged * rate
context = {
"mode": "Stripe",
"pk": context["pub_key"],
"total_amount": centralPayment_instance.amount_charged,
"secret_key": context["client_secret"],
"amtINR": amtINR,
return JsonResponse(context)
# return render(request, "conversion/checkoutPPT_Stripe.html", context)
# handle corporate profile →
elif "monthly_user" in context:
ppt_instance = pptconversion.objects.get(
ppt_instance.central_payment_id = context["central_pay_id"]
ppt_instance.payment_order_id = "monthly_user"
sendmail(to_email=[ppt_instance.user_id.email], email_code='CP4')
sendmail(to_email=[ppt_instance.user_id.email], email_code='CP10')
ppt_conversion(request.session["ppt_id"], request).start()
sendmail(to_email=[ppt_instance.user_id.email], email_code='CP9')
print('is the email working for ppt')
context = {
"mode": "Corporate User"
return JsonResponse(context)
# return render(request, "conversion/thanksppt.html")
# instance.payment_order_id = "corporate profile"
# instance.central_payment_id = "corporate profile"
# instance.save()
# return render(request, "conversion/thanksbook.html", {"book_id": request.session["book_id"]})
# context = create_indent(request, 'Convert a ppt', sr.data["ppt_id"], 1, '', amount, sr.data["amount"], sr.data["discount"])
# instance
# # if request.POST.get("country") == "IN":
# if "orderId" in context:
# return render(request, "conversion/checkoutPPT_RazorPay.html", context)
# elif "client_secret" in context:
# return render(request, "conversion/checkoutPPT_Stripe.html", context)
# elif "monthly_user" in context:
# pass
# else:
# return Response({"message": "invalid request!"}, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
# if request.POST.get("country") == "IN":
# # try: -> Old WAy of Getting Conversion Rates between Currencies
# # c = CurrencyRates()
# # rate = c.get_rate("USD", "INR")
# # except:
# # rate = 80
# with open(f"{basePath}/MNF/json_keys/conversionRates.json") as c:
# curr = json.load(c)
# print(curr["rates"]["INR"])
# try:
# rate = curr["rates"]["INR"]
# print(rate, " : Latest rates 30sep")
# # c = CurrencyRates()
# # rate = c.get_rate("USD", str(currency.upper()))
# except Exception as e:
# print("checkout error", e)
# rate = 80
# amtINR = round(float(float(total_amount) * rate), 2)
# client = razorpay.Client(auth=(keyID, keySecret))
# payment_intent = client.order.create(
# {
# "amount": int(float(total_amount) * 100 * rate),
# "currency": "INR",
# "payment": {
# "capture": "automatic",
# "capture_options": {"refund_speed": "normal"},
# },
# }
# )
# request.session["CurrencyRate"] = rate
# pid = payment_intent["id"]
# context = {
# "pk": keyID,
# "amtINR": amtINR,
# "pid": pid,
# "amount": total_amount,
# }
# return render(request, "conversion/checkoutPPT_RazorPay.html", context)
# else:
# # try: -> Old WAy of Getting Conversion Rates between Currencies
# # c = CurrencyRates()
# # rate = c.get_rate("USD", "INR")
# # except:
# # rate = 80
# with open(f"{basePath}/MNF/json_keys/conversionRates.json") as c:
# curr = json.load(c)
# print(curr["rates"]["INR"])
# try:
# rate = curr["rates"]["INR"]
# print(rate, " : Latest rates 30sep")
# # c = CurrencyRates()
# # rate = c.get_rate("USD", str(currency.upper()))
# except Exception as e:
# print("checkout error", e)
# rate = 80
# amtINR = round(float(float(total_amount) * rate), 2)
# payment_intent = stripe.PaymentIntent.create(
# amount=int(float(total_amount) * 100 * rate),
# currency="INR",
# payment_method_types=["card"],
# )
# request.session["CurrencyRate"] = rate
# request.session["payment_intent_id"] = payment_intent.id
# context = {
# "total_amount": total_amount,
# "amtINR": amtINR,
# }
# return render(request, "conversion/checkoutPPT_Stripe.html", context)
# return render(request, "conversion/conversion.html")
# "16 Nov file path", output_dir
# "16 Nov part 2 inside if"
# Path DNE inside if
# "Path 16 Nov", output_dir
# Class object instantiated
# -> Conversion Checkout
def conversioncard(request):
if request.method == "POST":
# payment_method_id = request.POST["payment_method_id"]
# payment_intent_id = request.session["payment_intent_id"]
# customer = stripe.Customer.create(
# email=request.user.email,
# payment_method=payment_method_id,
# invoice_settings={"default_payment_method": payment_method_id},
# )
# stripe.PaymentIntent.modify(
# payment_intent_id, payment_method=payment_method_id, customer=customer.id
# )
# ret = stripe.PaymentIntent.confirm(payment_intent_id)
# pi = stripe.PaymentIntent.retrieve(payment_intent_id)
# if ret.status == "requires_action":
customer = stripe.Customer.create(
payment_intent = stripe.PaymentIntent.create(
amount=int(float(total_amount) * 100 * rate),
automatic_payment_methods={"enabled": True},
pid = payment_intent.id
request.session["payment_intent_id"] = pid
context = {
"pid": pid,
"amtINR": amtINR,
"secret_key": payment_intent.client_secret,
"total_amount": total_amount,
# context = {
# "pid":,
# "payment_intent_secret": request.session["payment_order_id"],
# }
return render(request, "conversion/3dsecuredConversion.html", context)
# return render(request, "payments/paymentdone.html")
def Bookcard(request):
if request.method == "POST":
payment_method_id = request.POST["payment_method_id"]
payment_intent_id = request.session["payment_intent_id"]
customer = stripe.Customer.create(
invoice_settings={"default_payment_method": payment_method_id},
payment_intent_id, payment_method=payment_method_id, customer=customer.id
ret = stripe.PaymentIntent.confirm(payment_intent_id)
pi = stripe.PaymentIntent.retrieve(payment_intent_id)
if ret.status == "requires_action":
context = {
"payment_intent_secret": pi.client_secret,
return render(request, "conversion/3dsecuredBook.html", context)
return render(request, "payments/paymentdone.html")
def paymentDoneC_corporate(request):
if request.method == "GET":
script_id = request.session["script_id"]
script_title = request.session["script_title"]
script_file_path = request.session["script_file_path"]
dial_conv_script = request.session["dial_conv_script"]
nondial_dest_language = request.session["nondial_dest_language"]
dial_dest_language = request.session["dial_dest_language"]
dial_dest_script = request.session["dial_dest_script"]
dial_src_lang = request.session["dial_src_lang"]
non_dial_src_lang = request.session["non_dial_src_lang"]
dial_src_script = request.session["dial_src_script"]
non_dial_src_script = request.session["non_dial_src_script"]
dual_dial_script = request.session["dual_dial_script"]
nondial_dest_script = request.session["nondial_dest_script"]
if request.session.get("want_to_be_vetted") != "NO":
total_amount = request.session["lppamount"]
total_amount = request.session["amount"]
to_be_vetted_by_lpp = request.session["want_to_be_vetted"]
option3 = request.session["option3"]
option4 = request.session["option4"]
option5 = request.session["option5"]
option6 = request.session["option6"]
# payment_intent_id = request.session["payment_intent_id"]
# pi = stripe.PaymentIntent.retrieve(payment_intent_id)
s = MNFScriptDatabase.objects.get(user_id=request.user, script_id=script_id)
s = MNFScriptDatabase()
s.user_id = request.user
s.script_id = script_id
s.script_title = script_title
s.author_name = request.user.first_name
# s.dial_dest_language = dial_dest_language
# s.dial_dest_script = dial_dest_script
# s.nondial_dest_language = nondial_dest_language
# s.dual_dial_script = dual_dial_script
s.script_file_path = script_file_path
# save central payment details in your database
# s.payment_order_id = "monthly_user"
# s.central_payment_id = context["central_pay_id"]
# s.payment_intent_id = payment_intent_id
s.nondial_src_script = non_dial_src_script
s.dial_src_script = dial_src_script
s.dial_src_language = dial_src_lang
s.nondial_src_language = non_dial_src_lang
# s.nondial_dest_script = nondial_dest_script
translation_instance = ScriptTranslations()
translation_instance.user_id = request.user
translation_instance.script_link_id = s
translation_instance.nondial_dest_language = nondial_dest_language
translation_instance.nondial_dest_script = nondial_dest_script
translation_instance.dial_dest_language = language_2_code[str(dial_dest_language)]
translation_instance.dial_dest_script = dial_dest_script
translation_instance.dual_dial_script = dual_dial_script
translation_instance.payment_order_id = "monthly_user"
translation_instance.central_payment_id = request.session["central_pay_id"]
request.session['translation_id'] = str(translation_instance.translation_id)
context = {
"script_id": script_id,
"script_title": script_title,
"script_file_path": script_file_path,
"dial_conv_script": dial_conv_script,
"nondial_dest_language": nondial_dest_language,
"dial_dest_language": dial_dest_language,
"dial_dest_script": dial_dest_script,
"dial_src_lang": dial_src_lang,
"non_dial_src_lang": non_dial_src_lang,
"dial_src_script": dial_src_script,
"dual_dial_script": dual_dial_script,
"total_amount": total_amount,
"to_be_vetted_by_lpp": to_be_vetted_by_lpp,
"restrict_to_five": "no",
"option3": option3,
"option4": option4,
"option5": option5,
"option6": option6,
# return redirect('conversion')
# return JsonResponse(context)
return render(request, "conversion/thanksconversion.html", context)
def paymentDoneC_Institutional(request):
if request.method == "GET":
script_id = request.session["script_id"]
script_title = request.session["script_title"]
script_file_path = request.session["script_file_path"]
dial_conv_script = request.session["dial_conv_script"]
nondial_dest_language = request.session["nondial_dest_language"]
dial_dest_language = request.session["dial_dest_language"]
dial_dest_script = request.session["dial_dest_script"]
dial_src_lang = request.session["dial_src_lang"]
non_dial_src_lang = request.session["non_dial_src_lang"]
dial_src_script = request.session["dial_src_script"]
non_dial_src_script = request.session["non_dial_src_script"]
dual_dial_script = request.session["dual_dial_script"]
nondial_dest_script = request.session["nondial_dest_script"]
if request.session.get("want_to_be_vetted") != "NO":
total_amount = request.session["lppamount"]
total_amount = request.session["amount"]
to_be_vetted_by_lpp = request.session["want_to_be_vetted"]
option3 = request.session["option3"]
option4 = request.session["option4"]
option5 = request.session["option5"]
option6 = request.session["option6"]
# payment_intent_id = request.session["payment_intent_id"]
# pi = stripe.PaymentIntent.retrieve(payment_intent_id)
s = MNFScriptDatabase.objects.get(user_id=request.user, script_id=script_id)
s = MNFScriptDatabase()
s.user_id = request.user
s.script_id = script_id
s.script_title = script_title
s.author_name = request.user.first_name
# s.dial_dest_language = dial_dest_language
# s.dial_dest_script = dial_dest_script
# s.nondial_dest_language = nondial_dest_language
# s.dual_dial_script = dual_dial_script
s.script_file_path = script_file_path
# save central payment details in your database
# s.payment_order_id = "monthly_user"
# s.central_payment_id = context["central_pay_id"]
# s.payment_intent_id = payment_intent_id
s.nondial_src_script = non_dial_src_script
s.dial_src_script = dial_src_script
s.dial_src_language = dial_src_lang
s.nondial_src_language = non_dial_src_lang
# s.nondial_dest_script = nondial_dest_script
translation_instance = ScriptTranslations()
translation_instance.user_id = request.user
translation_instance.script_link_id = s
translation_instance.nondial_dest_language = nondial_dest_language
translation_instance.nondial_dest_script = nondial_dest_script
translation_instance.dial_dest_language = language_2_code[str(dial_dest_language)]
translation_instance.dial_dest_script = dial_dest_script
translation_instance.dual_dial_script = dual_dial_script
translation_instance.payment_order_id = "Institutional User"
# translation_instance.central_payment_id = request.session["central_pay_id"]
request.session['translation_id'] = str(translation_instance.translation_id)
context = {
"script_id": script_id,
"script_title": script_title,
"script_file_path": script_file_path,
"dial_conv_script": dial_conv_script,
"nondial_dest_language": nondial_dest_language,
"dial_dest_language": dial_dest_language,
"dial_dest_script": dial_dest_script,
"dial_src_lang": dial_src_lang,
"non_dial_src_lang": non_dial_src_lang,
"dial_src_script": dial_src_script,
"dual_dial_script": dual_dial_script,
"total_amount": total_amount,
"to_be_vetted_by_lpp": to_be_vetted_by_lpp,
"restrict_to_five": "no",
"option3": option3,
"option4": option4,
"option5": option5,
"option6": option6,
# return redirect('conversion')
# return JsonResponse(context)
return render(request, "conversion/thanksconversion.html", context)
# -> Conversion Stripe Payment Done Message
def paymentDoneC(request):
if request.method == "GET":
script_id = request.session["script_id"]
script_title = request.session["script_title"]
script_file_path = request.session["script_file_path"]
dial_conv_script = request.session["dial_conv_script"]
nondial_dest_language = request.session["nondial_dest_language"]
dial_dest_language = request.session["dial_dest_language"]
dial_dest_script = request.session["dial_dest_script"]
dial_src_lang = request.session["dial_src_lang"]
non_dial_src_lang = request.session["non_dial_src_lang"]
dial_src_script = request.session["dial_src_script"]
non_dial_src_script = request.session["non_dial_src_script"]
dual_dial_script = request.session["dual_dial_script"]
nondial_dest_script = request.session["nondial_dest_script"]
if request.session.get("want_to_be_vetted"):
total_amount = request.session["amount"]
total_amount = request.session["amount"]
to_be_vetted_by_lpp = request.session["want_to_be_vetted"]
option3 = request.session["option3"]
option4 = request.session["option4"]
option5 = request.session["option5"]
option6 = request.session["option6"]
# payment_intent_id = request.session["payment_intent_id"]
# pi = stripe.PaymentIntent.retrieve(payment_intent_id)
print("all get 8989 variables", request.GET.items())
for key, value in request.GET.items():
print(rf'{key}: {value}')
response = {
"id": request.GET.get("payment_intent"),
"client_secret": request.GET.get("payment_intent_client_secret"),
"status": request.GET.get("redirect_status"),
callback_content = callback(response, request)
if callback_content['payment_status'] == "success":
if request.session["pay_with_wallet"] == "yes":
# deduction_for_sep_wall(request)
wall = Wallet.objects.get(user=request.user)
# for key, value in request.session.items():
# print('{} => {}'.format(key, value))
print("----------------amount", request.session["pay_wallet_deduction"])
print("----------------rate", request.session["CurrencyRate"])
print("final balance", round(wall.balance, 2) - (
round(request.session["pay_wallet_deduction"], 2)))
wall.balance = round(wall.balance, 2) - (
round(request.session["pay_wallet_deduction"], 2))
# c = conversionPayment()
s = MNFScriptDatabase.objects.get(user_id=request.user, script_id=script_id)
s = MNFScriptDatabase()
s.user_id = request.user
s.script_id = script_id
s.user_id = request.user
s.script_id = script_id
s.script_title = script_title
s.author_name = request.user.first_name
# s.dial_dest_language = dial_dest_language
# s.dial_dest_script = dial_dest_script
# s.nondial_dest_language = nondial_dest_language
# s.dual_dial_script = dual_dial_script
s.script_file_path = script_file_path
# save central payment details in your database
# s.payment_order_id = request.session["payment_order_id"]
# s.central_payment_id = request.session["central_payment_id"]
# s.payment_intent_id = payment_intent_id
s.nondial_src_script = non_dial_src_script
s.dial_src_script = dial_src_script
s.dial_src_language = dial_src_lang
s.nondial_src_language = non_dial_src_lang
# s.nondial_dest_script = nondial_dest_script
# try:
# if request.session["is_juggernaut_used"]:
# s.is_juggernaut_used = True
# s.languages_juggernaut = request.session['languages_juggernaut']
# except:
# pass
# s.save()
# try:
# if request.session["juggernaut_pages_deduction"]:
# update_juggernaut(request, user_id=request.user.id, service_name="conversion",
# conversion_pages=int(request.session["juggernaut_pages_deduction"]), associated_project=s, translation_language=str(dial_dest_language))
# except Exception as e:
# print("Error is: ", e)
translation_instance = ScriptTranslations()
translation_instance.user_id = request.user
translation_instance.script_link_id = s
translation_instance.nondial_dest_language = nondial_dest_language
translation_instance.nondial_dest_script = nondial_dest_script
translation_instance.dial_dest_language = language_2_code[str(dial_dest_language)]
translation_instance.dial_dest_script = dial_dest_script
translation_instance.dual_dial_script = dual_dial_script
translation_instance.payment_order_id = request.session["payment_order_id"]
translation_instance.central_payment_id = request.session["central_payment_id"]
request.session['translation_id'] = str(translation_instance.translation_id)
# -----------Adding Details to payment Details--------------------------
# currencyrate = request.session["CurrencyRate"]
# user_id = request.user
# payment_id = payment_intent_id
# services_used = "Conversion"
# script_info = s
# number_of_pages = request.session["numPages"]
# total_amounts = round(
# (request.session["numPages"] *
# CONVERSION_PER_PAGE * currencyrate),
# 2,
# )
# discount = round((request.session["discount"] * currencyrate), 2)
# amount_charged = round((total_amount * currencyrate), 2)
# gateway_fee = round(
# ((STRIPE_PLATFORM_FEE / 100) * amount_charged), 2)
# currency = "INR"
# pay_method = "Card"
# payment_status = "Success"
# payment_gateway = "Stripe"
# PaymentData.objects.create(
# user_id=user_id,
# services_used=services_used,
# payment_id=payment_id,
# script_info=script_info,
# amount_charged=amount_charged,
# total_amount=total_amounts,
# number_of_pages=number_of_pages,
# gateway_fee=gateway_fee,
# discount=discount,
# currency=currency,
# pay_method=pay_method,
# payment_status=payment_status,
# payment_gateway=payment_gateway,
# )
# c.pid = privilegedUser1.objects.get(user= request.user)
# c.script_title = script_title
# c.script_id = script_id
# c.to_be_vetted_by_lpp = to_be_vetted_by_lpp
# c.payment_intent_id = payment_intent_id
# c.total_amount = str(total_amount)
# c.script_file_path = script_file_path
# c.has_paid = 'yes'
# c.save()
context = {
"script_id": script_id,
"script_title": script_title,
"script_file_path": script_file_path,
"dial_conv_script": dial_conv_script,
"nondial_dest_language": nondial_dest_language,
"dial_dest_language": dial_dest_language,
"dial_dest_script": dial_dest_script,
"dial_src_lang": dial_src_lang,
"non_dial_src_lang": non_dial_src_lang,
"dial_src_script": dial_src_script,
"dual_dial_script": dual_dial_script,
"total_amount": total_amount,
"to_be_vetted_by_lpp": to_be_vetted_by_lpp,
"restrict_to_five": "no",
"option3": option3,
"option4": option4,
"option5": option5,
"option6": option6,
to = request.user.email
key_value = {
"User": request.user.username,
sendmail(to_email=[to], email_code="PP19", key_value=key_value)
return render(request, "conversion/thanksconversion.html", context)
# subject = "Something really went wrong"
# from_email = settings.EMAIL_HOST_USER
# to = request.user.email
# context_2 = {
# "Name": request.user.email,
# "service_name": "Conversion",
# }
# mnfnsendemail(
# to, subject, "payment/templates/payments/MR24.html", context_2, from_email)
to = request.user.email
key_value = {
"User": request.user.username,
sendmail(to_email=[to], email_code="PP21", key_value=key_value)
return render(request, "payments/failed.html")
# -> Conversion Razorpay Payment Done Message
def paymentDoneC_RazorPay(request):
print("PAyment Done Razorpay -> ", request.POST)
# print("PAyment Done Razorpay -> ", request.POST.data, "444")
keyID = request.session["keyID"]
keySecret = request.session["keySecret"]
if request.method == "POST":
script_id = request.session["script_id"]
script_title = request.session["script_title"]
script_file_path = request.session["script_file_path"]
dial_conv_script = request.session["dial_conv_script"]
nondial_dest_language = request.session["nondial_dest_language"]
dial_dest_language = request.session["dial_dest_language"]
dial_dest_script = request.session["dial_dest_script"]
dial_src_lang = request.session["dial_src_lang"]
non_dial_src_lang = request.session["non_dial_src_lang"]
dial_src_script = request.session["dial_src_script"]
dual_dial_script = request.session["dual_dial_script"]
non_dial_src_script = request.session["non_dial_src_script"]
nondial_dest_script = request.session["nondial_dest_script"]
if request.session.get("want_to_be_vetted"):
total_amount = request.session["amount"]
total_amount = request.session["amount"]
to_be_vetted_by_lpp = request.session["want_to_be_vetted"]
option3 = request.session["option3"]
option4 = request.session["option4"]
option5 = request.session["option5"]
option6 = request.session["option6"]
# razorpay_order_id = request.POST["razorpay_order_id"]
# razorpay_payment_id = request.POST["razorpay_payment_id"]
# razorpay_signature = request.POST["razorpay_signature"]
# client = razorpay.Client(auth=(keyID, keySecret))
# params_dict = {
# "razorpay_order_id": razorpay_order_id,
# "razorpay_payment_id": razorpay_payment_id,
# "razorpay_signature": razorpay_signature,
# }
# try:
# client.utility.verify_payment_signature(params_dict)
callback_context = callback(request.POST, request)
if callback_context['payment_status'] != 'success':
subject = "Something really went wrong"
from_email = settings.EMAIL_HOST_USER
to = request.user.email
context_2 = {
"Name": request.user.email,
"service_name": "Conversion",
to, subject, "payment/templates/payments/MR24.html", context_2, from_email)
return render(request, "payments/failed.html")
if request.session["pay_with_wallet"] == "yes":
# deduction_for_sep_wall(request)
wall = Wallet.objects.get(user=request.user)
# for key, value in request.session.items():
# print('{} => {}'.format(key, value))
print("----------------amount", request.session["pay_wallet_deduction"])
print("----------------rate", request.session["CurrencyRate"])
print("final balance", round(wall.balance, 2) - (round(request.session["pay_wallet_deduction"], 2)))
wall.balance = round(wall.balance, 2) - (round(request.session["pay_wallet_deduction"], 2))
# c = conversionPayment()
s = MNFScriptDatabase.objects.get(user_id=request.user, script_id=script_id)
print("KArdunga 1")
print("KArdunga 2")
s = MNFScriptDatabase()
s.user_id = request.user
s.script_id = script_id
s.user_id = request.user
s.script_id = script_id
s.script_title = script_title
s.author_name = request.user.first_name
# s.dial_dest_language = dial_dest_language
# s.dial_dest_script = dial_dest_script
# s.nondial_dest_language = nondial_dest_language
# s.dual_dial_script = dual_dial_script
s.script_file_path = script_file_path
# s.payment_intent_id = razorpay_payment_id
s.nondial_src_script = non_dial_src_script
s.dial_src_script = dial_src_script
s.dial_src_language = dial_src_lang
s.nondial_src_language = non_dial_src_lang
# s.nondial_dest_script = nondial_dest_script
s.numPages = request.session["numPages"]
# save central payment details in your database
# s.payment_order_id = request.session["payment_order_id"]
# # save central payment details in your database
# s.central_payment_id = request.session["central_payment_id"]
# try:
# if request.session["is_juggernaut_used"]:
# s.is_juggernaut_used = True
# s.languages_juggernaut = request.session['languages_juggernaut']
# except:
# pass
translation_instance = ScriptTranslations()
translation_instance.user_id = request.user
translation_instance.script_link_id = s
translation_instance.nondial_dest_language = nondial_dest_language
translation_instance.nondial_dest_script = nondial_dest_script
translation_instance.dial_dest_language = language_2_code[str(dial_dest_language)]
translation_instance.dial_dest_script = dial_dest_script
translation_instance.dual_dial_script = dual_dial_script
# save central payment details in your database
translation_instance.payment_order_id = request.session["payment_order_id"]
translation_instance.central_payment_id = request.session["central_payment_id"]
request.session['translation_id'] = str(translation_instance.translation_id)
# c.pid = privilegedUser1.objects.get(user= request.user)
# c.script_title = script_title
# c.script_id = script_id
# c.to_be_vetted_by_lpp = to_be_vetted_by_lpp
# c.payment_intent_id = razorpay_payment_id
# c.total_amount = str(total_amount)
# c.script_file_path = script_file_path
# c.has_paid = 'yes'
# c.save()
# request.session["payment_order_id"] = context["orderId"]
# request.session["central_payment_id"]
# payFetch = client.payment.fetch(razorpay_payment_id,({'expand[]':'card'}))
# if client.payment.fetch(razorpay_payment_id, {"expand[]": "card"}):
# pay_method = "CARD"
# else:
# pay_method = "NOTCard"
# # -----------Adding Details to payment Details--------------------------
# currencyrate = request.session["CurrencyRate"]
# user_id = request.user
# payment_id = razorpay_payment_id
# services_used = "Conversion"
# script_info = s
# total_amounts = round(
# (request.session["numPages"] * CONVERSION_PER_PAGE * currencyrate),
# 2,
# )
# discount = round((request.session["discount"] * currencyrate), 2)
# amount_charged = round((total_amount * currencyrate), 2)
# gateway_fee = round(
# ((RAZORPAY_PLATFORM_FEE / 100) * amount_charged), 2)
# currency = "INR"
# # pay_method = 'NOTCard'
# payment_status = "Success"
# payment_gateway = "RazorPay"
# number_of_pages = request.session["numPages"]
# print("totalamount:", total_amounts)
# print("amountcharge:", amount_charged)
# print("discount:", discount)
# PaymentData.objects.create(
# user_id=user_id,
# payment_id=payment_id,
# total_amount=total_amounts,
# services_used=services_used,
# script_info=script_info,
# discount=discount,
# amount_charged=amount_charged,
# gateway_fee=gateway_fee,
# currency=currency,
# number_of_pages=number_of_pages,
# pay_method=pay_method,
# payment_status=payment_status,
# payment_gateway=payment_gateway,
# )
# try:
# if request.session["directly_pay_monthly"]:
# lasto = privilegedUser1.objects.last()
# privilegedUser1.objects.create(
# id=int(lasto.id) + 1,
# user=user_id,
# is_active="yes",
# transactionId=payment_id,
# memberType="normal",
# months=1
# )
# del request.session['directly_pay_monthly']
# except:
# pass
# try:
# if request.session["juggernaut_pages_deduction"]:
# update_juggernaut(request, user_id=request.user.id, service_name="conversion",
# conversion_pages=int(request.session["juggernaut_pages_deduction"]),
# associated_project=s, translation_language=str(dial_dest_language))
# except Exception as e:
# print("Error is: ", e)
context = {
"script_id": script_id,
"script_title": script_title,
"script_file_path": script_file_path,
"dial_conv_script": dial_conv_script,
"nondial_dest_language": nondial_dest_language,
"dial_dest_language": dial_dest_language,
"dial_dest_script": dial_dest_script,
"dial_src_lang": dial_src_lang,
"non_dial_src_lang": non_dial_src_lang,
"dial_src_script": dial_src_script,
"dual_dial_script": dual_dial_script,
"total_amount": total_amount,
"to_be_vetted_by_lpp": to_be_vetted_by_lpp,
"restrict_to_five": "no",
"option3": option3,
"option4": option4,
"option5": option5,
"option6": option6,
to = request.user.email
key_value = {
"User": request.user.username,
sendmail(to_email=[to], email_code="PP19", key_value=key_value)
return render(request, "conversion/thanksconversion.html", context)
# print("Get Request after payment is done razorpay1515")
# subject = "Something really went wrong"
# from_email = settings.EMAIL_HOST_USER
# to = request.user.email
# context_2 = {
# "Name": request.user.email,
# "service_name": "Conversion",
# }
# mnfnsendemail(
# to, subject, "payment/templates/payments/MR24.html", context_2, from_email)
# return render(request, "payments/failed.html")
to = request.user.email
key_value = {
"User": request.user.username,
sendmail(to_email=[to], email_code="PP21", key_value=key_value)
return render(request, "payments/failed.html")
# -> Conversion Razorpay Payment Done Message
def paymentDoneppt_RazorPay(request):
keyID = request.session["keyID"]
keySecret = request.session["keySecret"]
if request.method == "POST":
# x = pptconversion.objects.get(ppt_string=request.session["pptstring"])
# if request.session.get("want_to_be_vetted") == "on":
# total_amount = x.amount
# else:
# total_amount = x.amount
# razorpay_order_id = request.POST["razorpay_order_id"]
# razorpay_payment_id = request.POST["razorpay_payment_id"]
# razorpay_signature = request.POST["razorpay_signature"]
# client = razorpay.Client(auth=(keyID, keySecret))
# params_dict = {
# "razorpay_order_id": razorpay_order_id,
# "razorpay_payment_id": razorpay_payment_id,
# "razorpay_signature": razorpay_signature,
# }
# try:
# client.utility.verify_payment_signature(params_dict)
# except:
# x.delete()
# subject = "Something really went wrong"
# from_email = settings.EMAIL_HOST_USER
# to = request.user.email
# context_2 = {
# "Name": request.user.email,
# "service_name": "Conversion",
# }
# mnfnsendemail(
# to, subject, "payment/templates/payments/MR24.html", context_2, from_email)
# return render(request, "payments/failed.html")
# if request.session["pay_with_wallet"] == "yes":
# deduction_for_sep_wall(request)
# wall = Wallet.objects.get(user=request.user)
# wall.balance = request.session["fbalance"]
# wall.save()
# # payFetch = client.payment.fetch(razorpay_payment_id,({'expand[]':'card'}))
# if client.payment.fetch(razorpay_payment_id, {"expand[]": "card"}):
# pay_method = "CARD"
# else:
# pay_method = "NOTCard"
# # -----------Adding Details to payment Details--------------------------
# currencyrate = request.session["CurrencyRate"]
# user_id = request.user
# payment_id = razorpay_payment_id
# services_used = "Conversion"
# total_amounts = round(
# (x.slide_count * CONVERSION_PER_PAGE * currencyrate),
# 2,
# )
# discount = round((request.session["pptdiscount"] * currencyrate), 2)
# amount_charged = round((total_amount * currencyrate), 2)
# gateway_fee = round(
# ((RAZORPAY_PLATFORM_FEE / 100) * amount_charged), 2)
# currency = "INR"
# # pay_method = 'NOTCard'
# payment_status = "Success"
# payment_gateway = "RazorPay"
# number_of_pages = x.slide_count
# print("totalamount:", total_amounts)
# print("amountcharge:", amount_charged)
# print("discount:", discount)
# PaymentData.objects.create(
# user_id=user_id,
# payment_id=payment_id,
# total_amount=total_amounts,
# services_used=services_used,
# discount=discount,
# amount_charged=amount_charged,
# gateway_fee=gateway_fee,
# currency=currency,
# number_of_pages=number_of_pages,
# pay_method=pay_method,
# payment_status=payment_status,
# payment_gateway=payment_gateway,
# )
# with open(rf"{basePath}/ideamall/templates/ideamall/body.txt") as f:
# body = f.read()
# context_email = {
# "Date": date.today(),
# "Name": x.user_id.email,
# "emailcode": "",
# "heading1": "Thank you!",
# "heading2": " for using ppt conversion service "
# + " you will get notification whenever the conversation completes",
# "body": body,
# }
# # whomtosend, titleofmail, dateofemail, context\
# sendemail(
# x.user_id.email,
# "Thankyou for using service",
# date.today(),
# context_email,
# ).start()
# # sdsdsadsadsdsadsadsdsdasdsaaaaaaassss
callback_context = callback(request.POST, request)
ppt_id = request.session["ppt_id"]
if callback_context['payment_status'] != 'success':
subject = "Something really went wrong"
from_email = settings.EMAIL_HOST_USER
to = request.user.email
context_2 = {
"Name": request.user.email,
"service_name": "Conversion",
to, subject, "payment/templates/payments/MR24.html", context_2, from_email)
# sendmail(to_email=[ppt_instance.user_id.email,email_code='CP5')
return render(request, "payments/failed.html")
total_amount = request.session["amount"]
if request.session["pay_with_wallet"] == "yes":
# deduction_for_sep_wall(request)
wall = Wallet.objects.get(user=request.user)
# for key, value in request.session.items():
# print('{} => {}'.format(key, value))
print("----------------amount", request.session["pay_wallet_deduction"])
print("----------------rate", request.session["CurrencyRate"])
print("final balance", round(wall.balance, 2) - (round(request.session["pay_wallet_deduction"], 2)))
wall.balance = round(wall.balance, 2) - (round(request.session["pay_wallet_deduction"], 2))
ppt_instance = pptconversion.objects.get(ppt_id=ppt_id)
# save central payment details in your database
ppt_instance.central_payment_id = request.session["central_payment_id"]
ppt_instance.payment_order_id = request.session["payment_order_id"]
sendmail(to_email=[ppt_instance.user_id.email], email_code='CP4')
sendmail(to_email=[ppt_instance.user_id.email], email_code='CP10')
ppt_conversion(ppt_id, request).start()
sendmail(to_email=[ppt_instance.user_id.email], email_code='CP9')
print('is the email working for ppt')
print('ppt_instance.user_id.email', ppt_instance.user_id.email)
del request.session["pptstring"]
return render(request, "conversion/thanksppt.html")
# -> Conversion Stripe Payment Done Message
def paymentDoneppt_stripe(request):
if request.method == "GET":
ppt_id = request.session["ppt_id"]
# x = pptconversion.objects.filter(
# ppt_string=request.session["pptstring"])
# total_amount = x.amount
# payment_intent_id = request.session["payment_intent_id"]
# try:
# pi = stripe.PaymentIntent.retrieve(payment_intent_id)
# except:
# x.delete()
# subject = "Something really went wrong"
# from_email = settings.EMAIL_HOST_USER
# to = request.user.email
# context_2 = {
# "Name": request.user.email,
# "service_name": "Conversion",
# }
# mnfnsendemail(
# to, subject, "payment/templates/payments/MR24.html", context_2, from_email)
# return render(request, "payments/failed.html")
# if pi.status == "succeeded":
# if request.session["pay_with_wallet"] == "yes":
# deduction_for_sep_wall(request)
# wall = Wallet.objects.get(user=request.user)
# wall.balance = request.session["fbalance"]
# wall.save()
# # -----------Adding Details to payment Details--------------------------
# currencyrate = request.session["CurrencyRate"]
# user_id = request.user
# payment_id = payment_intent_id
# services_used = "Conversion"
# number_of_pages = x.slide_count
# total_amounts = round(
# (x.slide_count * CONVERSION_PER_PAGE * currencyrate),
# 2,
# )
# discount = round(
# (request.session["pptdiscount"] * currencyrate), 2)
# amount_charged = round((total_amount * currencyrate), 2)
# gateway_fee = round(
# ((STRIPE_PLATFORM_FEE / 100) * amount_charged), 2)
# currency = "INR"
# pay_method = "Card"
# payment_status = "Success"
# payment_gateway = "Stripe"
# PaymentData.objects.create(
# user_id=user_id,
# services_used=services_used,
# payment_id=payment_id,
# amount_charged=amount_charged,
# total_amount=total_amounts,
# number_of_pages=number_of_pages,
# gateway_fee=gateway_fee,
# discount=discount,
# currency=currency,
# pay_method=pay_method,
# payment_status=payment_status,
# payment_gateway=payment_gateway,
# )
# with open(rf"{basePath}/ideamall/templates/ideamall/body.txt") as f:
# body = f.read()
# context_email = {
# "Date": date.today(),
# "Name": x.user_id.email,
# "emailcode": "",
# "heading1": "Thank you!",
# "heading2": " for using ppt conversion service "
# + " you will get notification whenever the conversation completes",
# "body": body,
# }
# # whomtosend, titleofmail, dateofemail, context\
# sendemail(
# x.user_id.email,
# "Thankyou for using service",
# date.today(),
# context_email,
# ).start()
# # sdsdsadsadsdsadsadsdsdasdsaaaaaaassss
# ppt_conversion(x.ppt_id, request).start()
# return render(request, "conversion/thanksppt.html")
# else:
# x.delete()
# subject = "Something really went wrong"
# from_email = settings.EMAIL_HOST_USER
# to = request.user.email
# context_2 = {
# "Name": request.user.email,
# "service_name": "Conversion",
# }
# mnfnsendemail(
# to, subject, "payment/templates/payments/MR24.html", context_2, from_email)
# return render(request, "payments/failed.html")
response = {
"id": request.GET.get("payment_intent"),
"client_secret": request.GET.get("payment_intent_client_secret"),
"status": request.GET.get("redirect_status"),
callback_content = callback(response, request)
if callback_content['payment_status'] == "success":
if request.session["pay_with_wallet"] == "yes":
# deduction_for_sep_wall(request)
wall = Wallet.objects.get(user=request.user)
# for key, value in request.session.items():
# print('{} => {}'.format(key, value))
print("----------------amount", request.session["pay_wallet_deduction"])
print("----------------rate", request.session["CurrencyRate"])
print("final balance", round(wall.balance, 2) - (
round(request.session["pay_wallet_deduction"], 2)))
wall.balance = round(wall.balance, 2) - (
round(request.session["pay_wallet_deduction"], 2))
ppt_instance = pptconversion.objects.get(ppt_id=ppt_id)
ppt_instance.central_payment_id = request.session[
"central_payment_id"] # save central payment details in your database
ppt_instance.payment_order_id = request.session["payment_order_id"]
sendmail(to_email=[ppt_instance.user_id.email], email_code='CP4')
sendmail(to_email=[ppt_instance.user_id.email], email_code='CP10')
ppt_conversion(ppt_id, request).start()
sendmail(to_email=[ppt_instance.user_id.email], email_code='CP9')
print('is the email working for ppt')
del request.session["pptstring"]
return render(request, "conversion/thanksppt.html")
sendmail(to_email=[ppt_instance.user_id.email], email_code='CP')
subject = "Something really went wrong"
from_email = settings.EMAIL_HOST_USER
to = request.user.email
context_2 = {
"Name": request.user.email,
"service_name": "Conversion",
to, subject, "payment/templates/payments/MR24.html", context_2, from_email)
return render(request, "payments/failed.html")
# -> Actually Running Translation of book
def my_book(request):
print("Entering My_Book Conversion Function")
# -> PArsing the file location from database
y = BookConversion.objects.get(book_id=str(request.GET["book_id"]))
# -> Creating the directory for storing the extracted contents of docx
path = str(y.upload_book)
folder_name = (((path.split("/"))[-1]).split("."))[0]
if not os.path.exists(f"{basePath}/media/scripts/book/{folder_name}"):
os.mkdir(f"{basePath}/media/scripts/book/{folder_name}", mode=0o777)
# -> Creating the convert a book instance
convertBook_instance = ConvertBook()
# -> Alerting User that transaltion has started
to = request.user.email
key_value = {
"User": request.user.username,
sendmail(to_email=[to], email_code="PP22", key_value=key_value)
# -> Extracting the Docx contents as XML
data_docx_list = convertBook_instance.extract_docx_contents(
basePath + "/media/" + str(y.upload_book), f"{basePath}/media/scripts/book/{folder_name}")
print("I am done till here 7878", data_docx_list)
# -> Translating the contents and Recreating the docx book using the translated text
data_docx_list, f"{basePath}/media/scripts/book/{folder_name}/{str(folder_name)}_translated.docx", y.source_language, y.target_language)
# orig_path = ""
# for i in range(len(path)):
# if i == len(path) - 1:
# orig_path = orig_path + str(path[i])
# else:
# orig_path = orig_path + str(path[i]) + "/"
y.translated_book_docx = f"/media/scripts/book/{folder_name}/{str(folder_name)}_translated.docx"
y.translated_book_pdf = rf"/media/scripts/book/{folder_name}/{str(folder_name)}_translated.pdf"
translated_book_pdf = rf"/media/scripts/book/{folder_name}/{str(folder_name)}_translated.pdf"
# bookconversion = {}
# if UserCredentialsForBlockchain.objects.filter(user=request.user).exists():
# contex =request.session["original_book"]
# hash = uploadDataToIPFSNode(contex)
# print("my_hash1",hash)
# bookconversion["original_bookFile_hash"] = hash
# if UserCredentialsForBlockchain.objects.filter(user=request.user).exists():
# contex =translated_book_pdf
# hash = uploadDataToIPFSNode(contex)
# print("my_hash2",hash)
# bookconversion["translated_bookFile_hash"] = hash
# if UserCredentialsForBlockchain.objects.filter(user=request.user).exists():
# blockchain_obj = UserCredentialsForBlockchain.objects.get(user=request.user)
# UserId = blockchain_obj.user_id
# Project = script_id
# Data = str(bookconversion)
# userPrivateKey =blockchain_obj.privateKey
# userkey =decryptionOfPrivate(userPrivateKey)
# hash =UploadConversionData(userkey.decode('utf-8'),UserId,Project,Data)
to = request.user.email
key_value = {
"User": request.user.username,
sendmail(to_email=[to], email_code="PP23", key_value=key_value)
print("Exiting My_Book Conversion Function")
return JsonResponse({"status": "success"}, status=200)
def book_payment(request):
# new payment 8000
keyID = request.session["keyID"]
keySecret = request.session["keySecret"]
if request.method == "POST":
if request.POST.get("want_to_be_vetted") == "yes":
# print("amount to be paid", request.session["amount"])
# total_amount = request.session["amount"]
# amount_lpp_without_discount = request.session["onlylppfee"]
# print(request.session["amount"], " : Final Amount")
request.session["want_to_be_vetted"] = "on"
# print("amount to be paid", request.session["amount"])
# total_amount = request.session["amount"]
request.session["want_to_be_vetted"] = request.POST.get(
# print("amount to be paid", request.session["amount"])
total_amount = request.session["amount"]
# request.session["want_to_be_vetted"] = request.POST.get(
# "want_to_be_vetted")
# request.session["interested_to_be_lpp"] = request.POST.get(
# "interested_to_be_lpp"
# )
request.session["amount_before_pay_wallet"] = total_amount
request.session["pay_with_wallet"] = "no"
if request.POST.get("pay_wallet") == "on":
request.session["pay_with_wallet"] = "yes"
with open(f"{basePath}/MNF/json_keys/conversionRates.json") as c:
curr = json.load(c)
rate = curr["rates"]["INR"]
except Exception as e:
print("checkout error", e)
rate = 80
# balance = float(request.POST["balance"])
# payable = float(request.POST["payable"])
# wall = Wallet.objects.get(user=request.user)
# request.session["fbalance"] = float(
# wall.balance) - float(balance * rate)
# wall.save()
# request.session["amount"] = payable
# total_amount = request.session["amount"]
print("Checking Wallet")
wall = Wallet.objects.get(user=request.user)
print("this is walet", wall.balance)
if wall.balance >= (total_amount * rate):
print("wallet if hai")
request.session["pay_wallet_deduction"] = round(total_amount * rate, 2)
total_amount = 0
print("wallet else hai")
request.session["pay_wallet_deduction"] = round(wall.balance, 2)
total_amount = round((round(total_amount * rate, 2) - round(wall.balance, 2)) / rate, 2)
except Exception as e:
print("Error is ",e)
# total_amount = request.session["amount"]
total_amount1 = request.session["subtotal"]
# amount_charged = request.session["amount"]
# amount_discount = request.session["discount"]
# total_amount1 = request.session["subtotal"]
# amount_charged = request.session["amount"]
amount_discount = request.session["discount"]
services_used = 2 if request.POST.get("want_to_be_vetted") == "yes" else 1
context = create_indent(request, 'Conversion', str(request.session["book_id"]), services_used, '',
total_amount1, total_amount, amount_discount)
print("Create indent 9987", context)
for key, value in request.session.items():
print('{} => {}'.format(key, value))
# instance = MNFScriptDatabase.objects.get(script_id=str(request.session["script_id"]))
with open(f"{basePath}/MNF/json_keys/conversionRates.json") as c:
curr = json.load(c)
rate = curr["rates"]["INR"]
except Exception as e:
rate = 80
request.session["CurrencyRate"] = rate
centralPayment_instance = CentralPayment.objects.get(
# handle razor pay gateway →
if "orderId" in context:
# instance.payment_order_id = context["orderId"]
# instance.central_payment_id = context["central_pay_id"]
# instance.save() # save central payment details in your database
request.session["payment_order_id"] = context["orderId"]
request.session["central_payment_id"] = context["central_pay_id"]
pid = centralPayment_instance.order_id
amtINR = round(centralPayment_instance.amount_charged * rate, 2)
context = {
"pk": keyID,
"amtINR": amtINR,
"pid": pid,
"amount": round(centralPayment_instance.amount_charged,2),
return render(request, "conversion/checkoutBook_RazorPay.html", context)
# handle stripe gateway →
elif "client_secret" in context:
# save central payment details in your database
request.session["payment_order_id"] = context["client_secret"]
request.session["central_payment_id"] = context["central_pay_id"]
amtINR = round(centralPayment_instance.amount_charged * rate,2)
context = {
"total_amount": round(centralPayment_instance.amount_charged, 2),
"secret_key": context["client_secret"],
"amtINR": amtINR,
return render(request, "conversion/checkoutBook_Stripe.html", context)
# handle corporate profile →
elif "monthly_user" in context:
book_instance = BookConversion.objects.get(
book_instance.central_payment_id = context["central_pay_id"]
book_instance.payment_order_id = "monthly_user"
# instance.payment_order_id = "corporate profile"
# instance.central_payment_id = "corporate profile"
# instance.save()
return render(request, "conversion/thanksbook.html", {"book_id": request.session["book_id"]})
# -> At 10sec intervals check if book conversion completed
def is_book_converted(request):
book_id = request.GET["book_id"]
obj = StoryConversion.objects.get(story_id=book_id)
print("book still converting", obj.translated_book_docx)
if obj.translated_book_docx:
return JsonResponse({"status": "success"}, status=200)
return JsonResponse({"status": "pending"}, status=202)
# -> Fetching the Source Language and Number of Pages of book
def check_book_lang(request):
y = BookConversion()
y.user_id = request.user
now = datetime.datetime.now()
rightNow = str(now)
dash_splited = rightNow.split("-")
str1 = ""
for i in dash_splited:
str1 += str(i)
dash_splited1 = str1.split(" ")
str2 = ""
for i in dash_splited1:
str2 += str(i)
dash_splited2 = str2.split(":")
str3 = ""
for i in dash_splited2:
str3 += str(i)
dash_splited3 = str3.split(".")
str4 = dash_splited3[0]
# -> Checking Book Source Language
y.book_id = "book_" + str(str4)
y.upload_book = request.FILES['my_book']
# request.session["original_book"] = request.FILES['my_book']
number_pages = countPages(
str(BASE_DIR) + "/media/" +
str(y.upload_book), str(y.upload_book)[13:-4] + "pdf"
docxx = docx.Document(str(BASE_DIR) + "/media/" +
text = ""
for paragraph in docxx.paragraphs:
text += paragraph.text
if text.strip() == "" or text.strip() == " " or len(text.strip()) < 5:
print("text is",text)
src_language = language_detector(text)
return JsonResponse({"Detected Language": languages[src_language], "number_pages": number_pages})
except Exception as e:
print("Exception for language not getting detected is:", e)
return JsonResponse({}, status=505)
# -> Initital Saving of Book in database and extracting various languages present in that
def convert_book(request):
print("Request i", request.method)
if request.method == "POST":
print("Yes i am in here")
y = BookConversion()
y.user_id = request.user
now = datetime.datetime.now()
rightNow = str(now)
dash_splited = rightNow.split("-")
str1 = ""
for i in dash_splited:
str1 += str(i)
dash_splited1 = str1.split(" ")
str2 = ""
for i in dash_splited1:
str2 += str(i)
dash_splited2 = str2.split(":")
str3 = ""
for i in dash_splited2:
str3 += str(i)
dash_splited3 = str3.split(".")
str4 = dash_splited3[0]
y.book_id = "book_" + str(str4)
if request.POST.get("book_id"):
print("Inside sample book if case")
# book_sample = SampleBook.objects.get(book_id=request.POST.get("book_id"))
# y.upload_book = book_sample.book_path
# # print(request.POST.get("header_footer_addition"), "<- checkbox value")
# # y.source_language = src_language
# y.numPages = book_sample.number_pages
# y.source_language = ((list(languages.keys()))[list(
# languages.values()).index(book_sample.source_lang)])
# y.target_language = ((list(languages.keys()))[list(
# languages.values()).index(request.POST.get("target_lang"))])
# y.header_footer_present = True if request.POST.get(
# "header_footer_addition") else False
# y.save()
Book = AScript(request.POST, request.FILES)
if Book.is_valid():
y.upload_book = Book.cleaned_data.get("myfile")
# print(request.POST.get("header_footer_addition"), "<- checkbox value")
# y.source_language = src_language
y.numPages = request.POST.get("number_pages_var")
y.source_language = ((list(languages.keys()))[list(
y.target_language = ((list(languages.keys()))[list(
y.header_footer_present = True if request.POST.get(
"header_footer_addition") else False
if int(y.numPages) <= 5 or request.POST.get("book_id"):
return render(request, "conversion/thanksbook.html", {"book_id": y.book_id})
context = {}
if request.POST.get("sample_free") == "on":
return render(request, "conversion/thanksbook.html", {"book_id": y.book_id, "restrict_to_five":"yes"})
numPages = int(y.numPages)
if request.POST.get("to_be_vetted_by_lpp") == "on":
lpp_available = "yes"
total_amount = round(int(float(pricing_data('Book Conversion', 4))) * numPages, 2)
lpp_available = "no"
total_amount = round(int(float(pricing_data('Script Conversion', 2))) * numPages, 2)
context["subtotal"] = round(total_amount, 2)
context["early_bird_discount"] = discount_limit_handler(DISCOUNT["early_bird"])
context["early_bird_calculate"] = round(
float((total_amount) * context["early_bird_discount"] / 100), 2)
# staff discount
if User.objects.get(id=request.user.id).is_staff: # changes done by manoj
context["sdiscount"] = discount_limit_handler(DISCOUNT["employ_discount"])
context["staff_discount_calculate"] = round(float(
(total_amount - context["early_bird_calculate"]) * context[
"sdiscount"] / 100), 2)
context["sdiscount"] = 0
context["staff_discount_calculate"] = 0
user = User.objects.get(id=request.user.id)
memberType = privilegedUser1.objects.filter(user=user, is_active="yes")
if memberType:
memberType = memberType.first().memberType
if memberType == "normal":
context["pdiscount"] = 0
context["membership_discount_calculate"] = 0
elif memberType == "yearly":
context["pdiscount"] = discount_limit_handler(DISCOUNT["yearly_member_additional"])
context["membership_discount_calculate"] = round(float((
total_amount -
"early_bird_calculate"] -
"staff_discount_calculate"]) *
context["pdiscount"] / 100), 2)
elif memberType == "Life Member":
context["pdiscount"] = discount_limit_handler(DISCOUNT["life_member_additional"])
context["membership_discount_calculate"] = round(float((
total_amount -
"early_bird_calculate"] -
"staff_discount_calculate"]) *
context["pdiscount"] / 100), 2)
if not privilegedUser1.objects.filter(user=request.user, is_active="yes").exists():
context["monthly_membership"] = 1
# context["membershipNarration"] = discount_limit_handler(DISCOUNT["monthly_member"])
context["pdiscount"] = 0
context["membership_discount_calculate"] = 0
context["monthly_membership"] = 1
context["pdiscount"] = 0
context["membership_discount_calculate"] = 0
get_student_discount = get_discount(request.user.id, total_amount)
if get_student_discount == 0:
context["student_discount"] = 0
context["student_discount_calculate"] = 0
context["student_discount"] = get_student_discount
context["student_discount_calculate"] = round(float((total_amount -
context["early_bird_calculate"] -
context["staff_discount_calculate"] -
context["membership_discount_calculate"]) *
context["student_discount"] / 100), 2)
context["Total_discount"] = round(float(
context["early_bird_calculate"] + context["staff_discount_calculate"] +
context["membership_discount_calculate"] + context["student_discount_calculate"]), 2)
context["remaining_amount"] = round(float(total_amount - context["Total_discount"]), 2)
context["net_service_charge"] = round(
float(context["remaining_amount"]), 2)
context["gst"] = discount_limit_handler(DISCOUNT["gst"])
context["gst_calculate"] = round(float(context["remaining_amount"] * context["gst"] / 100), 2)
context["net_payable"] = round(float(context["remaining_amount"] + context["gst_calculate"]), 2)
# -> OLD Code
# context["book_id"] = y.book_id
# request.session["book_id"] = y.book_id
# payment calculation for book
# pdiscount = 1
# sdiscount = 1
# mdiscount = 1 - settings.RUNNING_DISCOUNT_CONVERSION / 100
# # numPages = int(numPages)
# if not privilegedUser1.objects.filter(
# user=request.user, is_active="yes"
# ).exists():
# # messages.success(request, "Become privileged member")
# # return redirect("payment")
# request.session["directly_pay_monthly"] = 1
# context = {"directly_pay_monthly": 1}
# try:
# memberType = privilegedUser1.objects.get(
# user=request.user, is_active="yes"
# ).memberType
# if memberType:
# if memberType == "normal":
# pdiscount = 1
# context["pdiscount"] = 0
# elif memberType == "yearly":
# pdiscount = 1 - settings.YEARLY_MEMBER_ADDITIONAL / 100
# context["pdiscount"] = settings.YEARLY_MEMBER_ADDITIONAL
# elif memberType == "Life Member":
# pdiscount = 1 - settings.LIFE_MEMBER_ADDITIONAL / 100
# context["pdiscount"] = settings.LIFE_MEMBER_ADDITIONAL
# if User.objects.get(id=request.user.id).is_staff:
# sdiscount = 1 - settings.EMPLOY_DISCOUNT / 100
# except:
# pdiscount = 1
# sdiscount = 1
# context["pdiscount"] = 0
# # pdiscount = 1
# # sdiscount = 1
# # mdiscount = 1 - settings.RUNNING_DISCOUNT_CONVERSION / 100
# # memberType = privilegedUser1.objects.get(
# # user=request.user, is_active="yes"
# # ).memberType
# # if memberType:
# # if memberType == "normal":
# # pdiscount = 1
# # context["pdiscount"] = 0
# # elif memberType == "yearly":
# # pdiscount = 1 - settings.YEARLY_MEMBER_ADDITIONAL / 100
# # context["pdiscount"] = settings.YEARLY_MEMBER_ADDITIONAL
# # elif memberType == "Life Member":
# # pdiscount = 1 - settings.LIFE_MEMBER_ADDITIONAL / 100
# # context["pdiscount"] = settings.LIFE_MEMBER_ADDITIONAL
# if User.objects.get(id=request.user.id).is_staff:
# sdiscount = 1 - settings.EMPLOY_DISCOUNT / 100
# # if request.POST.get("to_be_vetted_by_lpp") == "on":
# # lpp_available = "yes"
# # try:
# # lppamt = (
# # (numPages * settings.CONVERSION_PER_PAGE)
# # + (numPages * settings.LPP_PER_PAGE)
# # + context["directly_pay_monthly"]
# # )
# # except:
# # lppamt = (numPages * settings.CONVERSION_PER_PAGE) + (
# # numPages * settings.LPP_PER_PAGE
# # )
# # context["subtotal"] = round(
# # numPages * settings.CONVERSION_PER_PAGE, 2
# # )
# # # amt = numPages * settings.CONVERSION_PER_PAGE
# # # context["subtotal"] = round(amt, 2)
# #
# # # lppamt = (numPages * settings.CONVERSION_PER_PAGE) + (
# # # numPages * settings.LPP_PER_PAGE
# # # )
# # context["onlylppfee"] = round((numPages * settings.LPP_PER_PAGE), 2)
# # context["sublpptotal"] = round(lppamt, 2)
# # context["amount"] = round(
# # mdiscount * lppamt * pdiscount * sdiscount, 2
# # )
# # context["discount"] = lppamt - context["amount"]
# # request.session["amount"] = context["amount"]
# # request.session["onlylppfee"] = context["onlylppfee"]
# # request.session["lppamount"] = context["amount"]
# # request.session["discount"] = context["discount"]
# # request.session["member_discount"] = mdiscount
# # request.session["running_discount"] = pdiscount
# # request.session["team_discount"] = sdiscount
# # request.session["want_to_be_vetted"] = "on"
# # else:
# lpp_available = "no"
# try:
# amt = (
# numPages
# + context["directly_pay_monthly"]
# )
# except:
# amt = numPages * settings.CONVERSION_PER_PAGE
# context["subtotal"] = round(
# numPages * settings.CONVERSION_PER_PAGE, 2
# )
# context["amount"] = round(
# mdiscount * amt * pdiscount * sdiscount, 2
# )
# context["discount"] = amt - context["amount"]
# # try:
# request.session["amount"] = context["amount"]
# # except:
# # request.session["amount"] = context["amount"]
# request.session["subtotal"] = context["subtotal"]
# request.session["discount"] = context["discount"]
# context["conversion_per_page"] = settings.CONVERSION_PER_PAGE
# context["lpp_per_page"] = settings.LPP_PER_PAGE
# context[
# "running_discount_conversion"
# context["employ_discount"] = settings.EMPLOY_DISCOUNT
# context["yearly_member_additional"] = settings.YEARLY_MEMBER_ADDITIONAL
# context["life_member_additional"] = settings.LIFE_MEMBER_ADDITIONAL
# # context["restrict_to_five"] = "no"
# context["lpp_available"] = lpp_available.upper()
# context["numPages"] = numPages
# context["book_title"] = str(y.upload_book)
# request.session["book_id"] = str(y.book_id)
# context["src_lang"] = request.POST.get("src_lang")
# context["dest_lang"] = request.POST.get("target_lang")
# # request.session["script_file_path"] = x.script_file_path
context["restrict_to_five"] = "no"
context["lpp_available"] = lpp_available.upper()
context["numPages"] = numPages
context["book_title"] = str(y.upload_book)
context["src_lang"] = request.POST.get("src_lang")
context["dest_lang"] = request.POST.get("target_lang")
request.session["amount"] = context["net_payable"]
request.session["subtotal"] = context["subtotal"]
request.session["discount"] = context["Total_discount"]
request.session["book_id"] = str(y.book_id)
request.session["book_title"] = str(y.upload_book)
request.session["numPages"] = numPages
wall = Wallet.objects.get(user=request.user)
context["balance"] = round(wall.balance, 2)
context["balance"] = -1
with open(f"{basePath}/MNF/json_keys/conversionRates.json") as c:
curr = json.load(c)
rate = curr["rates"]["INR"]
# c = CurrencyRates()
# rate = c.get_rate("USD", str(currency.upper()))
except Exception as e:
print("checkout error", e)
rate = 80
context["rate"] = rate
str1 = str(datetime.datetime.now()).split("-")
date_at = f'{str1[2][0:2]} - {str1[1]} - {str1[0]}'
context['date_at'] = date_at
cd = centralDatabase.objects.get(user_id=request.user)
name = cd.firstName if cd.firstName else user.username
email_id = cd.email if cd.email else user.email
phone_number = str(cd.countryCode) + str(cd.contact) if cd.contact else "N/A"
address = cd.address if cd.address else "N/A"
name = user.username
email_id = user.email
phone_number = "N/A"
address = "N/A"
context["name"] = name
context["email_id"] = email_id
context["phone_number"] = phone_number
context["address"] = address
# try:
# context["firstdiscount"] =
# context["seconddiscount"] =
# context["thirddiscount"] =
# except Exception as e:
# print(e, "<- Error")
return render(request, "conversion/invoice_book.html", context)
return render(request, "conversion/convertBook.html")
# -> For Viewing Your Books
# def view_converted_books(request):
# number = ReferUser.objects.filter(refferedBy=request.user).count()
# obj = BookConversion.objects.filter(
# user_id=request.user).order_by("-date_at")
# book_path = []
# pq = 0
# for i in obj:
# if i.translated_book_docx != "":
# book_path.append(i.translated_book_docx)
# pq += 1
# return render(
# request,
# "conversion/viewConvertedBooks.html",
# {"script_path": obj, "pq": pq, "number": number},
# )
# -> For Deleting your Book
def delete_converted_book(request, id):
to = request.user.email
key_value = {
"User": request.user.username,
"book_name": (((str(BookConversion.objects.get(id=id).upload_book).split("/"))[-1]).split("."))[0]
sendmail(to_email=[to], email_code="PP25", key_value=key_value)
# if UserCredentialsForBlockchain.objects.filter(user=request.user).exists():
# blockchain_obj = UserCredentialsForBlockchain.objects.get(user=request.user)
# userkey =decryptionOfPrivate(blockchain_obj.privateKey)
# deleteConversion(userkey.decode('utf-8'),blockchain_obj.user_id,id)
return HttpResponseRedirect("/conversion/view_conversion")
def paymentDoneBook_RazorPay(request):
keyID = request.session["keyID"]
keySecret = request.session["keySecret"]
if request.method == "POST":
book_id = request.session["book_id"]
book_title = request.session["book_title"]
# if request.session.get("want_to_be_vetted"):
# total_amount = request.session["lppamount"]
# else:
# total_amount = request.session["amount"]
# to_be_vetted_by_lpp = request.session["want_to_be_vetted"]
# total_amount = request.session["amount"]
# razorpay_order_id = request.POST["razorpay_order_id"]
# razorpay_payment_id = request.POST["razorpay_payment_id"]
# razorpay_signature = request.POST["razorpay_signature"]
# client = razorpay.Client(auth=(keyID, keySecret))
# params_dict = {
# "razorpay_order_id": razorpay_order_id,
# "razorpay_payment_id": razorpay_payment_id,
# "razorpay_signature": razorpay_signature,
# }
callback_context = callback(request.POST, request)
if callback_context['payment_status'] != 'success':
# subject = "Something really went wrong"
# from_email = settings.EMAIL_HOST_USER
# to = request.user.email
# context_2 = {
# "Name": request.user.email,
# "service_name": "Conversion",
# }
# mnfnsendemail(
# to, subject, "payment/templates/payments/MR24.html", context_2, from_email)
# -> PAyment UnSuccessfull Email
to = request.user.email
key_value = {
"User": request.user.username,
sendmail(to_email=[to], email_code="PP26", key_value=key_value)
return render(request, "payments/failed.html")
# if request.session["pay_with_wallet"] == "yes":
# deduction_for_sep_wall(request)
# wall = Wallet.objects.get(user=request.user)
# wall.balance = request.session["fbalance"]
# wall.save()
if request.session["pay_with_wallet"] == "yes":
# deduction_for_sep_wall(request)
wall = Wallet.objects.get(user=request.user)
# for key, value in request.session.items():
# print('{} => {}'.format(key, value))
print("----------------amount", request.session["pay_wallet_deduction"])
print("----------------rate", request.session["CurrencyRate"])
print("final balance", round(wall.balance, 2) - (round(request.session["pay_wallet_deduction"], 2)))
wall.balance = round(wall.balance, 2) - (round(request.session["pay_wallet_deduction"], 2))
book_instance = BookConversion.objects.get(book_id=book_id)
# save central payment details in your database
book_instance.central_payment_id = request.session["central_payment_id"]
book_instance.payment_order_id = request.session["payment_order_id"]
# -> PAyment UnSuccessfull Email
to = request.user.email
key_value = {
"User": request.user.username,
sendmail(to_email=[to], email_code="PP24", key_value=key_value)
return render(request, "conversion/thanksbook.html", {"book_id": book_id})
# c = conversionPayment()
# c.pid = privilegedUser1.objects.get(user= request.user)
# c.script_title = script_title
# c.script_id = script_id
# c.to_be_vetted_by_lpp = to_be_vetted_by_lpp
# c.payment_intent_id = razorpay_payment_id
# c.total_amount = str(total_amount)
# c.script_file_path = script_file_path
# c.has_paid = 'yes'
# c.save()
# payFetch = client.payment.fetch(razorpay_payment_id,({'expand[]':'card'}))
# if client.payment.fetch(razorpay_payment_id, {"expand[]": "card"}):
# pay_method = "CARD"
# else:
# pay_method = "NOTCard"
# # -----------Adding Details to payment Details--------------------------
# currencyrate = request.session["CurrencyRate"]
# user_id = request.user
# payment_id = razorpay_payment_id
# services_used = "Book Conversion"
# # script_info = s
# total_amounts = round(
# (request.session["numPages"] * CONVERSION_PER_PAGE * currencyrate),
# 2,
# )
# discount = round((request.session["discount"] * currencyrate), 2)
# amount_charged = round((total_amount * currencyrate), 2)
# gateway_fee = round(
# ((RAZORPAY_PLATFORM_FEE / 100) * amount_charged), 2)
# currency = "INR"
# # pay_method = 'NOTCard'
# payment_status = "Success"
# payment_gateway = "RazorPay"
# number_of_pages = request.session["numPages"]
# PaymentData.objects.create(
# user_id=user_id,
# payment_id=payment_id,
# total_amount=total_amounts,
# services_used=services_used,
# # script_info=script_info,
# discount=discount,
# amount_charged=amount_charged,
# gateway_fee=gateway_fee,
# currency=currency,
# number_of_pages=number_of_pages,
# pay_method=pay_method,
# payment_status=payment_status,
# payment_gateway=payment_gateway,
# )
# try:
# if request.session["directly_pay_monthly"]:
# lasto = privilegedUser1.objects.last()
# privilegedUser1.objects.create(
# id=int(lasto.id) + 1,
# user=user_id,
# is_active="yes",
# transactionId=payment_id,
# memberType="normal",
# months=1
# )
# del request.session['directly_pay_monthly']
# except:
# pass
# return render(request, "conversion/thanksconversion.html", context)
def paymentDoneBook_Stripe(request):
# if pi.status == "succeeded":
# if request.session["pay_with_wallet"] == "yes":
# deduction_for_sep_wall(request)
# walls = Wallet.objects.get(user=request.user)
# walls.balance = request.session["fbalance"]
# walls.save()
# # -----------Adding Details to payment Details--------------------------
# currencyrate = request.session["CurrencyRate"]
# user_id = request.user
# payment_id = payment_intent_id
# services_used = "Book Conversion"
# # script_info = s
# number_of_pages = request.session["numPages"]
# total_amounts = round(
# (request.session["numPages"] *
# CONVERSION_PER_PAGE * currencyrate),
# 2,
# )
# discount = round((request.session["discount"] * currencyrate), 2)
# amount_charged = round((total_amount * currencyrate), 2)
# gateway_fee = round(
# ((STRIPE_PLATFORM_FEE / 100) * amount_charged), 2)
# currency = "INR"
# pay_method = "Card"
# payment_status = "Success"
# payment_gateway = "Stripe"
# PaymentData.objects.create(
# user_id=user_id,
# services_used=services_used,
# payment_id=payment_id,
# # script_info=script_info,
# amount_charged=amount_charged,
# total_amount=total_amounts,
# number_of_pages=number_of_pages,
# gateway_fee=gateway_fee,
# discount=discount,
# currency=currency,
# pay_method=pay_method,
# payment_status=payment_status,
# payment_gateway=payment_gateway,
# )
# try:
# if request.session["directly_pay_monthly"]:
# lasto = privilegedUser1.objects.last()
# privilegedUser1.objects.create(
# id=int(lasto.id) + 1,
# user=user_id,
# is_active="yes",
# transactionId=payment_id,
# memberType="normal",
# months=1
# )
# del request.session['directly_pay_monthly']
# except:
# pass
# return render(request, "conversion/thanksbook.html", {"book_id": book_id})
# # return render(request, "conversion/thanksconversion.html", context)
# else:
# subject = "Something really went wrong"
# from_email = settings.EMAIL_HOST_USER
# to = request.user.email
# context_2 = {
# "Name": request.user.email,
# "service_name": "Conversion",
# }
# mnfnsendemail(
# to, subject, "payment/templates/payments/MR24.html", context_2, from_email)
# return render(request, "payments/failed.html")
if request.method == "GET":
book_id = request.session["book_id"]
book_title = request.session["book_title"]
# if request.session.get("want_to_be_vetted"):
# total_amount = request.session["lppamount"]
# else:
# total_amount = request.session["amount"]
# total_amount = request.session["amount"]
# to_be_vetted_by_lpp = request.session["want_to_be_vetted"]
# payment_intent_id = request.session["payment_intent_id"]
# pi = stripe.PaymentIntent.retrieve(payment_intent_id)
response = {
"id": request.GET.get("payment_intent"),
"client_secret": request.GET.get("payment_intent_client_secret"),
"status": request.GET.get("redirect_status"),
callback_content = callback(response, request)
if callback_content['payment_status'] == "success":
# if request.session["pay_with_wallet"] == "yes":
# deduction_for_sep_wall(request)
# walls = Wallet.objects.get(user=request.user)
# walls.balance = request.session["fbalance"]
# walls.save()
if request.session["pay_with_wallet"] == "yes":
# deduction_for_sep_wall(request)
wall = Wallet.objects.get(user=request.user)
# for key, value in request.session.items():
# print('{} => {}'.format(key, value))
print("----------------amount", request.session["pay_wallet_deduction"])
print("----------------rate", request.session["CurrencyRate"])
print("final balance", round(wall.balance, 2) - (round(request.session["pay_wallet_deduction"], 2)))
wall.balance = round(wall.balance, 2) - (round(request.session["pay_wallet_deduction"], 2))
book_instance = BookConversion.objects.get(book_id=book_id)
book_instance.central_payment_id = request.session[
"central_payment_id"] # save central payment details in your database
book_instance.payment_order_id = request.session["payment_order_id"]
# -> PAyment Successfull Email
to = request.user.email
key_value = {
"User": request.user.username,
sendmail(to_email=[to], email_code="PP24", key_value=key_value)
return render(request, "conversion/thanksbook.html", {"book_id": book_id})
# subject = "Something really went wrong"
# from_email = settings.EMAIL_HOST_USER
# to = request.user.email
# context_2 = {
# "Name": request.user.email,
# "service_name": "Conversion",
# }
# mnfnsendemail(
# to, subject, "payment/templates/payments/MR24.html", context_2, from_email)
# -> PAyment UnSuccessfull Email
to = request.user.email
key_value = {
"User": request.user.username,
sendmail(to_email=[to], email_code="PP26", key_value=key_value)
return render(request, "payments/failed.html")
# def start_ipfs_daemon():
# try:
# # Check if the IPFS daemon is already running
# subprocess.check_output(["ipfs", "id"])
# print("IPFS daemon is already running.")
# except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
# # If the IPFS daemon is not running, start it
# print("Starting IPFS daemon...")
# subprocess.Popen(["ipfs", "daemon"])
# # Wait for the daemon to start (you can adjust the delay as needed)
# time.sleep(5)
# print("IPFS daemon is now running.")
# start_ipfs_daemon()
# -> For making Translated PPT's
class ppt_conversion(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, ppt, request, restrict=False):
self.ppt = ppt
self.request = request
self.restrict = restrict
def run(self):
x = pptconversion.objects.get(ppt_id=self.ppt)
presentation = Presentation(x.upload_ppt)
if self.restrict:
presentation = Presentation(x.upload_ppt)
xml_slides = presentation.slides._sldIdLst
slides = list(xml_slides)
# Then I loop for all except the first (index 0):
for index in range(3, len(slides)):
t = random.randint(1, 1000)
times = time.time()
times = int(times)
for key, value in languages.items():
if value == x.target_lang:
target = key
if value == x.source_lang:
source = key
print(">:>:>:>:12 translation start")
translate_presentation(presentation, source,
target, x.target_script, self.restrict)
print(">:>:>:>:12 translation end")
translated_ppt = f"{x.user_id}-{source}-{target}-{t}-{times}.pptx"
paths = f"{basePath}/media/ppt/converted/{translated_ppt}"
print(f"presentation convert saved {translated_ppt}")
x.translated_ppt = translated_ppt
print('x.user_id.email', x.user_id.email)
sendmail(to_email=[x.user_id.email], email_code='CP2')
# Blockchain here--->
if UserCredentialsForBlockchain.objects.filter(user=self.request.user).exists():
blockchain_obj = UserCredentialsForBlockchain.objects.get(
privatekey = blockchain_obj.privateKey
user_id = blockchain_obj.user_id
Project = self.request.session["script_id"]
private_Key = decryptionOfPrivate(privatekey)
status, getData = getPPTConversion(
private_Key.decode('utf-8'), user_id, Project)
if status == True:
data1 = getData[1]
pptconversion1 = eval(data1)
with open(f"{basePath}/media/ppt/converted/{translated_ppt}", 'rb') as _file:
hash = uploadDataToIPFSNode(_file)
pptconversion1["translated_ppt_hash"] = hash
pptconversion1["translated_ppt_path"] = paths
pptconversion1["translated_ppt"] = translated_ppt
original_file_path = pptconversion1.get("ppt_scriptFile_path")
user_id = blockchain_obj.user_id
project = self.request.session["script_id"]
Data = str(pptconversion1)
response = UploadPPTConversionData(
OWNER_KEY,blockchain_obj.publicKey,user_id, project, Data)
print("Response_final :", response)
hash = hash_decrypation(hash)
certificatepath = certificateGenrate(self.request.user.username,"PPT Conversion",hash)
to_email = [self.request.user.email]
email_code = 'BL1'
key_value = {
"service":"PPT Conversion",
"hash": hash,
"public key":blockchain_obj.publicKey,
"private key":private_Key.decode('utf-8'),
sendmail(to_email=to_email , email_code=email_code,key_value=key_value, filePath=certificatepath)
# For Vetting
# if request.session
# obj = ppt.objects.get(script_id=script_id)
if x.lpp is True:
print("Making Vetting Request for ppt")
X = LPPTASKDatabase()
X.user_id = x.user_id
X.usernote = "Kindly check if the translated ppt file is correct as per the Uploaded PPT!"
X.translated_ppt = x
X.generated_from = "conversion"
X.amoutgiventolpp_dialogue = self.request.session["lppamount_after_discount"]
# temp_amount = ((request.session['onlylppfee']) * request.session['team_discount']
# * request.session['member_discount'] * request.session['running_discount'])
# X.amoutgiventolpp_action = round((temp_amount/2), 2)
# X.amoutgiventolpp_dialogue = round((temp_amount/2), 2)
task_assigner(int(X.task_id), "conversion_ppt")
print("Making Vetting task Request for ppt")
# temp1 = str(x.upload_ppt)
# temp = f"{basePath}/media/{temp1}"
# data = [temp, paths]
# print(self.request.session["originalppt"])
# print(data, x.ppt_string, self.request.user.email,
# " : Passed to blockchain")
# files, timestamp = upload_multiFile_to_ipfs(
# data, x.ppt_string, "convertPPT", self.request.user.email)
# x.timestamp = timestamp
# x.uploaded_ppt_encoded = files[0]
# x.translated_ppt_encoded = files[1]
# print(x.timestamp, x.uploaded_ppt_encoded,
# x.translated_ppt_encoded, " : Return from Blockchain")
# "heading2": f"To view from blockchain use following details: Timestamp - {x.timestamp}, Key - {x.script_title}, Service - convertScript",
with open(rf"{basePath}/ideamall/templates/ideamall/body.txt") as f:
body = f.read()
context_email = {
"Date": date.today(),
"Name": x.user_id.email,
"emailcode": "",
"heading1": "Congratulation! your presentation is converted",
"heading2": "Thank you for using our service",
"body": body,
# import os
# if os.path.exists(f"{basePath}/media/ppt/converted/{translated_ppt}"):
# os.remove(f"{basePath}/media/ppt/converted/{translated_ppt}")
# else:
# print("The file does not exist")
# if os.path.exists(original_file_path):
# os.remove(original_file_path)
# else:
# print("The file does not exist")
# # whomtosend, titleofmail, dateofemail, context\
# # sendemail(
# # x.user_id.email,
# # "conversion complete",
# # date.today(),
# # context_email,
# # ).start()
# # sendmail(to_email=[x.user_id.email],email_code='CP2')
# return True
except Exception as e:
print("Errorr is", e)
# write refund code
x = pptconversion.objects.get(ppt_id=self.ppt)
class ppt_Files_Download(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, ppt_file, Path):
self.ppt_file = ppt_file
self.Path = Path
def run(self):
download_file_System(self.ppt_file, self.Path)
class ppt_Original_Download(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, ppt_file, Path):
self.ppt_file = ppt_file
self.Path = Path
def run(self):
download_file_System(self.ppt_file, self.Path)
def get_ppt_script(request):
if request.method == "POST":
df = pd.read_csv(rf"{basePath}/lpp/scripts.csv")
lang1 = request.POST.get("language")
if lang1 == "":
lang1 = "English"
print(lang1, " : languages :: types : ", type(lang1))
list1_d = df.loc[df[lang1] == "D", "Script"].tolist()
print("Bakery 20.1: ", list1_d)
return JsonResponse({"data": list1_d})
# -> Initital Saving of PPT in database and extracting various languages present in that
def pptcovert(request):
print("Entered ConversionFunction")
# print("MY base path is " ,str(BASE_DIR))
if request.method == "POST":
start_time = time.time()
restrict = request.POST.get('restrict')
x = pptconversion()
x.ppt_string = str(time.time()) + "-ppt"
ppt_string = str(time.time()) + "-ppt"
script_id = int(time.time())
# request.session["script_id"] = str(script_id)
MyURL = ""
dial_src_script = ""
non_dial_src_lang = ""
non_dial_src_script = ""
script_title = ""
author_name = ""
numPages = 0
context = {}
user_id = request.user
x.upload_ppt = request.FILES.get("script")
file_path = str(request.FILES.get("script"))
request.session["originalppt"] = f"{basePath}/media/ppt/original/{file_path}"
x.user_id = request.user
request.session["pptstring"] = x.ppt_string
author_name = str(request.user.username)
script_title = x.upload_ppt.name.split("/")[-1]
request.session["slide_title"] = script_title
prs = Presentation(x.upload_ppt)
numPages = len(prs.slides)
if restrict and numPages > 3:
numPages = 3
x.slide_count = numPages
print("Value of restrict:", restrict)
print("Number of pages:", numPages)
print(len(prs.slides), "pptuploadedfn3")
MyURL = "/media/scripts/ppt/" + str(script_title)
i = 1
# Blockchain
pptconversion1 = {}
if UserCredentialsForBlockchain.objects.filter(user=request.user).exists():
blockchain_obj = UserCredentialsForBlockchain.objects.get(user=request.user)
private_Key = decryptionOfPrivate(blockchain_obj.privateKey)
contex = request.FILES.get("script")
with open(f"{basePath}/media/{x.upload_ppt}", 'rb') as _file:
hash = uploadDataToIPFSNode(_file)
pptconversion1["ppt_scriptFile_hash"] = hash
print("my_hash1", hash)
current_datetime = datetime.datetime.now()
pptconversion1["slide_count"] = numPages
pptconversion1["ppt_string"] = ppt_string
pptconversion1["script_title"] = script_title
pptconversion1["non_dial_src_lang"] = non_dial_src_lang
pptconversion1["author_name"] = author_name
pptconversion1["ppt_scriptFile_path"] = f"{basePath}/media/{x.upload_ppt}"
pptconversion1["upload_ppt"] = f"{x.upload_ppt}"
pptconversion1["date_at"] = current_datetime.strftime(
"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
hash = hash_decrypation(hash)
certificatepath = certificateGenrate(request.user.username,"Original PPT",hash)
to_email = [request.user.email]
email_code = 'BL1'
key_value = {
"service":"Original PPT",
"hash": hash,
"public key":blockchain_obj.publicKey,
"private key":private_Key.decode('utf-8')
sendmail(to_email=to_email , email_code=email_code,key_value=key_value,filePath=certificatepath)
request.session["pptconversion1"] = str(pptconversion1)
for slide in prs.slides:
print("slide number %d" % i)
i += 1
etc_list = ["", " ", ",", " ,"]
sentence = ""
non_dial_src_lang = ""
script_use = ""
# if slide.shapes[0].text is not None:
# sentence = slide.shapes[0].text
if slide.shapes[0].has_text_frame:
sentence = slide.shapes[0].text
sentence = re.sub(
"""[!@#$%^&*()+=}{:;"'<>?/_-]""", "", sentence)
if len(sentence) < 5:
non_dial_src_lang = language_detector(sentence)
script_use = script_det(sentence)
if non_dial_src_lang != "" and script_use != "":
print(i, "slidessssssssssssss")
non_dial_src_lang, script_use, "languagesssssssssssssssssssssss"
if slide.has_notes_slide:
text_frame = slide.notes_slide.notes_text_frame
if len(text_frame.text) > 0:
if text_frame.text in etc_list:
# print("text", text_frame.text)
sentence = text_frame.text
translator = Translator()
non_dial_src_lang = language_detector(sentence)
script_use = script_det(sentence)
if non_dial_src_lang != "" and script_use != "":
non_dial_src_lang = ""
sentence = ""
script_use = ""
if sentence == "":
for shape in slide.shapes:
if not shape.has_text_frame:
for paragraph in shape.text_frame.paragraphs:
for index, paragraph_run in enumerate(paragraph.runs):
if paragraph_run.text in etc_list:
sentence = paragraph_run.text
translator = Translator()
non_dial_src_lang = language_detector(
script_use = script_det(sentence)
if non_dial_src_lang != "" and script_use != "":
non_dial_src_lang = ""
sentence = ""
script_use = ""
# slide = prs.slides[0]
# heading = slide.shapes.title.text
# translator = Translator()
# non_dial_src_lang = translator.detect(heading)
# print("00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
# non_dial_src_lang.lang)
# script_use = script_det(heading)
# print("script used: ", script_use)
# print("The Data of formInput is:", formInput)
request.session["script_use"] = script_use
slang = languages.get(non_dial_src_lang)
if slang == None:
slang = "abc"
context = {
"id": user_id,
"numPages": numPages,
"ppt": x.upload_ppt,
"option4": languages,
"fileName": MyURL,
"non_dial_src_lang": non_dial_src_lang,
"non_dial_src_lang_full": slang,
"author_name": author_name,
"script_title": script_title,
"Uppt": prs,
end_time = time.time()
print("-------------Taken Time for input ppt processing->", end_time - start_time)
return render(request, "conversion/pptupload.html", context)
return render(request, "conversion/pptupload.html")
def pptDiscountHandler():
# -> Actually Running Translation and Transliteration of PPT
def convertppt(request):
if request.method == "POST":
print("request.session variables", )
for key, value in request.session.items():
print('{} => {}'.format(key, value))
for key, value in request.POST.items():
print('{} => {}'.format(key, value))
x = pptconversion.objects.get(ppt_string=request.session["pptstring"])
x = pptconversion()
x.user_id = request.user
print("slides number are",x.slide_count)
if x.upload_ppt:
print("exists ")
x.upload_ppt = request.POST.get("fileUpload")
x.upload_ppt = request.POST.get("fileUpload")
source_language = request.POST.get("non_dial_src_lang")
x.source_lang = languages[source_language]
x.source_script = request.session["script_use"]
x.source_script = language_script[str(x.source_lang)]
x.target_lang = request.POST.get("nondial_dest_language")
x.target_script = request.POST.get("dial_dest_script")
restrict = False
# x.sample = request.POST.get("restrict")
if request.POST.get("restrict") == 'on':
x.slide_count = 3
restrict = True
print(request.POST.get("to_be_vetted_by_lpp"), "Vetting on or off #787")
#sample blockchain
pptconversion1 = eval(request.session["pptconversion1"])
pptconversion1 = {}
if UserCredentialsForBlockchain.objects.filter(user=request.user).exists():
with open(f"{basePath}/media/{x.upload_ppt}", 'rb') as _file:
hash = uploadDataToIPFSNode(_file)
pptconversion1["ppt_scriptFile_hash"] = hash
print("my_hash1", hash)
current_datetime = datetime.datetime.now()
pptconversion1["slide_count"] = request.POST.get("numPages")
pptconversion1["ppt_string"] = request.POST.get("ppt_string")
pptconversion1["script_title"] = request.POST.get("script_title")
pptconversion1["non_dial_src_lang"] = request.POST.get("non_dial_src_lang")
pptconversion1["author_name"] = request.POST.get("author_name")
pptconversion1["ppt_scriptFile_path"] = f"{basePath}/media/{x.upload_ppt}"
pptconversion1["upload_ppt"] = f"{x.upload_ppt}"
pptconversion1["date_at"] = current_datetime.strftime(
"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
request.session["pptconversion1"] = str(pptconversion1)
if request.POST.get("to_be_vetted_by_lpp") == "on":
x.lpp = True
pptconversion1["lpp"] = True
id = x.ppt_id
request.session["script_id"] = str(id)
if UserCredentialsForBlockchain.objects.filter(user=request.user).exists():
blockchain_obj = UserCredentialsForBlockchain.objects.get(
pptconversion1["source_lang"] = languages[source_language]
pptconversion1["target_lang"] = request.POST.get(
pptconversion1["target_script"] = request.POST.get(
pptconversion1["ppt_id"] = request.session["script_id"]
UserId = blockchain_obj.user_id
Project = request.session["script_id"]
# Project = id
Data = str(pptconversion1)
userPrivateKey = blockchain_obj.privateKey
userkey = decryptionOfPrivate(userPrivateKey)
hash = UploadPPTConversionData(
OWNER_KEY,blockchain_obj.publicKey, UserId, Project, Data)
print("my_tx_hash", hash)
if x.slide_count <= 3:
x.amount = 0
# with open(rf"{basePath}/ideamall/templates/ideamall/body.txt") as f:
# body = f.read()
# context_email = {
# "Date": date.today(),
# "Name": x.user_id.email,
# "emailcode": "",
# "heading1": "Thank you!",
# "heading2": " for using ppt conversion service "
# + " you will get notification whenever the conversation completes",
# "body": body,
# }
# whomtosend, titleofmail, dateofemail, context\
# sendemail(
# x.user_id.email,
# "Thankyou for using service",
# date.today(),
# context_email,
# ).start()
print("Starting conversion of ppt")
ppt_conversion(x.ppt_id, request, restrict).start()
del request.session["pptstring"]
sendmail(to_email=[x.user_id.email], email_code='CP4')
sendmail(to_email=[x.user_id.email], email_code='CP9')
print('is the email working for ppt')
print("ending conversion of ppt")
return render(request, "conversion/thanksppt.html")
# Blockchain implement
if request.POST.get("to_be_vetted_by_lpp") == "on":
lpp_available = "yes"
total_amount = round(int(float(pricing_data('PPT Conversion', 4))) * x.slide_count, 2)
lpp_available = "no"
total_amount = round(int(float(pricing_data('PPT Conversion', 2))) * x.slide_count, 2)
print('All discounts ----------------------', centralPayment_get_discounts(request, total_amount))
pricelist = centralPayment_get_discounts(request, total_amount)
context = {}
context["ppt_id"] = id
request.session["ppt_id"] = str(id)
context["sub_total"] = round(total_amount, 2)
context["membership_discount"] = pricelist["membership_discount_calculate"]
context["staff_discount"] = pricelist["staff_discount_calculate"]
context["student_discount"] = pricelist["student_discount_calculate"]
context["early_bird_discount"] = pricelist["early_bird_calculate"]
context['total_discount'] = pricelist['total_discount']
context['net_service_charge'] = pricelist['net_service_charge']
context["total_payable"] = pricelist["total_payable"]
context["gst_calculate"] = pricelist["gst_calculate"]
context["gross_payable"] = pricelist["gross_payable"]
if request.POST.get("to_be_vetted_by_lpp") == "on":
calc = round(float((float(pricing_data("PPT Conversion", 4)) - float(pricing_data("PPT Conversion", 2))) / float(pricing_data("PPT Conversion", 4))) * pricelist["total_payable"], 2)
request.session['lppamount_after_discount'] = calc
if not privilegedUser1.objects.filter(user=request.user, is_active="yes").exists():
context["monthly_membership"] = 1
#old code to be destoyed
# context = {}
# context["ppt_id"] = id
# request.session["ppt_id"] = str(id)
# print("ending conversion of ppt1")
# # payment calculation for presentation
# pdiscount = 1
# sdiscount = 1
# mdiscount = 1 - RUNNING_DISCOUNT_CONVERSION / 100
# # if not privilegedUser1.objects.filter(
# # user=request.user, is_active="yes"
# # ).exists():
# # messages.success(request, "Become privileged member")
# # return redirect("payment")
# # return True
# if not privilegedUser1.objects.filter(
# user=request.user, is_active="yes"
# ).exists():
# # messages.success(request, "Become privileged member")
# # return redirect("payment")
# # request.session["directly_pay_monthly"] = 1
# context = {"directly_pay_monthly": 1}
# try:
# memberType = privilegedUser1.objects.get(
# user=request.user, is_active="yes"
# ).memberType
# print("ending conversion of ppt2")
# if memberType:
# if memberType == "normal":
# pdiscount = 1
# context["pdiscount"] = 0
# elif memberType == "yearly":
# pdiscount = 1 - YEARLY_MEMBER_ADDITIONAL / 100
# context["pdiscount"] = YEARLY_MEMBER_ADDITIONAL
# elif memberType == "Life Member":
# pdiscount = 1 - LIFE_MEMBER_ADDITIONAL / 100
# context["pdiscount"] = LIFE_MEMBER_ADDITIONAL
# except:
# pdiscount = 1
# # sdiscount = 1
# context["pdiscount"] = 0
# print("ending conversion of ppt3")
# if User.objects.get(id=request.user.id).is_staff:
# sdiscount = 1 - EMPLOY_DISCOUNT / 100
# else:
# sdiscount = 1
# if request.POST.get("to_be_vetted_by_lpp") == "on":
# lpp_available = "yes"
# amt = x.slide_count * CONVERSION_PER_PAGE
# context["total"] = round(amt, 2)
# lppamt = (x.slide_count * CONVERSION_PER_PAGE) + (
# x.slide_count * LPP_PER_PAGE
# )
# context["onlylppfee"] = round((x.slide_count * LPP_PER_PAGE), 2)
# amount_to_be_given_to_lpp = round(
# mdiscount * context["onlylppfee"] * pdiscount * sdiscount, 2
# )
# context["subtotal"] = round(lppamt, 2)
# context["amount"] = round(
# mdiscount * lppamt * pdiscount * sdiscount, 2)
# x.amount = context["amount"]
# request.session["pptamount"] = context["amount"]
# context["discount"] = lppamt - context["amount"]
# request.session["pptdiscount"] = lppamt - context["amount"]
# request.session["lppamount_after_discount"] = amount_to_be_given_to_lpp
# request.session["total_amount1"] = context["subtotal"]
# request.session["amount1"] = context["amount"]
# request.session["discount1"] = context["discount"]
# print("ending conversion of ppt4")
# else:
# print("ending conversion of ppt5")
# lpp_available = "no"
# amt = x.slide_count * CONVERSION_PER_PAGE
# context["total"] = round(amt, 2)
# context["subtotal"] = round(amt, 2)
# context["amount"] = round(
# mdiscount * amt * pdiscount * sdiscount, 2)
# context["discount"] = amt - context["amount"]
# x.amount = context["amount"]
# request.session["total_amount1"] = context["total"]
# request.session["amount1"] = context["amount"]
# request.session["discount1"] = context["discount"]
# request.session["pptamount"] = context["amount"]
# request.session["pptdiscount"] = amt - context["amount"]
# print("ending conversion of ppt6")
# context["conversion_per_page"] = CONVERSION_PER_PAGE
# context["lpp_per_page"] = LPP_PER_PAGE
# context["running_discount_conversion"] = RUNNING_DISCOUNT_CONVERSION
# context["employ_discount"] = EMPLOY_DISCOUNT
# context["yearly_member_additional"] = YEARLY_MEMBER_ADDITIONAL
# context["life_member_additional"] = LIFE_MEMBER_ADDITIONAL
# context["value_after_rd"] = round(
# ((context["running_discount_conversion"] / 100)) * context["subtotal"], 2)
# context["value_after_td"] = round(((context["employ_discount"] / 100)) * (
# 1 - (context["running_discount_conversion"] / 100)) * context["subtotal"], 2)
# context["value_after_md"] = round(((context["pdiscount"] / 100)) * (1 - (context["employ_discount"] / 100)) * (
# 1 - (context["running_discount_conversion"] / 100)) * context["subtotal"], 2)
context["restrict_to_five"] = "no"
context["lpp_available"] = lpp_available.upper()
context["numPages"] = x.slide_count
# context["script_title"] = x.script_title
context["ndial_src"] = x.source_lang
context["ndial_dest"] = x.target_lang
context["dial_dest_script"] = x.target_script
context["dial_src_script"] = x.source_script
context["ppt_title"] = request.session["slide_title"].split(".")[0]
print("ending conversion of ppt7")
print("ending conversion of ppt8")
print("kuch na kaho3456")
wall = Wallet.objects.get(user=request.user)
context["balance"] = round(wall.balance, 2)
print('Kya na kaho3456')
context["balance"] = -1
with open(f"{basePath}/MNF/json_keys/conversionRates.json") as c:
curr = json.load(c)
rate = curr["rates"]["INR"]
# c = CurrencyRates()
# rate = c.get_rate("USD", str(currency.upper()))
print("kuch na kaho3456789")
except Exception as e:
print("checkout error", e)
rate = 80
context["rate"] = rate
user = User.objects.get(id=request.user.id)
str1 = str(datetime.datetime.now()).split("-")
date_at = f'{str1[2][0:2]} - {str1[1]} - {str1[0]}'
context['date_at'] = date_at
cd = centralDatabase.objects.get(user_id=request.user)
name = cd.firstName if cd.firstName else user.username
email_id = cd.email if cd.email else user.email
# phone_number = str(cd.countryCode) + str(cd.contact) if cd.contact else "N/A"
# address = cd.address if cd.address else "N/A"
user = User.objects.get(id=request.user.id)
name = user.username
email_id = user.email
# phone_number = "N/A"
# address = "N/A"
context["name"] = name
context["email_id"] = email_id
context["phone_number"] = pricelist['contact'] if pricelist['contact'] else "N/A"
context["address"] = pricelist['address'] if pricelist['address'] else "N/A"
request.session['amount'] = context['gross_payable']
request.session["discount"] = context["total_discount"]
request.session["subtotal"] = context["sub_total"]
print("kuch na kaho34560000")
return render(request, "conversion/invoice_pptconversion.html", context)
# -> For Deleting your PPT
def delete_ppt(request, id):
# if request.method == "POST":
# x = pptconversion.objects.get(ppt_id=request.POST.get("pptid"))
# print(x, 'did i do that or what?')
# sendmail(to_email=[request.user.email],email_code='CP7')
sendmail(to_email=[request.user.email], email_code='CP7')
# pptconversion.objects.get(ppt_id=id).delete()
if UserCredentialsForBlockchain.objects.filter(user=request.user).exists():
blockchain_obj = UserCredentialsForBlockchain.objects.get(
userkey = decryptionOfPrivate(blockchain_obj.privateKey)
print("funcation is calling.......", userkey.decode(
'utf-8'), blockchain_obj.user_id, id)
deletePPTConversion(OWNER_KEY,blockchain_obj.publicKey, blockchain_obj.user_id, id)
print("funcation called......", userkey.decode(
'utf-8'), blockchain_obj.user_id, id)
return HttpResponseRedirect("/conversion/view_conversion")
return HttpResponseRedirect("/conversion/view_conversion")
return HttpResponseRedirect("/conversion/view_conversion")
# -> Feedback on Conversion of PPT by User
def feedback_ppt(request):
if request.method == "POST":
x = pptconversion.objects.get(ppt_id=request.POST.get("pptid"))
if (
str(request.POST.get("error_text")) == " "
or str(request.POST.get("error_text")) == ""
x.error_faced_feedback = ""
x.error_faced_feedback = str(request.POST.get("error_text"))
if request.POST.get("rating") == " " or request.POST.get("rating") == "":
x.translation_accuracy_rate = 0
x.translation_accuracy_rate = int(request.POST.get("rating"))
x.improvement_feedback = str(request.POST.get("improvement"))
x.attention_feedback = str(request.POST.get("text"))
x.exp_rate = int(request.POST.get("accurate"))
x.content_accuracy_rate = int(request.POST.get("language"))
with open(rf"{basePath}/ideamall/templates/ideamall/body.txt") as f:
body = f.read()
context_email = {
"Date": date.today(),
"Name": x.user_id.email,
"emailcode": "",
"heading1": "Thank you!",
"heading2": " your feedback is very important for us, thankyou for feedback ",
"body": body,
# whomtosend, titleofmail, dateofemail, context\
# sendemail(
# x.user_id.email,
# "Feedback recieved",
# date.today(),
# context_email,
# ).start()
sendmail(to_email=[x.user_id.email], email_code='CP8')
print("feedback of ppt mail")
return redirect("view_conversion")
def ppt_tutorial(request):
return render(request,"conversion/Tutorial_video.html")
def Get_Existing_Scripts(request):
scripts = MNFScriptDatabase.objects.filter(user_id = request.user.id).values_list('script_id', 'script_file_path')
if len(scripts) == 0:
return JsonResponse({"status":"Success", })
existing_scripts = {}
for script in scripts:
existing_scripts[str((((str(script[1]).split("/"))[-1]).split("."))[0])] = str(script[0])
return JsonResponse(existing_scripts)
# <!-- document.getElementById('import').action = "{% url 'load_existingscript' id11 %}"-->
def load_existing_script(request, id):
# -> Loading Script
script = MNFScriptDatabase.objects.get(user_id = request.user, script_id = id)
MyURL = "/media/" + str(((script.script_file_path).split("/media/"))[-1])
if script.option3 and script.option4 and script.option5 and script.option6:
option3 = script.option3
option4 = script.option4
option5 = script.option5
option6 = script.option6
formInput = getInputs(request, str(BASE_DIR) + MyURL)
option3 = formInput[4]
option4 = formInput[5]
option5 = formInput[6]
option6 = formInput[7]
sampleList = SampleScript.objects.all()
with open(f"{basePath}/MNF/json_keys/language_pairs.json") as c:
language_pairs = json.load(c)
with open(f"{basePath}/MNF/json_keys/script_pairs.json") as c:
script_pairs = json.load(c)
context = {
"id": script.id,
"numPages": script.numPages,
"fileName": MyURL,
"non_dial_src_script": script.nondial_src_script,
"author_name": script.author_name,
"script_title": (((str(script.script_title).split("/"))[-1]).split("."))[0],
"UScript": "UScript",
"dial_src_script": script.dial_src_script,
"dial_src_lang": script.dial_src_language,
"dial_src_lang_full": languages.get(script.dial_src_language),
"non_dial_src_lang_full": languages.get(script.nondial_src_language),
"non_dial_src_lang": script.nondial_src_language,
"list": sampleList,
"option3": option3,
"option4": option4,
"option5": option5,
"option6": option6,
"language_pairs": language_pairs,
"default_script": language_script,
"script_pairs": script_pairs,
"existing_script": True,
print("Redirecting to 2nd Page")
return render(request, "conversion/conversion.html", context)