diff --git a/kitchen_counter/auto_email/email/EMAILSheet39.xlsx b/kitchen_counter/auto_email/email/EMAILSheet39.xlsx
index f3d7766..87c596c 100644
Binary files a/kitchen_counter/auto_email/email/EMAILSheet39.xlsx and b/kitchen_counter/auto_email/email/EMAILSheet39.xlsx differ
diff --git a/kitchen_counter/conversion/management/commands/custom_runserver.py b/kitchen_counter/conversion/management/commands/custom_runserver.py
index 9925f3f..2287287 100755
--- a/kitchen_counter/conversion/management/commands/custom_runserver.py
+++ b/kitchen_counter/conversion/management/commands/custom_runserver.py
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model
 from users.models import UserCredentialsForBlockchain
 from django.core.files.base import File as DjangoFile
 import tempfile
+from MNF import settings
 from io import BytesIO
 from auto_email.views import sendmail
 from lpp.certificate.createCertificate import certificateGenrate
@@ -177,189 +178,338 @@ def run_audit(msg):
     if status.status == "SUCCESS":
-        file_to_audit = File.objects.get(
-            script=script_id,
-            type="script-csv"
-        )
-        file_to_audit_report = File.objects.get(
-            script=script_id,
-            type="audit-report"
-        )
-        hash2 = ""
-        try:
-            file_to_audit_docx = File.objects.get(
+        if script_ext == "fdx":
+            file_to_audit = File.objects.get(
-                type="script-docx"
+                type="script-csv"
-            script_docx = {}
-            script_path1 = file_to_audit_docx.file.path
-            with open(script_path1, 'rb') as _file:
-                hash2 = uploadDataToIPFSNode(_file)
-            script_docx["script_file_path"] = script_path1
-            script_docx["script_file"] = hash2
-            script_docx["type"] = "script-docx"
-            audit_data["script-docx"] = script_docx
-        except:
-            csv_script_path = file_to_audit.file.path  
-            df = pd.read_csv(csv_script_path)
-            docx = utilities.csv_to_docx(df)
-            temp_file_stream = BytesIO()
-            docx.save(temp_file_stream)
-            temp_file_stream.seek(0)
-            docx_file = ContentFile(
-                temp_file_stream.getvalue(),
-                "from_audited_csv_to_document.docx",
-            )
-            query_file = File.objects.create(
-                script= file_to_audit.script,
-                file=docx_file,
-                type="script-docx",
-            )
-            file_to_audit_docx = File.objects.get(
-                script=script_id,
-                type="script-docx"
-            )
-            script_docx = {}
-            script_path1 = file_to_audit_docx.file.path
-            script_size = file_to_audit_docx.file.size
-            with open(script_path1, 'rb') as _file:
-                hash2 = uploadDataToIPFSNode(_file)
-            script_docx["script_file_path"] = script_path1
-            script_docx["script_file"] = hash2
-            script_docx["type"] = "script-docx"
-            audit_data["script-docx"] = script_docx
-        ## code for pdf also  
-        try:
-            temp_dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory()
-            pdf_file_path = utilities.docx_to_pdf(
-            script_path1, temp_dir.name)
-            with open(pdf_file_path, "rb") as temp_pdf:
-                pdf_file = DjangoFile(temp_pdf,pdf_file_path.rsplit('/', 1)[1],)
-                query_file = File.objects.create(
-                    script = file_to_audit.script,
-                    file = pdf_file,
-                    type="script-pdf",
+            hash2 = ""
+            try:
+                file_to_audit_docx = File.objects.get(
+                    script=script_id,
+                    type="script-docx"
-            script_pdf = {}
-            script_path1 = pdf_file_path
-            # script_size = file_to_audit_docx.file.size
-            with open(script_path1, 'rb') as _file:
-                hash2 = uploadDataToIPFSNode(_file)
-            script_pdf["script_file_path"] = script_path1
-            script_pdf["script_file"] = hash2
-            script_pdf["type"] = "script-pdf"
-            audit_data["script-pdf"] = script_pdf
-        except:
-            pass
-        # convert csv to json and store JSON 
-        try:
-            csv_script_path = file_to_audit.file.path  
-            df = pd.read_csv(csv_script_path)
-            df = df.loc[:, ["content", "script_element"]]
-            script_json: dict = json.loads(utilities.csv_to_json(df))
-            with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir:
-                print("Temporary directory created:", temp_dir)
-                temp_filename = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'script_json_file.json')
-                print("temp file name ----------------?>",temp_filename)
-                with open(temp_filename, 'w') as json_file:
-                    json.dump(script_json, json_file, indent=4)
-                script_json = {}
-                script_path1 = temp_filename
+                script_docx = {}
+                script_path1 = file_to_audit_docx.file.path
+                with open(script_path1, 'rb') as _file:
+                    hash2 = uploadDataToIPFSNode(_file)
+                script_docx["script_file_path"] = script_path1
+                script_docx["script_file"] = hash2
+                script_docx["type"] = "script-docx"
+                audit_data["script-docx"] = script_docx
+            except:
+                csv_script_path = file_to_audit.file.path  
+                df = pd.read_csv(csv_script_path)
+                docx = utilities.csv_to_docx(df)
+                temp_file_stream = BytesIO()
+                docx.save(temp_file_stream)
+                temp_file_stream.seek(0)
+                docx_file = ContentFile(
+                    temp_file_stream.getvalue(),
+                    "from_audited_csv_to_document.docx",
+                )
+                query_file = File.objects.create(
+                    script= file_to_audit.script,
+                    file=docx_file,
+                    type="script-docx",
+                )
+                file_to_audit_docx = File.objects.get(
+                    script=script_id,
+                    type="script-docx"
+                )
+                script_docx = {}
+                script_path1 = file_to_audit_docx.file.path
+                script_size = file_to_audit_docx.file.size
+                with open(script_path1, 'rb') as _file:
+                    hash2 = uploadDataToIPFSNode(_file)
+                script_docx["script_file_path"] = script_path1
+                script_docx["script_file"] = hash2
+                script_docx["type"] = "script-docx"
+                audit_data["script-docx"] = script_docx
+            ## code for pdf also  
+            try:
+                temp_dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory()
+                pdf_file_path = utilities.docx_to_pdf(
+                script_path1, temp_dir.name)
+                with open(pdf_file_path, "rb") as temp_pdf:
+                    pdf_file = DjangoFile(temp_pdf,pdf_file_path.rsplit('/', 1)[1],)
+                    query_file = File.objects.create(
+                        script = file_to_audit.script,
+                        file = pdf_file,
+                        type="script-pdf",
+                    )
+                script_pdf = {}
+                script_path1 = pdf_file_path
                 # script_size = file_to_audit_docx.file.size
                 with open(script_path1, 'rb') as _file:
                     hash2 = uploadDataToIPFSNode(_file)
-                script_json["script_file_path"] = script_path1
-                script_json["script_file"] = hash2
-                script_json["type"] = "script-json"
-                audit_data["script-json"] = script_json
-                print("data_uploaded")
-        except Exception as exp:
-            print("###ERROR:",exp)
-            print("######Error from JSON CREATION############")
-            pass
-        script_csv = {}
-        audit_report ={}
-        audit_report_path = file_to_audit_report.file.path
-        script_path = file_to_audit.file.path
-        script_size = file_to_audit.file.size
-        print("script_file_path_is_here",script_path)
-        with open(script_path, 'rb') as _file:
-            hash1 = uploadDataToIPFSNode(_file)
-            script_csv["script_file"] = hash1
-        script_csv["script_file_path"] = script_path
-        script_csv["type"] = "script-csv"
-        with open(audit_report_path, 'rb') as file1:
-            hash2 = uploadDataToIPFSNode(file1)
-            audit_report["script_file"] = hash2
-        audit_report["script_file_path"] = audit_report_path
-        audit_report["type"] = "audit-report"
-        audit_data["script-csv"]= script_csv
-        audit_data["audit-report"]= audit_report
-        Response,gasprice = UploadScriptAuditData(OWNER_KEY,blockchain_obj.publicKey,blockchain_obj.user_id,script_id,str(audit_data))
-        print("tx_hash",Response)
-        transactioni_id = str(Response)
-        status.transaction_hash =str(transactioni_id)
-        status.save()
-        to_email = [user.email]
-        email_code = 'SB1'
-        key_value_aud = { "script_name" : str(screenplay_name)}
-        sendmail(to_email=to_email , email_code=email_code, key_value = key_value_aud)
-        # user_infos =  user_info(tx_hash=Response,service="Script Audit",gas_fee=gasprice)
-        # addition_result = user_infos.update_info(request)
-        hash2 = hash_decrypation(hash2)
-        tx_id = Response
-        certificate = certificateGenrate(user.username,"script audit",tx_id,projectname=script_file_name,matic=gasprice)
-        to_email = [user.email]
-        email_code = 'BL1'
-        key_value = {
-            "service":"Audited Script",
-            "hash": hash2,
-            "public key":blockchain_obj.publicKey,
-            "Transaction Hash": tx_id,
-        }
-        print("userkey = ", userkey)
-        sendmail(to_email=to_email , email_code=email_code, key_value=key_value, filePath=certificate)
-        print("mail send sucessfully:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::")
-        data = {"message": "Success"}
-        # deleting the folder and files 
-        #  Delete a file
-        media_path = os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, "audit_counter_files", script_file_name)
-        if os.path.exists(media_path):
-            os.remove(media_path)
-            print(f"File '{media_path}' deleted successfully.")
+                script_pdf["script_file_path"] = script_path1
+                script_pdf["script_file"] = hash2
+                script_pdf["type"] = "script-pdf"
+                audit_data["script-pdf"] = script_pdf
+            except:
+                pass
+            # convert csv to json and store JSON 
+            try:
+                csv_script_path = file_to_audit.file.path  
+                print("csv_path fetched",csv_script_path)
+                df = pd.read_csv(csv_script_path)
+                df = df.loc[:, ["content", "script_element"]]
+                script_json: dict = json.loads(utilities.csv_to_json(df))
+                with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir:
+                    print("Temporary directory created:", temp_dir)
+                    temp_filename = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'script_json_file.json')
+                    print("temp file name ----------------?>",temp_filename)
+                    with open(temp_filename, 'w') as json_file:
+                        json.dump(script_json, json_file, indent=4)
+                    script_json = {}
+                    script_path1 = temp_filename
+                    # script_size = file_to_audit_docx.file.size
+                    with open(script_path1, 'rb') as _file:
+                        hash2 = uploadDataToIPFSNode(_file)
+                    script_json["script_file_path"] = script_path1
+                    script_json["script_file"] = hash2
+                    script_json["type"] = "script-json"
+                    audit_data["script-json"] = script_json
+                    print("data_uploaded")
+            except Exception as exp:
+                print("###ERROR:",exp)
+                print("######Error from JSON CREATION############")
+            try:
+                script_csv = {}
+                script_path = file_to_audit.file.path
+                print("script_file_path_is_here",script_path)
+                with open(script_path, 'rb') as _file:
+                    hash1 = uploadDataToIPFSNode(_file)
+                    script_csv["script_file"] = hash1
+                script_csv["script_file_path"] = script_path
+                script_csv["type"] = "script-csv"
+                audit_data["script-csv"]= script_csv
+            except Exception as exp:
+                print(exp)
+            Response,gasprice = UploadScriptAuditData(OWNER_KEY,blockchain_obj.publicKey,blockchain_obj.user_id,script_id,str(audit_data))
+            print("tx_hash",Response)
+            transactioni_id = str(Response)
+            status.transaction_hash =str(transactioni_id)
+            status.save()
+            to_email = [user.email]
+            print("####### #### to_email",to_email)
+            key_value_aud = { "script_name" : str(screenplay_name) }
+            email_code = 'SB1'
+            sendmail(to_email=to_email , email_code=email_code, key_value = key_value_aud )
+            print("$$$$### after sendmail")
+            # user_infos =  user_info(tx_hash=Response,service="Script Audit",gas_fee=gasprice)
+            # addition_result = user_infos.update_info(request)
+            hash2 = hash_decrypation(hash2)
+            tx_id = Response
+            certificate = certificateGenrate(user.username,"script audit",tx_id,projectname=script_file_name,matic=gasprice)
+            to_email = [user.email]
+            email_code = 'BL1'
+            key_value = {
+                "service":"Audited Script",
+                "hash": hash2,
+                "public key":blockchain_obj.publicKey,
+                "Transaction Hash": tx_id,
+            }
+            print("userkey = ", userkey)
+            sendmail(to_email=to_email , email_code=email_code, key_value=key_value, filePath=certificate)
+            print("mail send sucessfully:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::")
+            data = {"message": "Success"}
-            print(f"File '{media_path}' does not exist.")
-        # Delete a folder and its contents
-        folder1_path = os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, "scripts_folder", script_id)
-        if os.path.exists(folder1_path):
-            shutil.rmtree(folder1_path)
-            print(f"Folder '{folder1_path}' and its contents deleted successfully.")
-        else:
-            print(f"Folder '{folder1_path}' does not exist.")
+            file_to_audit = File.objects.get(
+                script=script_id,
+                type="script-csv"
+            )
+            file_to_audit_report = File.objects.get(
+                script=script_id,
+                type="audit-report"
+            )
+            hash2 = ""
+            try:
+                file_to_audit_docx = File.objects.get(
+                    script=script_id,
+                    type="script-docx"
+                )
+                script_docx = {}
+                script_path1 = file_to_audit_docx.file.path
+                with open(script_path1, 'rb') as _file:
+                    hash2 = uploadDataToIPFSNode(_file)
+                script_docx["script_file_path"] = script_path1
+                script_docx["script_file"] = hash2
+                script_docx["type"] = "script-docx"
+                audit_data["script-docx"] = script_docx
+            except:
+                csv_script_path = file_to_audit.file.path  
+                df = pd.read_csv(csv_script_path)
+                docx = utilities.csv_to_docx(df)
-        folder2_path = os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, "audit_folder", script_id)
-        if os.path.exists(folder2_path):
-            shutil.rmtree(folder2_path)
-            print(f"Folder '{folder2_path}' and its contents deleted successfully.")
-        else:
-            print(f"Folder '{folder2_path}' does not exist.")
-        return JsonResponse(data, status=200)
-        # return Response("Success", status=200)
+                temp_file_stream = BytesIO()
+                docx.save(temp_file_stream)
+                temp_file_stream.seek(0)
+                docx_file = ContentFile(
+                    temp_file_stream.getvalue(),
+                    "from_audited_csv_to_document.docx",
+                )
+                query_file = File.objects.create(
+                    script= file_to_audit.script,
+                    file=docx_file,
+                    type="script-docx",
+                )
+                file_to_audit_docx = File.objects.get(
+                    script=script_id,
+                    type="script-docx"
+                )
+                script_docx = {}
+                script_path1 = file_to_audit_docx.file.path
+                script_size = file_to_audit_docx.file.size
+                with open(script_path1, 'rb') as _file:
+                    hash2 = uploadDataToIPFSNode(_file)
+                script_docx["script_file_path"] = script_path1
+                script_docx["script_file"] = hash2
+                script_docx["type"] = "script-docx"
+                audit_data["script-docx"] = script_docx
+            ## code for pdf also  
+            try:
+                temp_dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory()
+                pdf_file_path = utilities.docx_to_pdf(
+                script_path1, temp_dir.name)
+                with open(pdf_file_path, "rb") as temp_pdf:
+                    pdf_file = DjangoFile(temp_pdf,pdf_file_path.rsplit('/', 1)[1],)
+                    query_file = File.objects.create(
+                        script = file_to_audit.script,
+                        file = pdf_file,
+                        type="script-pdf",
+                    )
+                script_pdf = {}
+                script_path1 = pdf_file_path
+                # script_size = file_to_audit_docx.file.size
+                with open(script_path1, 'rb') as _file:
+                    hash2 = uploadDataToIPFSNode(_file)
+                script_pdf["script_file_path"] = script_path1
+                script_pdf["script_file"] = hash2
+                script_pdf["type"] = "script-pdf"
+                audit_data["script-pdf"] = script_pdf
+            except:
+                pass
+            # convert csv to json and store JSON 
+            try:
+                csv_script_path = file_to_audit.file.path  
+                df = pd.read_csv(csv_script_path)
+                df = df.loc[:, ["content", "script_element"]]
+                script_json: dict = json.loads(utilities.csv_to_json(df))
+                with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir:
+                    print("Temporary directory created:", temp_dir)
+                    temp_filename = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'script_json_file.json')
+                    print("temp file name ----------------?>",temp_filename)
+                    with open(temp_filename, 'w') as json_file:
+                        json.dump(script_json, json_file, indent=4)
+                    script_json = {}
+                    script_path1 = temp_filename
+                    # script_size = file_to_audit_docx.file.size
+                    with open(script_path1, 'rb') as _file:
+                        hash2 = uploadDataToIPFSNode(_file)
+                    script_json["script_file_path"] = script_path1
+                    script_json["script_file"] = hash2
+                    script_json["type"] = "script-json"
+                    audit_data["script-json"] = script_json
+                    print("data_uploaded")
+            except Exception as exp:
+                print("###ERROR:",exp)
+                print("######Error from JSON CREATION############")
+                pass
+            script_csv = {}
+            audit_report ={}
+            audit_report_path = file_to_audit_report.file.path
+            script_path = file_to_audit.file.path
+            script_size = file_to_audit.file.size
+            print("script_file_path_is_here",script_path)
+            with open(script_path, 'rb') as _file:
+                hash1 = uploadDataToIPFSNode(_file)
+                script_csv["script_file"] = hash1
+            script_csv["script_file_path"] = script_path
+            script_csv["type"] = "script-csv"
+            with open(audit_report_path, 'rb') as file1:
+                hash2 = uploadDataToIPFSNode(file1)
+                audit_report["script_file"] = hash2
+            audit_report["script_file_path"] = audit_report_path
+            audit_report["type"] = "audit-report"
+            audit_data["script-csv"]= script_csv
+            audit_data["audit-report"]= audit_report
+            Response,gasprice = UploadScriptAuditData(OWNER_KEY,blockchain_obj.publicKey,blockchain_obj.user_id,script_id,str(audit_data))
+            print("tx_hash",Response)
+            transactioni_id = str(Response)
+            status.transaction_hash =str(transactioni_id)
+            status.save()
+            to_email = [user.email]
+            email_code = 'SB1'
+            key_value_aud = { "script_name" : str(screenplay_name)}
+            sendmail(to_email=to_email , email_code=email_code, key_value = key_value_aud)
+            # user_infos =  user_info(tx_hash=Response,service="Script Audit",gas_fee=gasprice)
+            # addition_result = user_infos.update_info(request)
+            hash2 = hash_decrypation(hash2)
+            tx_id = Response
+            certificate = certificateGenrate(user.username,"script audit",tx_id,projectname=script_file_name,matic=gasprice)
+            to_email = [user.email]
+            email_code = 'BL1'
+            key_value = {
+                "service":"Audited Script",
+                "hash": hash2,
+                "public key":blockchain_obj.publicKey,
+                "Transaction Hash": tx_id,
+            }
+            print("userkey = ", userkey)
+            sendmail(to_email=to_email , email_code=email_code, key_value=key_value, filePath=certificate)
+            print("mail send sucessfully:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::")
+            data = {"message": "Success"}
+            # deleting the folder and files 
+            #  Delete a file
+            media_path = os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, "audit_counter_files", script_file_name)
+            if os.path.exists(media_path):
+                os.remove(media_path)
+                print(f"File '{media_path}' deleted successfully.")
+            else:
+                print(f"File '{media_path}' does not exist.")
+            # Delete a folder and its contents
+            folder1_path = os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, "scripts_folder", script_id)
+            if os.path.exists(folder1_path):
+                shutil.rmtree(folder1_path)
+                print(f"Folder '{folder1_path}' and its contents deleted successfully.")
+            else:
+                print(f"Folder '{folder1_path}' does not exist.")
+            folder2_path = os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, "audit_folder", script_id)
+            if os.path.exists(folder2_path):
+                shutil.rmtree(folder2_path)
+                print(f"Folder '{folder2_path}' and its contents deleted successfully.")
+            else:
+                print(f"Folder '{folder2_path}' does not exist.")
+            return JsonResponse(data, status=200)
+            # return Response("Success", status=200)
diff --git a/kitchen_counter/conversion/translation/external_conversion.py b/kitchen_counter/conversion/translation/external_conversion.py
index cbd975e..2a6ac32 100644
--- a/kitchen_counter/conversion/translation/external_conversion.py
+++ b/kitchen_counter/conversion/translation/external_conversion.py
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ from lpp.models import LPPTASKDatabase
 from centralizePayment.views import auto_refund
 from juggernaut.views import update_juggernaut
+from juggernaut.models import JuggernautPackage
 from auto_email.views import sendmail
 from lpp.views import task_assigner
 from utils import filesystem, utilities
@@ -435,36 +436,40 @@ class Conversion:
         """Juggernaut Payment Updation"""
-        if self.juggernaut_pages_deduction:
-            user_data = JuggernautPackage.objects.filter(user_id = self.user)
-            if user_data.count() == 1:
-                pass
-            else:
-                self.session = {}
-                try:
-                    if user_data.count() > 1:
+        try:
+            if self.juggernaut_pages_deduction:
+                user_data = JuggernautPackage.objects.filter(user_id = self.user)
+                if user_data.count() == 1:
+                    pass
+                else:
+                    self.session = {}
+                    try:
+                        if user_data.count() > 1:
+                            max_beat = 0
+                            for i in user_data:
+                                if i.conversion_pages >= max_beat:
+                                    user_data = i
+                                    self.session['user_data'] = str(user_data.id)
+                    except Exception as e:
+                        print("Juggernaut error is",e)
                         max_beat = 0
-                        for i in user_data:
-                            if i.conversion_pages >= max_beat:
-                                user_data = i
-                                self.session['user_data'] = str(user_data.id)
-                except:
-                    max_beat = 0
-                    self.session['user_data'] = str(user_data.id)
-            update_juggernaut(self,
-                              user_id=self.user.id,
-                              service_name="conversion",
-                              conversion_pages=self.juggernaut_pages_deduction,
-                              associated_project=self.original_script_object,
-                              translation_language=self.language_set)
-            self.original_script_object.is_juggernaut_used = True
-            # if script_original.languages_juggernaut != "":
-            #     # script_original.languages_juggernaut = str(script_original.languages_juggernaut) + "," + str(
-            #     #     script_translated.dial_dest_language)
-            # else:
-            # script_original.languages_juggernaut = str(script_translated.dial_dest_language)
-            self.original_script_object.save()
+                        self.session['user_data'] = str(user_data.id)
+                update_juggernaut(self,
+                                user_id=self.user.id,
+                                service_name="conversion",
+                                conversion_pages=self.juggernaut_pages_deduction,
+                                associated_project=self.original_script_object,
+                                translation_language=self.language_set)
+                self.original_script_object.is_juggernaut_used = True
+                # if script_original.languages_juggernaut != "":
+                #     # script_original.languages_juggernaut = str(script_original.languages_juggernaut) + "," + str(
+                #     #     script_translated.dial_dest_language)
+                # else:
+                # script_original.languages_juggernaut = str(script_translated.dial_dest_language)
+                self.original_script_object.save()
+        except Exception as e:
+            print("Error in juggernaut updation is",e)
         """Juggernaut Payment Updation Done"""
diff --git a/kitchen_counter/lpp/templates/lpp/blockchainCertificate.html b/kitchen_counter/lpp/templates/lpp/blockchainCertificate.html
index 712cba4..2e94bb6 100755
--- a/kitchen_counter/lpp/templates/lpp/blockchainCertificate.html
+++ b/kitchen_counter/lpp/templates/lpp/blockchainCertificate.html
@@ -15,14 +15,14 @@
    <body style="margin: 0; padding: 0; box-sizing: border-box; font-family: 'Poppins', sans-serif;font-size: 16px;">
        <div style="max-width: 90vw; box-shadow: 0px 4px 27px 0px #00000040; margin: 16px auto;">
-           <img src="/home/mnfidea/mnf/MNF/app/static/media/HeaderImageCertificate.png" style="width: 100%;">
+           <img src="/home/ubuntu/Conversion_Kitchen_Code/kitchen_counter/media/HeaderImageCertificate.png" style="width: 100%;">
            <table style="border-collapse: collapse;
            display: flex;
            justify-content: center;
            margin: 0px 0 50px 0px">
                    <td rowspan="4" style="text-align: center;">
-                       <img src="/home/mnfidea/mnf/MNF/app/static/media/verticalLineGolden.png" alt="v-line" style="height: 300px;
+                       <img src="/home/ubuntu/Conversion_Kitchen_Code/kitchen_counter/media/verticalLineGolden.png" alt="v-line" style="height: 300px;
                        width: 30px; 
                        position: relative;
                        top: -70px; padding: 0 20px;">
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
                    <td rowspan="4" style="text-align: center;">
-                       <img src="/home/mnfidea/mnf/MNF/app/static/media/verticalLineGolden.png" alt="v-line" style="height: 300px;
+                       <img src="/home/ubuntu/Conversion_Kitchen_Code/kitchen_counter/media/verticalLineGolden.png" alt="v-line" style="height: 300px;
                        width: 30px; 
                        position: relative;
                        top: 70px; padding: 0 20px;">
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@
                    <td style="padding-left: 90px ; display: flex; justify-content: space-evenly;">
                        <div style="margin-left: -100px;">
-                           <img src="/home/mnfidea/mnf/MNF/app/static/media/DoogleFilm.png" alt="doodle" style="width: 144.7px;
+                           <img src="/home/ubuntu/Conversion_Kitchen_Code/kitchen_counter/media/DoogleFilm.png" alt="doodle" style="width: 144.7px;
                            height: 121.06px;">