Hi {{user}},
{{sender}} is of the opinion that www.mynextfilm.com offers filmmaking related services which will be of immense value to you.
{{sender}} wants you to join MNF and test these services.
Signing up at mynextfilm.com is free.
At mynextfilm.com, you will experience how unbelievably easy it is to pull your film related future into the present.
To your pleasant surprises, gradually you will discover that every aspect of filmmaking has actually become so simple - Be it writing an script,
translating an script into several languages of your choice, narrating a script, conceiving a film project as per your budget and taste,
Gathering the best possible team of filmmakers, searching and selecting the locations, hiring the cast and Crew, scheduling the Pre-production,
Production and Post-production activities, exhibit the film etc.
You are also invited to get an invitation for Rendezvous (Gathering of scriptwriters)
IMPORTANT: For ease of communication join the WhatsApp group
Team MyNextFilm