- on change max rows select options fade out all rows gt option value mx = 5
- append pagination list as per numbers of rows / max rows option (20row/5= 4pages )
- each pagination li on click -> fade out all tr gt max rows * li num and (5*pagenum 2 = 10 rows)
- fade out all tr lt max rows * li num - max rows ((5*pagenum 2 = 10) - 5)
- fade in all tr between (maxRows*PageNum) and (maxRows*pageNum)- MaxRows
function getPagination(table) {
var lastPage = 1;
.on('change', function(evt) {
//$('.paginationprev').html(''); // reset pagination
lastPage = 1;
.slice(1, -1)
var trnum = 0; // reset tr counter
var maxRows = parseInt($(this).val()); // get Max Rows from select option
if (maxRows == 5000) {
} else {
var totalRows = $(table + ' tbody tr').length; // numbers of rows
$(table + ' tr:gt(0)').each(function() {
// each TR in table and not the header
trnum++; // Start Counter
if (trnum > maxRows) {
// if tr number gt maxRows
$(this).hide(); // fade it out
if (trnum <= maxRows) {
} // else fade in Important in case if it ..
}); // was fade out to fade it in
if (totalRows > maxRows) {
// if tr total rows gt max rows option
var pagenum = Math.ceil(totalRows / maxRows); // ceil total(rows/maxrows) to get ..
// numbers of pages
for (var i = 1; i <= pagenum;) {
// for each page append pagination li
$('.pagination #prev')
' +
i++ +
} // end for i
} // end if row count > max rows
$('.pagination [data-page="1"]').addClass('active'); // add active class to the first li
$('.pagination li').on('click', function(evt) {
// on click each page
var pageNum = $(this).attr('data-page'); // get it's number
var maxRows = parseInt($('#maxRows').val()); // get Max Rows from select option
if (pageNum == 'prev') {
if (lastPage == 1) {
pageNum = --lastPage;
if (pageNum == 'next') {
if (lastPage == $('.pagination li').length - 2) {
pageNum = ++lastPage;
lastPage = pageNum;
var trIndex = 0; // reset tr counter
$('.pagination li').removeClass('active'); // remove active class from all li
$('.pagination [data-page="' + lastPage + '"]').addClass('active'); // add active class to the clicked
// $(this).addClass('active'); // add active class to the clicked
$(table + ' tr:gt(0)').each(function() {
// each tr in table not the header
trIndex++; // tr index counter
// if tr index gt maxRows*pageNum or lt maxRows*pageNum-maxRows fade if out
if (
trIndex > maxRows * pageNum ||
trIndex <= maxRows * pageNum - maxRows
) {
} else {
} //else fade in
}); // end of for each tr in table
}); // end of on click pagination list
// end of on select change
function limitPagging() {
// alert($('.pagination li').length)
if ($('.pagination li').length > 7) {
if ($('.pagination').attr('data-page') <= 3) {
$('.pagination li:gt(5)').hide();
$('.pagination li:lt(5)').show();
$('.pagination [data-page="next"]').show();
if ($('.pagination').attr('data-page') > 3) {
$('.pagination li:gt(0)').hide();
$('.pagination [data-page="next"]').show();
for (let i = (parseInt($('.pagination').attr('data-page')) - 2); i <= (parseInt($('.pagination').attr('data-page')) + 2); i++) {
$('.pagination [data-page="' + i + '"]').show();
$(function() {
// Just to append id number for each row
$('table tr:eq(0)').prepend(' ID | ');
var id = 0;
$('table tr:gt(0)').each(function() {
$(this).prepend('' + id + ' | ');
// Developed By Yasser Mas