from django.core import exceptions as django_exception
from celery import exceptions as celery_exceptions

class ScriptAuditException(Exception):
	A base Exception class for NeturalAudit.
	def __init__(self, error_msg=None) -> None:


class ScriptAuditTaskException(ScriptAuditException):
	A base Exception class for NeturalAudit Task.

	def __init__(self, error_msg) -> None:
		if not error_msg:
			error_msg = "Some error occured during execution!"


class ScriptIdNotFound(ScriptAuditException):
	Raised when script_id is not provided.

	def __init__(self) -> None:
			"script_id must be provided as keyword-argument in delay."

class AlreadyAudited(ScriptAuditTaskException):
	Raised when script is already audited.

	def __init__(self, script_id) -> None:
		super().__init__(f"Script {script_id} Already exists and is Audited... ")

class AlreadyRunning(ScriptAuditTaskException):
	Raised when audit for given scrpit is already running.

	def __init__(self, script_id) -> None:
		super().__init__(f"Audit is already Running for Script {script_id}")

class ScriptDoesNotExist(
	ScriptAuditException, django_exception.ObjectDoesNotExist
	Raised when object of script_model is not found in MNFScriptDatabase_2.

	def __init__(self, script_id) -> None:
			f"Script with script_id : {script_id} does not exists."

class ScriptAuditModelDoesNotExist(
	ScriptAuditTaskException, django_exception.ObjectDoesNotExist
	Raised when object of Script Audit Model is not found in MNFScriptDatabase_2.

	def __init__(self, celery_id) -> None:
			f"Script Audit Model with celery_id : {celery_id} does not exists."

class TimeLimitExeded(
	Raised when Softtime limit exceeds. This exception is raised to give the task a chance to clean up.
	def __init__(self, soft_time_limit : int) -> None:
			f"Time limit of {soft_time_limit}sec exeded."

class IllegalFiletype(ScriptAuditTaskException, django_exception.ObjectDoesNotExist):
    Raise whien specified file type is not allowed.

    def __init__(self, file_type: str, valid_types: tuple) -> None:
        err_msg: str = f"Provide file type `{file_type}` is not supported. Valid types are {', ' .join(valid_types)}"