{% extends "mnfapp/base.html" %} {% load static %} {% load i18n %} {% block content %}
You may access it by pasting your private key (Sent to you via email) in the box below.
MNF doesn't store your Blockchain private key
Your Assets are
Secured by blockchain.
MNF has no access to Them.
Uploaded On : {{ k.created_on }}
Screenplay in {% trans k.screenplay_language %}
Dialogues in {% trans k.dialogue_language|slice:":20" %}
Pages {% trans k.page_number %}
Uploaded On : {{ k.created_on }}
Screenplay in {Language/Script}
Dialogues in {Language/Script}
Pages {110}
Uploaded On : {{ k.created_on }}
Screenplay in {Language/Script}
Dialogues in {Language/Script}
Pages {110}
Your script is in progress.
Please wait.We will notify you when it's complete.
For some reason the Screenplay could not be completed
We will investigate it and revert to you.
P.S. - if you uploaded your script for Audit and are not yet seeing the Audited
had some difficulty in uploading your script, please"
contact us.