{% extends "mnfapp/base.html" %} {% load static %} {% load i18n %} {% block content %} Document
{% if user.is_authenticated %} {% if i %}
conversion doodle
conversion doodle

My Audited Scripts

conversion video Your Assets are Secured by blockchain. MNF has no access to Them.

{% for k in i %}
{{k.author }}
{% if k.iscomplete == "S" %}

Uploaded On : {{ k.created_on }}

Screenplay in {% trans k.screenplay_language %}

Dialogues in {% trans k.dialogue_language|slice:":20" %}

Pages {% trans k.page_number %}

{% endif %} {% if k.iscomplete == "F" %}

Uploaded On : {{ k.created_on }}

Screenplay in {Language/Script}

Dialogues in {Language/Script}

Pages {110}

{% endif %} {% if k.iscomplete == "R" %}

Uploaded On : {{ k.created_on }}

Screenplay in {Language/Script}

Dialogues in {Language/Script}

Pages {110}

{% endif %}
{% if k.iscomplete == "S" %} {% elif k.iscomplete == "R" %} {% elif k.iscomplete == "F" %} {% endif%}
{% if k.iscomplete == "R" %}

Your script is in progress.

Please wait.We will notify you when it's complete.

{% endif %} {% if k.iscomplete == "F" %}

For some reason the Screenplay could not be completed

We will investigate it and revert to you.

{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% else %}

My Audited Scripts

Oops! You are yet to Audit your first script!!

P.S. - if you uploaded your script for Audit and are not yet seeing the Audited script OR
had some difficulty in uploading your script, please" contact us.

{% endif %} {% endif %}
{% endblock content %}