from django.core.mail import EmailMultiAlternatives from django.utils.html import strip_tags from django.template.loader import render_to_string from django.conf import settings from MNF.settings import BasePath from django.core.mail import send_mail , get_connection from payment.models import privilegedUser1 from django.contrib.auth.models import User from viewerLounge.models import VideoIntroduction, LifeMemberForm from lpp.models import MNFLPPDDatabase from harkat.models import HarkatClubDatabase from relationshipmanager.models import RMDatabase from mnfapp.models import centralDatabase import os from threading import Thread import pandas as pd def poster(user): try: if not centralDatabase.objects.get(user_id=user).isWhatsappJoined: return '1' elif not centralDatabase.objects.get(user_id=user).isNewsLetterSubscribed: return '2' elif not VideoIntroduction.objects.filter(user=user).exists(): return '3' elif not MNFLPPDDatabase.objects.filter(user_id=user).exists(): return '4' elif not HarkatClubDatabase.objects.filter(user_id=user).exists(): return '5' elif not privilegedUser1.objects.filter(user=user).exists(): return '6' elif not RMDatabase.objects.filter(user_id=user).exists(): return '7' elif not centralDatabase.objects.get(user_id=user).isTelegramJoined: return '8' elif not LifeMemberForm.objects.get(user=user).exists(): return '9' elif LifeMemberForm.objects.filter(user=user, showreel__isnull=True).exists(): return '10' else: return '11' except Exception as e: print("manoj34541") print(e) return '11' def mnfnsendemail(whomtosend, titleofmail, email_template, context, from_email=settings.EMAIL_HOST_USER): # old style of sending multiple emails by manoj. # subject = str(titleofmail) # # from_email = settings.EMAIL_HOST_USER # to = whomtosend # basepath = BasePath() # html_content = render_to_string( # rf"{basepath}/{email_template}", # context, # ) # render with dynamic value # # Strip the html tag. So people can see the pure text at least. # text_content = strip_tags(html_content) # # create the email, and attach the HTML version as well. # msg = EmailMultiAlternatives(subject, text_content, from_email, [to]) # msg.attach_alternative(html_content, "text/html") # msg.send() # new mail logic by manoj print("manoj28") basepath = BasePath() msg_html = render_to_string(rf"{basepath}/{email_template}", context) if type(whomtosend) == list or type(whomtosend) == tuple: pass else: whomtosend = [whomtosend] send_mail( str(titleofmail), 'MNF', from_email, whomtosend, html_message=msg_html, fail_silently=False, ) return True # Himanshu's auto email code # def send mail(params): # mailing ----- # run_mail(params): # thread(send mail, args (params,)) def sendemail(to_email,email_code): #now to email is taken as a list of emails # t = Thread(target=mailer,args=(to_email,email_code)) # t.start() pass ''' class EmailThread(Thread): def __init__(self, sender_email, password, host, port, subject, title, message, email_to): self.sender_email = sender_email self.password = password self.port = port = host self.subject = subject self.title = title self.message = message self.email_to = email_to Thread.__init__(self) def run(self): msg_html = render_to_string('email_templete.html', self.message) connection = get_connection(, port=self.port, username=self.sender_email, password=self.password, use_tls=True) send_mail(self.subject, self.title, from_email=self.sender_email, recipient_list=[ self.email_to], fail_silently=False, html_message=msg_html, connection=connection) def mailer(all_email=None, email_code=None): # to_email = ['emails','emails'] # implement all mails code in one thread # start Thread # dont join print("Mail Sending") try: for to_email in all_email: # Using excel file to check which sheets need to fetch with email code. sheet_code_excel = '/home/user/mnf/project/MNF/MNF/email/sheetCodeExcel.xlsx' fileexcel = pd.read_excel(sheet_code_excel) s1 = slice(0, 2) string = email_code[s1] value = fileexcel[fileexcel['sheet code'] == string] if len(value) <= 0: return ('Email code does not match with any sheet ') sheet_name = value.iloc[0, 1] # targeting the excel file with name for details to fetch file_path = "/home/user/mnf/project/MNF/MNF/email/EMAIL Sheet.xlsx" file = pd.read_excel(file_path, sheet_name=sheet_name, header=1) row_data = file[file['Email Code'] == str(email_code)] if len(row_data) <= 0: return 'Email code is not present in any sheet' # removing all nan or None fields with blank string row_data = row_data.fillna('') from_email = row_data.iloc[0, 3] additional_option_code = row_data.iloc[0, 7] # targeting option value with options sheet with code option_file = pd.read_excel( file_path, sheet_name='Common Options', header=1) option_details = option_file[option_file['CODE'] == str( additional_option_code)] if len(option_details) <= 0: return 'options code does not match with sheet options code' # targeting poster sheet with priority code for poster url poster_file = pd.read_excel( file_path, sheet_name='poster', header=1) postercode = poster(user=to_email) if postercode == 0: return 'user has not any priority to send poster' poster_url = poster_file[poster_file['Poster code'] == str( postercode)] posterurl = poster_url.iloc[0, 2] # poster_details = poster_file[poster_file['Poster code']==str(poster_code)] # split title with / title = row_data.iloc[0, 5].split('/') # Using dict to store all value which html template needs to send details in email message = {'subject': row_data.iloc[0, 4], 'title1': title[0], 'title2': title[1], 'invitation': row_data.iloc[0, 4], 'additional': option_details.iloc[0, 2], 'poster': posterurl, } print('done') # passing details in html template msg_html = render_to_string('email_templete.html', message) # getting details of email which should use as sender email id try: excel_file = "/home/user/mnf/project/MNF/MNF/email/Email Credentials.xlsx" details = pd.read_excel(excel_file) email_data = details[details['email'] == str(from_email)] host = email_data.iloc[0, 1] port = int(email_data.iloc[0, 2]) # password = emails_creadentials.objects.get(email=from_email) #to get password of sender email is getting from emails_creadentials except Exception as e: return str(e) EmailThread(sender_email=from_email, password=password.password, port=port, host=host, subject=message['subject'], title=title[1], message=message, email_to=to_email).start() print('done') except Exception as e: return str(e) return 'Email sent successfull' '''