import math from random import * from users.models import ReferUser from django.shortcuts import redirect from django.shortcuts import render from pathlib import Path from django.contrib.auth.models import User from import FileSystemStorage import os from decimal import Decimal import simplejson as json from django.conf import settings from django.shortcuts import render from .utils import render_to_pdf, convert_html_to_pdf from django.http import HttpResponse, JsonResponse from subtitle.models import Subtitling from django.urls import reverse from django.utils.dateparse import parse_date from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required from django.core.mail import EmailMultiAlternatives from django.utils.html import strip_tags from datetime import datetime, timedelta from datetime import date from django.contrib import messages from django.template.loader import render_to_string from django.template.loader import get_template from .LPP.selected_or_not_selected import selected_or_not_selected from .models import MNFLPPDDatabase, LPPTASKDatabase from subtitle.code.burn import hardburn, overlay from conversion.models import pptconversion from django.core.mail import EmailMessage from django.conf import settings from users.models import ReferUser import pandas as pd from django.db.models import Q import threading from MNF.settings import BasePath, COUNTRY_KEY, EMAIL_HOST_USER import subprocess # from mnfapp.views import base from users.models import UserCredentialsForBlockchain from Blockchain2.decryption import decryptionOfPrivate, decryptionOfUrl, download_file_System from Blockchain2.DataStorage import uploadDataToIPFSNode from Blockchain2.PPTConversion import UploadPPTConversionData,getPPTConversion,getUserprojectIds,deletePPTConversion from Blockchain2.blockchainsetting import OWNER_KEY from subtitling.views import lppupload from MNF.settings import BasePath, MEDIA_ROOT, COUNTRY_KEY from forex_python.converter import CurrencyRates import stripe import razorpay import docx from docx.shared import Inches, Cm, Pt import pdfkit from blockchain.submitIPFS import upload_to_ipfs, upload_multiFile_to_ipfs import time from users.models import * from mnfapp.models import centralDatabase from users.models import Wallet from django.core import serializers from django.utils import timezone import json # from subtitling3.utils import completed from subtitling3.models import Videoes from subtitling3.code.burn import hardburn, overlay # from Pitchdeck.views import multilingual_render from auto_email.views import sendmail from centralizePayment.views import auto_refund from relationshipmanager.models import RMDatabase from conversion.translation.translation_variables import code_2_language from django.contrib.sites.models import Site domain = Site.objects.get_current().domain stripe.api_key = settings.STRIPE_SECRET_KEY STRIPE_PUB_KEY = settings.STRIPE_PUBLISHABLE_KEY keyID = settings.RAZORPAY_KEY_ID keySecret = settings.RAZORPAY_KEY_SECRET UsdConversionRate = 80 basepath = BasePath() country_list = settings.COUNTRY_LIST languages = code_2_language def time_in_hmsms_format(seconds): milliseconds = int((seconds - int(seconds)) * 1000) seconds = int(seconds) minutes, seconds = divmod(seconds, 60) hours, minutes = divmod(minutes, 60) return f'{hours:02d}:{minutes:02d}:{seconds:02d},{milliseconds:03d}' def convert_json_to_subtitle(json_filename, subtitle_filename): # Open the JSON file and load the content with open(json_filename, 'r') as f: content = json.load(f) # Create an empty string to store the subtitle content subtitle_content = '' # Loop through each subtitle object and format it as an SRT block for subtitle in content: index = subtitle['index'] start = subtitle['start_og'] end = subtitle['end'] text = subtitle['text'] # Convert start and end times to hours:minutes:seconds,milliseconds format start_time = time_in_hmsms_format(start) end_time = time_in_hmsms_format(end) # Add the SRT block to the subtitle content subtitle_content += f'{index}\n{start_time} --> {end_time}\n{text}\n\n' # Write the subtitle content to a file with open(subtitle_filename, 'w') as f: f.write(subtitle_content) def completed(video_obj): # json to srt ---> call here if not video_obj.final_srt: json_path = f"{basepath}/{video_obj.updated_data}" final_srt = video_obj.folder + "/" video_obj.final_srt = final_srt convert_json_to_subtitle(json_path, final_srt) if video_obj.hard: output = hardburn( video_obj.subtitles_id.src_video.path, video_obj.folder, video_obj.final_srt ) output = output.split('/')[5:] video_obj.output = "/".join(output) video_obj.status = "completed" else: if video_obj.create_final: video_list = Videoes.objects.filter( subtitles_id=video_obj.subtitles_id) start_burn = False length_of_list = len(video_list) temp_count = 0 for video in video_list: if video.final_srt: temp_count += 1 if length_of_list == temp_count: start_burn = True print('csdk', start_burn) if start_burn: srt_list = [] for video in video_list: srt_list.append( [video.final_srt, video.tar_languages.language_3_digit] ) final_video = overlay( video_obj.subtitles_id.src_video.path, video.folder, srt_list ) final_video = final_video.split('/')[5:] output = "/".join(final_video) print(final_video) for video in video_list: video.output = output video.status = "completed" else: video_obj.status = "inprogress" else: output = overlay( video_obj.subtitles_id.src_video.path, video_obj.folder, [[video_obj.final_srt, video_obj.tar_languages.language_3_digit]], ) output = output.split('/')[5:] video_obj.output = "/".join(output) video_obj.status = "completed" subtitle_instance = video_obj.subtitles_id subtitle_instance.completed = "Yes" try: mail_sender( "Your subtitling successfully completed!",, video_obj.user.first_name, "S100", "Congratulations! Now you can enjoy your video with subtitles", "Check the subtitled video by clicking on this link:", ) except: pass return def completed_subtitle(video_obj): task_obj = LPPTASKDatabase.objects.get(translated_subtitle=video_obj) task_obj.completiontime_dialogue = if not task_obj.ratingonmachinetranslation_dialogue: task_obj.ratingonmachinetranslation_dialogue = "10" if not task_obj.mistakeperpage_dialogue: task_obj.mistakeperpage_dialogue = "0-1" task_obj.status = "subtitle_completed" print("Saving details in LPP upload") # -> Calling task assigner for invoice and addition of lpp amount into his account task_assigner(task_obj.task_id, task_obj.generated_from) # def convert_subtitle_to_json(srt_filename, output_filename): # try: # with open(srt_filename, "r", encoding="UTF-8") as f: # content = # except UnicodeDecodeError: # with open(srt_filename, "r") as f: # content = # blocks = content.strip().split("\n\n") # subtitles = [] # for block in blocks: # lines = block.strip().split("\n") # index = int(lines[0]) # start, end = lines[1].split(" --> ") # text = " ".join(lines[2:]) # start_sec = sum( # x * float(t) # for x, t in zip([3600, 60, 1, 0.001], start.replace(",", ".").split(":")) # ) # end_sec = sum( # x * float(t) # for x, t in zip([3600, 60, 1, 0.001], end.replace(",", ".").split(":")) # ) # subtitle = { # "index": index, # "start_og": start_sec, # "start": int(start_sec), # "end": int(end_sec), # "end_og": end_sec, # "text": text, # } # subtitles.append(subtitle) # with open(output_filename, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: # json.dump(subtitles, f) # return # # def completed(video_obj): # # json to srt ---> call here # if not video_obj.final_srt: # json_path = f"{basepath}/{video_obj.updated_data}" # final_srt = video_obj.folder + "/" # video_obj.final_srt = final_srt # convert_json_to_subtitle(json_path, final_srt) # # # if video_obj.hard: # output = hardburn( # video_obj.subtitles_id.src_video.path, video_obj.folder, video_obj.final_srt # ) # output = output.split('/')[5:] # video_obj.output = "/".join(output) # video_obj.status = "completed" # # else: # if video_obj.wait_for_others: # video_list = Videoes.objects.filter( # subtitles_id=video_obj.subtitles_id) # # start_burn = False # for video in video_list: # if video.final_srt: # start_burn = True # else: # start_burn = False # # print('csdk', start_burn) # if start_burn: # srt_list = [] # for video in video_list: # srt_list.append( # [video.final_srt, video.tar_languages.language_3_digit] # ) # final_video = overlay( # video_obj.subtitles_id.src_video.path, video.folder, srt_list # ) # # for video in video_list: # final_video = final_video.split('/')[5:] # video.output = "/".join(final_video) # video.status = "completed" # # else: # video_obj.status = "inprogress" # # else: # output = overlay( # video_obj.subtitles_id.src_video.path, # video_obj.folder, # [[video_obj.final_srt, video_obj.tar_languages.language_3_digit]], # ) # output = output.split('/')[5:] # video_obj.output = "/".join(output) # video_obj.status = "completed" # # # return def check_promotion(y): if y.no_task_completed > 49 or y.no_task_completed > 200: if y.level == "Beginner": y.level = "Proficient" elif y.level == "Proficient": y.level = "Expert" elif y.level == "Expert": y.level = "Expert" else: pass def mail_sender(subject, to, name, email_code, heading1, heading2): from_email = EMAIL_HOST_USER context = { "Date":, "Name": name, "emailcode": email_code, "heading1": heading1, "heading2": heading2, } html_content = render_to_string( rf"{basepath}/lpp/templates/lpp/email_templete.html", context, # /home/user/mnf/project/MNF/ideamall/templates/ideamall/email_templete.html ) # render with dynamic value # Strip the html tag. So people can see the pure text at least. text_content = strip_tags(html_content) # create the email, and attach the HTML version as well. msg = EmailMultiAlternatives( subject, text_content, from_email, [to]) msg.attach_alternative(html_content, "text/html") msg.send() print("Message send successfully") return with open(f"{basepath}/MNF/json_keys/conversionRates.json") as c: curr = json.load(c) try: usd_inr_rate = curr["rates"]["INR"] # c = CurrencyRates() # rate = c.get_rate("USD", str(currency.upper())) except Exception as e: print("checkout error", e) usd_inr_rate = 80 def convert_to_pdf(input_docx, out_folder): '''DOCX TO PDF''' p = subprocess.Popen( [ "libreoffice", "--headless", "--convert-to", "pdf", "--outdir", out_folder, input_docx, ] ) print(["--convert-to", "pdf", input_docx]) p.communicate() print("DOCX TO PDF DONE") class sendemail(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, whomtosend, titleofmail, dateofemail, context, EMAIL_HOST_USER): self.whomtosend = whomtosend self.titleofmail = titleofmail self.dateofemail = dateofemail self.context = context self.EMAIL_HOST_USER = EMAIL_HOST_USER threading.Thread.__init__(self) def run(self): print("run self class") subject = str(self.titleofmail) + " " + str(self.dateofemail) + "." from_email = self.EMAIL_HOST_USER to = self.whomtosend html_content = render_to_string( rf"{basepath}/lpp/templates/lpp/email_templete.html", self.context, # /home/user/mnf/project/MNF/ideamall/templates/ideamall/email_templete.html ) # render with dynamic value # Strip the html tag. So people can see the pure text at least. text_content = strip_tags(html_content) # create the email, and attach the HTML version as well. msg = EmailMultiAlternatives(subject, text_content, from_email, [to]) msg.attach_alternative(html_content, "text/html") msg.send() @login_required(login_url="/") def MNFLPP(request): if request.user.is_authenticated: if MNFLPPDDatabase.objects.filter(user_id=request.user).exists(): return render(request, "lpp/alreadyRegister.html", {}) # return multilingual_render(request, "lpp/alreadyRegister.html", {}) if request.method == "POST": start_time = time.time() x = MNFLPPDDatabase() x.user_id = request.user # personal-info x.first_name = request.POST.get("firstName") x.last_name = request.POST.get("lastName") x.lpp_email = request.POST.get("emailId") x.countryCode = request.POST.get("code") = request.POST.get("number") = country_list[str(request.POST.get("country")).upper()] x.province = request.POST.get("state") if request.POST.get("city") == "" or request.POST.get("city") == None: = "N/A" else: = request.POST.get("city") if request.POST.get("motherTongue") != "Others": x.motherTongue = request.POST.get("motherTongue") else: if request.POST.get("othermothertongue") == "" or request.POST.get("othermothertongue") == None: x.motherTongue = "Others" else: x.motherTongue = request.POST.get("othermothertongue") if request.POST.get("fathersMotherToungue") == "": x.fathersMotherTongue = "N/A" else: if request.POST.get("fathersMotherToungue") != "Others": x.fathersMotherTongue = request.POST.get( "fathersMotherToungue") else: if request.POST.get("otherfathertongue") == "" or request.POST.get("otherfathertongue") == None: x.fathersMotherTongue = "Others" else: x.fathersMotherTongue = request.POST.get( "otherfathertongue") if request.POST.get("mothersMotherToungue") == "mother'sMotherToungue": x.mothersMotherTongue = "N/A" else: if request.POST.get("mothersMotherToungue") != "Others": x.mothersMotherTongue = request.POST.get( "mothersMotherToungue") else: if request.POST.get("othertongue") == "" or request.POST.get("othertongue") == None: x.mothersMotherTongue = "Others" else: x.mothersMotherTongue = request.POST.get("othertongue") # I offer myself x.firstLanguage = request.POST.get("firstLanguage") if request.POST.get("motherTounge") == "on": x.choice11 = True if request.POST.get("nativLanguage") == "on": x.choice12 = True if request.POST.get("mediumOfInstruction") == "on": x.choice13 = True if request.POST.get("mediumOfInstructionL1") == "throughout": x.firstLangMedium = "throughout" else: x.firstLangMedium = request.POST.get( "mediumOfInstructionL1") else: x.firstLangMedium = "N/A" # if request.POST.get('mediumOfInstruction'): if request.POST.get("qualifiedInParticularLanguage") == "on": x.choice14 = True x.firstlangDialect = request.POST.getlist("dialect1[]") if request.POST.get("accent1") == "" or request.POST.get("accent1") == None: x.firstlangaccent = "N/A" else: x.firstlangaccent = request.POST.get("accent1") if request.POST.get("accent2") == "" or request.POST.get("accent2") == None: x.secondlangaccent = "N/A" else: x.secondlangaccent = request.POST.get("accent2") x.secondLanguage = request.POST.get("secondLanguage") if request.POST.get("motherTounge1") == "on": x.choice21 = True if request.POST.get("nativLanguage1") == "on": x.choice22 = True if request.POST.get("mediumOfInstruction1") == "on": x.choice23 = True if request.POST.get("mediumOfInstructionL2") == "throughout": x.secondLangMedium = "throughout" else: x.secondLangMedium = request.POST.get( "mediumOfInstructionL2") else: x.secondLangMedium = "N/A" if request.POST.get("qualifiedInParticularLanguage1") == "on": x.choice24 = True x.secondlangDialect = request.POST.getlist("dialect2[]") x.scripts = request.POST.getlist("scripts_known[]") # My relevent qualifications if request.POST.get("firstLangDegree") == "Others": x.firstLangDegree = request.POST.get("degreeAward") elif request.POST.get("firstLangDegree") == "" or request.POST.get("firstLangDegree") == None or request.POST.get("firstLangDegree") == "None": x.firstLangDegree = "Empty" else: x.firstLangDegree = request.POST.get("firstLangDegree") x.firstLangAwardedBy = request.POST.get("firstLangAwardedBy") x.firstLangDegreeFile = request.FILES.get("firstLangDegreeFile") if request.POST.get("secondLangDegree") == "Others": x.secondLangDegree = request.POST.get("awarded") elif request.POST.get("secondLangDegree") == "" or request.POST.get("secondLangDegree") == None or request.POST.get("secondLangDegree") == "None": x.secondLangDegree = "Empty" else: x.secondLangDegree = request.POST.get("secondLangDegree") x.secondLangAwardedBy = request.POST.get("secondLangAwardedBy") x.secondLangDegreeFile = request.FILES.get("secondLangDegreeFile") # Professional certification for translation between L1 & L2 if request.POST.get("certificationL1L2") == "Others": if request.POST.get("certificationL1L22") == "" or request.POST.get("certificationL1L22") == None: x.certificationL1L2 = "Others" else: x.certificationL1L2 = request.POST.get( "certificationL1L22") elif request.POST.get("certificationL1L2") == "nameOfDegree": x.certificationL1L2 = "N/A" else: x.certificationL1L2 = request.POST.get("certificationL1L2") if request.POST.get("certttificationAwardedByL1L2") == "" or request.POST.get("certttificationAwardedByL1L2") == None: x.certttificationAwardedByL1L2 = "N/A" else: x.certttificationAwardedByL1L2 = request.POST.get( "certttificationAwardedByL1L2" ) if request.POST.get("durationCertificationL1L2") == None or request.POST.get("durationCertificationL1L2") == "" or request.POST.get("durationCertificationL1L2") == "nameOfDegree": x.durationCertificationL1L2 = "N/A" else: x.durationCertificationL1L2 = request.POST.get( "durationCertificationL1L2") if request.POST.get("modeCertificationL1L2") == None or request.POST.get("modeCertificationL1L2") == "": x.modeCertificationL1L2 = "N/A" else: x.modeCertificationL1L2 = request.POST.get( "modeCertificationL1L2") try: x.certificationFile = request.FILES["certificationFile"] except: pass # Relevant professional experience if request.POST.get("expFirstLang") == "" or request.POST.get("expFirstLang") == None or request.POST.get("expFirstLang") == "N/A": x.expFirstLang = "N/A" else: x.expFirstLang = request.POST.get("expFirstLang") if request.POST.get("expSecondLang") == "" or request.POST.get("expSecondLang") == None or request.POST.get("expSecondLang") == "N/A": x.expSecondLang = "N/A" else: x.expSecondLang = request.POST.get("expSecondLang") if request.POST.get("scriptWrittenFirstLang") == "" or request.POST.get("scriptWrittenFirstLang") == None or request.POST.get("scriptWrittenFirstLang") == "N/A": x.scriptWrittenFirstLang = "N/A" else: x.scriptWrittenFirstLang = request.POST.get( "scriptWrittenFirstLang") x.scriptWrittenFirstLangLink = request.POST.get( "scriptWrittenFirstLangLink") if request.POST.get("scriptWrittenSecondLang") == "" or request.POST.get("scriptWrittenSecondLang") == None or request.POST.get("scriptWrittenSecondLang") == "N/A": x.scriptWrittenSecondLang = "N/A" else: x.scriptWrittenSecondLang = request.POST.get( "scriptWrittenSecondLang") x.scriptWrittenSecondLangLink = request.POST.get( "scriptWrittenSecondLangLink" ) if request.POST.get("noScriptTransFromL1toL2") == "" or request.POST.get("noScriptTransFromL1toL2") == None or request.POST.get("noScriptTransFromL1toL2") == "N/A": x.noScriptTransFromL1toL2 = "N/A" else: x.noScriptTransFromL1toL2 = request.POST.get( "noScriptTransFromL1toL2") x.noScriptTransFromL1toL2Link = request.POST.get( "noScriptTransFromL1toL2Link" ) if request.POST.get("noScriptTransFromL2toL1") == "" or request.POST.get("noScriptTransFromL2toL1") == None or request.POST.get("noScriptTransFromL2toL1") == "N/A": x.noScriptTransFromL2toL1 = "N/A" else: x.noScriptTransFromL2toL1 = request.POST.get( "noScriptTransFromL2toL1") x.noScriptTransFromL2toL1Link = request.POST.get( "noScriptTransFromL2toL1Link" ) if request.POST.get("noArticleTransFromL1toL2") == "" or request.POST.get("noArticleTransFromL1toL2") == None or request.POST.get("noArticleTransFromL1toL2") == "N/A": x.noArticleTransFromL1toL2 = "N/A" else: x.noArticleTransFromL1toL2 = request.POST.get( "noArticleTransFromL1toL2") x.noArticleTransFromL1toL2Link = request.POST.get( "noArticleTransFromL1toL2Link" ) if request.POST.get("noArticleTransFromL2toL1") == "" or request.POST.get("noArticleTransFromL2toL1") == None or request.POST.get("noArticleTransFromL2toL1") == "N/A": x.noArticleTransFromL2toL1 = "N/A" else: x.noArticleTransFromL2toL1 = request.POST.get( "noArticleTransFromL2toL1") x.noArticleTransFromL2toL1Link = request.POST.get( "noArticleTransFromL2toL1Link" ) result, score = selected_or_not_selected( # personal-info x.province, # not used x.motherTongue, x.fathersMotherTongue, x.mothersMotherTongue, # I offer myself x.firstLanguage, x.choice11, x.choice12, x.choice13, x.firstLangMedium, x.choice14, # x.firstlangDialect, x.secondLanguage, x.choice21, x.choice22, x.choice23, x.secondLangMedium, x.choice24, # x.secondlangDialect, # My relevent qualifications x.firstLangDegree, x.firstLangDegreeFile, x.secondLangDegree, x.secondLangDegreeFile, # Professional certification for translation between L1 & L2 x.certificationL1L2, x.durationCertificationL1L2, x.certificationFile, # Relevant professional experience x.expFirstLang, x.scriptWrittenFirstLang, x.noScriptTransFromL1toL2, x.noArticleTransFromL1toL2, x.expSecondLang, x.scriptWrittenSecondLang, x.noScriptTransFromL2toL1, x.noArticleTransFromL2toL1, ) x.score = score if result == "Selected": x.status = "Shortlisted by Algo" else: # manoj - store data in central database cd = centralDatabase.objects.get(user_id=request.user) cd.firstName = x.first_name cd.lastName = x.last_name = x.lpp_email cd.countryCode = x.countryCode = = cd.state = x.province = cd.language = x.motherTongue cd.lpp = True return render(request, "lpp/rejectlpp.html") # return multilingual_render(request, "lpp/rejectlpp.html", {}) # if ( # MNFLPPDDatabase.objects.filter(firstLanguage=x.firstLanguage) # .filter(secondLanguage=x.secondLanguage) # .exists() # ): # var1 = MNFLPPDDatabase.objects.filter( # firstLanguage=x.firstLanguage # ).filter(secondLanguage=x.secondLanguage) # l1 = [] # for i in var1: # l1.append(i.score) # minVal = min(l1) # if x.score <= minVal: # x.status = "Rejected" # else: # x.status = "Shortlisted by Algo" # else: # x.status = "Shortlisted by Algo" # manoj - store data in central database cd = centralDatabase.objects.get(user_id=request.user) cd.firstName = x.first_name cd.lastName = x.last_name = x.lpp_email cd.countryCode = x.countryCode = = cd.state = x.province = cd.language = x.motherTongue # template = get_template("lpp/nda.html") # context = { # "source_lang": x.firstLanguage, # "target_lang": x.secondLanguage, # "name": x.first_name, # "status": "Shortlisted by Algo", # "user": request.user, # } # html = template.render(context) # pdf = render_to_pdf("lpp/nda.html", context) # # response = HttpResponse(pdf, content_type="application/pdf") # # Send Email # # subject = "Congratulations your application is considered for review!" # from_email = settings.EMAIL_HOST_USER # to = x.lpp_email # context = { # "Date":, # "Name": x.first_name, # "emailcode": "LPP1", # "heading1": " Kindly Upload signed NDA ", # "heading2": " Attached with this Email ", # } # html_content = render_to_string( # rf"{basepath}/lpp/templates/lpp/email_templete.html", # context, # /home/user/mnf/project/MNF/ideamall/templates/ideamall/email_templete.html # ) # render with dynamic value # # Strip the html tag. So people can see the pure text at least. # text_content = strip_tags(html_content) # # create the email, and attach the HTML version as well. # msg = EmailMultiAlternatives( # subject, text_content, from_email, [to]) # msg.attach_alternative(html_content, "text/html") # msg.attach_file( # rf"/{basepath}/media/PdfFiles/MNF-NDA.pdf") # msg.send() to = x.lpp_email key_value = { "User": request.user.username } sendmail(to_email=[to], email_code="ID2", key_value=key_value, filePath=rf"/{basepath}/media/PdfFiles/MNF-NDA.pdf") # -> Code to alert User about certificates he filled info for but didn't uploaded certificates = {"firstLangDegree":[x.firstLangDegree,x.firstLangDegreeFile, rf"{x.firstLangDegree} for Highest Qualification of {x.firstLanguage} Language" ], "secondLangDegree":[x.secondLangDegree , x.secondLangDegreeFile,rf"{x.secondLangDegree} for Highest Qualification of {x.secondLanguage} Language" ], "LanguageTranslationCertificate":[x.certificationL1L2, x.certificationFile,rf"{x.certificationL1L2} for Professional certification of {x.firstLanguage} and {x.secondLanguage} Language" ]} files_to_be_requested = [] for key in certificates.keys(): if certificates[key][0] != "N/A" and certificates[key][0] != "" and certificates[key][0] != "Empty" and certificates[key][0] != None and certificates[key][0] != "None": if str((certificates[key][1]).name) == "" or str((certificates[key][1]).name) == "N/A" or str((certificates[key][1]).name) == None or str((certificates[key][1]).name) == "None": files_to_be_requested.append(certificates[key][2]) # ALert to LPP about his registration if len(files_to_be_requested) != 0: to = x.lpp_email key_value = { "User": x.user_id.username, "certificate name": str("\t".join(files_to_be_requested)), "link": rf"{x.lpp_id}/view" } sendmail(to_email=[to], email_code="ID23", key_value=key_value) # Alert to Admin for new registration to = settings.EMAIL_HOST_USER key_value = { "User": "Admin", "score": x.score } sendmail(to_email=[to], email_code="ID3", key_value=key_value) # context = { # "Date":, # "Name": x.first_name, # "emailcode": "LPP1", # "heading1": " Kindly Upload these Files using LPP Details LHm Option", # "heading2": str("\t".join(files_to_be_requested)), # } # html_content = render_to_string( # rf"{basepath}/lpp/templates/lpp/email_templete.html", # context, # /home/user/mnf/project/MNF/ideamall/templates/ideamall/email_templete.html # ) # render with dynamic value # # Strip the html tag. So people can see the pure text at least. # text_content = strip_tags(html_content) # subject = "kindly upload these files" # msg = EmailMultiAlternatives( # subject, text_content, settings.EMAIL_HOST_USER, [x.lpp_email]) # msg.attach_alternative(html_content, "text/html") # msg.send() end_time = time.time() print("time taken lpp registration->",end_time-start_time) return render(request, "lpp/thankslpp.html") # return multilingual_render(request, "lpp/thankslpp.html", {}) else: context = {"key": COUNTRY_KEY, 'cd': centralDatabase.objects.get(user_id=request.user)} return render(request, "lpp/lppreg.html", context) # return multilingual_render(request, "lpp/lppreg.html", context) else: context = {"key": COUNTRY_KEY, 'cd': centralDatabase.objects.get(user_id=request.user)} return render(request, "lpp/lppreg.html", context) # return multilingual_render(request, "lpp/lppreg.html", context) def lppdelete(request, id): lpp = MNFLPPDDatabase.objects.get(lpp_id=id) to = lpp.lpp_email key_value = { "User": lpp.user_id.username, } sendmail(to_email=[to], email_code="ID19", key_value=key_value) x = MNFLPPDDatabase.objects.get(lpp_id=id).delete() return redirect("/lpp/adminpanel/") def datascriptslpp(request): df = pd.read_csv(rf"{basepath}/lpp/scripts.csv", encoding='ISO-8859-1') lang1 = request.POST.get("firstlang") lang2 = request.POST.get("secondlang") list1_d = df.loc[df[lang1] == "D", "Script"].tolist() list1_y = df.loc[df[lang1] == "Y", "Script"].tolist() list1_dy = list1_d + list1_y list2_d = df.loc[df[lang2] == "D", "Script"].tolist() list2_y = df.loc[df[lang2] == "Y", "Script"].tolist() list2_dy = list2_d + list2_y final_list = list(set(list1_dy + list2_dy)) return JsonResponse({"data": final_list}) def datadilectlpp(request): # df = pd.read_csv(rf"{basepath}/lpp/scripts.csv") lang = request.POST.get("lang") dialects = { 'Afrikaans': ['Cape Afrikaans', 'Orange River Afrikaans', 'Eastern Border Afrikaans', 'Namibian Afrikaans'], 'Albanian': ['Gheg Albanian', 'Tosk Albanian', 'Arbëresh'], 'Amharic': ['Standard Amharic', 'Shewa Amharic', 'Gojjam Amharic', 'Gondar Amharic', 'Wollo Amharic', 'Tigray Amharic'], 'Arabic': ['Egyptian Arabic', 'Levantine Arabic', 'Gulf Arabic', 'Moroccan Arabic', 'Algerian Arabic', 'Tunisian Arabic', 'Sudanese Arabic', 'Yemeni Arabic'], 'Armenian': ['Eastern Armenian', 'Western Armenian', 'Grabar', 'Karabakh Armenian', 'Cilician Armenian'], 'Azerbaijani ': ['North Azerbaijani', 'South Azerbaijani', 'Northwestern Azerbaijani', 'Southwestern Azerbaijani', 'Eastern Azerbaijani', 'Western Azerbaijani'], 'Basque': ['Bizkaian', 'Gipuzkoan', 'High Navarrese', 'Low Navarrese', 'Lapurdian', 'Zuberoan'], 'Belarusian': ['Central Belarusian', 'Northwest Belarusian', 'South Belarusian', 'West Palesian'], 'Bengali': ['Standard Bengali', 'Chittagonian', 'Dhakaiya Bengali', 'Sylheti', 'Rajbanshi'], 'Bosnian': ['Shtokavian dialect (Ikavian)', 'Shtokavian dialect (Ijekavian)', 'Shtokavian dialect (Ekavian)', 'Chakavian dialect', 'Kajkavian dialect'], 'Bulgarian': ['Western Bulgarian', 'Northern Bulgarian', 'Eastern Bulgarian', 'Rup dialect', 'Rhodope dialect', 'Pirin dialect', 'Macedonian dialect', 'Banat Bulgarian'], 'Catalan': ['Central Catalan', 'Northern Catalan', 'Western Catalan', 'Balearic Catalan', 'Valencian Catalan', 'Alguerese Catalan'], 'Cebuano': ['Standard Cebuano', 'Cebu City Cebuano', 'Boholano Cebuano', 'Mindanao Cebuano', 'Leyte Cebuano', 'Surigaonon', 'Agusanon', 'Camotes Cebuano'], 'Chinese-Simplified': ['Mandarin', 'Cantonese', 'Shanghainese', 'Hokkien (Min Nan)', 'Hakka', 'Wu (Shanghainese)', 'Yue (Cantonese)', 'Gan', 'Pinghua'], 'Chinese-Traditional': ['Mandarin', 'Cantonese', 'Shanghainese', 'Hokkien (Min Nan)', 'Hakka', 'Wu (Shanghainese)', 'Yue (Cantonese)', 'Gan', 'Pinghua'], 'Corsican': ['Northern Corsican', 'Southern Corsican', 'Sartenais', 'Gallurese Corsican', 'Bonifacian Corsican'], 'Croatian': ['Kajkavian dialect', 'Chakavian dialect', 'Shtokavian dialect (Ikavian)', 'Shtokavian dialect (Ijekavian)', 'Shtokavian dialect (Ekavian)', 'Burgenland Croatian', 'Molise Croatian'], 'Czech': ['Central Bohemian dialect', 'Eastern Bohemian dialect', 'Western Bohemian dialect', 'Moravian dialect', 'Silesian dialect'], 'Danish': ['Standard Danish', 'Jutlandic dialect', 'Funen dialect', 'Zealandic dialect', 'Bornholmian dialect'], 'Dutch': ['Flemish', 'Brabantian', 'Limburgish', 'Zeelandic', 'Gronings', 'Frisian Dutch', 'Achterhoeks', 'Twents', 'Hollandic', 'South Guelderish', 'East Flemish'], 'English': ['British English', 'American English', 'Australian English', 'Canadian English', 'Indian English', 'South African English', 'New Zealand English', 'Irish English', 'Scottish English', 'Caribbean English', 'Nigerian English'], 'Esperanto': ['European Esperanto', 'Asian Esperanto', 'American Esperanto', 'African Esperanto', 'Australian Esperanto'], 'Estonian': ['North Estonian dialect', 'South Estonian dialect', 'Mulgi dialect', 'Seto dialect', 'Võro dialect'], 'Finnish': ['Southern Finnish dialect', 'Western Finnish dialect', 'Eastern Finnish dialect', 'Northern Finnish dialect', 'Karelian dialect', 'Inari Sami dialect', 'Skolt Sami dialect'], 'French': ['Metropolitan French', 'Quebec French', 'Acadian French', 'Cajun French', 'African French Variants (e.g., Senegalese, Ivorian, etc.)', 'Caribbean French (e.g., Haitian Creole)', 'Louisiana Creole French'], 'Frisian': ['West Frisian', 'North Frisian', 'Saterland Frisian'], 'Galician': ['Western Galician', 'Eastern Galician', 'Fala (Leonese-Galician dialect)'], 'Georgian': ['Kartvelian (Standard Georgian)', 'Mingrelian', 'Laz', 'Svan', 'Megruli', 'Imeretian', 'Rachan', 'Lechkhumian', 'Guria', 'Adjarian', 'Imerkhevian', 'Racha-Lechkhumian'], 'German': ['Standard High German (Hochdeutsch)', 'Bavarian German', 'Austrian German', 'Swiss German', 'Low German (Plattdeutsch)', 'Luxembourgish German', 'Pennsylvania Dutch (Amish German)'], 'Greek': ['Standard Greek (Katharevousa)', 'Demotic Greek (Modern Greek)', 'Cypriot Greek', 'Pontic Greek', 'Cappadocian Greek', 'Tsakonian', 'Maniot Greek'], 'Gujrati': ['Standard Gujarati', 'Surti Gujarati', 'Kathiawadi Gujarati', 'Kutchi Gujarati', 'Charotari Gujarati', 'Parsi Gujarati'], 'Haitian Creole': ['Standard Haitian Creole (Kreyòl Ayisyen)', 'Northwest Haitian Creole', 'Southern Haitian Creole', 'Eastern Haitian Creole', 'Central Haitian Creole', 'Jérémien (spoken in Jérémie)'], 'Hausa': ['Standard Hausa', 'Kano Hausa', 'Katsina Hausa', 'Sokoto Hausa', 'Zaria Hausa', 'Gobir Hausa', 'Kebbi Hausa', 'Bauchi Hausa'], 'Hawaiian': ['Standard Hawaiian', 'Pidgin Hawaiian', 'Hawaiian Creole English (HCE)'], 'Hebrew': ['Standard Hebrew', 'Mizrahi Hebrew', 'Sephardic Hebrew', 'Ashkenazi Hebrew', 'Yemenite Hebrew'], 'Hindi': ['Standard Hindi', 'Braj Bhasha', 'Awadhi', 'Bhojpuri', 'Haryanvi', 'Rajasthani', 'Magahi', 'Maithili', 'Chhattisgarhi', 'Khariboli', 'Kumaoni', 'Garhwali', 'Khari Boli', 'Bundeli', 'Kannauji', 'Marwari', 'Hindustani', 'Eastern Hindi', 'Western Hindi', 'Central Hindi', 'Pahari'], 'Hmong': ['White Hmong (Hmoob Dawb)', 'Green Hmong (Hmoob Leeg)', 'Blue Hmong (Hmoob Ntsuab)', 'Chuanqiandian (Western Hmong)'], 'Hungarian': ['Standard Hungarian', 'Northern Hungarian', 'Western Hungarian', 'Eastern Hungarian', 'Southern Hungarian', 'Transylvanian Hungarian', 'Slovak Hungarian', 'Croatian Hungarian', 'Slovenian Hungarian', 'Serbian Hungarian', 'Ukrainian Hungarian', 'Romanian Hungarian'], 'Icelandic': ['Standard Icelandic', 'Western Icelandic', 'Eastern Icelandic', 'Northern Icelandic', 'Southern Icelandic', 'Reykjavík Icelandic'], 'Igbo': ['Standard Igbo (Central Igbo)', 'Ika Igbo', 'Ikwerre Igbo', 'Onitsha Igbo', 'Owerri Igbo', 'Ngwa Igbo', 'Enuani Igbo', 'Nri-Igbo', 'Afikpo Igbo', 'Abiriba Igbo', 'Ohuhu Igbo', 'Aro Igbo', 'Igala Igbo', 'Ekpeye Igbo'], 'Indonesian': ['Standard Indonesian (Bahasa Indonesia)', 'Javanese', 'Sundanese', 'Balinese', 'Minangkabau', 'Acehnese', 'Buginese', 'Makassarese', 'Toraja', 'Batak (Toba, Karo, Mandailing, etc.)', 'Dayak (various dialects)', 'Papuan languages (various)'], 'Irish': ['Munster Irish (Gaeilge na Mumhan)', 'Connacht Irish (Gaeilge Chonnacht)', 'Ulster Irish (Gaeilge Uladh)', 'Leinster Irish (Gaeilge Laighean)', 'Gaeilge Shasana (Irish in England)'], 'Italian': ['Standard Italian (Italiano Standard)', 'Tuscan Italian (Italiano Toscano)', 'Sicilian (Siciliano)', 'Venetian (Veneto)', 'Lombard (Lombardo)', 'Neapolitan (Napoletano)', 'Piedmontese (Piemontese)', 'Emilian-Romagnol (Emiliano-Romagnolo)', 'Calabrian (Calabrese)', 'Sardinian (Sardo)', 'Apulian (Pugliese)', 'Sicilian (Siciliano)', 'Ligurian (Ligure)', 'Umbrian (Umbro)', 'Friulian (Friulano)', 'Sicilian (Siciliano)', 'Sardinian (Sardo)', 'Marchigian (Marchigiano)', 'Abruzzese (Abruzzese)', 'Molisan (Molisano)', 'Campano (Campano)', 'Romanesco (Romanesco)', 'Lazio (Laziale)', 'Umbrian (Umbro)', 'Sabino (Sabino)', 'Aretino (Aretino)', 'Tuscan (Toscano)', 'Luccan (Lucchese)', 'Pisan (Pisano)', 'Sienese (Senese)', 'Corsican (Corsu)', 'Sicilian (Sicilianu)', 'Sardinian (Sardu)', 'Ladin (Ladin)', 'Friulian (Friulano)', 'Mòcheno (Mòcheno)', 'Cimbrian (Cimbro)'], 'Japanese': ['Standard Japanese (Hyojungo)', 'Kansai dialect (Kansai-ben)', 'Kanto dialect (Kanto-ben)', 'Tohoku dialect (Tohoku-ben)', 'Kyushu dialect (Kyushu-ben)', 'Okinawan dialect (Okinawan)', 'Yamagata dialect (Yamagata-ben)', 'Nagoya dialect (Nagoya-ben)', 'Osaka dialect (Osaka-ben)', 'Hiroshima dialect (Hiroshima-ben)', 'Kagoshima dialect (Kagoshima-ben)', 'Kumamoto dialect (Kumamoto-ben)', 'Shikoku dialect (Shikoku-ben)', 'Iwate dialect (Iwate-ben)', 'Akita dialect (Akita-ben)', 'Oita dialect (Oita-ben)', 'Kochi dialect (Kochi-ben)', 'Nagasaki dialect (Nagasaki-ben)', 'Fukui dialect (Fukui-ben)', 'Aomori dialect (Aomori-ben)', 'Yamaguchi dialect (Yamaguchi-ben)', 'Shizuoka dialect (Shizuoka-ben)'], 'Javanese': ['Standard Javanese (Ngoko)', 'High Javanese (Krama)', 'Low Javanese (Madya)', 'Bantenese Javanese', 'Osing Javanese', 'Surinamese Javanese'], 'Kannada': ['Standard Kannada', 'Northern Kannada', 'Southern Kannada', 'Uttara Kannada', 'Havyaka Kannada', 'Malnad Kannada', 'Mangalorean Kannada', 'Gulbarga Kannada', 'Shimoga Kannada', 'Dharwad Kannada', 'Kundagannada', 'Are Bhashe'], 'Kazak': ['Standard Kazakh', 'Southern Kazakh', 'Eastern Kazakh', 'Western Kazakh', 'Northern Kazakh', 'Kazakh spoken in China', 'Kazakh spoken in Mongolia', 'Kazakh spoken in Russia', 'Kazakh spoken in Turkmenistan', 'Kazakh spoken in Uzbekistan', 'Kazakh spoken in Iran'], 'Khmer': ['Standard Khmer', 'Northern Khmer', 'Central Khmer', 'Southern Khmer', 'Khmer Krom (Cambodian Vietnamese)', 'Cardamom Khmer', 'Western Khmer', 'Eastern Khmer'], 'Kinyarwanda': ['Standard Kinyarwanda', 'Northern Kinyarwanda', 'Southern Kinyarwanda', 'Eastern Kinyarwanda', 'Western Kinyarwanda', 'Kinyarwanda spoken in Uganda', 'Kinyarwanda spoken in Tanzania', 'Kinyarwanda spoken in Burundi', 'Kinyarwanda spoken in the Democratic Republic of Congo'], 'Korean': ['Standard Korean (Seoul Korean)', 'Pyongan Korean', 'Hamgyong Korean', 'Hwanghae Korean', 'Gyeonggi Korean', 'Chungcheong Korean', 'Jeolla Korean', 'Gyeongsang Korean', 'Jeju Korean', 'Yanbian Korean (spoken in China)'], 'Kurdish': ['Kurmanji Kurdish', 'Sorani Kurdish', 'Zaza Kurdish', 'Gorani Kurdish', 'Hewrami Kurdish', 'Laki Kurdish', 'Southern Kurdish'], 'Kyrgyz': ['Chuy Kyrgyz', 'Talas Kyrgyz', 'Naryn Kyrgyz', 'Issyk-Kul Kyrgyz', 'Osh Kyrgyz', 'Batken Kyrgyz', 'Zhetisu Kyrgyz', 'Pamir Kyrgyz'], 'Lao': ['Standard Lao', 'Luang Prabang Lao', 'Vientiane Lao', 'Southern Lao', 'Northern Lao', 'Eastern Lao', 'Western Lao', 'Boloven Plateau Lao', 'Hmong-Mien Lao', 'Chinese Lao'], 'Latvian': ['Central Latvian', 'Latgalian (High Latvian)', 'Selonian', 'Semigallian', 'Couronian', 'Kurzeme Latvian', 'Vidzeme Latvian', 'Zemgale Latvian', 'Northern Latvian', 'Eastern Latvian', 'Livonian'], 'Lithuanian': ['Aukštaitian Lithuanian (Highland Lithuanian)', 'Samogitian Lithuanian', 'Dzūkian Lithuanian', 'Suvalkian Lithuanian', 'Klaipėda Lithuanian', 'West Highland Lithuanian', 'East Highland Lithuanian', 'West Dzūkian Lithuanian', 'East Dzūkian Lithuanian'], 'Luxembourgish': ['Standard Luxembourgish', 'Eifel Luxembourgish', 'Moselle Luxembourgish', 'Gutland Luxembourgish', 'Arelerland Luxembourgish'], 'Macedonian': ['Central Macedonian', 'Western Macedonian', 'Eastern Macedonian', 'Northern Macedonian', 'Southern Macedonian', 'Pirin Macedonian', 'Vardar Macedonian', 'Mala Prespa Macedonian', 'Golo Brdo Macedonian', 'Maleševo-Pirin Macedonian'], 'Malagasy': ['Merina Malagasy (Highland Malagasy)', 'Betsimisaraka Malagasy', 'Southern Malagasy', 'Northern Malagasy', 'Western Malagasy', 'Antankarana Malagasy', 'Bara Malagasy', 'Antaisaka Malagasy', 'Antaifasy Malagasy', 'Sakalava Malagasy', 'Tandroy-Mahafaly Malagasy', 'Antanosy Malagasy'], 'Malay': ['Standard Malay (Bahasa Melayu)', 'Peninsular Malay', 'Malaysian Malay', 'Singaporean Malay', 'Bruneian Malay', 'Indonesian Malay (Bahasa Indonesia)', 'Sumatran Malay (Minangkabau)', 'Javanese Malay (Bahasa Jawa)', 'Balinese Malay (Bahasa Bali)', 'Papuan Malay (Bahasa Papua)', 'Bornean Malay (Bahasa Borneo)', 'Ambonese Malay (Bahasa Ambon)', 'Manado Malay (Bahasa Manado)', 'Banjarese Malay (Banjarese)', 'Kelantan-Pattani Malay', 'Riau Malay (Bahasa Riau)', 'Bengkulu Malay (Bahasa Bengkulu)', 'Bangka Malay (Bahasa Bangka)', 'Palembang Malay (Bahasa Palembang)', 'Lampung Malay (Bahasa Lampung)', 'Rejang Malay (Bahasa Rejang)', 'Sri Lankan Malay', 'Cocos Malay (Bahasa Cocos)', 'Christmas Island Malay', 'Papuan Malay (Bahasa Papua)'], 'Malayalam': ['Central Kerala Malayalam', 'Northern Kerala Malayalam', 'Southern Kerala Malayalam', 'Malabar Malayalam', 'Palakkad Malayalam', 'Travancore Malayalam', 'Kasaragod Malayalam', 'Lakshadweep Malayalam', 'Malaysian Malayalam', 'Singaporean Malayalam', 'Gulf Malayalam', 'Sri Lankan Malayalam'], 'Maltese': ['Standard Maltese (Maltese)', 'Northern Maltese', 'Southern Maltese', 'Western Maltese', 'Central Maltese', 'Gozo Maltese'], 'Maori': ["Northland Maori", "Ngāti Porou", "Tuhoe", "Ngāti Maniapoto", "Rapa", "Rapa Iti", "Rapa Motu"], 'Marathi': ["Standard Marathi", "Ahirani", "Kokani", "Varhadi", "Dangi", "Khandeshi", "Deshastha", "Karhade", "Konkani Marathi", "Nagpuri Marathi", "Sangli Konkan", "Junnar Konkan", "Thane Konkan", "Ahmednagar Konkan", "Pune Konkan", "Solapur Konkan"], 'Mayanmar': ["Standard Burmese", "Rakhine", "Mon", "Shan", "Kachin", "Chin", "Karen", "Kayah", "Pa'O", "Intha", "Myeik", "Tavoy", "Moken", "Burmese Sign Language"], 'Mongolian': ["Khalkha Mongolian", "Buryat Mongolian", "Oirat Mongolian", "Kalmyk Mongolian", "Khorchin Mongolian", "Kharchin Mongolian", "Chakhar Mongolian", "Ordos Mongolian", "Inner Mongolian", "Alasha Mongolian", "Daur Mongolian"], 'Nepali': ["Standard Nepali", "Eastern Pahari", "Western Pahari", "Doteli", "Kumaoni", "Darai", "Jumli", "Bajhangi", "Humli", "Sherpa", "Tamang", "Bhutia", "Lepcha", "Gurung", "Limbu", "Newari", "Magar", "Thami", "Chepang", "Rai", "Kusundha", "Bote", "Surel", "Mewahang", "Raute", "Raji", "Yakkha", "Thulung", "Dolpa", "Nawari", "Rokka", "Nepal Bhasa", "Danphe"], 'Norwegian': ["Bokmål (Standard Norwegian)", "Nynorsk", "Northern Norwegian", "Southern Norwegian", "Eastern Norwegian", "Western Norwegian", "Trøndelag", "Nordland", "Troms", "Finnmark", "Telemark", "Agder", "Vestlandet", "Møre og Romsdal", "Trøndelag", "Nordland", "Troms", "Svalbard", "Kven", "Romanian Norwegian", "Scots Norwegian", "Tavringer Norwegian", "Yiddish Norwegian", "Rotwelsch Norwegian", "Traveller Norwegian"], 'Nyanja': ["Chichewa (Standard Nyanja)", "Chinyanja", "Chiyao", "Chisena", "Chindali", "Chitumbuka", "Chimwanja", "Chimaravi", "Chikunda", "Chilambya", "Chingoni", "Chinyakyusa", "Chisukwa", "Chisenga", "Chimanga", "Chimvende", "Chikamanga", "Chikunda", "Chilambya", "Chilomoni", "Chinamwanga"], 'Odia': ["Standard Odia (Standard Oriya)", "Balasore Odia", "Baleswari Odia", "Ganjam Odia", "Sambalpuri Odia", "Kalahandi Odia", "Koraput Odia", "Cuttack Odia", "Phulbani Odia", "Baudh Odia", "Sonepur Odia", "Bolangir Odia", "Nuapada Odia", "Jajpur Odia", "Mayurbhanj Odia", "Kendrapara Odia", "Kendujhar Odia", "Bhadrak Odia", "Puri Odia", "Gajapati Odia", "Nayagarh Odia", "Rayagada Odia", "Kandhamal Odia"], 'Pashto': ["Northern Pashto (Peshawar, Mardan)", "Southern Pashto (Quetta, Kandahar)", "Central Pashto (Kabul, Logar)", "Western Pashto (Herat, Farah)", "Eastern Pashto (Nangarhar, Kunar)", "Yusufzai Pashto", "Wazirwola Pashto", "Kandahari Pashto", "Khosti Pashto", "Ghilji Pashto", "Mangal Khel Pashto", "Tani Pashto", "Durrani Pashto", "Zadran Pashto", "Afridi Pashto", "Shinwari Pashto", "Mashwani Pashto", "Marwat Pashto", "Mahsudi Pashto"], 'Persian': ["Standard Persian (Farsi)", "Tehrani Persian", "Isfahani Persian", "Shirazi Persian", "Kermani Persian", "Yazdi Persian", "Mazandarani Persian", "Gilan Persian", "Taleshi Persian", "Khorasani Persian", "Yazdi Persian", "Larestani Persian", "Bakhtiari Persian", "Luri Persian", "Loristani Persian", "Khuzestani Persian", "Bandari Persian", "Qashqai Persian", "Balochi Persian", "Afghan Persian (Dari)"], 'Polish': ["Standard Polish", "Greater Polish (Wielkopolski)", "Lesser Polish (Małopolski)", "Silesian (Śląski)", "Kashubian (Kaszubski)", "Masovian (Mazowiecki)", "Podlasian (Podlaski)", "Warmian-Masurian (Warmińsko-Mazurski)", "Pomeranian (Pomorski)", "Kuyavian (Kujawski)", "Sandomierzian (Sandomierski)", "Podhale (Podhalański)", "Lemko (Lemkowski)", "Łowicz dialect (Łowicki)", "Kresy dialect (Kresowy)", "Wilamowicean (Wilamowicki)", "Górale (Goralski)", "Kaszuby (Kaszubski)", "Poznań (Poznański)", "Płock (Płocki)", "Kielce (Kielecki)", "Łódź (Łódzki)", "Lublin (Lubelski)", "Rzeszów (Rzeszowski)", "Cracow (Krakowski)", "Warsaw (Warszawski)", "Białystok (Białostocki)", "Olsztyn (Olsztyński)", "Gdańsk (Gdański)", "Toruń (Toruński)", "Bydgoszcz (Bydgoski)", "Szczecin (Szczeciński)", "Wrocław (Wrocławski)", "Opole (Opolski)", "Kołobrzeg (Kołobrzeski)", "Mazurian (Mazurski)"], 'Portugese': ["Standard Portuguese (Português Padrão)", "European Portuguese (Português Europeu)", "Brazilian Portuguese (Português Brasileiro)", "African Portuguese (Português Africano)", "Angolan Portuguese (Português Angolano)", "Mozambican Portuguese (Português Moçambicano)", "Cape Verdean Portuguese (Português Cabo-Verdiano)", "São Tomean Portuguese (Português Santomense)", "Guinea-Bissau Portuguese (Português da Guiné-Bissau)", "East Timorese Portuguese (Português Timorense)", "Goan Portuguese (Konkani)", "Macanese Portuguese (Patuá)", "Daman and Diu Portuguese (Konkani)", "Malabar Portuguese (Malayalam)", "Brazilian Amazon Portuguese (Português da Amazônia)"], 'Punjabi': ["Standard Punjabi (Punjabi)", "Lahnda (Western Punjabi)", "Majhi (Majhi Punjabi)", "Doabi (Doabi Punjabi)", "Malwi (Malwai Punjabi)", "Pothohari (Pothohari Punjabi)", "Saraiki (Saraiki Punjabi)", "Hindko (Hindko Punjabi)", "Jhangvi (Jhangvi Punjabi)", "Rathi (Rathi Punjabi)", "Khetrani (Khetrani Punjabi)", "Chadri (Chadri Punjabi)", "Jandali (Jandali Punjabi)", "Kohistani (Kohistani Punjabi)", "Khetran (Khetran Punjabi)", "Lekhi (Lekhi Punjabi)", "Multani (Multani Punjabi)", "Shahpuri (Shahpuri Punjabi)", "Derawali (Derawali Punjabi)", "Ghebi (Ghebi Punjabi)"], 'Romanian': ["Standard Romanian (Limba Română Standard)", "Moldavian Romanian (Limba Moldovenească)", "Transylvanian Romanian (Limba Transilvană)", "Banat Romanian (Limba Bănățeană)", "Oltenian Romanian (Limba Olteniană)", "Muntenian Romanian (Limba Munteniană)", "Aromanian (Limba Armâneashti)", "Megleno-Romanian (Limba Meglenoromână)", "Istro-Romanian (Limba Istroromână)", "Romanian Sign Language (Limbaj mimico-gestual românesc)"], 'Russian': ["Standard Russian (Русский язык)", "Moscow Russian (Московский диалект)", "St. Petersburg Russian (Петербургский диалект)", "Southern Russian (Южнорусский диалект)", "Northern Russian (Северорусский диалект)", "Western Russian (Западнорусский диалект)", "Eastern Russian (Восточнорусский диалект)", "Central Russian (Центральнорусский диалект)", "Siberian Russian (Сибирский диалект)", "Ural Russian (Уральский диалект)", "Volga Russian (Поволжский диалект)", "Karelian Russian (Карельский диалект)", "Tatar Russian (Татарский диалект)", "Bashkir Russian (Башкирский диалект)", "Yakut Russian (Якутский диалект)", "Kalmyk Russian (Калмыцкий диалект)", "Chuvash Russian (Чувашский диалект)", "Udmurt Russian (Удмуртский диалект)", "Moksha Russian (Мокшанский диалект)", "Erzya Russian (Эрзянский диалект)", "Komi Russian (Коми-пермяцкий диалект)", "Mari Russian (Марийский диалект)", "Ukrainian Russian (Украинский диалект)", "Belarusian Russian (Белорусский диалект)", "Kazakh Russian (Казахский диалект)", "Kyrgyz Russian (Киргизский диалект)", "Tajik Russian (Таджикский диалект)", "Turkmen Russian (Туркменский диалект)", "Uzbek Russian (Узбекский диалект)", "Avar Russian (Аварский диалект)", "Chechen Russian (Чеченский диалект)", "Dagestani Russian (Дагестанский диалект)", "Ingush Russian (Ингушский диалект)", "Kumyk Russian (Кумыкский диалект)", "Lezgian Russian (Лезгинский диалект)", "North Caucasian Russian (Северокавказский диалект)", "Buryat Russian (Бурятский диалект)", "Khakas Russian (Хакасский диалект)", "Tuvan Russian (Тувинский диалект)", "Altai Russian (Алтайский диалект)", "Yakut Russian (Якутский диалект)", "Evenki Russian (Эвенкийский диалект)", "Chukchi Russian (Чукотский диалект)", "Koryak Russian (Корякский диалект)", "Nenets Russian (Ненецкий диалект)", "Khanty-Mansi Russian (Ханты-мансийский диалект)", "Nenets Russian (Ненецкий диалект)", "Selkup Russian (Селькупский диалект)", "Komi-Permyak Russian (Коми-пермяцкий диалект)", "Mordvin Russian (Мордовский диалект)", "Mari El Russian (Марийский диалект)", "Udmurt Russian (Удмуртский диалект)", "Komi Russian (Коми-зырянский диалект)", "Nenets Russian (Ненецкий диалект)", "Khanty Russian (Хантыйский диалект)", "Mansi Russian (Мансийский диалект)", "Komi-Permyak Russian (Коми-пермяцкий диалект)", "Mordvin Russian (Мордовский диалект)", "Mari El Russian (Марийский диалект)", "Udmurt Russian (Удмуртский диалект)", "Erzya Russian (Эрзянский диалект)", "Moksha Russian (Мокшанский диалект)", "Komi-Zyryan Russian (Коми-зырянский диалект)", "Udmurt Russian (Удмуртский диалект)", "Khanty Russian (Хантыйский диалект)", "Mansi Russian (Мансийский диалект)", "Nenets Russian (Ненецкий диалект)", "Selkup Russian (Селькупский диалект)", "Evenki Russian (Эвенкийский диалект)", "Chukchi Russian (Чукотский диалект)", "Koryak Russian (Корякский диалект)", "Nenets Russian (Ненецкий диалект)", "Khanty-Mansi Russian (Ханты-мансийский диалект)", "Yukaghir Russian (Юкагирский диалект)", "Chulym Russian (Чулымский диалект)", "Kamas Russian (Камасский диалект)", "Yugh Russian (Югский диалект)", "Ket Russian (Кетский диалект)", "Nganasan Russian (Нганасанский диалект)", "Enets Russian (Энецкий диалект)", "Nivkh Russian (Нивхский диалект)", "Aleut Russian (Алеутский диалект)", "Chuvan Russian (Чуванский диалект)", "Nenets Russian (Ненецкий диалект)", "Selkup Russian (Селькупский диалект)", "Kamassian Russian (Камасский диалект)", "Yukaghir Russian (Юкагирский диалект)", "Chulym Russian (Чулымский диалект)"], 'Samoan': ["Samoan (Gagana Samoa)", "Samoan Sign Language (Samoan Saini Gagana)", "Tokelauan (Te Gagana Tokelau)", "Futunan (Faka Futuna)", "Amerika Sāmoan (Gagana Samoa Amerika)", "Samoan Aotearoa (Samoan New Zealand)", "Samoan Australia (Samoan Australia)"], 'Serbian': ["Standard Serbian (Srpski jezik)", "Ekavian Serbian (Ekavski Srpski)", "Ijekavian Serbian (Ijekavski Srpski)", "Shtokavian Serbian (Shtokavski Srpski)", "Kosovar Serbian (Kosovski Srpski)", "Montenegrin Serbian (Crnogorski Srpski)", "Bunjevac Serbian (Bunjevački Srpski)", "Molise Serbian (Molizanski Srpski)", "Torlakian Serbian (Torlački Srpski)", "Pannonian Serbian (Panonski Srpski)", "Podrinje Serbian (Podrinski Srpski)", "Srem Serbian (Sremski Srpski)", "Timok Serbian (Timočki Srpski)", "Rascian Serbian (Raški Srpski)", "Backa Serbian (Bački Srpski)", "Backa Palanka Serbian (Bačkopalanački Srpski)", "Banat Serbian (Banatski Srpski)", "Syrmian Serbian (Srijemski Srpski)", "Vojvodina Serbian (Vojvođanski Srpski)", "Kosovo Serbian (Kosovski Srpski)", "Krajina Serbian (Krajinski Srpski)", "Macedonian Serbian (Makedonski Srpski)", "Bulgarian Serbian (Bugarski Srpski)", "Romanian Serbian (Rumunski Srpski)", "Albanian Serbian (Albanski Srpski)", "Hungarian Serbian (Mađarski Srpski)", "Slovak Serbian (Slovački Srpski)", "Croatian Serbian (Hrvatski Srpski)", "Slovenian Serbian (Slovenački Srpski)", "Bosnian Serbian (Bosanski Srpski)", "Herzegovinian Serbian (Hercegovački Srpski)", "Bosniak Serbian (Bosnjački Srpski)", "Cyrillic Serbian (Ćirilski Srpski)", "Latin Serbian (Latinčki Srpski)", "Goražde Serbian (Goraždanski Srpski)", "Sjenica Serbian (Sjenički Srpski)", "Pester Serbian (Pesterski Srpski)", "Dubrovnik Serbian (Dubrovački Srpski)", "Pridvorica Serbian (Pridvorički Srpski)", "Zagreb Serbian (Zagrebački Srpski)", "Zemun Serbian (Zemunski Srpski)", "Pancevo Serbian (Pančevački Srpski)", "Belgrade Serbian (Beogradski Srpski)"], 'Scots Gaelic': ["Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig)", "Southern Gaelic (Gàidhlig na Ceiltis)", "Northern Gaelic (Gàidhlig a Tuath)", "Hebridean Gaelic (Gàidhlig Innse Gall)", "Island Gaelic (Gàidhlig Eileanach)", "Mainland Gaelic (Gàidhlig Tir-Mòr)", "Canadian Gaelic (Gàidhlig Chanada)", "Nova Scotia Gaelic (Gàidhlig Alba Nuadh)", "Cape Breton Gaelic (Gàidhlig Eilean Cheap Breatuinn)", "Newfoundland Gaelic (Gàidhlig Talamh an Éisc)", "Prince Edward Island Gaelic (Gàidhlig Eilean a' Phrionnsa)", "American Gaelic (Gàidhlig Ameireaganach)", "Cape Fear Gaelic (Gàidhlig Cuithir a' Mhuilinn)", "Mabou Gaelic (Gàidhlig an Mhàbu)", "South Uist Gaelic (Gàidhlig Uibhist a Deas)", "North Uist Gaelic (Gàidhlig Uibhist a Tuath)", "Barra Gaelic (Gàidhlig Bharraidh)", "Lewis Gaelic (Gàidhlig Leòdhais)", "Harris Gaelic (Gàidhlig na Hearadh)", "Skye Gaelic (Gàidhlig an Eilein Sgitheanaich)", "Raasay Gaelic (Gàidhlig an Eilein Ràsaigh)", "Mull Gaelic (Gàidhlig an Eilein Mhuilich)", "Morvern Gaelic (Gàidhlig A' Mhorbhairn)", "Argyll Gaelic (Gàidhlig Earra-Ghàidheal)", "Kintyre Gaelic (Gàidhlig an Cinn Tìre)", "Arran Gaelic (Gàidhlig Arainn)", "Bute Gaelic (Gàidhlig Bhòid)", "Glasgow Gaelic (Gàidhlig Ghlaschu)", "Edinburgh Gaelic (Gàidhlig Dhùn Èideann)", "Inverness Gaelic (Gàidhlig Inbhir Nis)", "Aberdeen Gaelic (Gàidhlig Obar Dheathain)", "Dundee Gaelic (Gàidhlig Dhùn Dèagh)", "Perth Gaelic (Gàidhlig Pheairt)", "Stirling Gaelic (Gàidhlig Sruighlea)", "Dunfermline Gaelic (Gàidhlig Dhùn Phàrlain)", "Ayr Gaelic (Gàidhlig Inbhir Àir)", "Kilmarnock Gaelic (Gàidhlig Cille Mheàrnaig)", "Dumfries Gaelic (Gàidhlig Dùn Phris)", "Galloway Gaelic (Gàidhlig Ghallghaidhealaibh)", "Isle of Man Gaelic (Gaelg)", "Irish Gaelic (Gaeilge)", "Scottish Gaelic Sign Language (Gàidhlig Innse Gall Comharra-cùrsa)"], 'Sesotho': ["Standard Sesotho", "Northern Sesotho (Pedi)", "Southern Sesotho (Sesotho)", "Western Sesotho", "Central Sesotho", "Sesotho sa Leboa", "Sesotho sa Borwa", "Sesotho sa Manala", "Sesotho sa Leholimo", "Sesotho sa Mokgalwaneng", "Sesotho sa Natala", "Sesotho sa Leribe", "Sesotho sa Qwaqwa", "Sesotho sa Tlholong", "Sesotho sa Khubelu", "Sesotho sa Holosi", "Sesotho sa Thabana-Morena", "Sesotho sa Kwebulu", "Sesotho sa Mokhorong", "Sesotho sa Thoteng", "Sesotho sa Makhaleng", "Sesotho sa Hlakubaneng", "Sesotho sa Ntsube", "Sesotho sa Tholo", "Sesotho sa Likhakeng", "Sesotho sa Kholokoe", "Sesotho sa Rantobeng", "Sesotho sa Lefikeng", "Sesotho sa Mafeteng", "Sesotho sa Mohale's Hoek", "Sesotho sa Quthing", "Sesotho sa Qacha's Nek", "Sesotho sa Mokhotlong", "Sesotho sa Thaba-Tseka", "Sesotho sa Mantsonyane", "Sesotho sa Moyeni", "Sesotho sa Borutho", "Sesotho sa Phamong", "Sesotho sa Ha Ntsi", "Sesotho sa Holamakwane", "Sesotho sa Lejone", "Sesotho sa Mapoteng", "Sesotho sa Sempe", "Sesotho sa Taung", "Sesotho sa Maqheku", "Sesotho sa Sekoting", "Sesotho sa Sethonjang", "Sesotho sa Senekal", "Sesotho sa Mopeli", "Sesotho sa Maqheleng", "Sesotho sa Tšikwane", "Sesotho sa Taung", "Sesotho sa Sekoting", "Sesotho sa Khoelenya", "Sesotho sa Hlokoa", "Sesotho sa Maolong", "Sesotho sa Mahobong", "Sesotho sa Khoelenya", "Sesotho sa Thaba-Bosiu", "Sesotho sa Qalabane", "Sesotho sa Pitseng", "Sesotho sa Lenteleng", "Sesotho sa Mateleng", "Sesotho sa Phaila", "Sesotho sa Bobete", "Sesotho sa Khoara", "Sesotho sa Ramatšeliso", "Sesotho sa Ts'akholo", "Sesotho sa Sakoane", "Sesotho sa Linotšing", "Sesotho sa Mabatšoana", "Sesotho sa Tšoeneng", "Sesotho sa Mahobong", "Sesotho sa Moreneng", "Sesotho sa Ts'akholo", "Sesotho sa Linotšing", "Sesotho sa Mabatšoana", "Sesotho sa Ts'enoli", "Sesotho sa Tšepo", "Sesotho sa Tšiu", "Sesotho sa Phuthiatsana", "Sesotho sa Khatololang", "Sesotho sa Tšenola", "Sesotho sa Matsatseng", "Sesotho sa Thamae", "Sesotho sa Lesia", "Sesotho sa Tholoana", "Sesotho sa Mokhachane", "Sesotho sa Khohlong", "Sesotho sa Hlalele", "Sesotho sa Tseko", "Sesotho sa Qacha's Hoek", "Sesotho sa Mohotlong", "Sesotho sa St. Martin", "Sesotho sa Noone", "Sesotho sa Sebopo", "Sesotho sa Ha Nkau", "Sesotho sa Semoding", "Sesotho sa Sempheteng", "Sesotho sa Tabi", "Sesotho sa Makoanyane", "Sesotho sa Quthing", "Sesotho sa Thaba-Putsoa", "Sesotho sa Qalabane", "Sesotho sa Leribe", "Sesotho sa Senekal", "Sesotho sa Mafeteng", "Sesotho sa Mohale's Hoek", "Sesotho sa Thaba-Matšo", "Sesotho sa Qalabane", "Sesotho sa Taung", "Sesotho sa Sekoting", "Sesotho sa Khoelenya", "Sesotho sa Ha Ntsi", "Sesotho sa Holamakwane", "Sesotho sa Lejone", "Sesotho sa Mapoteng", "Sesotho sa Sempe", "Sesotho sa Taung", "Sesotho sa Sekoting", "Sesotho sa Khoelenya", "Sesotho sa Holamakwane", "Sesotho sa Lejone", "Sesotho sa Mapoteng", "Sesotho sa Sempe", "Sesotho sa Taung", "Sesotho sa Sekoting", "Sesotho sa Mokhorong", "Sesotho sa Thoteng", "Sesotho sa Likhakeng", "Sesotho sa Kholokoe", "Sesotho sa Rantobeng", "Sesotho sa Lefikeng", "Sesotho sa Mafeteng", "Sesotho sa Mohale's Hoek", "Sesotho sa Quthing", "Sesotho sa Qacha's Nek", "Sesotho sa Mokhotlong", "Sesotho sa Thaba-Tseka", "Sesotho sa Mantsonyane", "Sesotho sa Moyeni", "Sesotho sa Borutho", "Sesotho sa Phamong", "Sesotho sa Ha Ntsi", "Sesotho sa Holamakwane"], 'Shona': ["Standard Shona (chiShona)", "Karanga (chiKaranga)", "Manyika (chiManyika)", "Ndau (chiNdau)", "Korekore (chiKorekore)", "Zezuru (chiZezuru)", "Korekore-Mashonaland (chiKorekore-Mashonaland)", "Korekore-Mashonaland Central (chiKorekore-Mashonaland Central)", "Korekore-Mashonaland East (chiKorekore-Mashonaland East)", "Korekore-Mashonaland West (chiKorekore-Mashonaland West)", "Korekore-Mashonaland South (chiKorekore-Mashonaland South)", "Zezuru-Mashonaland Central (chiZezuru-Mashonaland Central)", "Zezuru-Mashonaland East (chiZezuru-Mashonaland East)", "Zezuru-Mashonaland West (chiZezuru-Mashonaland West)", "Zezuru-Mashonaland South (chiZezuru-Mashonaland South)", "Manyika-Mashonaland Central (chiManyika-Mashonaland Central)", "Manyika-Mashonaland East (chiManyika-Mashonaland East)", "Manyika-Mashonaland West (chiManyika-Mashonaland West)", "Manyika-Mashonaland South (chiManyika-Mashonaland South)", "Karanga-Masvingo (chiKaranga-Masvingo)", "Karanga-Midlands (chiKaranga-Midlands)", "Karanga-Matabeleland (chiKaranga-Matabeleland)", "Ndau-Masvingo (chiNdau-Masvingo)", "Ndau-Midlands (chiNdau-Midlands)", "Ndau-Matabeleland (chiNdau-Matabeleland)"], 'Sindhi': ["Standard Sindhi (سنڌي)", "Sindhi Saraiki (سنڌي سرائيڪي)", "Sindhi Siroli (سنڌي سروڻي)", "Sindhi Thari (سنڌي ٿري)", "Sindhi Kachhi (سنڌي ڪڇي)", "Sindhi Lari (سنڌي لاڙي)", "Sindhi Vicholi (سنڌي ڏڻي)", "Sindhi Jadgali (سنڌي جدگلي)", "Sindhi Lari (سنڌي لاڙي)", "Sindhi Khetrani (سنڌي کهيٽراڻي)", "Sindhi Dukslinu (سنڌي ڍکسلينو)", "Sindhi Macharia (سنڌي مچاريا)", "Sindhi Memoni (سنڌي ميمڻي)"], 'Sinhala': ["Standard Sinhala (සිංහල)", "Up-Country Sinhala (උඹටෙරි සිංහල)", "Southern Sinhala (දකුණු සිංහල)", "Sabaragamuwa Sinhala (සබරගමුව සිංහල)", "Central Sinhala (මධුරංගුව සිංහල)", "North Western Sinhala (උතුරු වයඹ සිංහල)", "Uva Sinhala (ඌව සිංහල)", "Eastern Sinhala (නැගෙනහිර සිංහල)", "North Central Sinhala (උතුරු මධුරංගුව සිංහල)", "Western Sinhala (වයඹ සිංහල)", "Southern Sinhala (දකුණු සිංහල)", "Northern Sinhala (උතුරු සිංහල)", "Wayamba Sinhala (වයඹ සිංහල)", "Ruhuna Sinhala (රුහුණ සිංහල)", "Low-Country Sinhala (පහලනින්ද සිංහල)", "Kandyan Sinhala (මධුරංගුව සිංහල)", "Hill Country Sinhala (දකුණු හරිම සිංහල)", "Northern Sinhala (උතුරු සිංහල)"], 'Slovak': ["Standard Slovak (Slovenčina)", "Central Slovak (Stredoslovenské nárečie)", "Western Slovak (Západoslovenské nárečie)", "Eastern Slovak (Východoslovenské nárečie)", "Southern Slovak (Južnoslovenské nárečie)", "Košice Slovak (Košické nárečie)", "Považie Slovak (Považské nárečie)", "Turiec Slovak (Turčianske nárečie)", "Orava Slovak (Oravské nárečie)", "Liptov Slovak (Liptovské nárečie)", "Žilina Slovak (Žilinské nárečie)", "Horehronie Slovak (Horehronské nárečie)", "Spiš Slovak (Spišské nárečie)", "Gemer Slovak (Gemerské nárečie)", "Zemplín Slovak (Zemplínske nárečie)", "Šariš Slovak (Šarišské nárečie)", "Hauerland Slovak (Hauerlandské nárečie)", "Lendak Slovak (Lendácky dialekt)", "Saris Slovak (Šarišský dialekt)", "Zemplin Slovak (Zemplínsky dialekt)", "Novohrad Slovak (Novohradský dialekt)", "Hont Slovak (Hontiansky dialekt)", "Horehronie Slovak (Horehronský dialekt)", "Podpoľanie Slovak (Podpoľanský dialekt)", "Pohronie Slovak (Pohronský dialekt)", "Turiec Slovak (Turčiansky dialekt)", "Orava Slovak (Oravský dialekt)", "Liptov Slovak (Liptovský dialekt)", "Kysuce Slovak (Kysucký dialekt)", "Horehronie Slovak (Horehronský dialekt)", "Tekov Slovak (Tekovský dialekt)", "Nitra Slovak (Nitriansky dialekt)", "Trnava Slovak (Trnavský dialekt)", "Záhorie Slovak (Záhorský dialekt)", "Myjava Slovak (Myjavský dialekt)", "Pezinok Slovak (Pezinský dialekt)", "Slovak Sign Language (Slovenský znakový jazyk)"], 'Slovenian': ["Standard Slovenian (Slovenščina)", "Pomurski dialect (Pomursko narečje)", "Prekmurski dialect (Prekmursko narečje)", "Prlekija dialect (Prleško narečje)", "Štajersko Prekmurski dialect (Štajersko-prekmursko narečje)", "Koranti dialect (Korantščina)", "Savinjski dialect (Savinjsko narečje)", "Posavski dialect (Posavsko narečje)", "Dolenjski dialect (Dolenjsko narečje)", "Belokranjski dialect (Belokranjsko narečje)", "Gorenjski dialect (Gorenjsko narečje)", "Primorski dialect (Primorsko narečje)", "Kraški dialect (Kraško narečje)", "Rezijan dialect (Rezijansko narečje)", "Hrušiški dialect (Hrušiško narečje)", "Ziljski dialect (Ziljsko narečje)", "Zilaški dialect (Zilaško narečje)", "Nadiški dialect (Nadiško narečje)", "Tolminski dialect (Tolminsko narečje)", "Cerkno dialect (Cerkljansko narečje)", "Goriški dialect (Goriško narečje)", "Brda dialect (Brdsko narečje)", "Kras dialect (Kraško narečje)", "Rezijan dialect (Rezijansko narečje)", "Solkan dialect (Solkansko narečje)", "Slovenian Sign Language (Slovenski znakovni jezik)"], 'Somali': ["Standard Somali (Af-Soomaali)", "Northern Somali (Af-Dir), Eastern Somali (Af-Qaad), Central Somali (Af-Gaar), Maay (Maay Maay), Benaadir (Af-Maay-Koonfur), Coastal Somali (Af-Brava), Juba (Jubaland), NFD Somali (Northeastern Somali)"], 'Spanish': ["Standard Spanish (Español)", "Andalusian Spanish (Andaluz)", "Canarian Spanish (Canario)", "Castilian Spanish (Castellano)", "Latin American Spanish (Español Latinoamericano)", "Argentinian Spanish (Español Argentino)", "Mexican Spanish (Español Mexicano)", "Colombian Spanish (Español Colombiano)", "Chilean Spanish (Español Chileno)", "Peruvian Spanish (Español Peruano)", "Venezuelan Spanish (Español Venezolano)", "Cuban Spanish (Español Cubano)", "Puerto Rican Spanish (Español Puertorriqueño)", "Dominican Spanish (Español Dominicano)", "Costa Rican Spanish (Español Costarricense)", "Guatemalan Spanish (Español Guatemalteco)", "Honduran Spanish (Español Hondureño)", "Nicaraguan Spanish (Español Nicaragüense)", "Salvadoran Spanish (Español Salvadoreño)", "Bolivian Spanish (Español Boliviano)", "Ecuadorian Spanish (Español Ecuatoriano)", "Paraguayan Spanish (Español Paraguayo)", "Uruguayan Spanish (Español Uruguayo)", "Puerto Rican Spanish (Español Puertorriqueño)", "Galician Spanish (Gallego)", "Basque Spanish (Euskara)", "Catalan Spanish (Català)", "Valencian Spanish (Valencià)", "Balearic Spanish (Balear)", "Aragonese Spanish (Aragonés)", "Asturian Spanish (Asturleonés)", "Cantabrian Spanish (Cántabro)", "Aranese Spanish (Aranès)", "Extremaduran Spanish (Extremadura)", "Murcian Spanish (Murciano)", "Canarian Spanish (Canario)", "Saharan Spanish (Afro-Asiatic Spanish)", "Equatorial Guinean Spanish (Español de Guinea Ecuatorial)", "Philippine Spanish (Filipino)", "Caribbean Spanish (Caribeño)", "Puerto Rican Spanish (Español Puertorriqueño)", "Cuban Spanish (Español Cubano)", "Dominican Spanish (Español Dominicano)", "Venezuelan Spanish (Español Venezolano)", "Colombian Spanish (Español Colombiano)", "Panamanian Spanish (Español Panameño)", "Costa Rican Spanish (Español Costarricense)", "Nicaraguan Spanish (Español Nicaragüense)"], 'Sundanese': ["Standard Sundanese (Basa Sunda)", "Bantenese (Basa Banten)", "Cirebonese (Basa Cirebon)", "Priangan (Basa Priangan)", "Baduy (Basa Baduy)", "Juhut (Basa Juhut)", "Kebonese (Basa Kebon)", "Karuhun (Basa Karuhun)", "Sunda Kalapa (Basa Sunda Kalapa)", "Sunda Wiwitan (Basa Sunda Wiwitan)", "Sundanese Sign Language (Basa Isyarat Sunda)"], 'Swahili': ["Standard Swahili (Kiswahili)", "Kiunguja (Zanzibar Swahili)", "Kimvita (Mombasa Swahili)", "Kiamu (Lamu Swahili)", "Chaga Swahili (Kiswahili cha Chaga)", "Changamwe Swahili (Kiswahili cha Changamwe)", "Kivumba (Pemba Swahili)", "Kipemba (Pemba Swahili)", "Kisiu (Pemba Swahili)", "Kiswahili cha Kikamba (Kamba Swahili)", "Kiswahili cha Kimtang’ata (Tanga Swahili)", "Kiswahili cha Kibondei (Bondei Swahili)", "Kiswahili cha Kiamu (Lamu Swahili)", "Kiswahili cha Kigiryama (Giryama Swahili)", "Kiswahili cha Kimikindani (Mikindani Swahili)", "Kiswahili cha Kinyiha (Nyika Swahili)", "Kiswahili cha Kinyika (Nyika Swahili)", "Kiswahili cha Kinyaturu (Nyaturu Swahili)", "Kiswahili cha Kimaragoli (Maragoli Swahili)", "Kiswahili cha Kimeru (Meru Swahili)", "Kiswahili cha Kingoni (Ngazija Swahili)", "Kiswahili cha Kitwabo (Tanzanian Sign Language)", "Kiswahili cha Kimeru (Meru Swahili)", "Kiswahili cha Kingoni (Ngazija Swahili)", "Kiswahili cha Kijita (Jita Swahili)", "Kiswahili cha Kijita (Jita Swahili)", "Kiswahili cha Kimeru (Meru Swahili)", "Kiswahili cha Kitwabo (Tanzanian Sign Language)", "Kiswahili cha Kichaga (Chaga Swahili)", "Kiswahili cha Kimijikenda (Mijikenda Swahili)", "Kiswahili cha Kimbugu (Mbunga Swahili)", "Kiswahili cha Kimakua (Makua Swahili)", "Kiswahili cha Kimijikenda (Mijikenda Swahili)", "Kiswahili cha Kimbugu (Mbunga Swahili)", "Kiswahili cha Kimakua (Makua Swahili)", "Kiswahili cha Kimijikenda (Mijikenda Swahili)", "Kiswahili cha Kimbugu (Mbunga Swahili)", "Kiswahili cha Kimakua (Makua Swahili)", "Kiswahili cha Kimvita (Mombasa Swahili)", "Kiswahili cha Kimijikenda (Mijikenda Swahili)", "Kiswahili cha Kimbugu (Mbunga Swahili)", "Kiswahili cha Kimakua (Makua Swahili)", "Kiswahili cha Kimvita (Mombasa Swahili)", "Kiswahili cha Kimijikenda (Mijikenda Swahili)", "Kiswahili cha Kimbugu (Mbunga Swahili)", "Kiswahili cha Kimakua (Makua Swahili)", "Kiswahili cha Kikuria (Kuria Swahili)", "Kiswahili cha Kipokomo (Pokomo Swahili)", "Kiswahili cha Kimijikenda (Mijikenda Swahili)", "Kiswahili cha Kimbugu (Mbunga Swahili)", "Kiswahili cha Kimakua (Makua Swahili)", "Kiswahili cha Kikuria (Kuria Swahili)", "Kiswahili cha Kipokomo (Pokomo Swahili)", "Kiswahili cha Kimijikenda (Mijikenda Swahili)", "Kiswahili cha Kimbugu (Mbunga Swahili)", "Kiswahili cha Kimakua (Makua Swahili)", "Kiswahili cha Kikuria (Kuria Swahili)", "Kiswahili cha Kipokomo (Pokomo Swahili)", "Kiswahili cha Kimijikenda (Mijikenda Swahili)", "Kiswahili cha Kimbugu (Mbunga Swahili)", "Kiswahili cha Kimakua (Makua Swahili)", "Kiswahili cha Kikuria (Kuria Swahili)", "Kiswahili cha Kipokomo (Pokomo Swahili)", "Kiswahili cha Kimijikenda (Mijikenda Swahili)", "Kiswahili cha Kimbugu (Mbunga Swahili)", "Kiswahili cha Kimakua (Makua Swahili)", "Kiswahili cha Kipokomo (Pokomo Swahili)", "Kiswahili cha Kimijikenda (Mijikenda Swahili)", "Kiswahili cha Kimbugu (Mbunga Swahili)", "Kiswahili cha Kimakua (Makua Swahili)", "Kiswahili cha Kimijikenda (Mijikenda Swahili)", "Kiswahili cha Kimbugu (Mbunga Swahili)"], 'Swedish': ["Standard Swedish (Svenska)", "Southern Swedish (Sydsvenska)", "Eastern Swedish (Östsvenska)", "Western Swedish (Västsvenska)", "Northern Swedish (Norrlandssvenska)", "Gotlandic (Gotländska)", "Scanian (Skånska)", "Dalecarlian (Dalmål)", "Finnish Swedish (Finlandssvenska)", "Gutnish (Gutniska)", "Jamtlandic (Jämtska)", "Kalix (Kalixmål)", "Närpes (Närpesmål)", "Pitemål (Pitemål)", "Piteå (Piteåmål)", "South Bothnian (Söderbottniska)", "Tornedalian (Meänkieli)", "Westrobothnian (Västerbottniska)", "Yukon Swedish (Jukkasjärvi)", "Finnish-Swedish Sign Language (Finlandssvenskt teckenspråk)", "Swedish Sign Language (Svenskt teckenspråk)"], 'Tagalog': ["Standard Tagalog (Wikang Filipino)", "Manila Tagalog (Tagalog ng Maynila)", "Batangas Tagalog (Tagalog ng Batangas)", "Laguna Tagalog (Tagalog ng Laguna)", "Bulacan Tagalog (Tagalog ng Bulacan)", "Quezon Tagalog (Tagalog ng Quezon)", "Marinduque Tagalog (Tagalog ng Marinduque)", "Mindoro Tagalog (Tagalog ng Mindoro)", "Tarlac Tagalog (Tagalog ng Tarlac)", "Pampanga Tagalog (Tagalog ng Pampanga)", "Central Luzon Tagalog (Katagalugan)", "Bicolano Tagalog (Tagalog ng Bikolano)", "Visayan Tagalog (Tagalog ng Bisaya)", "Mindanao Tagalog (Tagalog ng Mindanao)", "Filipino Sign Language (FSL)"], 'Tamil': ["Standard Tamil (தமிழ்)", "Brahmin Tamil (பிராமண தமிழ்)", "Iyengar Tamil (ஐயங்கார் தமிழ்)", "Iyer Tamil (அய்யர் தமிழ்)", "Mudaliar Tamil (முதலியார் தமிழ்)", "Chettiar Tamil (செட்டியார் தமிழ்)", "Kongu Tamil (கொங்கு தமிழ்)", "Madras Bashai (மெட்ராஸ் பாஷை)", "Kanyakumari Tamil (கன்னியாகுமரி தமிழ்)", "Malaysian Tamil (மலேஷிய தமிழ்)", "Singaporean Tamil (சிங்கப்பூர் தமிழ்)", "Sri Lankan Tamil (இலங்கை தமிழ்)", "Jaffna Tamil (யாழ்ப்பாண தமிழ்)", "Eastern Tamil (கிழக்கு தமிழ்)", "Northern Tamil (வட தமிழ்)", "Western Tamil (மேற்கு தமிழ்)", "Central Tamil (மத்திய தமிழ்)", "Hill Country Tamil (மலையார் தமிழ்)", "Sri Lankan Creole Tamil (Sri Lankan Pidgin Tamil)", "Reunion Tamil (Réunion Tamil)", "Mauritian Tamil (Mauritian Kreol)", "Tamil Sign Language (தமிழ் கை குழு மொழி)"], 'Tatar': ["Standard Tatar (Татарча)", "Kazan Tatar (Qazan tatar)", "Siberian Tatar (Sibiryak tatar)", "Kazakh Tatar (Qazaq tatar)", "Crimean Tatar (Qırımtatar tili)", "Saratov Tatar (Saratov tatar)", "Ufa Tatar (Ufa tatar)", "Simbirsk Tatar (Simbirsk tatar)", "Tobol Tatar (Tobol tatar)", "Mishar Tatar (Mishar tatar)", "Nizhnekamsk Tatar (Nizhnekamsk tatar)", "Kazan Tatar (Kazan tatar)", "Kazan Tatar (Казан татар)"], 'Telugu': ["Standard Telugu (తెలుగు)", "Andhra Telugu (ఆంధ్ర తెలుగు)", "Rayalaseema Telugu (రాయలసీమ తెలుగు)", "Telangana Telugu (తెలంగాణ తెలుగు)", "Coastal Andhra Telugu (తెలుగు తీర ఆంధ్ర)", "Krishna Telugu (కృష్ణ తెలుగు)", "Godavari Telugu (గోదావరి తెలుగు)", "Guntur Telugu (గుంటూరు తెలుగు)", "Telugu Sign Language (తెలుగు సైన్ భాష)"], 'Thai': ["Standard Thai (ภาษาไทย)", "Central Thai (ภาษาไทยพูดในเขตกลาง)", "Northern Thai (ภาษาไทยพูดในเขตเหนือ)", "Northeastern Thai (ภาษาไทยพูดในเขตอีสาน)", "Southern Thai (ภาษาไทยพูดในเขตใต้)", "Phuan Thai (ภาษาไทยพูดในเขตภูเวียง)", "Pak Tai (ภาษาไทยพูดในเขตปักษ์ใต้)", "Lao Isan (ภาษาไทยพูดในเขตลาวอีสาน)", "Kelantan-Pattani Malay (ภาษาไทยพูดในเขตกลันตัน-ปัตตานี)", "Thai Sign Language (ภาษามือไทย)"], 'Turkish': ["Standard Turkish (Türkçe)", "Istanbul Turkish (İstanbul Türkçesi)", "Anatolian Turkish (Anadolu Türkçesi)", "Aegean Turkish (Ege Türkçesi)", "Black Sea Turkish (Karadeniz Türkçesi)", "Mediterranean Turkish (Akdeniz Türkçesi)", "Eastern Anatolian Turkish (Doğu Anadolu Türkçesi)", "Southeastern Anatolian Turkish (Güneydoğu Anadolu Türkçesi)", "Azerbaijani Turkish (Azerbaycan Türkçesi)", "Kazakh Turkish (Kazak Türkçesi)", "Kyrgyz Turkish (Kırgız Türkçesi)", "Uzbek Turkish (Özbek Türkçesi)", "Turkmen Turkish (Türkmen Türkçesi)", "Uighur Turkish (Uygur Türkçesi)", "Tatar Turkish (Tatar Türkçesi)", "Bashkir Turkish (Başkurt Türkçesi)", "Chuvash Turkish (Çuvaş Türkçesi)", "Gagauz Turkish (Gagavuzya Türkçesi)", "Karachay-Balkar Turkish (Karaçay-Balkar Türkçesi)", "Kumyk Turkish (Kumuk Türkçesi)", "Nogai Turkish (Nogay Türkçesi)", "Crimean Turkish (Kırım Türkçesi)", "Tatar Turkish (Tatarca)", "Yakut Turkish (Yakutça)", "Karaim Turkish (Karaim Türkçesi)", "Karakalpak Turkish (Karakalpakistan Türkçesi)", "Khakas Turkish (Hakasya Türkçesi)", "Sakha Turkish (Sahaca)", "Turkish Sign Language (Türk İşaret Dili)"], 'Turkmen': ["Standard Turkmen (Türkmen dili)", "Yomut Turkmen (Yomut)", "Teke Turkmen (Teke)", "Salor Turkmen (Salor)", "Saryk Turkmen (Saryk)", "Nokhur Turkmen (Nokhur)", "Ersary Turkmen (Ersary)", "Göklen Turkmen (Göklen)", "Yazgulyam Turkmen (Yazgulyam)", "Türkmençe (Turkmen Sign Language)"], 'Ukranian': ["Standard Ukrainian (Українська)", "Polissian Ukrainian (Поліська українська)", "Poltava Ukrainian (Полтавська українська)", "Slobozhan Ukrainian (Слобожанська українська)", "Transcarpathian Ukrainian (Закарпатська українська)", "Lemko Ukrainian (Лемківська українська)", "Boiko Ukrainian (Бойківська українська)", "Hutsul Ukrainian (Гуцульська українська)", "Bukovinian Ukrainian (Буковинська українська)", "Podillian Ukrainian (Подільська українська)", "Volhynian Ukrainian (Волинська українська)", "Ruthenian Ukrainian (Русинська українська)", "Pannonian Ukrainian (Угорські українці)", "Bessarabian Ukrainian (Буковинська українська)", "Halytskyi Ukrainian (Галицька українська)", "Baltic Ukrainian (Балтійська українська)", "Zakarpattia Ukrainian (Закарпатська українська)", "Carpathian Ukrainian (Карпатська українська)", "Polish Border Ukrainian (Західнополонеська українська)", "Siberian Ukrainian (Сибірська українська)", "Ukrainian Sign Language (Українська жестова мова)"], 'Urdu': ["Standard Urdu (اردو)", "Punjabi-Urdu (پنجابی اردو)", "Sindhi-Urdu (سندھی اردو)", "Pothohari-Urdu (پوٹھواری اردو)", "Kashmiri-Urdu (کشمیری اردو)", "Saraiki-Urdu (سرائیکی اردو)", "Hindko-Urdu (ہنڈکو اردو)", "Balochi-Urdu (بلوچی اردو)", "Pashto-Urdu (پشتو اردو)", "Balti-Urdu (بلتی اردو)", "Dardic-Urdu (دردی اردو)", "Khowar-Urdu (خوار اردو)", "Brahui-Urdu (براہوئی اردو)", "Shina-Urdu (شینا اردو)", "Wakhi-Urdu (واخی اردو)", "Burushaski-Urdu (بروشسکی اردو)", "Gilgiti-Urdu (گلگتی اردو)", "Wakhi-Urdu (واخی اردو)", "Dardic-Urdu (دردی اردو)", "Khowar-Urdu (خوار اردو)", "Brahui-Urdu (براہوئی اردو)", "Shina-Urdu (شینا اردو)", "Wakhi-Urdu (واخی اردو)", "Burushaski-Urdu (بروشسکی اردو)", "Gilgiti-Urdu (گلگتی اردو)", "Hindustani (हिन्दुस्तानी)", "Deccani (دکنی)", "Awadhi (अवधी)", "Braj Bhasha (ब्रज भाषा)", "Haryanvi (हरियाणवी)", "Kumaoni (कुमाऊनी)", "Garhwali (गढ़वळ)", "Rohingya-Urdu (Rohingya)", "Indian Sign Language (ISL)", "Pakistani Sign Language (PSL)"], 'Uyghur': ["Standard Uyghur (ئۇيغۇرچە / Uyghurche)", "Kashgar Uyghur (قەشقەر تىلى / قەشقەرچە)", "Hotan Uyghur (خوتەن تىلى / خوتەنچە)", "Ili Uyghur (ئىلى تىلى / ئىلىچە)", "Karamay Uyghur (قاراماي تىلى / قارامايچە)", "Turpan Uyghur (تۇرپان تىلى / تۇرپانچە)", "Qumul Uyghur (قۇمۇل تىلى / قۇمۇلچە)", "Aksu Uyghur (ئاقسۇ تىلى / ئاقسۇچە)", "Yarkant Uyghur (يەركەنت تىلى / يەركەنتچە)", "Aral Uyghur (ئارال تىلى / ئارالچە)", "Kucha Uyghur (كۇچار تىلى / كۇچارچە)", "Lopnor Uyghur (لوپنۇر تىلى / لوپنۇرچە)", "Altishahr Uyghur (ئالتۇن شەھەر تىلى / ئالتۇن شەھەرچە)", "Besh-Toghrak Uyghur (بەشتوغراق تىلى / بەشتوغراقچە)", "Kizilsu Uyghur (قىزىلسۇ تىلى / قىزىلسۇچە)", "Kirghiz-Uyghur (قىرغىز تىلى / قىرغىزچە)", "Ili-Kirghiz (ئىلى قىرغىز تىلى / ئىلى قىرغىزچە)", "Kumul-Kirghiz (قۇمۇل قىرغىز تىلى / قۇمۇل قىرغىزچە)", "Xinjiang Sign Language (新疆手語 / شىنجاڭ قول تىلى)"], 'Uzbek': ["Standard Uzbek (Oʻzbekcha)", "Northern Uzbek (Oʻzbek tili)", "Southern Uzbek (Janubiy Oʻzbekcha)", "Tashkent Uzbek (Toshkent oʻzbek tili)", "Bukhara Uzbek (Buxoro oʻzbek tili)", "Samarkand Uzbek (Samarqand oʻzbek tili)", "Khorezm Uzbek (Xorazm oʻzbek tili)", "Karakalpak Uzbek (Qoraqalpogʻiston oʻzbek tili)", "Surkhandarya Uzbek (Surxondaryo oʻzbek tili)", "Fergana Uzbek (Fargʻona oʻzbek tili)", "Tajik Uzbek (Tojik oʻzbek tili)", "Kazakh Uzbek (Qozoq oʻzbek tili)", "Karakalpak Uzbek (Qoraqalpogʻiston oʻzbek tili)", "Tatar Uzbek (Toʻrtkoʻl oʻzbek tili)", "Bashkir Uzbek (Başqort oʻzbek tili)", "Uighur Uzbek (Uyghur oʻzbek tili)", "Turkmen Uzbek (Turkman oʻzbek tili)", "Korean Uzbek (Koreys oʻzbek tili)", "Afghan Uzbek (Afgʻon oʻzbek tili)", "Tajik Uzbek (Tojik oʻzbek tili)", "Uzbek Sign Language (Oʻzbek shish toʻqi)"], 'Vietnamese': ["Standard Vietnamese (Tiếng Việt)", "Northern Vietnamese (Tiếng Bắc)", "Southern Vietnamese (Tiếng Nam)", "Central Vietnamese (Tiếng Trung)", "Hanoi Vietnamese (Tiếng Hà Nội)", "Saigon Vietnamese (Tiếng Sài Gòn)", "Hue Vietnamese (Tiếng Huế)", "Nha Trang Vietnamese (Tiếng Nha Trang)", "Haiphong Vietnamese (Tiếng Hải Phòng)", "Quang Ngai Vietnamese (Tiếng Quảng Ngãi)", "Can Tho Vietnamese (Tiếng Cần Thơ)", "Hanoi Sign Language (Ngôn ngữ ký hiệu Hà Nội)", "Saigon Sign Language (Ngôn ngữ ký hiệu Sài Gòn)"], 'Welsh': ['Gwynedd', 'Powys', 'Ceredigion', 'Carmarthenshire', 'Pembrokeshire', 'Monmouthshire', 'Denbighshire', 'Flintshire', 'Anglesey', 'Merthyr Tydfil', 'Rhondda Cynon Taf', 'Swansea', 'Cardiff', 'Blaenau Gwent', 'Neath Port Talbot'], 'Xhosa': ['Eastern Xhosa', 'Western Xhosa', 'Mpondo', 'Bhaca', 'Thembu', 'Khonga', 'Gcaleka', 'Mpondomise', 'Bomvana', 'Xesibe', 'Mfengu'], 'Yiddish': ['Eastern Yiddish', 'Western Yiddish', 'Southeastern Yiddish', 'Northern Yiddish', 'Central Yiddish', 'Litvish', 'Galitzish', 'Podolian', 'Ukrainian Yiddish', 'Romanian Yiddish', 'Bessarabian Yiddish', 'Polish Yiddish', 'Czech Yiddish', 'Hungarian Yiddish', 'Slovak Yiddish', 'Russian Yiddish', 'Belarusian Yiddish', 'Lithuanian Yiddish', 'Latvian Yiddish', 'Estonian Yiddish', 'Karelian Yiddish'], 'Yoruba': ['Èkó', 'Ìbàdàn', 'Ìçáwó', 'Ìçèjè', 'Ìçèríkò', 'Ìgálèndó', 'Ìgbómìnà', 'Ìjèbú', 'Ìkánní', 'Ìlàjà', 'Ìlárè', 'Ìlésà', 'Ìlorin', 'Ìpèjú', 'Ìpójú', 'Ìrèmò', 'Ìrèwọ̀', 'Ìsábí', 'Ìt’ẹshọwọ', 'Ìwò', 'Ìyárwò', 'Ìyên'], 'Zulu': ["Zulu kaMalandela", "Zulu kaNtombela", "Zulu kaMlaba", "Zulu kaMdluli", "Zulu kaMuziwakhe", "Zulu kaNgcongolo", "Zulu kaNyanya", "Zulu kaBhekelanga", "Zulu kaNyongoloka", "Zulu kaJama", "Zulu kaJacob", "Zulu kaZephania", "Zulu kaLukashiya", "Zulu kaYandisiwe", "Zulu kaPofu", "Zulu kaPhuthi", "Zulu kaSiyaya"] } final_list = list(dialects[str(lang)]) return JsonResponse({"datadilect": final_list}) def admin_dashboard(request): tasks = LPPTASKDatabase.objects.all().order_by("-date_at") return render(request, "lpp/admin_dashboard.html", {"tasks": tasks}) def manually_assign_admin(request): task = LPPTASKDatabase.objects.get(task_id=request.POST.get("task_id")) if task.status == "actionline_inprogress" or task.status == "actionline_lppassigned" or task.status == "none_available_action": eligible_lpp = task.eligiblelpp_action.all() else: eligible_lpp = task.eligiblelpp_dialogue.all() list_lpp = [] for i in eligible_lpp: list_lpp.append([f"{i.first_name} {i.last_name}", i.lpp_id]) # data = serializers.serialize('json', list_lpp) return JsonResponse({"lpp_list": list_lpp}) def manual_assignment(request): # task = LPPTASKDatabase.objects.get(task_id = request.POST.get("task_id")) # if task.status == "actionline_inprogress" or task.status == "actionline_lppassigned" or task.status == "none_available_action": # task.assignedlpp_action = MNFLPPDDatabase.objects.get(lpp_id=request.POST.get("lpp_id")) # # else: # task.assignedlpp_dialogue = MNFLPPDDatabase.objects.get(lpp_id=request.POST.get("lpp_id")) # manualassign(request, id="") return JsonResponse({"status": "success"}) def lpptask_dashboard(request): # conversion, onepager, trnslate srt, generate srt, ppt x = [[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]] # x = LPPTASKDatabase.objects.all() if MNFLPPDDatabase.objects.filter(user_id=request.user).exists(): Y = MNFLPPDDatabase.objects.get(user_id=request.user) else: print("You are not a LPP") context = {"data": [], "Data1": []} return render(request, "lpp/lpptask_dashboard.html", context) # return multilingual_render(request, "lpp/lpptask_dashboard.html", context) num_of_tasks = LPPTASKDatabase.objects.filter( Q(assignedlpp_action=Y.lpp_id) | Q(assignedlpp_dialogue=Y.lpp_id) ).count() if num_of_tasks > 0: x2 = [] x1 = LPPTASKDatabase.objects.filter( Q(assignedlpp_action=Y.lpp_id) | Q(assignedlpp_dialogue=Y.lpp_id) ) for i in x1: if i.status == "actionline_inprogress" or (i.status == "dialogue_inprogress" and i.assignedlpp_action): if i.generated_from == "conversion": x2.append(i) # x1.remove(i) x[0][0] = x[0][0] + 1 for i in x1: if i.status == "subtitle_vetting_inprogress": if i.translated_subtitle.subtitles_id.target_languages != "": x2.append(i) # x1.remove(i) x[2][0] = x[2][0] + 1 for i in x1: if i.status == "actionline_inprogress" or i.status == "dialogue_inprogress": if i.generated_from == "onepager": x2.append(i) # x1.remove(i) x[1][0] = x[1][0] + 1 for i in x1: if i.status == "subtitle_vetting_inprogress": if i.translated_subtitle.subtitles_id.target_languages == "": x2.append(i) # x1.remove(i) x[3][0] = x[3][0] + 1 # ppt - inprogress for i in x1: if i.status == "dialogue_inprogress" and not i.assignedlpp_action: if i.generated_from == "conversion": x2.append(i) # x1.remove(i) x[4][0] = x[4][0] + 1 for i in x1: if ( i.status == "actionline_lppassigned" or i.status == "dialogue_lppassigned" and i.assignedlpp_action ): if i.generated_from == "conversion": if i.status == "dialogue_lppassigned" and == pass else: x2.append(i) x[0][1] = x[0][1] + 1 for i in x1: if i.status == "subtitle_lppassigned": if i.translated_subtitle.subtitles_id.target_languages != "": x2.append(i) # x1.remove(i) x[2][1] = x[2][1] + 1 for i in x1: if ( i.status == "actionline_lppassigned" or i.status == "dialogue_lppassigned" ): if i.generated_from == "onepager": x2.append(i) # x1.remove(i) x[1][1] = x[1][1] + 1 for i in x1: if i.status == "subtitle_lppassigned": if i.translated_subtitle.subtitles_id.target_languages == "": x2.append(i) # x1.remove(i) x[3][1] = x[3][1] + 1 # ppt - lppassigned for i in x1: if ( not i.assignedlpp_action and i.status == "dialogue_lppassigned" ): if i.generated_from == "conversion": x2.append(i) # x1.remove(i) x[4][1] = x[4][1] + 1 for i in x1: if ( i.status == "actionline_completed" or i.status == "dialogue_completed" or i.status == "completed" or i.status == "none_available_dialogue") and i.assignedlpp_action: if i.generated_from == "conversion": x2.append(i) # x1.remove(i) x[0][2] = x[0][2] + 1 # Completed Tasks of actionline and assigned to different dialogue lpp case # very common case fo different languages getting vetted by different lpps so we need # to show actionline lpp after he completed his task for i in x1: if ((i.status == "dialogue_lppassigned" and i.assignedlpp_action) or (i.status == "dialogue_inprogress" and i.assignedlpp_action)) \ and == if i.generated_from == "conversion": if i not in x2: x2.append(i) # x1.remove(i) x[0][2] = x[0][2] + 1 for i in x1: if i.status == "subtitle_completed" or i.status == "completed": try: if i.translated_subtitle: if i.translated_subtitle.subtitles_id.target_languages != "": x2.append(i) # x1.remove(i) x[2][2] = x[2][2] + 1 except: pass for i in x1: if ( i.status == "actionline_completed" or i.status == "dialogue_completed" or i.status == "completed" or i.status == "none_available_dialogue" ): if i.generated_from == "onepager": x2.append(i) # x1.remove(i) x[1][2] = x[1][2] + 1 for i in x1: try: if i.translated_subtitle.subtitles_id.target_languages == "": if i.status == "subtitle_completed" or i.status == "completed": x2.append(i) # x1.remove(i) # x1.remove(i) x[3][2] = x[3][2] + 1 except: pass # ppt - completed for i in x1: if (i.status == "dialogue_completed" or i.status == "completed") and (not i.assignedlpp_action): if i.generated_from == "conversion": x2.append(i) # x1.remove(i) x[4][2] = x[4][2] + 1 else: x2 = [] print("No task is assigned") context = {"data": x2, "Data1": Y, "count": int(num_of_tasks), "counter": x} return render(request, "lpp/lpptask_dashboard.html", context) # return multilingual_render(request, "lpp/lpptask_dashboard.html", context) def majorTable(request, id, mode): x = MNFLPPDDatabase.objects.get(lpp_id=id) if mode == "edit": country_json_file = open( rf"/{basepath}/MNF/json_keys/countries.json") data_json = json.load(country_json_file) datta_json = [] for i in data_json: datta_json.append([i['name'], i['abbr'].lower()]) context = {"data": x, "edit": 1, "json_country": datta_json} elif mode == "view": context = {"data": x, "edit": 0} # shehzeen context["key"] = settings.COUNTRY_KEY return render(request, "lpp/majortable.html", context) # return multilingual_render(request, "lpp/majortable.html", context) def Table1(request): x = MNFLPPDDatabase.objects.all() context = {"data": x} return render(request, "lpp/minortable.html", context) # return multilingual_render(request, "lpp/minortable.html", context) def task_assigner(taskid, source): x = LPPTASKDatabase.objects.get(task_id=taskid) #Sending Alert to user about his request for vetting to = key_value = { "User": x.user_id.username, } sendmail(to_email=[to], email_code="PP1", key_value=key_value) # Subtitling if source == "subtitling": print("source subtitling 8 june") if x.status == "" or x.status == "none_available_lpp": # Translation of Subtitling if x.translated_subtitle.tar_languages: y = ( MNFLPPDDatabase.objects.filter( firstLanguage=str( x.translated_subtitle.tar_languages.language), status="Selected", ) .exclude(availabity=False) .order_by("-score") ) print(y) if len(y) == 0: print("Trying to find in secondary languages") y = ( MNFLPPDDatabase.objects.filter( secondLanguage=str( x.translated_subtitle.tar_languages.language), status="Selected", ) .exclude(availabity=False) .order_by("-score") ) print("y hai ye june 8", y) if len(y) == 0: x.status = "none_available_lpp" to = settings.EMAIL_HOST_USER key_value = { "User": "Admin", } sendmail(to_email=[to], email_code="PP5", key_value=key_value) # with open(rf"{basepath}/lpp/templates/lpp/body.txt") as f: # body = # context_email = { # "Date":, # "Name": "Admin", # "emailcode": "LPP101", # "heading1": "Algo is unable to assign LPP", # "heading2": rf"{x.task_id}", # "body": body, # } # # whomtosend, titleofmail, dateofemail, context, EMAIL_HOST_USER # sendemail( # EMAIL_HOST_USER, # "Please manually reassign or Reject", #, # context_email, # EMAIL_HOST_USER, # ).start() return True count = 0 for i in y: if count == 0: x.assignedlpp_dialogue = i x.date_task_assigned = count += 1 # Send mail to assigned LPP to = x.assignedlpp_dialogue.lpp_email key_value = { "User": x.assignedlpp_dialogue.user_id.username, } sendmail(to_email=[to], email_code="PP3", key_value=key_value) # with open(rf"{basepath}/lpp/templates/lpp/body.txt") as f: # body = # context_email = { # "Date":, # "Name": x.assignedlpp_dialogue.first_name, # "emailcode": "LPP101", # "heading1": "Get to Work!", # "heading2": "More details you can find on Dashboard", # "body": body, # } # # whomtosend, titleofmail, dateofemail, context, EMAIL_HOST_USER # sendemail( # x.assignedlpp_dialogue.lpp_email, # "A Task has been assigned to you", #, # context_email, # EMAIL_HOST_USER, # ).start() else: x.eligiblelpp_dialogue.add(i) # -> Code to determine if Subtitles are generated or translated if x.assignedlpp_dialogue: x.status = "subtitle_lppassigned" # Translated SRT Case if x.translated_subtitle.subtitles_id.target_languages != "": x.usernote = "Kindly check if the translated 'Subtitles' are correct as per the Uploaded Video!" # Genrated SRT Case else: x.usernote = "Kindly check if the Created 'Subtitles' are correct as per the Uploaded Video!" else: x.status = "none_available_lpp" to = settings.EMAIL_HOST_USER key_value = { "User": "Admin", } sendmail(to_email=[to], email_code="PP5", key_value=key_value) elif x.status == "subtitle_completed": x.status = "completed" y = MNFLPPDDatabase.objects.get( lpp_id=x.assignedlpp_dialogue.lpp_id) y.no_task_completed += 1 check_promotion(y) print("Task Assigner Burning") # After Successfully Vetting Creating the Videos using the vetted subtitles # burn subtitles of vetted srt # instance = x.translated_subtitle # x.outputfile = f'{basepath}/media/{x.outputfile}' # Burning new code # video_obj = Videoes.objects.get( # subtitle_video_id=x.translated_subtitle.subtitle_video_id) # video_obj.final_srt = x.outputfile # # completed(video_obj) lpp = y try: # lpp.lpp_task_balance += Decimal(x.amoutgiventolpp_dialogue) lpp.lpp_task_balance = float(Decimal( str(lpp.lpp_task_balance))) + float(float(Decimal(str(x.amoutgiventolpp_dialogue))) * usd_inr_rate) except Exception as e: print("LPP Balance Error", e) lpp.lpp_task_balance = 0.00 + \ float(float(Decimal(x.amoutgiventolpp_dialogue)) * usd_inr_rate) rupees_amount = float( Decimal(x.amoutgiventolpp_dialogue)) * usd_inr_rate # rupees_amount = 505.45 try: central_wallet = Wallet.objects.get(user=lpp.user_id) central_wallet.balance = float( central_wallet.balance) + float(rupees_amount) central_wallet.lpp_balance = float( central_wallet.lpp_balance) + float(rupees_amount) except Exception as e: print("Error: ", e) central_wallet = Wallet() = int(Wallet.objects.all().last().id) + 1 central_wallet.user = lpp.user_id central_wallet.balance = 0.0 + float(rupees_amount) central_wallet.lpp_balance = 0.0 + float(rupees_amount) # Generating Invoice code = str((str(x.translated_subtitle.folder).split("/"))[-2]) # doc_fname = ( # (str(x.translated_subtitle.upload_ppt).split("/"))[-1]).split(".")[0] x.lpp_invoice_dialogue = f'{code}_Invoice.pdf' str1 = str("-") # from .utils import render_to_pdf if x.assignedlpp_dialogue.accountno: data = ["0", x.assignedlpp_dialogue.accountno, x.assignedlpp_dialogue.nameofaccount, x.assignedlpp_dialogue.ifsccode] else: data = ["1", x.assignedlpp_dialogue.foreigndetails] context = { "lpp_name": f'{x.assignedlpp_dialogue.first_name} {x.assignedlpp_dialogue.last_name}', "amount": f'{x.amoutgiventolpp_dialogue}', "bank": data, "source_lang": x.translated_subtitle.subtitles_id.src_languages.language, "target_lang": x.translated_subtitle.subtitles_id.target_languages, "source_script": "N/A", "target_script": "N/A", "date_assign": x.date_task_assigned, "duration": (x.completiontime_dialogue - x.lppacceptancetime_dialogue).days, "task_id": x.task_id, "file_name": code, "type_of_work": "Subtitle Vetting", "task_origin": "Subtitling", "date_at": f'{str1[0]} / {str1[1]} / {str1[2][0:2]}', "lpp_country":, "lpp_region": x.assignedlpp_dialogue.province, "lpp_city":, "lpp_contact":, "invoice_no": str(int(time.time())), } template = get_template( f'{basepath}/lpp/templates/lpp/desktop1.html') html = template.render(context) options = { 'page-size': 'A4', 'margin-top': '0.0in', 'margin-right': '0.0in', 'margin-bottom': '0.0in', 'margin-left': '0.0in', } if domain == "": options["enable-local-file-access"] = "" pdfkit.from_string( html, f'{basepath}/media/lpp_invoice/{code}_Invoice.pdf', options=options) # -> alerting lpp he completed the task to = x.assignedlpp_dialogue.lpp_email key_value = { "User": x.assignedlpp_dialogue.user_id.username, } sendmail(to_email=[to], email_code="PP12", key_value=key_value) # -> alerting the user he's task his task has been completed to = key_value = { "User": x.translated_subtitle.user.username, } sendmail(to_email=[to], email_code="PP11", key_value=key_value) # if instance.hard: # try: # instance.output_video = hardburn( # instance.src_video.path, instance.project_folder, x.outputfile) # except Exception as e: # print(e, " : Error aa gaya hardburn") # pass # else: # try: # # print("huio", x.outputfile, type(x.outputfile)) # if instance.target_lang: # instance.output_video = overlay(instance.src_video.path, instance.project_folder, [ # [str(x.outputfile), instance.tar_lang_code]]) # # else: # instance.output_video = overlay(instance.src_video.path, instance.project_folder, [ # [str(x.outputfile), instance.src_lang_code]]) # # except Exception as e: # print(e, " : Error aa gaya overlay") # pass # # instance.vetted_file = x.outputfile # instance.lpp_date = # # try: # mail_sender("LPP has generated subtitled video successfully!",, instance.user.first_name, "S100", # "Congratulations! Now you can enjoy your video with subtitles", "Check the subtitled video by clicking on this link:") # except: # pass # if len(y) == 0: # x.status = "none_available_dialogue" # # with open(rf"{basepath}/lpp/templates/lpp/body.txt") as f: # body = # context_email = { # "Date":, # "Name": "Admin", # "emailcode": "LPP101", # "heading1": "Algo is unable to assign LPP", # "heading2": rf"{x.task_id}", # "body": body, # } # # whomtosend, titleofmail, dateofemail, context, EMAIL_HOST_USER # sendemail( # EMAIL_HOST_USER, # "Please manually reassign or Reject", #, # context_email, # EMAIL_HOST_USER, # ).start() # return True # count = 0 # for i in y: # # if count == 0: # x.assignedlpp_dialogue = i # x.date_task_assigned = # count += 1 # # Send mail to assigned LPP # with open(rf"{basepath}/lpp/templates/lpp/body.txt") as f: # body = # context_email = { # "Date":, # "Name": x.assignedlpp_dialogue.first_name, # "emailcode": "LPP101", # "heading1": "Get to Work!", # "heading2": "More details you can find on Dashboard", # "body": body, # } # # whomtosend, titleofmail, dateofemail, context, EMAIL_HOST_USER # sendemail( # x.assignedlpp_dialogue.lpp_email, # "A Task has been assigned to you", #, # context_email, # EMAIL_HOST_USER, # ).start() # else: # x.eligiblelpp_dialogue.add(i) # # if x.assignedlpp_dialogue: # x.status = "subtitle_lppassigned" # x.usernote = "Kindly check if the Created 'Subtitles' are correct as per the Uploaded Video!" # else: # x.status = "" elif source == "conversion": # translate_srt, conversion, one_pager # if the actionline is translated or not if str(x.translated_script.nondial_dest_language) == str(x.translated_script.dial_dest_language) and str(x.translated_script.nondial_src_language) == str(x.translated_script.dial_src_language): if x.status == "": if (x.translated_script.nondial_dest_language != x.translated_script.nondial_src_language): lo = 1 # actionline lang is different if (x.translated_script.dial_dest_language != x.translated_script.dial_src_language): mo = 1 y = ( MNFLPPDDatabase.objects.filter( firstLanguage=languages[ str(x.translated_script.nondial_src_language) ], secondLanguage=languages[ str(x.translated_script.nondial_dest_language) ], status="Selected", ) .exclude(availabity=False) .order_by("-score") ) # scripts should be an deciding for eligible LPPs if len(y) == 0: x.status = "none_available_action" # with open(rf"{basepath}/lpp/templates/lpp/body.txt") as f: # body = # # context_email = { # "Date":, # "Name": "Admin", # "emailcode": "LPP101", # "heading1": "Algo is unable to assign LPP", # "heading2": rf"{x.task_id}", # "body": body, # } # # whomtosend, titleofmail, dateofemail, context, EMAIL_HOST_USER # sendemail( # EMAIL_HOST_USER, # "Please manually reassign or Reject", #, # context_email, # EMAIL_HOST_USER, # ).start() to = settings.EMAIL_HOST_USER key_value = { "User": "Admin", "Stage":"(Actionlines and Dialogues)" } sendmail(to_email=[to], email_code="PP4", key_value=key_value) return True count = 0 for i in y: if x.translated_script.nondial_src_script in i.scripts and x.translated_script.dial_dest_script in i.scripts: if count == 0: x.assignedlpp_action = i x.date_task_assigned = count += 1 # Send mail to assigned LPP to = x.assignedlpp_action.lpp_email key_value = { "User": x.assignedlpp_action.user_id.username, } sendmail(to_email=[to], email_code="PP2", key_value=key_value) # with open(rf"{basepath}/lpp/templates/lpp/body.txt") as f: # body = # # context_email = { # "Date":, # "Name": x.assignedlpp_action.first_name, # "emailcode": "LPP101", # "heading1": "Get to Work!", # "heading2": "More details you can find on Dashboard", # "body": body, # } # # whomtosend, titleofmail, dateofemail, context, EMAIL_HOST_USER # sendemail( # x.assignedlpp_action.lpp_email, # "A Task has been assigned to you", #, # context_email, # EMAIL_HOST_USER, # ).start() else: x.eligiblelpp_action.add(i) x.status = "actionline_lppassigned" x.usernote = "Kindly check if the translated 'ACTION LINES' and 'DIALOGUE LINES' are correct as per the Uploaded Document!" pass else: if x.status == "": if ( x.translated_script.nondial_dest_language != x.translated_script.nondial_src_language ): # actionline lang is different y = ( MNFLPPDDatabase.objects.filter( firstLanguage=languages[ str(x.translated_script.nondial_src_language) ], secondLanguage=languages[ str(x.translated_script.nondial_dest_language) ], status="Selected", ) .exclude(availabity=False) .order_by("-score") ) # scripts should be a deciding factor for eligible LPPs if len(y) == 0: x.status = "none_available_action" to = settings.EMAIL_HOST_USER key_value = { "User": "Admin", "Stage": "(Actionlines)" } sendmail(to_email=[to], email_code="PP4", key_value=key_value) # with open(rf"{basepath}/lpp/templates/lpp/body.txt") as f: # body = # # context_email = { # "Date":, # "Name": "Admin", # "emailcode": "LPP101", # "heading1": "Algo is unable to assign LPP", # "heading2": rf"{x.task_id}", # "body": body, # } # # whomtosend, titleofmail, dateofemail, context, EMAIL_HOST_USER # sendemail( # EMAIL_HOST_USER, # "Please manually reassign or Reject", #, # context_email, # EMAIL_HOST_USER, # ).start() return True count = 0 for i in y: if x.translated_script.nondial_src_script in i.scripts: if count == 0: x.assignedlpp_action = i x.date_task_assigned = count += 1 # Send mail to assigned LPP to = x.assignedlpp_action.lpp_email key_value = { "User": x.assignedlpp_action.user_id.username, } sendmail(to_email=[to], email_code="PP2", key_value=key_value) # with open(rf"{basepath}/lpp/templates/lpp/body.txt") as f: # body = # # context_email = { # "Date":, # "Name": x.assignedlpp_action.first_name, # "emailcode": "LPP101", # "heading1": "Get to Work!", # "heading2": "More details you can find on Dashboard", # "body": body, # } # # whomtosend, titleofmail, dateofemail, context, EMAIL_HOST_USER # sendemail( # x.assignedlpp_action.lpp_email, # "A Task has been assigned to you", #, # context_email, # EMAIL_HOST_USER, # ).start() else: x.eligiblelpp_action.add(i) print(x.assignedlpp_action) print(x.eligiblelpp_action) x.status = "actionline_lppassigned" x.usernote = "Kindly check if the translated 'ACTION LINES' are correct as per the Uploaded Document!" else: x.status = "actionline_completed" if x.status == "actionline_completed": if ( x.translated_script.dial_dest_language != x.translated_script.dial_src_language ): # actionline lang is different y = ( MNFLPPDDatabase.objects.filter( firstLanguage=languages[ str(x.translated_script.dial_src_language) ], secondLanguage=languages[ str(x.translated_script.dial_dest_language) ], status="Selected", ) .exclude(availabity=False) .order_by("-score") ) # scripts should be an deciding for eligible LPPs if len(y) == 0: x.status = "none_available_dialogue" to = settings.EMAIL_HOST_USER key_value = { "User": "Admin", "Stage":"(Dialogues)" } sendmail(to_email=[to], email_code="PP4", key_value=key_value) # with open(rf"{basepath}/lpp/templates/lpp/body.txt") as f: # body = # # context_email = { # "Date":, # "Name": "Admin", # "emailcode": "LPP101", # "heading1": "Algo is unable to assign LPP", # "heading2": rf"{x.task_id}", # "body": body, # } # # whomtosend, titleofmail, dateofemail, context, EMAIL_HOST_USER # sendemail( # EMAIL_HOST_USER, # "Please manually reassign or Reject", #, # context_email, # EMAIL_HOST_USER, # ).start() return True count = 0 for i in y: if ( x.translated_script.dial_src_script in i.scripts and x.translated_script.dial_dest_script in i.scripts ): if count == 0: x.assignedlpp_dialogue = i x.date_task_assigned = count += 1 # Send mail to assigned LPP to = x.assignedlpp_dialogue.lpp_email key_value = { "User": x.assignedlpp_dialogue.user_id.username, } sendmail(to_email=[to], email_code="PP2", key_value=key_value) # with open(rf"{basepath}/lpp/templates/lpp/body.txt") as f: # body = # # context_email = { # "Date":, # "Name": x.assignedlpp_dialogue.first_name, # "emailcode": "LPP101", # "heading1": "Get to Work!", # "heading2": "More details you can find on Dashboard", # "body": body, # } # # whomtosend, titleofmail, dateofemail, context, EMAIL_HOST_USER # sendemail( # x.assignedlpp_dialogue.lpp_email, # "A Task has been assigned to you", #, # context_email, # EMAIL_HOST_USER, # ).start() else: x.eligiblelpp_dialogue.add(i) x.status = "dialogue_lppassigned" x.usernote = "Kindly check if the translated 'DIALOGUES' are correct as per the Uploaded Document!" else: x.status = "dialogue_completed" if x.status == "dialogue_completed": x.status = "completed" try: y = MNFLPPDDatabase.objects.get( lpp_id=x.assignedlpp_dialogue.lpp_id) y.no_task_completed += 1 check_promotion(y) except: pass convert_to_pdf(str(basepath) + "/media/" + str(x.outputfile), str(basepath) + "/media/" + "lpptaskfolder") pathspecific = "" for i in (str(x.outputfile).split('.'))[:-1]: pathspecific = pathspecific + "." + str(i) saveFile = pathspecific[1:] + ".pdf" = saveFile try: temp1 = str(x.translated_script.script_title) temp2 = str(x.outputfile) uploaded_script = f"{basepath}/media/{temp1}" translated_script = f"{basepath}/media/{temp2}" data = [uploaded_script, translated_script] print("Function 11") files, timestamp = upload_multiFile_to_ipfs( data, str(x.translated_script.script_title).split("/")[-1], "convertScript", x.translated_script.timestamp = timestamp x.translated_script.uploaded_script_encoded = files[0] x.translated_script.translated_script_encoded = files[1] # blockchain here if UserCredentialsForBlockchain.objects.filter(user_id=x.user_id).exists(): print("condition>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>condition run") blockchain_obj = UserCredentialsForBlockchain.objects.get(user_id=x.user_id) privatekey = blockchain_obj.privateKey print(privatekey) # user_id =blockchain_obj.user_id # Project = x.translated_ppt.ppt_id # private_Key = decryptionOfPrivate(privatekey) # status,getData = getPPTConversion(private_Key.decode('utf-8'),user_id,str(Project)) # if status == True: # data1 = getData[1] # pptconversion1 = eval(data1) # temp2 = str(x.outputfile) # translated_ppt = f"{basepath}/media/{temp2}" # with open(translated_ppt, 'rb') as _file: # hash = uploadDataToIPFSNode(_file) # pptconversion1["vetted_file_hash"] = hash # pptconversion1["vetted_file_path"] = translated_ppt # pptconversion1["vetted_file"] = temp2 # Data = str(pptconversion1) # response=UploadPPTConversionData(private_Key.decode('utf-8'),user_id, str(Project),Data) # print("Response_final :",response) except: pass # -> Generating Invoice # invoice_values = { # "pdf_name": f'{((str(x.translated_script.script).split("/"))[-1]).split(".")[0]}_Invoice.pdf', # "lpp_name": f'{x.assignedlpp_action.first_name} {x.assignedlpp_action.last_name}', # "lpp_contact":, # "source_lang": x.translated_script.dial_src_language, # "target_lang": x.translated_script.dial_dest_language, # "source_script": x.translated_script.dial_src_script, # "target_script": x.translated_script.dial_dest_script, # "date_of_assign": x.date_task_assigned, # "duration": duration, # "task_id": x.task_id, # "file_name": x.translated_script.script_title, # "type_of_work": "Only Dialogues Script Vetting", # "task_origin": "Conversion", # "amount": amount, # # } # # # Invoice = Invoice_Generator(invoice_values) # Invoice.generate_invoice() if x.assignedlpp_dialogue: # create a docx # doc = docx.Document() # # #add to docx # slug_data = doc.add_paragraph() # slug_data_format = slug_data.paragraph_format # slug_data_format.space_after = Pt(12) # slug_data_format.keep_with_next = True # slug_data_format.left_indent = Inches(0) # = 'Courier New' # = Pt(12.0) # slug_data.add_run("Your LPP Task Amount: ").bold = True # # # slug_data = doc.add_paragraph() # slug_data_format = slug_data.paragraph_format # slug_data_format.space_after = Pt(12) # slug_data_format.keep_with_next = True # slug_data_format.left_indent = Inches(0) # = 'Courier New' # = Pt(12.0) # task_amount = str(x.amoutgiventolpp_dialogue) # slug_data.add_run("$ " + task_amount).bold = False # doc_fname = ((str(x.translated_script.script_file_path).split("/"))[-1]).split(".")[0] # doc_name = f"{basepath}/media/lpp_invoice/{doc_fname}_Invoice.docx" # # pdf_name = f"{doc_fname}_Invoice.pdf" # convert_to_pdf(doc_name, f"{basepath}/media/lpp_invoice/") # x.lpp_invoice_dialogue = pdf_name # doc_fname = ( (str(x.translated_script.script_id).split("/"))[-1]).split(".")[0] x.lpp_invoice_dialogue = f'{doc_fname}_Invoice.pdf' str1 = str("-") # adding the amount in lpp wallet lpp = MNFLPPDDatabase.objects.get( lpp_id=x.assignedlpp_dialogue.lpp_id) try: # lpp.lpp_task_balance += Decimal( # x.amoutgiventolpp_dialogue) lpp.lpp_task_balance = float(Decimal( str(lpp.lpp_task_balance))) + float(float(Decimal(str(x.amoutgiventolpp_dialogue))) * usd_inr_rate) except Exception as e: print("LPP Balance Error", e) lpp.lpp_task_balance = 0.00 + \ float( float(Decimal(x.amoutgiventolpp_dialogue)) * usd_inr_rate) # -> Adding balance to Central Wallet rupees_amount = float( Decimal(x.amoutgiventolpp_dialogue)) * usd_inr_rate try: central_wallet = Wallet.objects.get(user=lpp.user_id) central_wallet.balance = float( central_wallet.balance) + float(rupees_amount) central_wallet.lpp_balance = float( central_wallet.lpp_balance) + float(rupees_amount) except Exception as e: print("Error: ", e) central_wallet = Wallet() = int( Wallet.objects.all().last().id) + 1 central_wallet.user = lpp.user_id central_wallet.balance = 0.0 + float(rupees_amount) central_wallet.lpp_balance = 0.0 + float(rupees_amount) # from .utils import render_to_pdf if x.assignedlpp_dialogue.accountno: data = ["0", x.assignedlpp_dialogue.accountno, x.assignedlpp_dialogue.nameofaccount, x.assignedlpp_dialogue.ifsccode] else: data = ["1", x.assignedlpp_dialogue.foreigndetails] context = { "lpp_name": f'{x.assignedlpp_dialogue.first_name} {x.assignedlpp_dialogue.last_name}', "amount": f'{x.amoutgiventolpp_dialogue}', "bank": data, "source_lang": x.translated_script.dial_src_language, "target_lang": x.translated_script.dial_dest_language, "source_script": x.translated_script.dial_src_script, "target_script": x.translated_script.dial_dest_script, "date_assign": x.date_task_assigned, "duration": (x.completiontime_dialogue - x.lppacceptancetime_dialogue).days, "task_id": x.task_id, "file_name": x.translated_script.script_title, "type_of_work": "Only Dialogues Script Vetting", "task_origin": "Conversion", "date_at": f'{str1[0]} / {str1[1]} / {str1[2][0:2]}', "lpp_country":, "lpp_region": x.assignedlpp_dialogue.province, "lpp_city":, "lpp_contact":, "invoice_no": str(int(time.time())), } template = get_template( f'{basepath}/lpp/templates/lpp/desktop1.html') html = template.render(context) options = { 'page-size': 'A4', 'margin-top': '0.0in', 'margin-right': '0.0in', 'margin-bottom': '0.0in', 'margin-left': '0.0in', } if domain == "": options["enable-local-file-access"] = "" pdfkit.from_string( html, f'{basepath}/media/lpp_invoice/{doc_fname}_Invoice.pdf', options=options) # subject = "A task has been assigned to you!" # from_email = settings.EMAIL_HOST_USER # to = x.assignedlpp.lpp_email # context = {"Date":, "Name": x.assignedlpp.user_id.first_name} # html_content = render_to_string( # rf"{basepath}/ideamall/templates/ideamall/email_templete.html", # context, # /home/user/mnf/project/MNF/ideamall/templates/ideamall/email_templete.html # ) # render with dynamic value # # Strip the html tag. So people can see the pure text at least. # text_content = strip_tags(html_content) # # create the email, and attach the HTML version as well. # msg = EmailMultiAlternatives(subject, text_content, from_email, [to]) # print("5777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777") # msg.attach_alternative(html_content, "text/html") # msg.send() elif source == "conversion_ppt": if x.status == "" or x.status == "dialogue_inprogress" or x.status == "dialogue_lppassigned" or x.status == "none_available_dialogue": if (x.translated_ppt.target_lang != x.translated_ppt.source_lang ): y = ( MNFLPPDDatabase.objects.filter( firstLanguage=str(x.translated_ppt.source_lang), secondLanguage=str(x.translated_ppt.target_lang), status="Selected", ) .exclude(availabity=False) .order_by("-score") ) # scripts should be an deciding for eligible LPPs if len(y) == 0: x.status = "none_available_dialogue" # with open(rf"{basepath}/lpp/templates/lpp/body.txt") as f: # body = # context_email = { # "Date":, # "Name": "Admin", # "emailcode": "LPP101", # "heading1": "Algo is unable to assign LPP", # "heading2": rf"{x.task_id}", # "body": body, # } # # whomtosend, titleofmail, dateofemail, context, EMAIL_HOST_USER # sendemail( # EMAIL_HOST_USER, # "Please manually reassign or Reject", #, # context_email, # EMAIL_HOST_USER, # ).start() # -> alerting lpp admin to manually assign to = settings.EMAIL_HOST_USER key_value = { "User": "Admin", } sendmail(to_email=[to], email_code="PP5", key_value=key_value) return True count = 0 for i in y: if (x.translated_ppt.source_script in i.scripts and x.translated_ppt.target_script in i.scripts): if count == 0: x.assignedlpp_dialogue = i x.date_task_assigned = count += 1 # Send mail to assigned LPP to = x.assignedlpp_dialogue.lpp_email key_value = { "User": x.assignedlpp_dialogue.user_id.username, } sendmail(to_email=[to], email_code="PP3", key_value=key_value) # with open(rf"{basepath}/lpp/templates/lpp/body.txt") as f: # body = # context_email = { # "Date":, # "Name": x.assignedlpp_dialogue.first_name, # "emailcode": "LPP101", # "heading1": "Get to Work!", # "heading2": "More details you can find on Dashboard", # "body": body, # } # # whomtosend, titleofmail, dateofemail, context, EMAIL_HOST_USER # sendemail( # x.assignedlpp_dialogue.lpp_email, # "A Task has been assigned to you", #, # context_email, # EMAIL_HOST_USER, # ).start() else: x.eligiblelpp_dialogue.add(i) if x.assignedlpp_dialogue: x.status = "dialogue_lppassigned" x.usernote = "Kindly check if the translated 'Text' are correct as per the Uploaded PPT!" else: x.status = "none_available_dialogue" # Send mail to assigned LPP to = settings.EMAIL_HOST_USER key_value = { "User": "Admin", } sendmail(to_email=[to], email_code="PP5", key_value=key_value) else: x.status = "dialogue_completed" if x.status == "dialogue_completed": x.status = "completed" y = MNFLPPDDatabase.objects.get( lpp_id=x.assignedlpp_dialogue.lpp_id) y.no_task_completed += 1 check_promotion(y) if pptconversion.objects.filter(ppt_id=x.translated_ppt.ppt_id): obj = pptconversion.objects.get(ppt_id=x.translated_ppt.ppt_id) obj.vetted_file = str(x.outputfile) try: # blockchain here if UserCredentialsForBlockchain.objects.filter(user_id=obj.user_id_id).exists(): blockchain_obj = UserCredentialsForBlockchain.objects.get(user_id=obj.user_id_id) privatekey = blockchain_obj.privateKey user_id =blockchain_obj.user_id Project = x.translated_ppt.ppt_id private_Key = decryptionOfPrivate(privatekey) status,getData = getPPTConversion(private_Key.decode('utf-8'),user_id,str(Project)) if status == True: data1 = getData[1] pptconversion1 = eval(data1) temp2 = str(x.outputfile) translated_ppt = f"{basepath}/media/{temp2}" with open(translated_ppt, 'rb') as _file: hash = uploadDataToIPFSNode(_file) pptconversion1["vetted_file_hash"] = hash pptconversion1["vetted_file_path"] = translated_ppt pptconversion1["vetted_file"] = temp2 Data = str(pptconversion1) response=UploadPPTConversionData(OWNER_KEY,blockchain_obj.publicKey,user_id, str(Project),Data) print("Response_final :",response) # temp1 = str(obj.upload_ppt) # temp2 = str(x.outputfile) # uploaded_ppt = f"{basepath}/media/{temp1}" # translated_ppt = f"{basepath}/media/{temp2}" # # data = [uploaded_ppt, translated_ppt] # files, timestamp = upload_multiFile_to_ipfs( # data, obj.ppt_string, "convertPPT", # obj.timestamp = timestamp # obj.uploaded_ppt_encoded = files[0] # obj.translated_ppt_encoded = files[1] except: pass lpp = MNFLPPDDatabase.objects.get( lpp_id=x.assignedlpp_dialogue.lpp_id) try: # lpp.lpp_task_balance += Decimal(x.amoutgiventolpp_dialogue) lpp.lpp_task_balance = float(Decimal( str(lpp.lpp_task_balance))) + float(float(Decimal(str(x.amoutgiventolpp_dialogue))) * usd_inr_rate) except Exception as e: print("LPP Balance Error", e) lpp.lpp_task_balance = 0.00 + \ float(float(Decimal(x.amoutgiventolpp_dialogue)) * usd_inr_rate) rupees_amount = float( Decimal(x.amoutgiventolpp_dialogue)) * usd_inr_rate # rupees_amount = 505.45 try: central_wallet = Wallet.objects.get(user=lpp.user_id) central_wallet.balance = float( central_wallet.balance) + float(rupees_amount) central_wallet.lpp_balance = float( central_wallet.lpp_balance) + float(rupees_amount) except Exception as e: print("Error: ", e) central_wallet = Wallet() = int(Wallet.objects.all().last().id) + 1 central_wallet.user = lpp.user_id central_wallet.balance = 0.0 + float(rupees_amount) central_wallet.lpp_balance = 0.0 + float(rupees_amount) # Generating Invoice doc_fname = ( (str(x.translated_ppt.upload_ppt).split("/"))[-1]).split(".")[0] x.lpp_invoice_dialogue = f'{doc_fname}_Invoice.pdf' str1 = str("-") # from .utils import render_to_pdf if x.assignedlpp_dialogue.accountno: data = ["0", x.assignedlpp_dialogue.accountno, x.assignedlpp_dialogue.nameofaccount, x.assignedlpp_dialogue.ifsccode] else: data = ["1", x.assignedlpp_dialogue.foreigndetails] context = { "lpp_name": f'{x.assignedlpp_dialogue.first_name} {x.assignedlpp_dialogue.last_name}', "amount": f'{x.amoutgiventolpp_dialogue}', "bank": data, "source_lang": x.translated_ppt.source_lang, "target_lang": x.translated_ppt.target_lang, "source_script": x.translated_ppt.source_script, "target_script": x.translated_ppt.target_script, "date_assign": x.date_task_assigned, "duration": (x.completiontime_dialogue - x.lppacceptancetime_dialogue).days, "task_id": x.task_id, "file_name": x.translated_ppt.ppt_string, "type_of_work": "Whole PPT Vetting", "task_origin": "Conversion", "date_at": f'{str1[0]} / {str1[1]} / {str1[2][0:2]}', "lpp_country":, "lpp_region": x.assignedlpp_dialogue.province, "lpp_city":, "lpp_contact":, "invoice_no": str(int(time.time())), } template = get_template( f'{basepath}/lpp/templates/lpp/desktop1.html') html = template.render(context) options = { 'page-size': 'A4', 'margin-top': '0.0in', 'margin-right': '0.0in', 'margin-bottom': '0.0in', 'margin-left': '0.0in', } if domain == "": options["enable-local-file-access"] = "" pdfkit.from_string( html, f'{basepath}/media/lpp_invoice/{doc_fname}_Invoice.pdf', options=options) # -> alerting lpp he completed the task to = x.assignedlpp_dialogue.lpp_email key_value = { "User": x.assignedlpp_dialogue.user_id.username, } sendmail(to_email=[to], email_code="PP12", key_value=key_value) # -> alerting the user he's task his task has been completed if x.translated_ppt: to = key_value = { "User": x.translated_ppt.user_id.username, } else: to = key_value = { "User": x.translated_subtitle.user.username, } sendmail(to_email=[to], email_code="PP11", key_value=key_value) else: pass return True # send mail to LPP that a task is assigned def reassign_task(taskid, forwhichlines, fromeleigible): x = LPPTASKDatabase.objects.get(task_id=taskid) # x.ratingonmachinetranslation = 0 # x.mistakeperpage = "" # x.lppacceptancetime = None # x.completiontime = None # x.deadlinetolpp = None if forwhichlines == "action": x.ratingonmachinetranslation_action = 0 x.mistakeperpage_action = "" x.lppacceptancetime_action = None x.completiontime_action = None x.deadlinetolpp_action = None if str(x.translated_script.nondial_dest_language) == str(x.translated_script.dial_dest_language) and str( x.translated_script.nondial_src_language) == str(x.translated_script.dial_src_language): if fromeleigible == "eligible": for i in list(x.eligiblelpp_action.all()): if i.availabity == True: # x.assignedlpp_action.remove() x.assignedlpp_action = i x.date_task_assigned = x.eligiblelpp_action.remove(i) x.status = "actionline_lppassigned" # Send mail to assigned LPP # with open(rf"{basepath}/lpp/templates/lpp/body.txt") as f: # body = # # context_email = { # "Date":, # "Name": x.assignedlpp_action.first_name, # "emailcode": "LPP101", # "heading1": "Get to Work!", # "heading2": "More details you can find on Dashboard", # "body": body, # } # # whomtosend, titleofmail, dateofemail, context, EMAIL_HOST_USER # sendemail( # x.assignedlpp_action.lpp_email, # "A Task has been assigned to you", #, # context_email, # EMAIL_HOST_USER, # ).start() # -> alerting lpp of assigned task to = x.assignedlpp_action.lpp_email key_value = { "User": x.assignedlpp_action.user_id.username, } sendmail(to_email=[to], email_code="PP2", key_value=key_value) return True # print("line 789---------") x.status = "none_available_action" # -> alerting admin to manual assign # try: # to = settings.EMAIL_HOST_USER # key_value = { # "User": "Admin", # "Stage": "(Actionlines and Dialogues)" # } # sendmail(to_email=[to], email_code="PP4", key_value=key_value) # except: # pass # with open(rf"{basepath}/lpp/templates/lpp/body.txt") as f: # body = # # context_email = { # "Date":, # "Name": "Admin", # "emailcode": "LPP101", # "heading1": "Algo is unable to assign LPP", # "heading2": rf"{x.task_id}", # "body": body, # } # # whomtosend, titleofmail, dateofemail, context, EMAIL_HOST_USER # sendemail( # EMAIL_HOST_USER, # "Please manually reassign or Reject", #, # context_email, # EMAIL_HOST_USER, # ).start() # print("line 145---------") return True if fromeleigible == "eligible": for i in list(x.eligiblelpp_action.all()): if i.availabity == True: print("reassign actionline") x.assignedlpp_action = i x.date_task_assigned = x.eligiblelpp_action.remove(i) x.status = "actionline_lppassigned" # Send mail to assigned LPP # with open(rf"{basepath}/lpp/templates/lpp/body.txt") as f: # body = # # context_email = { # "Date":, # "Name": x.assignedlpp_action.first_name, # "emailcode": "LPP101", # "heading1": "Get to Work!", # "heading2": "More details you can find on Dashboard", # "body": body, # } # # whomtosend, titleofmail, dateofemail, context, EMAIL_HOST_USER # sendemail( # x.assignedlpp_action.lpp_email, # "A Task has been assigned to you", #, # context_email, # EMAIL_HOST_USER, # ).start() try: to = x.assignedlpp_action.lpp_email key_value = { "User": x.assignedlpp_action.user_id.username, } sendmail(to_email=[to], email_code="PP2", key_value=key_value) except: pass return True # else: print("Didn't find anyone for lpp") x.status = "none_available_action" # with open(rf"{basepath}/lpp/templates/lpp/body.txt") as f: # body = # # context_email = { # "Date":, # "Name": "Admin", # "emailcode": "LPP101", # "heading1": "Algo is unable to assign LPP", # "heading2": rf"{x.task_id}", # "body": body, # } # # whomtosend, titleofmail, dateofemail, context, EMAIL_HOST_USER # sendemail( # EMAIL_HOST_USER, # "Please manually reassign or Reject", #, # context_email, # EMAIL_HOST_USER, # ).start() # -> alerting admin to manual assign # try: # to = settings.EMAIL_HOST_USER # key_value = { # "User": "Admin", # "Stage": "(Actionlines)" # } # sendmail(to_email=[to], email_code="PP4", key_value=key_value) # # except: # pass return True elif forwhichlines == "dialogue": x.ratingonmachinetranslation_dialogue = 0 x.mistakeperpage_dialogue = "" x.lppacceptancetime_dialogue = None x.completiontime_dialogue = None x.deadlinetolpp_dialogue = None if fromeleigible == "eligible": for i in list(x.eligiblelpp_dialogue.all()): if i.availabity == True: print("reassign dialogue eligble") x.status = "dialogue_lppassigned" # x.assignedlpp_dialogue.delete() x.assignedlpp_dialogue = i x.date_task_assigned = x.eligiblelpp_dialogue.remove(i) # Send mail to assigned LPP # with open(rf"{basepath}/lpp/templates/lpp/body.txt") as f: # body = # # context_email = { # "Date":, # "Name": x.assignedlpp_dialogue.first_name, # "emailcode": "LPP101", # "heading1": "Get to Work!", # "heading2": "More details you can find on Dashboard", # "body": body, # } # # whomtosend, titleofmail, dateofemail, context, EMAIL_HOST_USER # sendemail( # x.assignedlpp_dialogue.lpp_email, # "A Task has been assigned to you", #, # context_email, # EMAIL_HOST_USER, # ).start() # # -> Send mail to assigned LPP try: to = x.assignedlpp_dialogue.lpp_email key_value = { "User": x.assignedlpp_dialogue.user_id.username, "Stage": "(Dialogues)" } sendmail(to_email=[to], email_code="PP2", key_value=key_value) except: pass return True # else: print("Didn't find anyone for lpp") x.status = "none_available_dialogue" # with open(rf"{basepath}/lpp/templates/lpp/body.txt") as f: # body = # # context_email = { # "Date":, # "Name": "Admin", # "emailcode": "LPP101", # "heading1": "Algo is unable to assign LPP", # "heading2": rf"{x.task_id}", # "body": body, # } # # whomtosend, titleofmail, dateofemail, context, EMAIL_HOST_USER # sendemail( # EMAIL_HOST_USER, # "Please manually reassign or Reject", #, # context_email, # EMAIL_HOST_USER, # ).start() # try: # to = settings.EMAIL_HOST_USER # key_value = { # "User": "Admin", # "Stage": "(Dialogues)" # } # sendmail(to_email=[to], email_code="PP4", key_value=key_value) # except: # pass return True elif forwhichlines == "subtitle": x.ratingonmachinetranslation_dialogue = 0 x.mistakeperpage_dialogue = "" x.lppacceptancetime_dialogue = None x.completiontime_dialogue = None x.deadlinetolpp_dialogue = None if fromeleigible == "eligible": for i in list(x.eligiblelpp_dialogue.all()): if i.availabity == True: print("reassign subtitle eligble") x.status = "subtitle_lppassigned" # x.assignedlpp_dialogue.delete() x.assignedlpp_dialogue = i x.date_task_assigned = x.eligiblelpp_dialogue.remove(i) # Send mail to assigned LPP # with open(rf"{basepath}/lpp/templates/lpp/body.txt") as f: # body = # # context_email = { # "Date":, # "Name": x.assignedlpp_dialogue.first_name, # "emailcode": "LPP101", # "heading1": "Get to Work!", # "heading2": "More details you can find on Dashboard", # "body": body, # } # # whomtosend, titleofmail, dateofemail, context, EMAIL_HOST_USER # sendemail( # x.assignedlpp_dialogue.lpp_email, # "A Task has been assigned to you", #, # context_email, # EMAIL_HOST_USER, # ).start() try: to = x.assignedlpp_dialogue.lpp_email key_value = { "User": x.assignedlpp_dialogue.user_id.username, } sendmail(to_email=[to], email_code="PP2", key_value=key_value) except: pass return True # else: print("Didn't find anyone for lpp") x.status = "none_available_lpp" try: to = x.assignedlpp_dialogue.lpp_email key_value = { "User": x.assignedlpp_dialogue.user_id.username, } sendmail(to_email=[to], email_code="PP2", key_value=key_value) except: pass return True def LPPAction(request): # if LPP declines then assignes the task to next eligible LPP # if LPP accepts then set task as in progress or completed depending upon outfile is provided if request.method == "POST": pk = request.POST.get("id") if request.POST["actiontype"] == "Accept": if LPPTASKDatabase.objects.filter(task_id=pk).exists(): x = LPPTASKDatabase.objects.get(task_id=pk) if x.status == "actionline_lppassigned": x.lppacceptancetime_action = x.deadlinetolpp_action = + timedelta(days=math.ceil((x.translated_script.numPages)/15)) x.status = "actionline_inprogress" # -> LPP accepted the task so alert him to = x.assignedlpp_action.lpp_email key_value = { "User": x.assignedlpp_action.user_id.username, } sendmail(to_email=[to], email_code="PP8", key_value=key_value) return redirect("/lpp/lpptask_dashboard/") elif x.status == "actionline_inprogress": if request.FILES.get("convertedfile"): if str(x.translated_script.nondial_dest_language) == str( x.translated_script.dial_dest_language) and str( x.translated_script.nondial_src_language) == str(x.translated_script.dial_src_language): x.completiontime_action = x.outputfile = request.FILES["convertedfile"] x.ratingonmachinetranslation_action = request.POST.get( "ratingonmachinetranslation") x.mistakeperpage_action = request.POST.get( "mistakes") x.status = "completed" y = MNFLPPDDatabase.objects.get( lpp_id=x.assignedlpp_action.lpp_id) y.no_task_completed += 1 check_promotion(y) convert_to_pdf(str(basepath) + "/media/" + str(x.outputfile), str(basepath) + "/media/" + "lpptaskfolder") pathspecific = "" for i in (str(x.outputfile).split('.'))[:-1]: pathspecific = pathspecific + "." + str(i) saveFile = pathspecific[1:] + ".pdf" = saveFile try: temp1 = str(x.translated_script.script) temp2 = str(x.outputfile) uploaded_script = f"{basepath}/media/{temp1}" translated_script = f"{basepath}/media/{temp2}" data = [uploaded_script, translated_script] print("Function 2") files, timestamp = upload_multiFile_to_ipfs( data, x.translated_script.script_title, "convertScript", x.translated_script.timestamp = timestamp x.translated_script.uploaded_script_encoded = files[0] x.translated_script.translated_script_encoded = files[1] except: pass # -> Generating Invoice # invoice_values = { # "pdf_name": f'{((str(x.translated_script.script).split("/"))[-1]).split(".")[0]}_Invoice.pdf', # "lpp_name": f'{x.assignedlpp_action.first_name} {x.assignedlpp_action.last_name}', # "lpp_contact":, # "source_lang": x.translated_script.dial_src_language, # "target_lang": x.translated_script.dial_dest_language, # "source_script": x.translated_script.dial_src_script, # "target_script": x.translated_script.dial_dest_script, # "date_of_assign": x.date_task_assigned, # "duration": duration, # "task_id": x.task_id, # "file_name": x.translated_script.script_title, # "type_of_work": "Whole Script Vetting", # "task_origin": "Conversion", # "amount": amount, # # } # # # Invoice = Invoice_Generator(invoice_values) # Invoice.generate_invoice() # doc_fname = ((str(x.translated_script.script_file_path).split("/"))[-1]).split(".")[0] # # doc_name = f"{basepath}/media/lpp_invoice/{doc_fname}_Invoice.docx" # # pdf_name = f"{doc_fname}_Invoice.pdf" # convert_to_pdf(doc_name, f"{basepath}/media/lpp_invoice/") # x.lpp_invoice_action = pdf_name # lpp = MNFLPPDDatabase.objects.get( lpp_id=x.assignedlpp_action.lpp_id) try: # lpp.lpp_task_balance += Decimal( # x.amoutgiventolpp_action) lpp.lpp_task_balance = float(Decimal( str(lpp.lpp_task_balance))) + float(float(Decimal(str(x.amoutgiventolpp_action))) * usd_inr_rate) except Exception as e: print("LPP Balance Error", e) lpp.lpp_task_balance = 0.00 + \ float( float(Decimal(x.amoutgiventolpp_action)) * usd_inr_rate) rupees_amount = float( Decimal(x.amoutgiventolpp_action)) * usd_inr_rate # rupees_amount = 505.45 try: central_wallet = Wallet.objects.get( user=lpp.user_id) central_wallet.balance = float( central_wallet.balance) + float(rupees_amount) central_wallet.lpp_balance = float( central_wallet.lpp_balance) + float(rupees_amount) except Exception as e: print("Error: ", e) central_wallet = Wallet() = int( Wallet.objects.all().last().id) + 1 central_wallet.user = lpp.user_id central_wallet.balance = 0.0 + \ float(rupees_amount) central_wallet.lpp_balance = 0.0 + \ float(rupees_amount) doc_fname = ( (str(x.translated_script.script_id).split("/"))[-1]).split(".")[0] x.lpp_invoice_action = f'{doc_fname}_Invoice.pdf' str1 = str("-") # from .utils import render_to_pdf if x.assignedlpp_action.accountno: data = ["0", x.assignedlpp_action.accountno, x.assignedlpp_action.nameofaccount, x.assignedlpp_action.ifsccode] else: data = [ "1", x.assignedlpp_action.foreigndetails] context = { "lpp_name": f'{x.assignedlpp_action.first_name} {x.assignedlpp_action.last_name}', "amount": f'{x.amoutgiventolpp_action}', "bank": data, "source_lang": x.translated_script.nondial_src_language, "target_lang": x.translated_script.nondial_dest_language, "source_script": x.translated_script.nondial_src_script, "target_script": x.translated_script.nondial_dest_script, "date_assign": x.date_task_assigned, "duration": (x.completiontime_action - x.lppacceptancetime_action).days, "task_id": x.task_id, "file_name": x.translated_script.script_title, "type_of_work": "Whole Script Vetting", "task_origin": "Conversion", "date_at": f'{str1[0]} / {str1[1]} / {str1[2][0:2]}', "lpp_country":, "lpp_region": x.assignedlpp_action.province, "lpp_city":, "lpp_contact":, "invoice_no": str(int(time.time())), } template = get_template( f'{basepath}/lpp/templates/lpp/desktop1.html') html = template.render(context) options = { 'page-size': 'A4', 'margin-top': '0.0in', 'margin-right': '0.0in', 'margin-bottom': '0.0in', 'margin-left': '0.0in', } if domain == "": options["enable-local-file-access"] = "" pdfkit.from_string(html, f'{basepath}/media/lpp_invoice/{doc_fname}_Invoice.pdf', options=options) # -> LPP completed the task so alert him about invoice to = x.assignedlpp_action.lpp_email key_value = { "User": x.assignedlpp_action.user_id.username, "Amount": x.amoutgiventolpp_action } sendmail(to_email=[to], email_code="PP14", key_value=key_value) return redirect("/lpp/lpptask_dashboard/") x.completiontime_action = x.outputfile = request.FILES["convertedfile"] x.ratingonmachinetranslation_action = request.POST.get( "ratingonmachinetranslation") x.mistakeperpage_action = request.POST.get("mistakes") x.status = "actionline_completed" print("Saving details in LPP upload") # -> Generating Invoice # invoice_values = { # "pdf_name": f'{((str(x.translated_script.script).split("/"))[-1]).split(".")[0]}_Invoice.pdf', # "lpp_name": f'{x.assignedlpp_action.first_name} {x.assignedlpp_action.last_name}', # "lpp_contact":, # "source_lang": x.translated_script.dial_src_language, # "target_lang": x.translated_script.dial_dest_language, # "source_script": x.translated_script.dial_src_script, # "target_script": x.translated_script.dial_dest_script, # "date_of_assign": x.date_task_assigned, # "duration": duration, # "task_id": x.task_id, # "file_name": x.translated_script.script_title, # "type_of_work": "Only Actionlines Vetting", # "task_origin": "Conversion", # "amount": amount, # # } # # # Invoice = Invoice_Generator(invoice_values) # Invoice.generate_invoice() # doc = docx.Document() # # #add to docx # slug_data = doc.add_paragraph() # slug_data_format = slug_data.paragraph_format # slug_data_format.space_after = Pt(12) # slug_data_format.keep_with_next = True # slug_data_format.left_indent = Inches(0) # = 'Courier New' # = Pt(12.0) # slug_data.add_run("Your LPP Task Amount: ").bold = True # # # slug_data = doc.add_paragraph() # slug_data_format = slug_data.paragraph_format # slug_data_format.space_after = Pt(12) # slug_data_format.keep_with_next = True # slug_data_format.left_indent = Inches(0) # = 'Courier New' # = Pt(12.0) # task_amount = str(x.amoutgiventolpp_action) # slug_data.add_run("$ " + task_amount).bold = False # # doc_fname = ((str(x.translated_script.script_file_path).split("/"))[-1]).split(".")[0] # # # doc_name = f"{basepath}/media/lpp_invoice/{doc_fname}_Invoice.docx" # # pdf_name = f"{doc_fname}_Invoice.pdf" # convert_to_pdf(doc_name, f"{basepath}/media/lpp_invoice/") # x.lpp_invoice_action = pdf_name # lpp = MNFLPPDDatabase.objects.get( lpp_id=x.assignedlpp_action.lpp_id) try: # lpp.lpp_task_balance += Decimal( # x.amoutgiventolpp_action) lpp.lpp_task_balance = float(Decimal( str(lpp.lpp_task_balance))) + float(float(Decimal(str(x.amoutgiventolpp_action))) * usd_inr_rate) except Exception as e: print("LPP Balance Error", e) lpp.lpp_task_balance = 0.00 + \ float( float(Decimal(x.amoutgiventolpp_action)) * usd_inr_rate) rupees_amount = float( Decimal(x.amoutgiventolpp_action)) * usd_inr_rate # rupees_amount = 505.45 try: central_wallet = Wallet.objects.get( user=lpp.user_id) central_wallet.balance = float( central_wallet.balance) + float(rupees_amount) central_wallet.lpp_balance = float( central_wallet.lpp_balance) + float(rupees_amount) except Exception as e: print("Error: ", e) central_wallet = Wallet() = int( Wallet.objects.all().last().id) + 1 central_wallet.user = lpp.user_id central_wallet.balance = 0.0 + float(rupees_amount) central_wallet.lpp_balance = 0.0 + \ float(rupees_amount) doc_fname = ( (str(x.translated_script.script_id).split("/"))[-1]).split(".")[0] x.lpp_invoice_action = f'{doc_fname}_Invoice.pdf' str1 = str("-") # from .utils import render_to_pdf y = MNFLPPDDatabase.objects.get( lpp_id=x.assignedlpp_action.lpp_id) y.no_task_completed += 1 if x.assignedlpp_action.accountno: data = ["0", x.assignedlpp_action.accountno, x.assignedlpp_action.nameofaccount, x.assignedlpp_action.ifsccode] else: data = ["1", x.assignedlpp_action.foreigndetails] context = { "lpp_name": f'{x.assignedlpp_action.first_name} {x.assignedlpp_action.last_name}', "amount": f'{x.amoutgiventolpp_action}', "bank": data, "source_lang": x.translated_script.nondial_src_language, "target_lang": x.translated_script.nondial_dest_language, "source_script": x.translated_script.nondial_src_script, "target_script": x.translated_script.nondial_dest_script, "date_assign": x.date_task_assigned, "duration": (x.completiontime_action - x.lppacceptancetime_action).days, "task_id": x.task_id, "file_name": x.translated_script.script_title, "type_of_work": "Only Actionlines Vetting", "task_origin": "Conversion", "date_at": f'{str1[0]} / {str1[1]} / {str1[2][0:2]}', "lpp_country":, "lpp_region": x.assignedlpp_action.province, "lpp_city":, "lpp_contact":, "invoice_no": str(int(time.time())), } template = get_template( f'{basepath}/lpp/templates/lpp/desktop1.html') html = template.render(context) options = { 'page-size': 'A4', 'margin-top': '0.0in', 'margin-right': '0.0in', 'margin-bottom': '0.0in', 'margin-left': '0.0in', } if domain == "": options["enable-local-file-access"] = "" pdfkit.from_string(html, f'{basepath}/media/lpp_invoice/{doc_fname}_Invoice.pdf', options=options) to = x.assignedlpp_action.lpp_email key_value = { "User": x.assignedlpp_action.user_id.username, "Amount": x.amoutgiventolpp_action } sendmail(to_email=[to], email_code="PP14", key_value=key_value) task_assigner(pk, x.generated_from) print("Successfully saved in LPP upload") print("*" * 50) print("calling lpp upload function", x) else: print("Accept1 ", x.lppacceptancetime_action) x.ratingonmachinetranslation_action = request.POST.get( "ratingonmachinetranslation" ) x.mistakeperpage_action = request.POST.get("mistakes") x.status = "actionline_inprogress" to = x.assignedlpp_action.lpp_email key_value = { "User": x.assignedlpp_action.user_id.username, } sendmail(to_email=[to], email_code="PP8", key_value=key_value) return redirect("/lpp/lpptask_dashboard/") elif x.status == "dialogue_lppassigned": x.lppacceptancetime_dialogue = try: x.deadlinetolpp_dialogue = + timedelta(days=math.ceil((x.translated_script.numPages)/15)) except: x.deadlinetolpp_dialogue = + timedelta( days=math.ceil((x.translated_ppt.slide_count) / 15)) x.status = "dialogue_inprogress" to = x.assignedlpp_dialogue.lpp_email key_value = { "User": x.assignedlpp_dialogue.user_id.username, } sendmail(to_email=[to], email_code="PP8", key_value=key_value) return redirect("/lpp/lpptask_dashboard/") elif x.status == "dialogue_inprogress": if request.FILES.get("convertedfile"): print("Accept1 ", x.lppacceptancetime_action) # if x.lppacceptancetime_dialogue == "": # x.lppacceptancetime_dialogue = x.completiontime_dialogue = x.outputfile = request.FILES["convertedfile"] x.ratingonmachinetranslation_dialogue = request.POST.get( "ratingonmachinetranslation") x.mistakeperpage_dialogue = request.POST.get( "mistakes") x.status = "dialogue_completed" print("Saving details in LPP upload") # case for ppt cause it does not have actionline lpp if x.assignedlpp_action: task_assigner(pk, x.generated_from) else: task_assigner(pk, "conversion_ppt") print("Successfully saved in LPP upload") print("*" * 50) print("calling lpp upload function", x) else: print("Accept1 ", x.lppacceptancetime_action) # if x.lppacceptancetime_dialogue == "": # x.lppacceptancetime_dialogue = x.ratingonmachinetranslation_dialogue = request.POST.get( "ratingonmachinetranslation" ) x.mistakeperpage_dialogue = request.POST.get( "mistakes") x.status = "dialogue_inprogress" to = x.assignedlpp_dialogue.lpp_email key_value = { "User": x.assignedlpp_dialogue.user_id.username, } sendmail(to_email=[to], email_code="PP8", key_value=key_value) return redirect("/lpp/lpptask_dashboard/") elif x.status == "subtitle_lppassigned": print("Accept1 ", x.lppacceptancetime_dialogue) # if x.lppacceptancetime_dialogue == "": x.lppacceptancetime_dialogue = x.deadlinetolpp_dialogue = + timedelta(days=math.ceil((x.translated_subtitle.video_duration)/1800)) x.status = "subtitle_vetting_inprogress" to = x.assignedlpp_dialogue.lpp_email key_value = { "User": x.assignedlpp_dialogue.user_id.username, } sendmail(to_email=[to], email_code="PP8", key_value=key_value) return redirect("/lpp/lpptask_dashboard/") elif x.status == "subtitle_vetting_inprogress": if x.translated_subtitle.status == "completed": x.completiontime_dialogue = x.ratingonmachinetranslation_dialogue = request.POST.get( "ratingonmachinetranslation") x.mistakeperpage_dialogue = request.POST.get( "mistakes") x.status = "subtitle_completed" print("Saving details in LPP upload") # case for ppt cause it does not have actionline lpp task_assigner(pk, x.generated_from) # else: # task_assigner(pk, "conversion_ppt") print("Successfully saved in LPP upload") print("*" * 50) print("calling lpp upload function", x) else: x.ratingonmachinetranslation_dialogue = request.POST.get( "ratingonmachinetranslation" ) x.mistakeperpage_dialogue = request.POST.get( "mistakes") # x.status = "dialogue_inprogress" return redirect("/lpp/lpptask_dashboard/") if request.POST["actiontype"] == "Decline": if LPPTASKDatabase.objects.filter(task_id=pk).exists(): x = LPPTASKDatabase.objects.get(task_id=pk) if x.status == "actionline_lppassigned" or x.status == "actionline_inprogress": if str(x.translated_script.nondial_dest_language) == str( x.translated_script.dial_dest_language) and str( x.translated_script.nondial_src_language) == str(x.translated_script.dial_src_language): if len(list(x.eligiblelpp_action.all())) > 0: reassign_task(pk, "action", "eligible") else: reassign_task(pk, "action", "noneligible") return redirect("/lpp/lpptask_dashboard/") if len(list(x.eligiblelpp_action.all())) > 0: reassign_task(pk, "action", "eligible") else: reassign_task(pk, "action", "noneligible") elif x.status == "dialogue_lppassigned" or x.status == "dialogue_inprogress": if len(list(x.eligiblelpp_dialogue.all())) > 0: reassign_task(pk, "dialogue", "eligible") else: reassign_task(pk, "dialogue", "noneligible") elif x.status == "subtitle_lppassigned" or x.status == "subtitle_vetting_inprogress": if len(list(x.eligiblelpp_dialogue.all())) > 0: reassign_task(pk, "subtitle", "eligible") else: reassign_task(pk, "subtitle", "noneligible") # email_message = EmailMessage( # "Update on your translation request", # "Hi " # + str(request.user.first_name) # + " " # + str(request.user.last_name) # + ",\nYour Conversion " # + str(x.taskname) # + " is being declined by our language pair expert and there is no more lpp for this language", # settings.EMAIL_HOST_USER, # [x.user_id], # ) # email_message.send() # print("Email sent") # return HttpResponse( # "You declined the task, so you have no assign task!" # ) # x.ratingonmachinetranslation = request.POST.get('rating') # x.mistakeperpage = request.POST.get('mistakes') # x.outputfile = request.FILES['convertedfile'] # return redirect("/lpp/lpptask_dashboard/") # if request.POST["Action"] == "Cancel": # if LPPTASKDatabase.objects.filter(id=pk).exists(): # x = LPPTASKDatabase.objects.get(id=pk) # x.status = 'Canceled' # # email_message = EmailMessage( # "Update on your translation request", # "Hi "+str(x.user.first_name)+' '+str(x.user.last_name) + # ",\nYour Conversion"+str(x.taskname)+" is being vetted by our language pair expert", # settings.EMAIL_HOST_USER, # [] # ) # email_message # return redirect('/lpp/adminpanel/') return redirect("/lpp/lpptask_dashboard/") def Update(request): if request.method == "POST": print(request.POST["status"]) pk = request.POST["lppid"] if request.POST["status"] == "Shortlist": print("Line 1 in shortlist") if MNFLPPDDatabase.objects.filter(lpp_id=pk).exists(): x = MNFLPPDDatabase.objects.get(lpp_id=pk) x.status = "Shortlisted" # with open(rf"{basepath}/lpp/templates/lpp/body.txt") as f: # body = # # context_email = { # "Date":, # "Name": x.first_name, # "emailcode": "LPP111", # "heading1": "Congrats you are shortlisted for review!", # "heading2": "We will get back to you ASAP!", # "body": body, # } # # whomtosend, titleofmail, dateofemail, context, EMAIL_HOST_USER # sendemail( # x.lpp_email, # "You are shortlisted!", #, # context_email, # EMAIL_HOST_USER, # ).start() print("Line 10 in shortlist") to = x.lpp_email key_value = { "User": x.user_id.username, } sendmail(to_email=[to], email_code="ID16", key_value=key_value) print("mail sended in shortlist") return redirect("/lpp/adminpanel/") elif request.POST["status"] == "Select": if MNFLPPDDatabase.objects.filter(lpp_id=pk).exists(): x = MNFLPPDDatabase.objects.get(lpp_id=pk) x.status = "Selected" x.approved_on = # Adding the LPP string in active list of Wallet try: central_wallet = Wallet.objects.get(user=x.user_id) l = central_wallet.get_active_list() l.append("LPP") central_wallet.set_active_list(l) except Exception as e: central_wallet = Wallet() if Wallet.objects.all().exists(): = int( Wallet.objects.all().last().id) + 1 else: = 1 l = [] l.append("LPP") central_wallet.set_active_list(l) central_wallet.user = x.user_id # subject = "Congratulations! Your application has been selected by our Admin" # from_email = settings.EMAIL_HOST_USER # to = x.lpp_email # context = { # "Date":, # "Name": x.first_name, # "emailcode": "LPP103", # "heading1": " Application selected ", # "heading2": "Let's get to Work!", # } # html_content = render_to_string( # rf"{basepath}/lpp/templates/lpp/email_templete.html", # context, # /home/user/mnf/project/MNF/ideamall/templates/ideamall/email_templete.html # ) # render with dynamic value # # Strip the html tag. So people can see the pure text at least. # text_content = strip_tags(html_content) # # create the email, and attach the HTML version as well. # msg = EmailMultiAlternatives( # subject, text_content, from_email, [to]) # msg.attach_alternative(html_content, "text/html") # msg.send() to = x.lpp_email key_value = { "User": x.user_id.username } sendmail(to_email=[to], email_code="ID8", key_value=key_value) return redirect("/lpp/adminpanel/") elif request.POST["status"] == "Reject": if MNFLPPDDatabase.objects.filter(lpp_id=pk).exists(): x = MNFLPPDDatabase.objects.get(lpp_id=pk) # subject = "Your application has been rejected by our Admin" # from_email = settings.EMAIL_HOST_USER # to = x.lpp_email # context = { # "Date":, # "Name": x.first_name, # "emailcode": "LPP104", # "heading1": " Application rejected ", # "heading2": request.POST.get("reason"), # } # html_content = render_to_string( # rf"{basepath}/lpp/templates/lpp/email_templete.html", # context, # /home/user/mnf/project/MNF/ideamall/templates/ideamall/email_templete.html # ) # render with dynamic value # # Strip the html tag. So people can see the pure text at least. # text_content = strip_tags(html_content) # # create the email, and attach the HTML version as well. # msg = EmailMultiAlternatives( # subject, text_content, from_email, [to]) # msg.attach_alternative(html_content, "text/html") # msg.send() to = x.lpp_email key_value = { "User": x.user_id.username, "reason": request.POST.get("reason_reject") } sendmail(to_email=[to], email_code="ID6", key_value=key_value) to = x.lpp_email key_value = { "User": x.user_id.username, } sendmail(to_email=[to], email_code="ID19", key_value=key_value) x.delete() return redirect("/lpp/adminpanel/") elif request.POST["status"] == "Terminate": if MNFLPPDDatabase.objects.filter(lpp_id=pk).exists(): x = MNFLPPDDatabase.objects.get(lpp_id=pk) x.status = "Terminated" # Reassigning of his tasks tasks = LPPTASKDatabase.objects.filter(Q(assignedlpp_action=MNFLPPDDatabase.objects.get( lpp_id=pk)) | Q(assignedlpp_dialogue=MNFLPPDDatabase.objects.get(lpp_id=pk))) for task in tasks: if task.assignedlpp_dialogue == MNFLPPDDatabase.objects.get(lpp_id=pk): if len(list(task.eligiblelpp_dialogue.all())) > 0: reassign_task(task.task_id, "dialogue", "eligible") else: reassign_task( task.task_id, "dialogue", "noneligible") else: if len(list(task.eligiblelpp_action.all())) > 0: reassign_task(task.task_id, "action", "eligible") else: reassign_task( task.task_id, "action", "noneligible") # subject = "Application terminated by our Admin" # from_email = settings.EMAIL_HOST_USER # to = x.lpp_email # context = { # "Date":, # "Name": x.first_name, # "emailcode": "LPP105", # "heading1": " Sorry to inform you that your journey with MNF has come to an end! ", # "heading2": "Good Luck for future!", # } # html_content = render_to_string( # rf"{basepath}/lpp/templates/lpp/email_templete.html", # context, # /home/user/mnf/project/MNF/ideamall/templates/ideamall/email_templete.html # ) # render with dynamic value # # Strip the html tag. So people can see the pure text at least. # text_content = strip_tags(html_content) # # create the email, and attach the HTML version as well. # msg = EmailMultiAlternatives( # subject, text_content, from_email, [to]) # msg.attach_alternative(html_content, "text/html") # msg.send() to = x.lpp_email key_value = { "User": x.user_id.username, } sendmail(to_email=[to], email_code="ID14", key_value=key_value) return redirect("/lpp/adminpanel/") elif request.POST["status"] == "Promote": if MNFLPPDDatabase.objects.filter(lpp_id=pk).exists(): x = MNFLPPDDatabase.objects.get(lpp_id=pk) if x.level == "Beginner": x.level = "Proficient" elif x.level == "Proficient": x.level = "Expert" elif x.level == "Expert": x.level = "Expert" else: x.level = "Beginner" x.status = "Selected" # subject = "Congrats! You have been promoted by our Admin" # from_email = settings.EMAIL_HOST_USER # to = x.lpp_email # context = { # "Date":, # "Name": x.first_name, # "emailcode": "LPP106", # "heading1": f" You leveled-up to {x.level} ", # "heading2": "Keep up the good work!", # } # html_content = render_to_string( # rf"{basepath}/lpp/templates/lpp/email_templete.html", # context, # /home/user/mnf/project/MNF/ideamall/templates/ideamall/email_templete.html # ) # render with dynamic value # # Strip the html tag. So people can see the pure text at least. # text_content = strip_tags(html_content) # # create the email, and attach the HTML version as well. # msg = EmailMultiAlternatives( # subject, text_content, from_email, [to]) # msg.attach_alternative(html_content, "text/html") # msg.send() to = x.lpp_email key_value = { "User": x.user_id.username, } sendmail(to_email=[to], email_code="ID15", key_value=key_value) return redirect("/lpp/adminpanel/") elif request.POST["status"] == "On Hold": if MNFLPPDDatabase.objects.filter(lpp_id=pk).exists(): x = MNFLPPDDatabase.objects.get(lpp_id=pk) x.nda.delete() x.status = "On Hold" # subject = "Application on hold!" # from_email = settings.EMAIL_HOST_USER # to = x.lpp_email # context = { # "Date":, # "Name": x.first_name, # "emailcode": "LPP108", # "heading1": " Make applicable corrections! ", # "heading2": request.POST.get("reason"), # } # html_content = render_to_string( # rf"{basepath}/lpp/templates/lpp/email_templete.html", # context, # /home/user/mnf/project/MNF/ideamall/templates/ideamall/email_templete.html # ) # render with dynamic value # # Strip the html tag. So people can see the pure text at least. # text_content = strip_tags(html_content) # # create the email, and attach the HTML version as well. # msg = EmailMultiAlternatives( # subject, text_content, from_email, [to]) # msg.attach_alternative(html_content, "text/html") # msg.send() to = x.lpp_email key_value = { "User": x.user_id.username, "reason":request.POST.get("reason") } sendmail(to_email=[to], email_code="ID7", key_value=key_value) return redirect("/lpp/adminpanel/") def updatebankdetails(request): pk = request.POST["id"] x = MNFLPPDDatabase.objects.get(lpp_id=pk) if request.method == "POST": if request.POST.get("accountno"): x.bankname = request.POST.get("bankname") x.accountno = request.POST.get("accountno") x.ifsccode = request.POST.get("ifsccode") x.nameofaccount = request.POST.get("nameofaccount") elif request.POST.get("foreigndetails"): x.foreigndetails = request.POST.get("foreigndetails") else: x.bankname = "" x.accountno = "" x.ifsccode = "" x.nameofaccount = "" x.foreigndetails = "" # -> Bank details update email to = x.lpp_email key_value = { "User": x.user_id.username } sendmail(to_email=[to], email_code="ID10", key_value=key_value) return redirect("lpptask_dashboard") def NonDisclosureAgreement(request, mode): if mode == "0": if request.method == "POST": pk = request.POST["id"] x = MNFLPPDDatabase.objects.get(lpp_id=pk) x.nda = request.FILES["nda"] # subject = "Someone has uploaded NDA! Please review application" # from_email = settings.EMAIL_HOST_USER # to = settings.EMAIL_HOST_USER # context = { # "Date":, # "Name": x.first_name, # "emailcode": "LPP2", # "heading1": " Kindly review applicant ", # "heading2": " ASAP! ", # } # html_content = render_to_string( # rf"{basepath}/lpp/templates/lpp/email_templete.html", # context, # /home/user/mnf/project/MNF/ideamall/templates/ideamall/email_templete.html # ) # render with dynamic value # # Strip the html tag. So people can see the pure text at least. # text_content = strip_tags(html_content) # # create the email, and attach the HTML version as well. # msg = EmailMultiAlternatives( # subject, text_content, from_email, [to]) # msg.attach_alternative(html_content, "text/html") # msg.attach_file(f"{basepath}/media/{x.nda}") # msg.send() # # subject = "Thank You for uploading NDA" # from_email = settings.EMAIL_HOST_USER # to = x.lpp_email # context = { # "Date":, # "Name": x.first_name, # "emailcode": "LPP3", # "heading1": " Thanks applicant ", # "heading2": " We will get back soon! ", # } # html_content = render_to_string( # rf"{basepath}/lpp/templates/lpp/email_templete.html", # context, # /home/user/mnf/project/MNF/ideamall/templates/ideamall/email_templete.html # ) # render with dynamic value # # Strip the html tag. So people can see the pure text at least. # text_content = strip_tags(html_content) # # create the email, and attach the HTML version as well. # msg = EmailMultiAlternatives( # subject, text_content, from_email, [to]) # msg.attach_alternative(html_content, "text/html") # msg.send() # subj = "" # content = "" # from_email = settings.EMAIL_HOST_USER # to = # msg = EmailMultiAlternatives(subj, content, from_email, [to]) # # msg.attach_alternative(html_content, "text/html") # msg.send() to = x.lpp_email key_value = { "User": x.user_id.username } sendmail(to_email=[to], email_code="ID4", key_value=key_value) return redirect("lpptask_dashboard") # print("1784") elif mode == "1": if request.method == "POST": pk = request.POST["id"] x = MNFLPPDDatabase.objects.get(lpp_id=pk) x.nda.delete() # template = get_template("lpp/nda.html") # context = { # "source_lang": x.firstLanguage, # "target_lang": x.secondLanguage, # "name": x.first_name, # "status": "Shortlisted by Algo", # "user": request.user, # } # html = template.render(context) # pdf = render_to_pdf("lpp/nda.html", context) # # response = HttpResponse(pdf, content_type="application/pdf") # # Send Email # # subject = "Requested NDA received!" # from_email = settings.EMAIL_HOST_USER # to = x.lpp_email # context = { # "Date":, # "Name": x.first_name, # "emailcode": "LPP102", # "heading1": " Kindly Upload signed NDA ", # "heading2": " Attached with this Email ", # } # html_content = render_to_string( # rf"{basepath}/lpp/templates/lpp/email_templete.html", # context, # /home/user/mnf/project/MNF/ideamall/templates/ideamall/email_templete.html # ) # render with dynamic value # # Strip the html tag. So people can see the pure text at least. # text_content = strip_tags(html_content) # # create the email, and attach the HTML version as well. # msg = EmailMultiAlternatives( # subject, text_content, from_email, [to]) # msg.attach_alternative(html_content, "text/html") # msg.attach_file( # rf"/{basepath}/media/PdfFiles/MNF-NDA.pdf") # msg.send() to = x.lpp_email key_value = { "User": x.user_id.username } sendmail(to_email=[to], email_code="ID5", key_value=key_value, filePath=rf"/{basepath}/media/PdfFiles/MNF-NDA.pdf") return redirect("lpptask_dashboard") def availabity(request): if request.method == "POST": pk = request.POST["id"] x = MNFLPPDDatabase.objects.get(lpp_id=pk) print(x.first_name, "First Nameee") if request.POST.get("availabity") == "Yes": x.availabity = True # with open(rf"{basepath}/lpp/templates/lpp/body.txt") as f: # body = # # context_email = { # "Date":, # "Name": x.first_name, # "emailcode": "LPP110", # "heading1": "LPP available", # "heading2": f"From {}", # "body": body, # } # # whomtosend, titleofmail, dateofemail, context, EMAIL_HOST_USER # sendemail( # EMAIL_HOST_USER, # f"{x.first_name} is now available", #, # context_email, # EMAIL_HOST_USER, # ).start() else: x.availabity = False print("Avail no") # with open(rf"{basepath}/lpp/templates/lpp/body.txt") as f: # body = # # context_email = { # "Date":, # "Name": x.first_name, # "emailcode": "LPP110", # "heading1": "LPP unavailable", # "heading2": f"From {}", # "body": body, # } # # whomtosend, titleofmail, dateofemail, context, EMAIL_HOST_USER # sendemail( # EMAIL_HOST_USER, # f"{x.first_name} unavailable", #, # context_email, # EMAIL_HOST_USER, # ).start() to = x.lpp_email key_value = { "User": x.user_id.username, } sendmail(to_email=[to], email_code="ID22", key_value=key_value) print("Email sentttttt successfully!") y = LPPTASKDatabase.objects.filter(Q(assignedlpp_action=MNFLPPDDatabase.objects.get( lpp_id=pk)) | Q(assignedlpp_dialogue=MNFLPPDDatabase.objects.get(lpp_id=pk))) try: for item in y: if item.status == "completed" or item.status == "actionline_completed" or item.status == "dialogue_completed" \ or item.status == "subtitle_completed" or item.status == "none_available_dialogue": pass else: if item.assignedlpp_action == MNFLPPDDatabase.objects.get(lpp_id=pk): if str(item.translated_script.nondial_dest_language) == str( item.translated_script.dial_dest_language) and str( item.translated_script.nondial_src_language) == str(item.translated_script.dial_src_language): if len(list(item.eligiblelpp_action.all())) > 0: reassign_task( item.task_id, "action", "eligible") else: reassign_task( item.task_id, "action", "noneligible") if len(list(item.eligiblelpp_action.all())) > 0: reassign_task(item.task_id, "action", "eligible") else: reassign_task( item.task_id, "action", "noneligible") elif item.assignedlpp_dialogue == MNFLPPDDatabase.objects.get(lpp_id=pk): if len(list(item.eligiblelpp_dialogue.all())) > 0: reassign_task(item.task_id, "dialogue", "eligible") else: reassign_task( item.task_id, "dialogue", "noneligible") except Exception as e: print("Error for LPP is:", e) print(x.availabity, " :Out of condition") return redirect("lpptask_dashboard") def get_possible_tasks(lpp_id): possible_tasks = [] lpp = MNFLPPDDatabase.objects.get(lpp_id=lpp_id) source_and_target_langs = [lpp.firstLanguage, lpp.firstLanguage] y = ( LPPTASKDatabase.objects.exclude(status="completed") .exclude(assignedlpp_action=lpp) .exclude(assignedlpp_dialogue=lpp) ) translated_scripts = y.filter(translated_script__isnull=False) translated_ppts = y.filter(translated_ppt__isnull=False) subtitles = y.filter(translated_subtitle__isnull=False) for task in translated_scripts: if task.status == "" or task.status == "actionline_inprogress" or task.status == "actionline_lppassigned" or task.status == "none_available_action": if languages[task.translated_script.nondial_src_language] in source_and_target_langs and languages[task.translated_script.nondial_dest_language] in source_and_target_langs: possible_tasks.append(task) else: if languages[task.translated_script.dial_src_language] in source_and_target_langs and languages[task.translated_script.dial_dest_language] in source_and_target_langs: possible_tasks.append(task) for task in translated_ppts: if task.translated_ppt.source_lang in source_and_target_langs and task.translated_ppt.target_lang in source_and_target_langs: possible_tasks.append(task) for task in subtitles: if task.translated_subtitle.subtitles_id.src_languages.language in source_and_target_langs and task.translated_subtitle.tar_languages.language in source_and_target_langs: possible_tasks.append(task) return possible_tasks def manualassign(request, id): if request.method == "POST": print("Entering Manual Assign") if not id: task_id = request.POST.get("task_id") lpp_id = request.POST.get("lpp_id") else: task_id = request.POST.get("task") lpp_id = request.POST.get("lpp") print(task_id, lpp_id) y = LPPTASKDatabase.objects.get(task_id=task_id) try: # which lpp to be sent the old lpp email cases - #Send mail to assigned LPP(OLD LPP EMAIL) if y.status == "" or y.status == "none_available_action" or y.status == "none_available_dialogue" or y.status == "none_available_lpp": pass elif y.status == "actionline_lppassigned" or y.status == "actionline_inprogress": old_lpp_email = y.assignedlpp_action.lpp_email old_lpp_first_name = y.assignedlpp_action.first_name to = old_lpp_email key_value = { "User": y.assignedlpp_action.user_id.username, } sendmail(to_email=[to], email_code="PP7", key_value=key_value) elif y.status == "dialogue_lppassigned" or y.status == "dialogue_inprogress" or y.status == \ "subtitle_vetting_inprogress" or y.status == "subtitle_lppassigned": old_lpp_email = y.assignedlpp_dialogue.lpp_email old_lpp_first_name = y.assignedlpp_dialogue.first_name to = old_lpp_email key_value = { "User": y.assignedlpp_dialogue.user_id.username, } sendmail(to_email=[to], email_code="PP7", key_value=key_value) # with open(rf"{basepath}/lpp/templates/lpp/body.txt") as f: # body = # context_email = { # "Date":, # "Name": old_lpp_first_name, # "emailcode": "LPP107", # "heading1": "Sorry to inform you that your task is assigned to someone else!", # "heading2": "Hope you will get a new task soon!", # "body": body, # } # # whomtosend, titleofmail, dateofemail, context, EMAIL_HOST_USER # sendemail( # old_lpp_email, # "Task Re-assigned", #, # context_email, # EMAIL_HOST_USER, # ).start() except: print("No OLD LPP FOUND SO NO MAIL TO OLD LPP") if y.translated_ppt: print("if of ppt") if y.status == "" or y.status == "dialogue_lppassigned" or\ y.status == "dialogue_inprogress" or y.status == "none_available_dialogue": y.assignedlpp_dialogue = MNFLPPDDatabase.objects.get( lpp_id=lpp_id) y.lppacceptancetime_dialogue = None y.deadlinetolpp_dialogue = None y.date_task_assigned = y.status = "dialogue_lppassigned" z = y.eligiblelpp_dialogue.all() if MNFLPPDDatabase.objects.get(lpp_id=lpp_id) in list(z): y.eligiblelpp_dialogue.remove( MNFLPPDDatabase.objects.get(lpp_id=lpp_id) ) new_lpp = MNFLPPDDatabase.objects.get(lpp_id=lpp_id) # New Assigned LPP Email to = new_lpp.lpp_email key_value = { "User": new_lpp.user_id.username, } sendmail(to_email=[to], email_code="PP3", key_value=key_value) # with open(rf"{basepath}/lpp/templates/lpp/body.txt") as f: # body = # context_email = { # "Date":, # "Name": new_lpp.first_name, # "emailcode": "LPP101", # "heading1": "Get to Work!", # "heading2": "More details you can find on Dashboard", # "body": body, # } # # whomtosend, titleofmail, dateofemail, context, EMAIL_HOST_USER # sendemail( # new_lpp.lpp_email, # "A Task has been assigned to you", #, # context_email, # EMAIL_HOST_USER, # ).start() elif y.translated_script: print("elif of script") if y.status == "" or y.status == "actionline_lppassigned" or y.status == "actionline_inprogress" or y.status == "none_available_action": if str(y.translated_script.nondial_dest_language) == str( y.translated_script.dial_dest_language) and str(y.translated_script.nondial_src_language) == str(y.translated_script.dial_src_language): y.assignedlpp_action = MNFLPPDDatabase.objects.get( lpp_id=lpp_id) y.status = "actionline_lppassigned" y.usernote = "Kindly check if the translated 'ACTION LINES' and 'DIALOGUE LINES' are correct as per the Uploaded Document!" y.date_task_assigned = z = y.eligiblelpp_dialogue.all() if MNFLPPDDatabase.objects.get(lpp_id=lpp_id) in list(z): y.eligiblelpp_dialogue.remove( MNFLPPDDatabase.objects.get(lpp_id=lpp_id) ) current_user = MNFLPPDDatabase.objects.get(lpp_id=id) y = ( LPPTASKDatabase.objects.exclude(status="completed") .exclude(assignedlpp_action=current_user) .exclude(assignedlpp_dialogue=current_user) ) new_lpp = MNFLPPDDatabase.objects.get(lpp_id=lpp_id) to = new_lpp.lpp_email key_value = { "User": new_lpp.user_id.username, } sendmail(to_email=[to], email_code="PP2", key_value=key_value) context = {"data": y, "lpp_id": id} return render(request, "lpp/manualtask.html", context) y.assignedlpp_action = MNFLPPDDatabase.objects.get( lpp_id=lpp_id) y.lppacceptancetime_action = None y.deadlinetolpp_action = None y.date_task_assigned = y.status = "actionline_lppassigned" z = y.eligiblelpp_action.all() if MNFLPPDDatabase.objects.get(lpp_id=lpp_id) in list(z): y.eligiblelpp_action.remove( MNFLPPDDatabase.objects.get(lpp_id=lpp_id)) new_lpp = MNFLPPDDatabase.objects.get(lpp_id=lpp_id) to = new_lpp.lpp_email key_value = { "User": new_lpp.user_id.username, } sendmail(to_email=[to], email_code="PP2", key_value=key_value) elif y.status == "actionline_completed" or y.status == "dialogue_lppassigned" or\ y.status == "dialogue_inprogress" or y.status == "none_available_dialogue": y.assignedlpp_dialogue = MNFLPPDDatabase.objects.get( lpp_id=lpp_id) y.date_task_assigned = y.lppacceptancetime_dialogue = None y.deadlinetolpp_dialogue = None y.status = "dialogue_lppassigned" z = y.eligiblelpp_dialogue.all() if MNFLPPDDatabase.objects.get(lpp_id=lpp_id) in list(z): y.eligiblelpp_dialogue.remove( MNFLPPDDatabase.objects.get(lpp_id=lpp_id) ) new_lpp = MNFLPPDDatabase.objects.get(lpp_id=lpp_id) # New Assigned LPP Email # with open(rf"{basepath}/lpp/templates/lpp/body.txt") as f: # body = # context_email = { # "Date":, # "Name": new_lpp.first_name, # "emailcode": "LPP101", # "heading1": "Get to Work!", # "heading2": "More details you can find on Dashboard", # "body": body, # } # # whomtosend, titleofmail, dateofemail, context, EMAIL_HOST_USER # sendemail( # new_lpp.lpp_email, # "A Task has been assigned to you", #, # context_email, # EMAIL_HOST_USER, # ).start() to = new_lpp.lpp_email key_value = { "User": new_lpp.user_id.username, } sendmail(to_email=[to], email_code="PP2", key_value=key_value) elif y.translated_subtitle: if y.status == "" or y.status == "subtitle_lppassigned" or\ y.status == "subtitle_vetting_inprogress" or y.status == "none_available_lpp": y.assignedlpp_dialogue = MNFLPPDDatabase.objects.get( lpp_id=lpp_id) y.date_task_assigned = y.lppacceptancetime_dialogue = None y.deadlinetolpp_dialogue = None y.status = "subtitle_lppassigned" z = y.eligiblelpp_dialogue.all() if MNFLPPDDatabase.objects.get(lpp_id=lpp_id) in list(z): y.eligiblelpp_dialogue.remove( MNFLPPDDatabase.objects.get(lpp_id=lpp_id) ) new_lpp = MNFLPPDDatabase.objects.get(lpp_id=lpp_id) # New Assigned LPP Email # with open(rf"{basepath}/lpp/templates/lpp/body.txt") as f: # body = # context_email = { # "Date":, # "Name": new_lpp.first_name, # "emailcode": "LPP101", # "heading1": "Get to Work!", # "heading2": "More details you can find on Dashboard", # "body": body, # } # # whomtosend, titleofmail, dateofemail, context, EMAIL_HOST_USER # sendemail( # new_lpp.lpp_email, # "A Task has been assigned to you", #, # context_email, # EMAIL_HOST_USER, # ).start() new_lpp = MNFLPPDDatabase.objects.get(lpp_id=lpp_id) to = new_lpp.lpp_email key_value = { "User": new_lpp.user_id.username, } sendmail(to_email=[to], email_code="PP3", key_value=key_value) if not id: return True else: possible_assignable_tasks = get_possible_tasks(lpp_id=id) context = {"data": possible_assignable_tasks, "lpp_id": id} return render(request, "lpp/manualtask.html", context) def query_email(request): subj = request.POST.get("subj") content = request.POST.get("content") print("sending mail 99999") if request.POST.get("frompage") == "regform": print("sending email minor") to = settings.EMAIL_HOST_USER key_value = { "User":"Admin", "User_email_id", "subject":subj, "content":content } sendmail(to_email=[to], email_code="ID1", key_value=key_value) elif request.POST.get("frompage") == "majortable": print("sending email major") print(request.POST.get("lpp_id")) to = MNFLPPDDatabase.objects.get(lpp_id=request.POST.get("lpp_id")).lpp_email key_value = { "User": MNFLPPDDatabase.objects.get(lpp_id=request.POST.get("lpp_id")).user_id.username, "subject":subj, "content": content } sendmail(to_email=[to], email_code="ID17", key_value=key_value) # msg = EmailMultiAlternatives(subj, content, from_email, [to]) # msg.attach_alternative(html_content, "text/html") # msg.send() # print(subj) # print(content) return JsonResponse({"Success": "Done"}) def edit_details_lpp(request): if request.method == "POST": change_critical = False lpp = MNFLPPDDatabase.objects.get(lpp_id=str(request.POST.get("id"))) if request.POST.get("lpp_email_new") != "": if lpp.lpp_email == request.POST.get("lpp_email_new"): pass else: lpp.lpp_email = request.POST.get("lpp_email_new") if request.POST.get("contact_edit_counter") == "No": lpp.countryCode = request.POST.get("code_edit") = request.POST.get("number_edit") country_json_file = open( rf"/{basepath}/MNF/json_keys/countriesnew.json") data_json = json.load(country_json_file) count = 0 for i in data_json: if i["abbr2"].lower() == request.POST.get("country_Edit"): countryy = i["name"] count += 1 if count == 0: countryy = request.POST.get("country_Edit") if request.POST.get("country_Edit") == "" or request.POST.get("country_Edit") == None: pass else: if countryy != = countryy lpp.province = request.POST.get("province_Edit") if request.POST.get("city_Edit") == "" or request.POST.get("city_Edit") == None: = "N/A" else: = request.POST.get("city_Edit") elif countryy == if request.POST.get("province_Edit") == "" or request.POST.get("province_Edit") == None: pass else: if request.POST.get("province_Edit") != lpp.province: lpp.province = request.POST.get("province_Edit") else: if request.POST.get("city_Edit") == "" or request.POST.get("city_Edit") == None: pass else: if == "" or == "N/A" or == None: = request.POST.get("city_Edit") else: if request.POST.get("city_Edit") != = request.POST.get("city_Edit") if request.POST.get("lpp_sl_ql_select_edit") != lpp.firstLangDegree: if request.POST.get("lpp_sl_ql_select_edit") == "text": change_critical = True lpp.firstLangDegree = request.POST.get( "lpp_sl_ql_select_edit_text") else: if request.POST.get("lpp_sl_ql_select_edit") == "" or request.POST.get("lpp_sl_ql_select_edit") == "N/A": pass else: change_critical = True lpp.firstLangDegree = request.POST.get( "lpp_sl_ql_select_edit") if lpp.choice13 == True: if lpp.firstLangMedium == "" or lpp.firstLangMedium == None or lpp.firstLangMedium == "N/A": change_critical = True lpp.firstLangMedium = request.POST.get("lpp_sl_medium_edit") else: if lpp.firstLangMedium != request.POST.get("lpp_sl_medium_edit"): change_critical = True lpp.firstLangMedium = request.POST.get( "lpp_sl_medium_edit") if lpp.firstLangAwardedBy != request.POST.get("lpp_sl_ql_c_edit"): lpp.firstLangAwardedBy = request.POST.get("lpp_sl_ql_c_edit") if str(lpp.firstLangDegreeFile) != "": try: if str(request.FILES["degree_sl"]) != "": if str(lpp.firstLangDegreeFile) != str(request.FILES["degree_sl"]): change_critical = True lpp.firstLangDegreeFile.delete() lpp.firstLangDegreeFile = request.FILES["degree_sl"] except: pass else: try: change_critical = True lpp.firstLangDegreeFile = request.FILES["degree_sl"] except: pass if request.POST.get("lpp_tl_ql_select_edit") != lpp.secondLangDegree: if request.POST.get("lpp_tl_ql_select_edit") == "text": change_critical = True lpp.secondLangDegree = request.POST.get( "lpp_tl_ql_select_edit_text") else: if request.POST.get("lpp_tl_ql_select_edit") == "" or request.POST.get("lpp_tl_ql_select_edit") == "N/A": pass else: change_critical = True lpp.secondLangDegree = request.POST.get( "lpp_tl_ql_select_edit") if lpp.choice23 == True: if lpp.secondLangMedium == "" or lpp.secondLangMedium == None or lpp.secondLangMedium == "N/A": change_critical = True lpp.secondLangMedium = request.POST.get("lpp_tl_medium_edit") else: if lpp.secondLangMedium != request.POST.get("lpp_tl_medium_edit"): change_critical = True lpp.secondLangMedium = request.POST.get( "lpp_tl_medium_edit") if lpp.secondLangAwardedBy != request.POST.get("lpp_tl_ql_c_edit"): lpp.secondLangAwardedBy = request.POST.get("lpp_tl_ql_c_edit") if str(lpp.secondLangDegreeFile) != "": try: if str(request.FILES["degree_tl"]) != "": if str(lpp.secondLangDegreeFile) != str(request.FILES["degree_tl"]): change_critical = True lpp.secondLangDegreeFile.delete() lpp.secondLangDegreeFile = request.FILES["degree_tl"] except: pass else: try: change_critical = True lpp.secondLangDegreeFile = request.FILES["degree_tl"] except: pass if lpp.certificationL1L2 != request.POST.get("lpp_sl_tl_select_edit"): if request.POST.get("lpp_sl_tl_select_edit") == "Others": if request.POST.get("lpp_sl_tl_select_edit") == "": pass else: change_critical = True lpp.certificationL1L2 = request.POST.get( "lpp_sl_tl_select_edit_text") else: if request.POST.get("lpp_sl_tl_select_edit") == "": pass else: change_critical = True lpp.certificationL1L2 = request.POST.get( "lpp_sl_tl_select_edit") if lpp.certttificationAwardedByL1L2 != '': try: if lpp.certttificationAwardedByL1L2 != request.POST.get("lpp_sl_tl_a_edit"): lpp.certttificationAwardedByL1L2 = request.POST.get( "lpp_sl_tl_a_edit") except: pass else: try: lpp.certttificationAwardedByL1L2 = request.POST.get( "lpp_sl_tl_a_edit") except: pass if lpp.durationCertificationL1L2 != request.POST.get("lpp_sl_tl_d_select_edit"): if request.POST.get("lpp_sl_tl_d_select_edit") == "": pass else: change_critical = True lpp.durationCertificationL1L2 = request.POST.get( "lpp_sl_tl_d_select_edit") if lpp.modeCertificationL1L2 != "": if lpp.modeCertificationL1L2 != request.POST.get("modeCertificationL1L2"): lpp.modeCertificationL1L2 = request.POST.get( "modeCertificationL1L2") else: lpp.modeCertificationL1L2 = request.POST.get( "modeCertificationL1L2") if lpp.certificationFile != '': try: if request.FILES["degree_sl_tl_c"] != "": if lpp.certificationFile != request.FILES["degree_sl_tl_c"]: change_critical = True lpp.certificationFile.delete() lpp.certificationFile = request.FILES["degree_sl_tl_c"] except: pass else: try: change_critical = True lpp.certificationFile = request.FILES["degree_sl_tl_c"] except: pass if lpp.expFirstLang == "20": pass else: if lpp.expFirstLang != "": if lpp.expFirstLang != request.POST.get("lpp_sl_exp"): change_critical = True lpp.expFirstLang = request.POST.get("lpp_sl_exp") if lpp.expSecondLang == "20": pass else: if lpp.expSecondLang != "": if lpp.expSecondLang != request.POST.get("lpp_tl_exp"): change_critical = True lpp.expSecondLang = request.POST.get("lpp_tl_exp") if lpp.scriptWrittenFirstLang == "moreThan100": pass else: if lpp.scriptWrittenFirstLang != '': if lpp.scriptWrittenFirstLang != request.POST.get("lpp_sl_exp_w_n"): change_critical = True lpp.scriptWrittenFirstLang = request.POST.get( "lpp_sl_exp_w_n") if request.POST.get("lpp_sl_exp_w_n_text") != "": lpp.scriptWrittenFirstLangLink = request.POST.get( "lpp_sl_exp_w_n_text") if lpp.scriptWrittenSecondLang == "moreThan100": pass else: if lpp.scriptWrittenSecondLang != '': if lpp.scriptWrittenSecondLang != request.POST.get("lpp_tl_exp_w_n"): change_critical = True lpp.scriptWrittenSecondLang = request.POST.get( "lpp_tl_exp_w_n") if request.POST.get("lpp_tl_exp_w_n_text") != "": lpp.scriptWrittenSecondLangLink = request.POST.get( "lpp_tl_exp_w_n_text") if lpp.noScriptTransFromL1toL2 == "moreThan100": pass else: if lpp.noScriptTransFromL1toL2 != '': if lpp.noScriptTransFromL1toL2 != request.POST.get("lpp_sl_exp_s_n"): change_critical = True lpp.noScriptTransFromL1toL2 = request.POST.get( "lpp_sl_exp_s_n") if request.POST.get("lpp_sl_exp_s_n_text") != "": lpp.noScriptTransFromL1toL2Link = request.POST.get( "lpp_sl_exp_s_n_text") if lpp.noScriptTransFromL2toL1 == "moreThan100": pass else: if lpp.noScriptTransFromL2toL1 != '': if lpp.noScriptTransFromL2toL1 != request.POST.get("lpp_tl_exp_s_n"): change_critical = True lpp.noScriptTransFromL2toL1 = request.POST.get( "lpp_tl_exp_s_n") if request.POST.get("lpp_tl_exp_s_n_text") != "": lpp.noScriptTransFromL2toL1Link = request.POST.get( "lpp_tl_exp_s_n_text") if lpp.noArticleTransFromL1toL2 == "moreThan100": pass else: if lpp.noArticleTransFromL1toL2 != '': if lpp.noArticleTransFromL1toL2 != request.POST.get("lpp_sl_exp_a_n"): change_critical = True lpp.noArticleTransFromL1toL2 = request.POST.get( "lpp_sl_exp_a_n") if request.POST.get("lpp_sl_exp_a_n_text") != "": lpp.noArticleTransFromL1toL2Link = request.POST.get( "lpp_sl_exp_a_n_text") if lpp.noArticleTransFromL2toL1 == "moreThan100": pass else: if lpp.noArticleTransFromL2toL1 != '': if lpp.noArticleTransFromL2toL1 != request.POST.get("lpp_tl_exp_a_n"): change_critical = True lpp.noArticleTransFromL2toL1 = request.POST.get( "lpp_tl_exp_a_n") if request.POST.get("lpp_tl_exp_a_n_text") != "": lpp.noArticleTransFromL2toL1Link = request.POST.get( "lpp_tl_exp_a_n_text") if change_critical == True: lpp.status = "Shortlisted" # TO ADMIN to = settings.EMAIL_HOST_USER key_value = { "User": "Admin", "lpp_id": str(lpp.lpp_id) } sendmail(to_email=[to], email_code="ID13", key_value=key_value) # subject = "A LPP has made a change in their crucial details!" # from_email = settings.EMAIL_HOST_USER # # to = settings.EMAIL_HOST_USER # # context = {"Date":, "Name": lpp.user_id.first_name} # # html_content = render_to_string( # rf"{basepath}/ideamall/templates/ideamall/email_templete.html", # context, # /home/user/mnf/project/MNF/ideamall/templates/ideamall/email_templete.html # ) # render with dynamic value # # Strip the html tag. So people can see the pure text at least. # text_content = strip_tags(html_content) # # create the email, and attach the HTML version as well. # msg = EmailMultiAlternatives( # subject, text_content, from_email, [to]) # print("5777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777") # msg.attach_alternative(html_content, "text/html") # msg.send() # TO LPP to = lpp.lpp_email key_value = { "User": lpp.user_id.username } sendmail(to_email=[to], email_code="ID12", key_value=key_value) # subject = "Thanks for editing! Your application is under review" # from_email = settings.EMAIL_HOST_USER # # to = lpp.lpp_email # # context = {"Date":, "Name": lpp.user_id.first_name} # # html_content = render_to_string( # rf"{basepath}/ideamall/templates/ideamall/email_templete.html", # context, # /home/user/mnf/project/MNF/ideamall/templates/ideamall/email_templete.html # ) # render with dynamic value # # Strip the html tag. So people can see the pure text at least. # text_content = strip_tags(html_content) # # create the email, and attach the HTML version as well. # msg = EmailMultiAlternatives( # subject, text_content, from_email, [to]) # msg.attach_alternative(html_content, "text/html") # msg.send() return redirect('majorTable', id=str(request.POST.get("id")), mode="view") def lpp_comment(request): x = LPPTASKDatabase.objects.get(task_id=request.POST.get("get_taskid")) if == x.lpp_action_comment = request.POST.get("lpp_comment") else: x.lpp_dialogue_comment = request.POST.get("lpp_comment") # -> Sending mail regarding lpp's comment to user to = key_value = { "User": x.translated_script.user_id.username, } sendmail(to_email=[to], email_code="PP16", key_value=key_value) return redirect("lpptask_dashboard") def lpp_comment_ppt(request): x = LPPTASKDatabase.objects.get(task_id=request.POST.get("get_taskid")) x.lpp_dialogue_comment = request.POST.get("lpp_comment2") # -> Sending mail regarding lpp's comment to user to = key_value = { "User": x.translated_ppt.user_id.username, } sendmail(to_email=[to], email_code="PP16", key_value=key_value) return redirect("lpptask_dashboard") def lpp_comment_subtitle(request): x = LPPTASKDatabase.objects.get(task_id=request.POST.get("get_taskid")) x.lpp_dialogue_comment = request.POST.get("lpp_comment200") # -> Sending mail regarding lpp's comment to user to = key_value = { "User": x.translated_subtitle.user.username, } sendmail(to_email=[to], email_code="PP16", key_value=key_value) return redirect("lpptask_dashboard") def delete_task(request, id): print("delete_task function called") task = LPPTASKDatabase.objects.get(task_id=id) print("task found") # send mail to end usr that we are unable to find lpp # with open(rf"{basepath}/lpp/templates/lpp/body.txt") as f: # body = # # context_email = { # "Date":, # "Name": task.user_id.first_name, # "emailcode": "LPP101", # "heading1": "Sorry but our Language experts are Unavailable!!!", # "heading2": "You can check Machine Output and you will get your refund back shortly", # "body": body, # } # # whomtosend, titleofmail, dateofemail, context, EMAIL_HOST_USER # sendemail( #, # "LPP Not Available! Refund Initiated", #, # context_email, # EMAIL_HOST_USER, # ).start() print("Mail thread started") # end user will see machine translation # auto handled during deletion of Task # end user recieve # payment_intent_id = task.translated_script.payment_intent_id # print("Found the intent id: ", payment_intent_id) # if payment_intent_id: # print("Went into if condition") # total_amount = float(task.amoutgiventolpp_action) * 2 # print("Amount to refund: ", total_amount) # # # try: # # c = CurrencyRates() # # rate = c.get_rate("USD", "INR") # # except Exception as e: # # print("LPP REFUND ERROR", e) # # rate = 80 # with open(f'{basepath}/MNF/json_keys/conversionRates.json') as c: # curr = json.load(c) # # print(curr['rates']['INR'], # " : Current conversion rate of USD to INR") # # try: # rate = curr['rates']['INR'] # print(rate, " : Latest rates 30sep") # # c = CurrencyRates() # # rate = c.get_rate("USD", str(currency.upper())) # except Exception as e: # print("checkout error", e) # rate = 80 # # payment_amount = int(total_amount * 100 * rate) # print("Amount converted to INR: ", payment_amount) # if payment_intent_id[0:3] == "pay": # client = razorpay.Client(auth=(keyID, keySecret)) # payment_id = payment_intent_id # paydetail = client.payment.fetch(payment_id) # # client.payment.refund( # payment_id, {"amount": payment_amount, "speed": "normal", }) # else: # # MUST TEST THOROUGHLY # stripe.Refund.create( # payment_intent=payment_intent_id, amount=payment_amount) # -> Sending Mail to User alerting him about that his task is rejected and refund is inititated if task.translated_script: email1 = username1 = task.translated_script.user_id.username # -> refund using central payment amt1 = float(task.amoutgiventolpp_action) amt2 = float(task.amoutgiventolpp_dialogue) auto_refund(task.translated_script.central_payment_id, amt1 + amt2) print("Amount refunded") elif task.translated_ppt: email1 = username1 = task.translated_ppt.user_id.username # -> refund using central payment amt1 = 0 amt2 = float(task.amoutgiventolpp_dialogue) auto_refund(task.translated_ppt.central_payment_id, amt1 + amt2) elif task.translated_subtitle: email1 = username1 = task.translated_subtitle.user.username # -> refund using central payment amt1 = 0 amt2 = float(task.amoutgiventolpp_dialogue) auto_refund(task.translated_subtitle.cp_id, amt1 + amt2) to = email1 key_value = { "User": username1, } sendmail(to_email=[to], email_code="ID24", key_value=key_value) # deleting task task.delete() print("Task deleted") return redirect("admin_dashboard") def lpp_task_earning(request): if request.method == "POST": lpp = MNFLPPDDatabase.objects.get(lpp_id=str(request.POST.get("id"))) lpp.lpp_task_balance = float(Decimal( str(lpp.lpp_task_balance))) - float(Decimal(str(request.POST.get("transfer_amount")))) # Central Wallet Deduction central_wallet = Wallet.objects.get( user=lpp.user_id) central_wallet.balance = float( central_wallet.balance) - float(Decimal(str(request.POST.get("transfer_amount")))) central_wallet.lpp_balance = float( central_wallet.lpp_balance) + float(Decimal(str(request.POST.get("transfer_amount")))) #Rm Database Upation rm_Databse = RMDatabase.objects.get(user_id = lpp.user_id) rm_Databse.balance = float(central_wallet.balance) # -> Alerting Lpp about his payment to = lpp.lpp_email key_value = { "User": lpp.user_id.username, "X": str(float(Decimal(str(request.POST.get("transfer_amount"))))) } sendmail(to_email=[to], email_code="ID20", key_value=key_value) return redirect('minortable') def getUserDataforRhm(request): context = {} if request.method == "GET": try: lpp = MNFLPPDDatabase.objects.get(user_id=request.user) context["User"] = serializers.serialize('python', [lpp])[ 0]['fields'] context["isLPP"] = True except: context["User"] = "Do not Exist" context["isLPP"] = False if context["User"] != "Do not Exist": context["isAccepted"] = True if lpp.status == "Selected" else False if context["isAccepted"]: context["ApprovedOn"] = lpp.approved_on context["AssignmentsCompleted"] = lpp.no_task_completed count_pendingwork = LPPTASKDatabase.objects.filter( Q(assignedlpp_action=lpp.lpp_id) | Q( assignedlpp_dialogue=lpp.lpp_id)).exclude(status="completed").exclude(status="none_available_dialogue") print("yahi hai", count_pendingwork) context["NumberOfPendingScripts"] = count_pendingwork.filter( translated_script__isnull=False).filter(Q(lppacceptancetime_action__isnull=False) | Q(lppacceptancetime_action__isnull=False)).count() context["NumberOfPendingPPT"] = count_pendingwork.filter( translated_ppt__isnull=False, lppacceptancetime_dialogue__isnull=False).count() context["NumberOfPendingSubtitle"] = count_pendingwork.filter( translated_subtitle__isnull=False, lppacceptancetime_dialogue__isnull=False).count() pending_scripts = count_pendingwork.filter( translated_script__isnull=False).filter(Q(lppacceptancetime_action__isnull=False) | Q(lppacceptancetime_action__isnull=False)) print("ye hai pending scripts", pending_scripts) context["AllPendingScripts"] = serializers.serialize( 'python', list(pending_scripts)) pending_ppts = count_pendingwork.filter( translated_ppt__isnull=False, lppacceptancetime_dialogue__isnull=False) context["AllPendingPPT"] = serializers.serialize( 'python', list(pending_ppts)) pending_subtitles = count_pendingwork.filter( translated_subtitle__isnull=False, lppacceptancetime_dialogue__isnull=False) context["AllPendingSubtitle"] = serializers.serialize( 'python', list(pending_subtitles)) context["NumberOfPagesOnPendingScripts"] = [int( x.translated_script.numPages) for x in pending_scripts if x.translated_script.numPages > 0] context["NumberOfSlidesOnPendingPPT"] = [int( x.translated_ppt.slide_count) for x in pending_ppts if x.translated_ppt.slide_count > 0] context["NumberOfMinsOnPendingSubtitle"] = [ int(x.translated_subtitle.subtitles_id.video_duration) if x.translated_subtitle and x.translated_subtitle.subtitles_id.video_duration and x.translated_subtitle.subtitles_id.video_duration > 0 else 0 for x in pending_subtitles ] ''' # manoj changes ''' dataName = [] for x in pending_scripts: try: s = str(x.translated_script.script_title) if s: s = s[8:] s = s.split('_') s = "_".join(s[:-1]) dataName.append(s) else: dataName.append("script00"+str(randint(1, 100))) except: dataName.append("script00"+str(randint(1, 100))) context["NameOfPendingScripts"] = dataName dataName = [] for x in pending_ppts: try: s = str(x.translated_ppt.upload_ppt) if s: s = s[13:] s = s.split('_') s = "_".join(s[:-1]) dataName.append(s) else: dataName.append("ppt00"+str(randint(1, 100))) except: dataName.append("ppt00"+str(randint(1, 100))) context["NameOfPendingPPT"] = dataName dataName = [] for x in pending_subtitles: try: s = str(x.translated_subtitles.subtitles_id.project_name) if s: dataName.append(s) else: dataName.append("subtitle00"+str(randint(1, 100))) except: dataName.append("subtitle00"+str(randint(1, 100))) context["NameOfPendingSubtitle"] = dataName # hours = dt.seconds / 60 / 60 # context["DurationOnPendingSubtitle"] = [int(x.translated_subtitle.video_duration) for x in count_pendingwork.filter(translated_subtitle__isnull=False) if x.translated_subtitle.video_duration > 0] data1 = [] for x in count_pendingwork.filter(translated_script__isnull=False): if x.deadlinetolpp_action and == data1.append(math.ceil( (((x.deadlinetolpp_action - / 60 / 60)/24)) elif x.deadlinetolpp_dialogue and == data1.append(math.ceil( (((x.deadlinetolpp_dialogue - / 60 / 60)/24)) context["NumberOfDaysOnPendingScripts"] = data1 data1 = [] for x in count_pendingwork.filter(translated_ppt__isnull=False): if x.lppacceptancetime_dialogue: data1.append(math.ceil( (((x.deadlinetolpp_dialogue - / 60 / 60)/24)) context["NumberOfDaysOnPendingPPT"] = data1 data1 = [] for x in count_pendingwork.filter(translated_subtitle__isnull=False): if x.lppacceptancetime_dialogue: data1.append(math.ceil( (((x.deadlinetolpp_dialogue - / 60 / 60)/24)) context["NumberOfDaysOnPendingSubtitle"] = data1 return JsonResponse(context) # sample output # { # "User": queryset(), # assume that user is always loggedin # "ApprovedOn": dd-mm-yyyy, # "AssignmentsCompleted": 57, # "NumberOfPendingScripts":12, # "NumberOfPendingPPT": 12, # "NumberOfPendingSubtitle":12, # "AllPendingScripts": queryset([]), # "AllPendingPPT": queryset([]), # "AllPendingSubtitle": queryset([]), # "NumberOfPagesOnPendingScripts" : [2,5,3,6,8,4,5,6], #order should be same as AllPendingScripts # "NumberOfPagesOnPendingPPT" : [2,5,3,6,8,4,5,6], #same # "NumberOfPagesOnPendingSubtitle" : [2,5,3,6,8,4,5,6], #same # "NumberOfDaysOnPendingScripts" : [2,5,3,6,8,4,5,6], #order should be same as AllPendingScripts # "NumberOfDaysOnPendingPPT" : [2,5,3,6,8,4,5,6], #same # "NumberOfDaysOnPendingSubtitle" : [2,5,3,6,8,4,5,6], #same def updateAvailabity(request): context = {} if request.method == "PATCH": json_data = request.body.decode('utf-8') data = json.loads(json_data) availability = data.get('availability') userid = data.get('user_id') user = User.objects.get(pk=userid) obj = MNFLPPDDatabase.objects.get(user_id=user) obj.availabity = availability context["success"] = "updated successfully" return JsonResponse(context) return JsonResponse(context) def api_update_availabity(request, availabity): if request.method == "GET": x = MNFLPPDDatabase.objects.get( x.availabity = True if availabity == "Yes" else False if availabity == "No": to = x.lpp_email key_value = { "User": x.user_id.username, } sendmail(to_email=[to], email_code="ID22", key_value=key_value) print("Email sentttttt successfully!") y = LPPTASKDatabase.objects.filter(Q(assignedlpp_action=MNFLPPDDatabase.objects.get( lpp_id=x.lpp_id)) | Q(assignedlpp_dialogue=MNFLPPDDatabase.objects.get(lpp_id=x.lpp_id))) print("Objects found!") for item in y: if item.status == "completed" or item.status == "actionline_completed" or item.status == "dialogue_completed" \ or item.status == "dialogue_completed" or item.status == "none_available_dialogue": pass else: if item.assignedlpp_action == MNFLPPDDatabase.objects.get(lpp_id=x.lpp_id): if str(item.translated_script.nondial_dest_language) == str( item.translated_script.dial_dest_language) and str( item.translated_script.nondial_src_language) == str( item.translated_script.dial_src_language): if len(list(item.eligiblelpp_action.all())) > 0: reassign_task( item.task_id, "action", "eligible") else: reassign_task( item.task_id, "action", "noneligible") if len(list(item.eligiblelpp_action.all())) > 0: reassign_task(item.task_id, "action", "eligible") else: reassign_task( item.task_id, "action", "noneligible") elif item.assignedlpp_dialogue == MNFLPPDDatabase.objects.get(lpp_id=x.lpp_id): if len(list(item.eligiblelpp_dialogue.all())) > 0: reassign_task(item.task_id, "dialogue", "eligible") else: reassign_task( item.task_id, "dialogue", "noneligible") return JsonResponse({"status":"Updated to "+ str(x.availabity)})