{% extends "mnfapp/base.html" %} {% load static %} {% block content %} {% load i18n %} {% block title %}{%endblock%}

{% trans 'INVOICE' %}

{% now "N j, Y" %}

{% trans 'Script Summary' %}

{% comment %} {% endcomment %} {% comment %} {% endcomment %}
{% trans 'Presentation Title' %} 80 $40.00 {{script_title}}
{% trans 'Total Number of slides' %} {{numPages}}
{% trans 'Source Language of Presentation' %} {{ndial_src}}
{% trans 'Desired Language of Presentation' %} {{ndial_dest}}
{% trans 'Desired Language of dialogues' %} {{dial_dest}}
{% trans 'Source Script of Presentation' %} {{dial_src_script}}
{% trans 'Desired Script of Presentation' %} {{dial_dest_script}}
{% trans 'Vetting by LPP'%} {{lpp_available}}

Payable Amount

{% if lpp_available == 'YES' %} {%endif%} {% if user.is_staff%} {% endif %} {% if directly_pay_monthly %} {% endif %} {% if balance != -1 %} {% endif %}
Amount for System based translation (${{conversion_per_page}}/page) ${{total}}
Amount for vetting script by LPP (${{lpp_per_page}}/page) ${{onlylppfee}}
Total Amount ${{subtotal}}
Running Discount ({{running_discount_conversion}}%) -${{value_after_rd}}
MNF Team Discount ({{employ_discount}}%) -${{value_after_td}}
Membership Discount ({{pdiscount}}%) -${{value_after_md}}
Total Discount ${{discount}}
Monthly Subscription ($1/month) $1


Max Amount:



{% comment %}
{% endcomment %}
{% trans ' Thanks For Your Order' %}
{%csrf_token%} {% if lpp_available == 'YES' %} {%else%} {% comment %} {% endcomment %} {%endif%}
{% include 'mnfapp/rightnav.html' %} {%endblock%}