import csv
from collections import OrderedDict

vowels = OrderedDict([

consonants = OrderedDict([

('ज़','z'), #these two are very different, see them in unicode by 'ज़'.encode('utf-8'). You'll see.

('ड़','r'), #these two are very different, see them in unicode by 'ड़'.encode('utf-8'). You'll see.


('फ़','f'), #these two फ़ are very different, see them in unicode by 'फ़'.encode('utf-8'). You'll see.



with open('svar.csv', 'w') as f:
	csvwriter = csv.writer(f)
	for k,v in zip(vowels.keys(), vowels.values()):

with open('vyanjan.csv', 'w') as f:
	csvwriter = csv.writer(f)
	for k,v in zip(consonants.keys(), consonants.values()):