# coding: utf-8 """ Lingvanex B2B Api Lingvanex works via HTTPS requests. The URL of all requests starts with https://api-b2b.backenster.com/b1/api/v3/. In case of a protocol selection error and using HTTP, the request will be redirected to the address with the HTTPS protocol (status code 302).

Authentication of requests is done by adding the “Authorization” header with the following data format: Bearer The key can be created on the user control panel page https://lingvanex.com/account. Example: \"Authorization: Bearer \". # noqa: E501 OpenAPI spec version: 1.0.0 Contact: info@lingvanex.com Generated by: https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen.git """ from setuptools import setup, find_packages # noqa: H301 NAME = "swagger-client" VERSION = "1.0.0" # To install the library, run the following # # python setup.py install # # prerequisite: setuptools # http://pypi.python.org/pypi/setuptools REQUIRES = [ "certifi>=2017.4.17", "python-dateutil>=2.1", "six>=1.10", "urllib3>=1.23" ] setup( name=NAME, version=VERSION, description="Lingvanex B2B Api", author_email="info@lingvanex.com", url="", keywords=["Swagger", "Lingvanex B2B Api"], install_requires=REQUIRES, packages=find_packages(), include_package_data=True, long_description="""\ Lingvanex works via HTTPS requests. The URL of all requests starts with https://api-b2b.backenster.com/b1/api/v3/. In case of a protocol selection error and using HTTP, the request will be redirected to the address with the HTTPS protocol (status code 302). <br><br>Authentication of requests is done by adding the “Authorization” header with the following data format: Bearer The key can be created on the user control panel page https://lingvanex.com/account. Example: \"Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_API_KEY>\". # noqa: E501 """ )