# Request

## Properties
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**_from** | **str** | the language code in the format “language code_code of the country” from which the text is translated. The language code is represented only in lowercase letters, the country code only in uppercase letters (example en_GB, es_ES, ru_RU and etc.). If this parameter is not present, the auto-detect language mode is enabled | [optional] 
**to** | **str** | language code in the format “language code_code of the country” to which the text is translated (required) | 
**data** | **str** | data for translation (required). Two types of data are supported: a string and an array of strings | 
**platform** | **str** | api | 
**translate_mode** | **str** | Describe the input text format. Possible value is \"html\" for  translating and preserving html structure. If value is not  specified or is other than \"html\" than plain text is translating.   | [optional] 

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