import sys
import time
import json
from os import path

basepath = "/home/user/mnf/project/MNF/conversion/subtitling"

# filenames = sys.argv[1]
# movie_path = sys.argv[2]
# current = basepath + "/"+movie_path

def aws_final(current):


    def formatTime(t):
        seconds, remainder_of_seconds = t.split('.')
        result = time.strftime('%H:%M:%S', time.gmtime(int(seconds)))

        return result + "," + remainder_of_seconds.ljust(3, '0')

    chunks = []
    chunk = {
        'start_time': '',
        'end_time': '',
        'word_index': 1,
        'sentence': ''
    word_break_limit = 11

    # if len(sys.argv) < 2:
    #     sys.exit('Please provide a file name.')

    filename = current + '/output.json'

    if not path.exists(filename):
        sys.exit('File ' + filename + ' does not exist.')

    with open(filename, encoding='utf8') as f:
        data = json.load(f)

    items = data['results']['items']

    last_word_end_time = None

    for i, item in enumerate(items):
        type = item['type']
        content = item['alternatives'][0]['content']

        if type == "pronunciation":
            item_start_time = item['start_time']

            if last_word_end_time and item_start_time < last_word_end_time:
                item_start_time = last_word_end_time

            if chunk['start_time'] == "":
                chunk['start_time'] = item_start_time

            chunk['end_time'] = item['end_time']
            # Don't want to start a fresh sentence with a space
            spacer = '' if chunk['word_index'] == 1 else ' '
            chunk['sentence'] = chunk['sentence'] + spacer + content
            chunk['word_index'] = chunk['word_index'] + 1
            last_word_end_time = item['end_time']

        elif type == "punctuation":
            # Add punctuation
            # But don't increment index
            chunk['sentence'] = chunk['sentence'] + content

        # - we hit the word break limit (provided the NEXT item is not punctuation)
        item_is_ending_punctuation = content == '.' or content == '?' or content == '!'
        next_item_is_punctuation = i < len(
            items) - 1 and items[i+1]['type'] == "punctuation"
        hit_word_break_limit = chunk['word_index'] >= word_break_limit and not next_item_is_punctuation
        is_last_item = len(items) - 1 == i

        if item_is_ending_punctuation or hit_word_break_limit or is_last_item:

            chunk = {
                'start_time': '',
                'end_time': '',
                'word_index': 1,
                'sentence': ''

    srt = ''
    # Build out srt
    for i, chunk in enumerate(chunks):
        chunk_index = str(i + 1)
        srt = srt + chunk_index + "\n"
        srt = srt + formatTime(chunk['start_time']) + " --> " + \
            formatTime(chunk['end_time']) + "\n" + chunk['sentence'] + "\n\n"

    # sys.stdout = open(rf"{current}/", "w", encoding='utf8')
    # aws_subtitle_file = open(
    #     rf"{current}/", "w", encoding='utf8').write
    open(rf"{current}/", "w", encoding='utf8').write(srt)
    # aws_subtitle_file.write(srt)
