#from transliteration_resources import language_detector
import os
from google.cloud import translate_v2 as Translate
os.environ["GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS"] = '/home/user/mnf/project/MNF/MNF/json_keys/authentication.json'
translate_client = Translate.Client()
text = "KARINA is casually turning the pages of a magazine. With a bored expression she puts the Magazine on the table, takes a short lazy walk around, stops near the table, picks up her phone, thinks for a while and dials a number"

result = translate_client.translate(str(text), target_language='hi')
det_lang = result["detectedSourceLanguage"]
# if det_lang == "hi-Latn":
#     return 'hi'
# else:
#     return det_lang