1.4 KiB
Executable File
1.4 KiB
Executable File
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
full_code | str | the language code in the format “language code_code of the country” | [optional] |
code_alpha_1 | str | the language code in the “language code” format | [optional] |
english_name | str | English name of the language | [optional] |
code_name | str | the language name translated using the language specified by the query parameter “code” | [optional] |
flag_path | str | the relative address of which is the image of the country flag. Example static/flags/afrikaans. The full address for downloading the flag will be https://backenster.com/v2/static/flags/afrikaans.png. In order to download flags in increased resolutions, you should add to this parameter: @2x or @3x (example https://backenster.com/v2/static/flags/afrikaans@2x.png or https://backenster.com/v2/static/flags/afrikaans@3x.png) | [optional] |
test_word_for_syntezis | str | a word for testing a speech synthesizer | [optional] |
modes | **list[InlineResponse200Modes]** | an array of objects, each of which is a description of the function that is supported in the given language | [optional] |