2181 lines
84 KiB
Executable File
2181 lines
84 KiB
Executable File
# Module Imports
from importlib import import_module
import os
import sys
import docx
import re
# import textract
from tqdm import tqdm
from collections import Counter
import ntpath
from docx.shared import Inches, Cm, Pt
from docx.enum.text import WD_ALIGN_PARAGRAPH
from docx.enum.table import WD_TABLE_ALIGNMENT, WD_ALIGN_VERTICAL
import requests
import uuid
import json
import nltk.translate.bleu_score as bleu
import nltk.translate.gleu_score as gleu
from rouge_score import rouge_scorer
import numpy as np
from indicnlp.tokenize import sentence_tokenize
import nltk
import unidecode
import datetime
from pytz import timezone
# Helper Files Imports
from .detection import language_detector, script_det
from .buck_2_unicode import buck_2_unicode
from .transString import transString
from .translation_metric import (
from .selection_source import (
from .script_writing import (
from .script_reading import (
from .translation_resources import google, aws, azure, yandex, lingvanex
from .transliteration_resources import (
# polyglot_trans,
) # , translit_THAI_LATIN
from MNF.settings import BasePath
# Importing Basepath of System
basePath = BasePath()
# -> Punctuation Remover code
def punct_remover(string):
punctuations = """!()-[]{};:'"\,<>./?@#$%^&*_~…।"""
for x in string.lower():
if x in punctuations:
string = string.replace(x, " ")
return string
class myDict(dict):
def __init__(self):
self = dict()
def add(self, key, value):
self[key] = value
# -> Space After Punctuation Remover code
def space_after_punct(text):
# text = text.replace('...',' ... ')
text = text.replace(". . .", " ... ")
text = re.sub("([,!?()…-])", r"\1 ", text)
text = re.sub("\s{2,}", " ", text)
return text
# -> Removing Punctuation from Transliterated text code
def final_transliterated_sentence(original, transliterated):
original = space_after_punct(original)
punct_list = [
" ",
sentence = []
j = 0
for i in range(len(original.split())):
if original.split()[i] in punct_list:
elif original.split()[i][-1] in punct_list:
temp = transliterated.split()[j] + original.split()[i][-1]
j = j + 1
elif original.split()[i][-1] not in punct_list:
temp = transliterated.split()[j]
j = j + 1
transliterated_sentence = " ".join(sentence)
transliterated_sentence.replace(" ... ", "...")
transliterated_sentence.replace("… ", "…")
return transliterated_sentence
def google_length_checker(t, temp_sentence, t0):
if len(t.split()) >= len(temp_sentence.split()):
return t
elif len(t.split()) == len(temp_sentence.split()) - 1:
final_t = t + " " + t0.split()[-1]
return final_t
elif len(t.split()) == len(temp_sentence.split()) - 2:
final_t = t + " " + t0.split()[-2] + " " + t0.split()[-1]
return final_t
return t
# Special Symbol(Hindi Sentence Ending) Remover
def Halant_remover(T3):
if T3[-1] == "्":
return T3[:-1]
return T3
def dial_comparison_transliteration_rom_dev_ph1(
text, source_lang, source_script, dest_script
source_lang = "hi"
source_script = "Latin"
dest_script = "Devanagari"
sources_name = {
"0": "Azure",
"1": "indic_trans",
"2": "google",
"3": "indic_trans_IAST",
sentences = sentence_tokenize.sentence_split(text, lang="en")
priority_list = [
transliterated_text = []
for sentence in sentences:
if (
sentence == ""
or sentence == " . . ."
or sentence == " . ."
or sentence == " . . ”"
OUT = []
for word in sentence.split():
if word == ".":
t0 = azure_transliteration(
word, source_lang, source_script, dest_script)
t1 = indic_trans(word, source_script, dest_script)
t2 = google(word, "en", "hi")
t3 = indic_transliteration_IAST(word)
outputs = [t0, t1, t2, t3]
out = compare_outputs_transliteration(
word, outputs, sources_name, priority_list
transliterated_text.append(" ".join(OUT))
print("running perfectly")
return " ".join(transliterated_text)
def dial_comparison_transliteration_rom_dev_ph1_sentence_wise(
text, source_lang, source_script, dest_script
source_lang = "hi"
sources_name = {
"0": "Azure",
"1": "indic_trans",
"2": "google",
"3": "indic_trans_IAST",
etc_punctuation = ["", " . . .", " . .", " . . ”"]
sentences = sentence_tokenize.sentence_split(text, lang="en")
priority_list = ["Azure", "indic_trans", "google", "indic_trans_IAST"]
transliterated_text = []
for sentence in sentences:
if sentence in etc_punctuation:
print("original_sentence", sentence)
temp_sentence = punct_remover(sentence)
print("sentence_without_punctuation", temp_sentence)
t00 = azure_transliteration(
temp_sentence, source_lang, source_script, dest_script
t11 = indic_trans(temp_sentence, source_script, dest_script)
t = google(temp_sentence, "en", "hi")
t22 = google_length_checker(t, temp_sentence, t00)
t33 = indic_transliteration_IAST(temp_sentence)
Out = []
for i in range(len(temp_sentence.split())):
word = temp_sentence.split()[i]
T0 = t00.split()[i]
T1 = t11.split()[i]
T2 = t22.split()[i]
T3 = t33.split()[i]
T3 = Halant_remover(T3)
outputs = [T0, T1, T2, T3]
out = compare_outputs_transliteration(
word, outputs, sources_name, priority_list
trans_sent_wo_punct = " ".join(Out)
print("trans_sent_wo_punct", trans_sent_wo_punct)
transliterated_sentence = final_transliterated_sentence(
sentence, trans_sent_wo_punct
print("trans_sent_w_punct", transliterated_sentence)
return " ".join(transliterated_text)
def dial_comparison_transliteration_dev_rom_ph1_sentence_wise(text, source_lang, source_script, dest_script):
print("Line is", text)
# sources_name = {"0": "indic_trans", "1": "Azure",
# "2": "libindic", "3": "sheetal"}
# priority_list = ["indic_trans", "Azure", "libindic", "sheetal"]
etc_punctuation = ["", " . . .", " . .", " . . ”"]
sentences = sentence_tokenize.sentence_split(text, lang="hi")
if source_lang == "ne":
source_lang = "hi"
# transliterated_text = []
print("Full Sentence is", sentences[0])
final_transliterated_words = []
for sentence in sentences[0].split(" "):
if sentence in etc_punctuation:
print("Orignal Word", sentence)
temp_sentence = punct_remover(sentence)
# t0 = indic_trans(temp_sentence, source_script, dest_script)
# t1 = azure_transliteration(
# temp_sentence, source_lang, source_script, dest_script
# )
# print("before t1111111111")
# t2 = libindic(temp_sentence, dest_script).rstrip()
# print("before sheetal", t2)
# t3 = sheetal(temp_sentence).replace("\n", "")
# print("after sheetal", t3)
i = 0
priority_list = list()
sources_name = myDict()
transliterated_words = []
for source, args, function in zip(["indic_trans", "Azure", "libindic", "sheetal"],
[(temp_sentence, source_script, dest_script),
(temp_sentence, source_lang, source_script, dest_script),
(temp_sentence, dest_script), (temp_sentence)],
[indic_trans, azure_transliteration, libindic, sheetal]):
transliterated_word = function(*args)
if source == "libindic":
transliterated_word = transliterated_word.rstrip()
elif source == "sheetal":
transliterated_word = transliterated_word.replace("\n", "")
sources_name.add(str(i), "indic_trans")
i = i + 1
best_output = compare_outputs_transliteration(temp_sentence, transliterated_words, sources_name, priority_list)
best_output = final_transliterated_sentence(
temp_sentence, best_output
return " ".join(final_transliterated_words)
# Out = []
# # trans_counter = Counter([len(t0), len(t1), len(t2), len(t3)])
# # print(trans_counter)
# # trans_counter_keys = list(trans_counter.keys())
# # # trans_counter_keys = list(trans_counter.values())
# # outputsidx = []
# # highest = trans_counter_keys[0]
# # for idx, output in enumerate([t0, t1, t2, t3]):
# # if len(output) == highest:
# # outputsidx.append(idx)
# # print("all outputs are -> ", t0, t1, t2, t3, t3)
# # outputs = []
# # priority_list2 = []
# # sources_name2 = {}
# # for key in sources_name.keys():
# # if int(key) not in outputsidx:
# # pass
# # else:
# # sources_name2[key] = sources_name[key]
# # for idx, value in enumerate(priority_list):
# # if idx not in outputsidx:
# # pass
# # else:
# # priority_list2.append(value)
# # print(outputsidx, "outputsidx")
# # for i in range(len(temp_sentence.split())):
# # word = temp_sentence.split()[i]
# #
# # if 0 in outputsidx:
# # T0 = t0.split()[i]
# # outputs.append(T0)
# # if 1 in outputsidx:
# # T1 = t1.split()[i]
# # outputs.append(T1)
# # if 2 in outputsidx:
# # T2 = t2.split()[i]
# # outputs.append(T2)
# # if 3 in outputsidx:
# # T3 = t3.split()[i]
# # outputs.append(T3)
# # # T2 = t2.split()[i]
# # # T3 = t3.split()[i]
# # # outputs = [T0, T1, T2, T3]
# # print("ouputs -> ", outputs, sources_name2, priority_list2)
# # out = compare_outputs_transliteration(
# # word, outputs, sources_name2, priority_list2
# # )
# Out.append(out)
# trans_sent_wo_punct = " ".join(Out)
if text in etc_punctuation:
return text
# print("original_sentence", sentence)
temp_sentence = punct_remover(text)
tt = 0
t0 = indic_trans(temp_sentence, source_script, dest_script)
outputa = t0
tt += 1
if tt == 1:
t1 = azure_transliteration(
temp_sentence, source_lang, source_script, dest_script
outputa = t1
tt += 1
# print("before t1111111111")
if tt == 2:
t2 = libindic(temp_sentence, dest_script).rstrip()
outputa = t2
tt += 1
# print("before sheetal", t2)
if tt == 3:
t3 = sheetal(temp_sentence).replace("\n", "")
outputa = t3
tt += 1
if tt == 4:
outputa = text
# else:
# trans_sent_wo_punct = outputa
# # print("trans_sent_wo_punct", trans_sent_wo_punct)
# # transliterated_sentence = final_transliterated_sentence(
# # sentence, trans_sent_wo_punct
# # )
# # print("trans_sent_w_punct", transliterated_sentence)
# # transliterated_text.append(transliterated_sentence)
# # print("Entered Exiting Here1212")
return outputa
def dial_comparison_transliteration_dev_rom_ph1(
text, source_lang, source_script, dest_script
sources_name = {"0": "indic_trans", "1": "Azure",
"2": "libindic", "3": "sheetal"}
sentences = sentence_tokenize.sentence_split(text, lang="hi")
priority_list = ["indic_trans", "Azure", "sheetal", "libindic"]
transliterated_text = []
for sentence in sentences:
if (
sentence == ""
or sentence == " . . ."
or sentence == " . ."
or sentence == " . . ”"
OUT = []
for word in sentence.split():
if word == ".":
t0 = indic_trans(word, source_script, dest_script)
t1 = azure_transliteration(
word, source_lang, source_script, dest_script)
t2 = libindic(word, dest_script).rstrip()
t3 = sheetal(word).replace("\n", "")
outputs = [t0, t1, t2, t3]
out = compare_outputs_transliteration(
word, outputs, sources_name, priority_list
transliterated_text.append(" ".join(OUT))
return " ".join(transliterated_text)
def dial_comparison_transliteration_arbic_to_rom_ph1(
text, source_lang, source_script, dest_script
sources_name = {"0": "indic_trans", "1": "Azure", "2": "buck_2_unicode"}
sentences = sentence_tokenize.sentence_split(text, lang="en")
priority_list = ["indic_trans", "Azure", "buck_2_unicode"]
transliterated_text = []
for sentence in sentences:
if (
sentence == ""
or sentence == " . . ."
or sentence == " . ."
or sentence == " . . ”"
OUT = []
for word in sentence.split():
if word == ".":
t0 = indic_trans(word, source_script, dest_script)
t1 = azure_transliteration(
word, source_lang, source_script, dest_script)
t2 = buck_2_unicode(word)
outputs = [t0, t1, t2]
out = compare_outputs_transliteration(
word, outputs, sources_name, priority_list
transliterated_text.append(" ".join(OUT))
return " ".join(transliterated_text)
def dial_comparison_transliteration_kann_to_rom_ph1(
text, source_lang, source_script, dest_script
sources_name = {
"0": "om_transliteration",
"1": "indic_trans",
"2": "libindic",
"3": "Azure",
sentences = sentence_tokenize.sentence_split(text, lang="en")
priority_list = ["om_transliteration", "indic_trans", "libindic", "Azure"]
transliterated_text = []
for sentence in sentences:
if (
sentence == ""
or sentence == " . . ."
or sentence == " . ."
or sentence == " . . ”"
OUT = []
for word in sentence.split():
if word == ".":
t0 = om_transliterator(word)
t1 = indic_trans(word, source_script, dest_script)
t2 = libindic(word, dest_script)
t3 = azure_transliteration(
word, source_lang, source_script, dest_script)
outputs = [t0, t1, t2, t3]
out = compare_outputs_transliteration(
word, outputs, sources_name, priority_list
transliterated_text.append(" ".join(OUT))
return " ".join(transliterated_text)
def dial_comparison_transliteration_tamil_to_rom_ph1(
text, source_lang, source_script, dest_script
sources_name = {
"0": "Azure",
"1": "libindic",
"2": "indic_trans",
sentences = sentence_tokenize.sentence_split(text, lang="en")
priority_list = ["Azure", "libindic", "indic_trans"]
transliterated_text = []
for sentence in sentences:
if (
sentence == ""
or sentence == " . . ."
or sentence == " . ."
or sentence == " . . ”"
OUT = []
for word in sentence.split():
if word == ".":
t0 = azure_transliteration(
word, source_lang, source_script, dest_script)
t2 = libindic(word, dest_script)
t1 = indic_trans(word, source_script, dest_script)
outputs = [t0, t1, t2]
out = compare_outputs_transliteration(
word, outputs, sources_name, priority_list
transliterated_text.append(" ".join(OUT))
return " ".join(transliterated_text)
def dial_comparison_transliteration_beng_tel_mal_to_rom_ph1(
text, source_lang, source_script, dest_script
sources_name = {"0": "Azure", "1": "indic_trans", "2": "libindic"}
sentences = sentence_tokenize.sentence_split(text, lang="en")
priority_list = ["Azure", "indic_trans", "libindic"]
transliterated_text = []
for sentence in sentences:
if (
sentence == ""
or sentence == " . . ."
or sentence == " . ."
or sentence == " . . ”"
OUT = []
for word in sentence.split():
if word == ".":
t0 = azure_transliteration(
word, source_lang, source_script, dest_script)
t1 = indic_trans(word, source_script, dest_script)
t2 = libindic(word, dest_script)
outputs = [t0, t1, t2]
out = compare_outputs_transliteration(
word, outputs, sources_name, priority_list
transliterated_text.append(" ".join(OUT))
return " ".join(transliterated_text)
def dial_comparison_transliteration_latin_gurmukhi(
text, source_lang, source_script, dest_script
source_lang = "pa"
sources_name = {"0": "Azure", "1": "indic_trans", "2": "indic_trans_IAST"}
etc_punctuation = ["", " . . .", " . .", " . . ”"]
sentences = sentence_tokenize.sentence_split(text, lang="en")
priority_list = ["Azure", "indic_trans", "indic_trans_IAST"]
transliterated_text = []
for sentence in sentences:
if sentence in etc_punctuation:
temp_sentence = punct_remover(sentence)
t00 = azure_transliteration(
temp_sentence, source_lang, source_script, dest_script
t11 = indic_transliteration_GURMUKHI(temp_sentence)
t22 = unicode_transliteration_GURMUKHI(temp_sentence)
Out = []
for i in range(len(temp_sentence.split())):
word = temp_sentence.split()[i]
T0 = t00.split()[i]
T1 = t11.split()[i]
T2 = t22.split()[i]
outputs = [T0, T1, T2]
out = compare_outputs_transliteration(
word, outputs, sources_name, priority_list
trans_sent_wo_punct = " ".join(Out)
transliterated_sentence = final_transliterated_sentence(
sentence, trans_sent_wo_punct
return " ".join(transliterated_text)
def dial_comparison_transliteration_latin_cyrillic(
text, source_lang, source_script, dest_script
source_lang = "bg"
sources_name = {"0": "Azure", "1": "indic_trans"}
etc_punctuation = ["", " . . .", " . .", " . . ”"]
sentences = sentence_tokenize.sentence_split(text, lang="en")
priority_list = ["Azure", "indic_trans"]
transliterated_text = []
for sentence in sentences:
if sentence in etc_punctuation:
temp_sentence = punct_remover(sentence)
t00 = azure_transliteration(
temp_sentence, source_lang, source_script, dest_script
t11 = transliteration_LATIN_CYRILLIC(temp_sentence)
Out = []
for i in range(len(temp_sentence.split())):
word = temp_sentence.split()[i]
T0 = t00.split()[i]
T1 = t11.split()[i]
# T2 = t22.split()[i]
outputs = [T0, T1]
# outputs=[T0, T1, T2]
out = compare_outputs_transliteration(
word, outputs, sources_name, priority_list
trans_sent_wo_punct = " ".join(Out)
transliterated_sentence = final_transliterated_sentence(
sentence, trans_sent_wo_punct
return " ".join(transliterated_text)
def dial_comparison_transliteration_latin_telugu_sentence_wise(
text, source_lang, source_script, dest_script
source_lang = "te"
sources_name = {
"0": "indic_translit",
"1": "Azure",
"2": "indic_trans",
"3": "libindic",
priority_list = ["indic_translit", "Azure", "indic_trans", "libindic"]
etc_punctuation = ["", " . . .", " . .", " . . ”"]
sentences = sentence_tokenize.sentence_split(text, lang="hi")
transliterated_text = []
for sentence in sentences:
if sentence in etc_punctuation:
print("original_sentence", sentence)
temp_sentence = punct_remover(sentence)
print("sentence_without_punctuation", temp_sentence)
t0 = indic_transliteration_TELUGU(temp_sentence)
t1 = azure_transliteration(
temp_sentence, source_lang, source_script, dest_script
t2 = indic_trans(temp_sentence, source_script, dest_script)
t3 = libindic(temp_sentence, dest_script)
Out = []
for i in range(len(temp_sentence.split())):
word = temp_sentence.split()[i]
T0 = t0.split()[i]
T1 = t1.split()[i]
T2 = t2.split()[i]
T3 = t3.split()[i]
outputs = [T0, T1, T2, T3]
out = compare_outputs_transliteration(
word, outputs, sources_name, priority_list
trans_sent_wo_punct = " ".join(Out)
print("trans_sent_wo_punct", trans_sent_wo_punct)
transliterated_sentence = final_transliterated_sentence(
sentence, trans_sent_wo_punct
print("trans_sent_w_punct", transliterated_sentence)
return " ".join(transliterated_text)
def dial_comparison_transliteration_gurmukhi_latin_sentence_wise(
text, source_lang, source_script, dest_script
source_lang = "pa"
sources_name = {"0": "indic_trans", "1": "Azure", "2": "unicode"}
priority_list = ["indic_trans", "Azure", "unicode"]
etc_punctuation = ["", " . . .", " . .", " . . ”"]
sentences = sentence_tokenize.sentence_split(text, lang="hi")
transliterated_text = []
for sentence in sentences:
if sentence in etc_punctuation:
print("original_sentence", sentence)
temp_sentence = punct_remover(sentence)
print("sentence_without_punctuation", temp_sentence)
t0 = indic_transliteration_GURMUKHI_LATIN(temp_sentence)
t1 = azure_transliteration(
temp_sentence, source_lang, source_script, dest_script
t2 = unicode_transliteration_GURMUKHI_LATIN(temp_sentence).rstrip()
Out = []
for i in range(len(temp_sentence.split())):
word = temp_sentence.split()[i]
T0 = t0.split()[i]
T1 = t1.split()[i]
T2 = t2.split()[i]
outputs = [T0, T1, T2]
out = compare_outputs_transliteration(
word, outputs, sources_name, priority_list
trans_sent_wo_punct = " ".join(Out)
print("trans_sent_wo_punct", trans_sent_wo_punct)
transliterated_sentence = final_transliterated_sentence(
sentence, trans_sent_wo_punct
print("trans_sent_w_punct", transliterated_sentence)
return " ".join(transliterated_text)
def dial_comparison_transliteration_cyrilic_latin_sentence_wise(
text, source_lang, source_script, dest_script
source_lang = "bg"
sources_name = {"0": "indic_trans", "1": "Azure", "2": "unicode"}
priority_list = ["indic_trans", "Azure", "unicode"]
etc_punctuation = ["", " . . .", " . .", " . . ”"]
sentences = sentence_tokenize.sentence_split(text, lang="hi")
transliterated_text = []
for sentence in sentences:
if sentence in etc_punctuation:
print("original_sentence", sentence)
temp_sentence = punct_remover(sentence)
print("sentence_without_punctuation", temp_sentence)
t0 = azure_transliteration(
temp_sentence, source_lang, source_script, dest_script
t1 = transliteration_CYRILIC_LATIN(temp_sentence)
t2 = ConvertToLatin(temp_sentence)
Out = []
for i in range(len(temp_sentence.split())):
word = temp_sentence.split()[i]
T0 = t0.split()[i]
T1 = t1.split()[i]
T2 = t2.split()[i]
outputs = [T0, T1, T2]
out = compare_outputs_transliteration(
word, outputs, sources_name, priority_list
trans_sent_wo_punct = " ".join(Out)
print("trans_sent_wo_punct", trans_sent_wo_punct)
transliterated_sentence = final_transliterated_sentence(
sentence, trans_sent_wo_punct
print("trans_sent_w_punct", transliterated_sentence)
return " ".join(transliterated_text)
def dial_comparison_transliteration_latin_to_gu_or_ml_ta_bn(
text, source_lang, source_script, dest_script
if dest_script == "Gujarati":
source_lang = "gu"
if dest_script == "Oriya":
source_lang = "or"
if dest_script == "Malayalam":
source_lang = "ml"
if dest_script == "Tamil":
source_lang = "ta"
if dest_script == "Bengali":
source_lang = "bn"
if dest_script == "Kannada":
source_lang = "kn"
sources_name = {"0": "Azure", "1": "indic_trans", "2": "indic_trans_IAST"}
etc_punctuation = ["", " . . .", " . .", " . . ”"]
sentences = sentence_tokenize.sentence_split(text, lang="en")
priority_list = ["Azure", "indic_trans", "indic_trans_IAST"]
transliterated_text = []
for sentence in sentences:
if sentence in etc_punctuation:
temp_sentence = punct_remover(sentence)
t00 = azure_transliteration(
temp_sentence, source_lang, source_script, dest_script
t11 = libindic(temp_sentence, dest_script)
t22 = indic_trans(temp_sentence, source_script, dest_script)
Out = []
for i in range(len(temp_sentence.split())):
word = temp_sentence.split()[i]
T0 = t00.split()[i]
T1 = t11.split()[i]
T2 = t22.split()[i]
outputs = [T0, T1, T2]
out = compare_outputs_transliteration(
word, outputs, sources_name, priority_list
trans_sent_wo_punct = " ".join(Out)
transliterated_sentence = final_transliterated_sentence(
sentence, trans_sent_wo_punct
return " ".join(transliterated_text)
def dial_comparison_transliteration_or_ml_gu_te_devanagari(
text, source_lang, source_script, dest_script
sources_name = {"0": "Azure", "1": "indic_trans", "2": "indic_trans_IAST"}
etc_punctuation = ["", " . . .", " . .", " . . ”"]
sentences = sentence_tokenize.sentence_split(text, lang="en")
priority_list = ["Azure", "indic_trans", "indic_trans_IAST"]
transliterated_text = []
for sentence in sentences:
if sentence in etc_punctuation:
temp_sentence = punct_remover(sentence)
t00 = indic_transliteration_OTHER_DEVANAGRI(
temp_sentence, source_script)
t11 = libindic(temp_sentence, source_script)
t22 = indic_trans(temp_sentence, source_script, dest_script)
Out = []
for i in range(len(temp_sentence.split())):
word = temp_sentence.split()[i]
T0 = t00.split()[i]
T1 = t11.split()[i]
T2 = t22.split()[i]
outputs = [T0, T1, T2]
out = compare_outputs_transliteration(
word, outputs, sources_name, priority_list
trans_sent_wo_punct = " ".join(Out)
transliterated_sentence = final_transliterated_sentence(
sentence, trans_sent_wo_punct
return " ".join(transliterated_text)
def dial_comparison_transliteration_devanagari_or_ml_gu_te(
text, source_lang, source_script, dest_script
sources_name = {"0": "Azure", "1": "indic_trans", "2": "indic_trans_IAST"}
etc_punctuation = ["", " . . .", " . .", " . . ”"]
sentences = sentence_tokenize.sentence_split(text, lang="en")
priority_list = ["Azure", "indic_trans", "indic_trans_IAST"]
transliterated_text = []
for sentence in sentences:
if sentence in etc_punctuation:
temp_sentence = punct_remover(sentence)
t00 = indic_transliteration_DEVANAGRI_OTHER(temp_sentence, dest_script)
t11 = libindic(temp_sentence, source_script)
t22 = indic_trans(temp_sentence, source_script, dest_script)
Out = []
for i in range(len(temp_sentence.split())):
word = temp_sentence.split()[i]
T0 = t00.split()[i]
T1 = t11.split()[i]
T2 = t22.split()[i]
outputs = [T0, T1, T2]
out = compare_outputs_transliteration(
word, outputs, sources_name, priority_list
trans_sent_wo_punct = " ".join(Out)
transliterated_sentence = final_transliterated_sentence(
sentence, trans_sent_wo_punct
return " ".join(transliterated_text)
def dial_comparison_transliteration_kannada_ml_ta_te_ben(
text, source_lang, source_script, dest_script
sources_name = {"0": "Azure", "1": "indic_trans", "2": "indic_trans_IAST"}
etc_punctuation = ["", " . . .", " . .", " . . ”"]
sentences = sentence_tokenize.sentence_split(text, lang="en")
priority_list = ["Azure", "indic_trans", "indic_trans_IAST"]
transliterated_text = []
for sentence in sentences:
if sentence in etc_punctuation:
temp_sentence = punct_remover(sentence)
t00 = indic_transliteration_KANNADA_OTHER(temp_sentence, dest_script)
t11 = libindic(temp_sentence, source_script)
t22 = indic_trans(temp_sentence, source_script, dest_script)
Out = []
for i in range(len(temp_sentence.split())):
word = temp_sentence.split()[i]
T0 = t00.split()[i]
T1 = t11.split()[i]
T2 = t22.split()[i]
outputs = [T0, T1, T2]
out = compare_outputs_transliteration(
word, outputs, sources_name, priority_list
trans_sent_wo_punct = " ".join(Out)
transliterated_sentence = final_transliterated_sentence(
sentence, trans_sent_wo_punct
return " ".join(transliterated_text)
def dial_comparison_transliteration_ml_ta_te_ben_kannada(
text, source_lang, source_script, dest_script
sources_name = {"0": "Azure", "1": "indic_trans", "2": "indic_trans_IAST"}
etc_punctuation = ["", " . . .", " . .", " . . ”"]
sentences = sentence_tokenize.sentence_split(text, lang="en")
priority_list = ["Azure", "indic_trans", "indic_trans_IAST"]
transliterated_text = []
for sentence in sentences:
if sentence in etc_punctuation:
temp_sentence = punct_remover(sentence)
t00 = indic_transliteration_OTHER_KANNADA(temp_sentence, source_script)
t11 = libindic(temp_sentence, source_script)
t22 = indic_trans(temp_sentence, source_script, dest_script)
Out = []
for i in range(len(temp_sentence.split())):
word = temp_sentence.split()[i]
T0 = t00.split()[i]
T1 = t11.split()[i]
T2 = t22.split()[i]
outputs = [T0, T1, T2]
out = compare_outputs_transliteration(
word, outputs, sources_name, priority_list
trans_sent_wo_punct = " ".join(Out)
transliterated_sentence = final_transliterated_sentence(
sentence, trans_sent_wo_punct
return " ".join(transliterated_text)
def dial_comparison_transliteration_tamil_other(
text, source_lang, source_script, dest_script
sources_name = {"0": "Azure", "1": "indic_trans", "2": "indic_trans_IAST"}
etc_punctuation = ["", " . . .", " . .", " . . ”"]
sentences = sentence_tokenize.sentence_split(text, lang="en")
priority_list = ["Azure", "indic_trans", "indic_trans_IAST"]
transliterated_text = []
for sentence in sentences:
if sentence in etc_punctuation:
temp_sentence = punct_remover(sentence)
t00 = indic_transliteration_TAMIL_OTHER(temp_sentence, dest_script)
t11 = libindic(temp_sentence, source_script)
t22 = indic_trans(temp_sentence, source_script, dest_script)
Out = []
for i in range(len(temp_sentence.split())):
word = temp_sentence.split()[i]
T0 = t00.split()[i]
T1 = t11.split()[i]
T2 = t22.split()[i]
outputs = [T0, T1, T2]
out = compare_outputs_transliteration(
word, outputs, sources_name, priority_list
trans_sent_wo_punct = " ".join(Out)
transliterated_sentence = final_transliterated_sentence(
sentence, trans_sent_wo_punct
return " ".join(transliterated_text)
def dial_comparison_transliteration_other_tamil(
text, source_lang, source_script, dest_script
sources_name = {"0": "Azure", "1": "indic_trans", "2": "indic_trans_IAST"}
etc_punctuation = ["", " . . .", " . .", " . . ”"]
sentences = sentence_tokenize.sentence_split(text, lang="en")
priority_list = ["Azure", "indic_trans", "indic_trans_IAST"]
transliterated_text = []
for sentence in sentences:
if sentence in etc_punctuation:
temp_sentence = punct_remover(sentence)
t00 = indic_transliteration_OTHER_TAMIL(temp_sentence, source_script)
t11 = libindic(temp_sentence, source_script)
t22 = indic_trans(temp_sentence, source_script, dest_script)
Out = []
for i in range(len(temp_sentence.split())):
word = temp_sentence.split()[i]
T0 = t00.split()[i]
T1 = t11.split()[i]
T2 = t22.split()[i]
outputs = [T0, T1, T2]
out = compare_outputs_transliteration(
word, outputs, sources_name, priority_list
trans_sent_wo_punct = " ".join(Out)
transliterated_sentence = final_transliterated_sentence(
sentence, trans_sent_wo_punct
return " ".join(transliterated_text)
# -> Function to transliterate from telugu to malayalam
def dial_comparison_transliteration_te_to_ml(
text, source_lang, source_script, dest_script
sources_name = {"0": "indic_trans",
"1": "libindic", "2": "indic_trans_IAST"}
etc_punctuation = ["", " . . .", " . .", " . . ”"]
sentences = sentence_tokenize.sentence_split(text, lang="en")
priority_list = ["indic_trans", "libindic", "indic_trans_IAST"]
transliterated_text = []
for sentence in sentences:
if sentence in etc_punctuation:
temp_sentence = punct_remover(sentence)
t00 = indic_trans(temp_sentence, source_script, dest_script)
t11 = libindic(temp_sentence, dest_script)
t22 = indic_transliteration_TELUGU_OTHER(temp_sentence, dest_script)
Out = []
for i in range(len(temp_sentence.split())):
word = temp_sentence.split()[i]
T0 = t00.split()[i]
T1 = t11.split()[i]
T2 = t22.split()[i]
outputs = [T0, T1, T2]
out = compare_outputs_transliteration(
word, outputs, sources_name, priority_list
trans_sent_wo_punct = " ".join(Out)
transliterated_sentence = final_transliterated_sentence(
sentence, trans_sent_wo_punct
return " ".join(transliterated_text)
# -> Function to transliterate from malayalam to telugu
def dial_comparison_transliteration_ml_to_te(
text, source_lang, source_script, dest_script
sources_name = {"0": "indic_trans",
"1": "libindic", "2": "indic_trans_IAST"}
etc_punctuation = ["", " . . .", " . .", " . . ”"]
sentences = sentence_tokenize.sentence_split(text, lang="en")
priority_list = ["indic_trans", "libindic", "indic_trans_IAST"]
transliterated_text = []
for sentence in sentences:
if sentence in etc_punctuation:
temp_sentence = punct_remover(sentence)
t00 = azure_transliteration(
temp_sentence, source_lang, source_script, dest_script
# t00 = indic_trans(temp_sentence, source_script, dest_script)
t11 = libindic(temp_sentence, dest_script)
t22 = indic_transliteration_MALAYALAM_OTHER(temp_sentence, dest_script)
Out = []
for i in range(len(temp_sentence.split())):
word = temp_sentence.split()[i]
T0 = t00.split()[i]
T1 = t11.split()[i]
T2 = t22.split()[i]
outputs = [T0, T1, T2]
out = compare_outputs_transliteration(
word, outputs, sources_name, priority_list
trans_sent_wo_punct = " ".join(T0)
transliterated_sentence = final_transliterated_sentence(
sentence, trans_sent_wo_punct
return " ".join(transliterated_text)
# -> Function to transliterate from gujarati and oriya to gurmukhi
def dial_comparison_transliteration_guj_or_to_gur(
text, source_lang, source_script, dest_script
sources_name = {"0": "indic_trans",
"1": "libindic", "2": "indic_trans_IAST"}
etc_punctuation = ["", " . . .", " . .", " . . ”"]
sentences = sentence_tokenize.sentence_split(text, lang="en")
priority_list = ["indic_trans", "libindic", "indic_trans_IAST"]
transliterated_text = []
for sentence in sentences:
if sentence in etc_punctuation:
temp_sentence = punct_remover(sentence)
t00 = indic_trans(temp_sentence, source_script, dest_script)
t11 = libindic(temp_sentence, dest_script)
t22 = indic_transliteration_OTHER_GURMUKHI(
temp_sentence, source_script)
Out = []
for i in range(len(temp_sentence.split())):
word = temp_sentence.split()[i]
T0 = t00.split()[i]
T1 = t11.split()[i]
T2 = t22.split()[i]
outputs = [T0, T1, T2]
out = compare_outputs_transliteration(
word, outputs, sources_name, priority_list
trans_sent_wo_punct = " ".join(Out)
transliterated_sentence = final_transliterated_sentence(
sentence, trans_sent_wo_punct
return " ".join(transliterated_text)
# -> Function to transliterate from gurmukhi and oriya to gujarati
def dial_comparison_transliteration_gur_or_to_guj(
text, source_lang, source_script, dest_script
sources_name = {"0": "indic_trans",
"1": "libindic", "2": "indic_trans_IAST"}
etc_punctuation = ["", " . . .", " . .", " . . ”"]
sentences = sentence_tokenize.sentence_split(text, lang="en")
priority_list = ["indic_trans", "libindic", "indic_trans_IAST"]
transliterated_text = []
for sentence in sentences:
if sentence in etc_punctuation:
temp_sentence = punct_remover(sentence)
t00 = indic_trans(temp_sentence, source_script, dest_script)
t11 = libindic(temp_sentence, dest_script)
t22 = indic_transliteration_OTHER_GUJARATI(
temp_sentence, source_script)
Out = []
for i in range(len(temp_sentence.split())):
word = temp_sentence.split()[i]
T0 = t00.split()[i]
T1 = t11.split()[i]
T2 = t22.split()[i]
outputs = [T0, T1, T2]
out = compare_outputs_transliteration(
word, outputs, sources_name, priority_list
trans_sent_wo_punct = " ".join(Out)
transliterated_sentence = final_transliterated_sentence(
sentence, trans_sent_wo_punct
return " ".join(transliterated_text)
# -> Function to transliterate from gujarati and gurmukhi to oriya
def dial_comparison_transliteration_guj_gur_to_or(
text, source_lang, source_script, dest_script
sources_name = {"0": "indic_trans",
"1": "libindic", "2": "indic_trans_IAST"}
etc_punctuation = ["", " . . .", " . .", " . . ”"]
sentences = sentence_tokenize.sentence_split(text, lang="en")
priority_list = ["indic_trans", "libindic", "indic_trans_IAST"]
transliterated_text = []
for sentence in sentences:
if sentence in etc_punctuation:
temp_sentence = punct_remover(sentence)
t00 = indic_trans(temp_sentence, source_script, dest_script)
t11 = libindic(temp_sentence, dest_script)
t22 = indic_transliteration_OTHER_ORIYA(temp_sentence, source_script)
Out = []
for i in range(len(temp_sentence.split())):
word = temp_sentence.split()[i]
T0 = t00.split()[i]
T1 = t11.split()[i]
T2 = t22.split()[i]
outputs = [T0, T1, T2]
out = compare_outputs_transliteration(
word, outputs, sources_name, priority_list
trans_sent_wo_punct = " ".join(Out)
transliterated_sentence = final_transliterated_sentence(
sentence, trans_sent_wo_punct
return " ".join(transliterated_text)
# -> Function to transliterate from latin to arabic
def dial_comparison_transliteration_latin_arabic(
text, source_lang, source_script, dest_script
sources_name = {"0": "Azure", "1": "transString"}
sentences = sentence_tokenize.sentence_split(text, lang="en")
priority_list = ["Azure", "transString"]
source_lang = "ar"
transliterated_text = []
for sentence in sentences:
if (
sentence == ""
or sentence == " . . ."
or sentence == " . ."
or sentence == " . . ”"
OUT = []
for word in sentence.split():
if word == ".":
t0 = azure_transliteration(
word, source_lang, source_script, dest_script)
t1 = transString(word, 1)
# t2 = polyglot_trans(word, source_script, dest_script)
outputs = [t0, t1]
out = compare_outputs_transliteration(
word, outputs, sources_name, priority_list
transliterated_text.append(" ".join(OUT))
return " ".join(transliterated_text)
# -> Function to transliterate from chinese to latin
def dial_comparison_transliteration_chinese_latin(
text, source_lang, source_script, dest_script
sources_name = {"0": "Azure", "1": "pinyin"}
sentences = sentence_tokenize.sentence_split(text, lang="en")
priority_list = ["Azure", "pinyin"]
transliterated_text = []
for sentence in sentences:
if (
sentence == ""
or sentence == " . . ."
or sentence == " . ."
or sentence == " . . ”"
OUT = []
for word in sentence.split():
if word == ".":
t0 = azure_transliteration(
word, source_lang, source_script, dest_script)
t1 = translit_CHINESE_LATIN(word)
# t2 = polyglot_trans(word, source_script, dest_script)
outputs = [t0, t1]
out = compare_outputs_transliteration(
word, outputs, sources_name, priority_list
transliterated_text.append(" ".join(OUT))
return unidecode.unidecode(" ".join(transliterated_text))
# -> Function to transliterate from thai, sinhala, mongolian and Hebrew to latin
def dial_comparison_transliteration_th_sin_mng_heb_latin(text, source_lang, source_script, dest_script):
sources_name = {'0': 'Azure', '1': 'anyascii'}
sentences = sentence_tokenize.sentence_split(text, lang='en')
priority_list = ['Azure', 'anyascii']
if source_lang == "iw":
source_lang = "he"
transliterated_text = []
for sentence in sentences:
if sentence == "" or sentence == " . . ." or sentence == " . ." or sentence == " . . ”":
OUT = []
for word in sentence.split():
if word == ".":
t0 = azure_transliteration(
word, source_lang, source_script, dest_script)
t1 = translit_th_sin_mng_heb_to_latin(word)
outputs = [t0, t1]
out = compare_outputs_transliteration(
word, outputs, sources_name, priority_list)
transliterated_text.append(" ".join(OUT))
return " ".join(transliterated_text)
def compare_outputs_transliteration(word, outputs, sources_name, priority_list):
# print(outputs)
# doc2 = docx.Document()
# sections = doc2.sections
# for section in sections:
# section.top_margin = Inches(0.2)
# section.bottom_margin = Inches(0.2)
# section.left_margin = Inches(0.2)
# section.right_margin = Inches(0.2)
# section = doc2.sections[-1]
# new_height = section.page_width
# section.page_width = section.page_height
# section.page_height = new_height
# name = 'Final table ' + doc_file
# doc2.add_heading(name, 0)
# doc_para = doc2.add_paragraph()
# doc_para.add_run('Translation resources used : Google, IBM watson, AWS, Azure, Lingvanex, Yandex').bold = True
# table2 = doc2.add_table(rows=1, cols=4)
# table2.style = 'TableGrid'
# hdr_Cells = table2.rows[0].cells
# hdr_Cells[0].paragraphs[0].add_run("Input").bold = True
# hdr_Cells[1].paragraphs[0].add_run("Output1").bold = True
# hdr_Cells[2].paragraphs[0].add_run("Output2").bold = True
# hdr_Cells[3].paragraphs[0].add_run("Output3").bold = True
O1ANDS1, O2ANDS2 = selection_source_transliteration(
sources_name, outputs, priority_list
print(O1ANDS1, "compare all transliterations")
# add_dial_comparison_doc2_transliteration(doc2, table2, word, O1ANDS1, O2ANDS2, sources_name)
return O1ANDS1[0]
def add_dial_comparison_doc2_transliteration(
doc2, table2, word, O1ANDS1, O2ANDS2, sources_name
row_Cells = table2.add_row().cells
row_Cells[0].text = word
row_Cells[1].text = O1ANDS1[0]
row_Cells[1].paragraphs[0].add_run("(Source : " + str(O1ANDS1[1]) + ")")
row_Cells[2].text = O2ANDS2[0]
row_Cells[2].paragraphs[0].add_run("(Source : " + str(O2ANDS2[1]) + ")")
# -> Housing all the Script Pair Combinations for Transliterations
def transliterate(dest_script, src_script, src_lang, text):
print("transliterate",dest_script, src_script, src_lang, text)
# if src_script == "Common" or dest_script == "Common" or src_script == "None" or dest_script == "None" or src_script == dest_script:
# return
trans_text = text
if dest_script == "Latin" and src_script == "Devanagari":
# trans_text = dial_comparison_transliteration_dev_rom_ph1(text, src_lang, src_script,dest_script)
trans_text = dial_comparison_transliteration_dev_rom_ph1_sentence_wise(
text, src_lang, src_script, dest_script
elif dest_script == "Devanagari" and src_script == "Latin":
trans_text = dial_comparison_transliteration_rom_dev_ph1(
text, src_lang, src_script, dest_script
# trans_text=dial_comparison_transliteration_rom_dev_ph1_sentence_wise(text, src_lang, src_script,dest_script)
elif dest_script == "Latin" and src_script == "Arabic":
trans_text = dial_comparison_transliteration_arbic_to_rom_ph1(
text, src_lang, src_script, dest_script
elif dest_script == "Latin" and src_script == "Kannada":
trans_text = dial_comparison_transliteration_kann_to_rom_ph1(
text, src_lang, src_script, dest_script
elif dest_script == "Latin" and src_script == "Tamil":
trans_text = dial_comparison_transliteration_tamil_to_rom_ph1(
text, src_lang, src_script, dest_script
elif dest_script == "Latin" and src_script == "Bengali":
trans_text = dial_comparison_transliteration_beng_tel_mal_to_rom_ph1(
text, src_lang, src_script, dest_script
elif dest_script == "Latin" and src_script == "Telugu":
trans_text = dial_comparison_transliteration_beng_tel_mal_to_rom_ph1(
text, src_lang, src_script, dest_script
elif dest_script == "Latin" and src_script == "Malayalam":
trans_text = dial_comparison_transliteration_beng_tel_mal_to_rom_ph1(
text, src_lang, src_script, dest_script
elif dest_script == "Gurmukhi" and src_script == "Latin":
trans_text = dial_comparison_transliteration_latin_gurmukhi(
text, src_lang, src_script, dest_script
elif dest_script == "Cyrillic" and src_script == "Latin":
trans_text = dial_comparison_transliteration_latin_cyrillic(
text, src_lang, src_script, dest_script
elif dest_script == "Telugu" and src_script == "Latin":
trans_text = dial_comparison_transliteration_latin_telugu_sentence_wise(
text, src_lang, src_script, dest_script
elif dest_script == "Latin" and src_script == "Gurmukhi":
trans_text = dial_comparison_transliteration_gurmukhi_latin_sentence_wise(
text, src_lang, src_script, dest_script
elif dest_script == "Latin" and src_script == "Cyrillic":
trans_text = dial_comparison_transliteration_cyrilic_latin_sentence_wise(
text, src_lang, src_script, dest_script
elif dest_script == "Latin" and src_script == "Gujarati":
trans_text = dial_comparison_transliteration_beng_tel_mal_to_rom_ph1(
text, src_lang, src_script, dest_script
elif dest_script == "Latin" and src_script == "Oriya":
trans_text = dial_comparison_transliteration_beng_tel_mal_to_rom_ph1(
text, src_lang, src_script, dest_script
elif dest_script == "Gujarati" and src_script == "Latin":
trans_text = dial_comparison_transliteration_latin_to_gu_or_ml_ta_bn(
text, src_lang, src_script, dest_script
elif dest_script == "Oriya" and src_script == "Latin":
trans_text = dial_comparison_transliteration_latin_to_gu_or_ml_ta_bn(
text, src_lang, src_script, dest_script
elif dest_script == "Tamil" and src_script == "Latin":
trans_text = dial_comparison_transliteration_latin_to_gu_or_ml_ta_bn(
text, src_lang, src_script, dest_script
elif dest_script == "Malayalam" and src_script == "Latin":
trans_text = dial_comparison_transliteration_latin_to_gu_or_ml_ta_bn(
text, src_lang, src_script, dest_script
elif dest_script == "Bengali" and src_script == "Latin":
trans_text = dial_comparison_transliteration_latin_to_gu_or_ml_ta_bn(
text, src_lang, src_script, dest_script
elif dest_script == "Devanagari" and src_script == "Oriya":
trans_text = dial_comparison_transliteration_or_ml_gu_te_devanagari(
text, src_lang, src_script, dest_script
elif dest_script == "Devanagari" and src_script == "Gujarati":
trans_text = dial_comparison_transliteration_or_ml_gu_te_devanagari(
text, src_lang, src_script, dest_script
elif dest_script == "Devanagari" and src_script == "Malayalam":
trans_text = dial_comparison_transliteration_or_ml_gu_te_devanagari(
text, src_lang, src_script, dest_script
elif dest_script == "Devanagari" and src_script == "Telugu":
trans_text = dial_comparison_transliteration_or_ml_gu_te_devanagari(
text, src_lang, src_script, dest_script
elif dest_script == "Oriya" and src_script == "Devanagari":
trans_text = dial_comparison_transliteration_devanagari_or_ml_gu_te(
text, src_lang, src_script, dest_script
elif dest_script == "Gujarati" and src_script == "Devanagari":
trans_text = dial_comparison_transliteration_devanagari_or_ml_gu_te(
text, src_lang, src_script, dest_script
elif dest_script == "Malayalam" and src_script == "Devanagari":
trans_text = dial_comparison_transliteration_devanagari_or_ml_gu_te(
text, src_lang, src_script, dest_script
elif dest_script == "Telugu" and src_script == "Devanagari":
trans_text = dial_comparison_transliteration_devanagari_or_ml_gu_te(
text, src_lang, src_script, dest_script
elif dest_script == "Devanagari" and src_script == "Bengali":
trans_text = dial_comparison_transliteration_or_ml_gu_te_devanagari(
text, src_lang, src_script, dest_script
elif dest_script == "Devanagari" and src_script == "Gurmukhi":
trans_text = dial_comparison_transliteration_or_ml_gu_te_devanagari(
text, src_lang, src_script, dest_script
elif dest_script == "Devanagari" and src_script == "Kannada":
trans_text = dial_comparison_transliteration_or_ml_gu_te_devanagari(
text, src_lang, src_script, dest_script
elif dest_script == "Bengali" and src_script == "Devanagari":
trans_text = dial_comparison_transliteration_devanagari_or_ml_gu_te(
text, src_lang, src_script, dest_script
elif dest_script == "Gurmukhi" and src_script == "Devanagari":
trans_text = dial_comparison_transliteration_devanagari_or_ml_gu_te(
text, src_lang, src_script, dest_script
elif dest_script == "Kannada" and src_script == "Devanagari":
trans_text = dial_comparison_transliteration_devanagari_or_ml_gu_te(
text, src_lang, src_script, dest_script
elif dest_script == "Tamil" and src_script == "Kannada":
trans_text = dial_comparison_transliteration_kannada_ml_ta_te_ben(
text, src_lang, src_script, dest_script
elif dest_script == "Malayalam" and src_script == "Kannada":
trans_text = dial_comparison_transliteration_kannada_ml_ta_te_ben(
text, src_lang, src_script, dest_script
elif dest_script == "Telugu" and src_script == "Kannada":
trans_text = dial_comparison_transliteration_kannada_ml_ta_te_ben(
text, src_lang, src_script, dest_script
elif dest_script == "Kannada" and src_script == "Tamil":
trans_text = dial_comparison_transliteration_ml_ta_te_ben_kannada(
text, src_lang, src_script, dest_script
elif dest_script == "Kannada" and src_script == "Malayalam":
trans_text = dial_comparison_transliteration_ml_ta_te_ben_kannada(
text, src_lang, src_script, dest_script
elif dest_script == "Kannada" and src_script == "Telugu":
trans_text = dial_comparison_transliteration_ml_ta_te_ben_kannada(
text, src_lang, src_script, dest_script
elif dest_script == "Kannada" and src_script == "Latin":
trans_text = dial_comparison_transliteration_latin_to_gu_or_ml_ta_bn(
text, src_lang, src_script, dest_script
elif dest_script == "Tamil" and src_script == "Devanagari":
trans_text = dial_comparison_transliteration_devanagari_or_ml_gu_te(
text, src_lang, src_script, dest_script
elif dest_script == "Devanagari" and src_script == "Tamil":
trans_text = dial_comparison_transliteration_or_ml_gu_te_devanagari(
text, src_lang, src_script, dest_script
elif dest_script == "Telugu" and src_script == "Tamil":
trans_text = dial_comparison_transliteration_tamil_other(
text, src_lang, src_script, dest_script
elif dest_script == "Malayalam" and src_script == "Tamil":
trans_text = dial_comparison_transliteration_tamil_other(
text, src_lang, src_script, dest_script
elif dest_script == "Tamil" and src_script == "Malayalam":
trans_text = dial_comparison_transliteration_other_tamil(
text, src_lang, src_script, dest_script
elif dest_script == "Tamil" and src_script == "Telugu":
trans_text = dial_comparison_transliteration_other_tamil(
text, src_lang, src_script, dest_script
elif dest_script == "Malayalam" and src_script == "Telugu":
trans_text = dial_comparison_transliteration_te_to_ml(
text, src_lang, src_script, dest_script
elif dest_script == "Telugu" and src_script == "Malayalam":
trans_text = dial_comparison_transliteration_ml_to_te(
text, src_lang, src_script, dest_script
elif dest_script == "Gurmukhi" and src_script == "Gujarati":
trans_text = dial_comparison_transliteration_guj_or_to_gur(
text, src_lang, src_script, dest_script
elif dest_script == "Gujarati" and src_script == "Gurmukhi":
trans_text = dial_comparison_transliteration_gur_or_to_guj(
text, src_lang, src_script, dest_script
elif dest_script == "Gujarati" and src_script == "Oriya":
trans_text = dial_comparison_transliteration_gur_or_to_guj(
text, src_lang, src_script, dest_script
elif dest_script == "Gurmukhi" and src_script == "Oriya":
trans_text = dial_comparison_transliteration_guj_or_to_gur(
text, src_lang, src_script, dest_script
elif dest_script == "Oriya" and src_script == "Gujarati":
trans_text = dial_comparison_transliteration_guj_gur_to_or(
text, src_lang, src_script, dest_script
elif dest_script == "Oriya" and src_script == "Gurmukhi":
trans_text = dial_comparison_transliteration_guj_gur_to_or(
text, src_lang, src_script, dest_script
elif dest_script == "Bengali" and src_script == "Kannada":
trans_text = dial_comparison_transliteration_kannada_ml_ta_te_ben(
text, src_lang, src_script, dest_script
elif dest_script == "Kannada" and src_script == "Bengali":
trans_text = dial_comparison_transliteration_ml_ta_te_ben_kannada(
text, src_lang, src_script, dest_script
elif dest_script == "Devanagari" and src_script == "Arabic":
temp_dest_script = "Latin"
temp_text = dial_comparison_transliteration_arbic_to_rom_ph1(
text, src_lang, src_script, temp_dest_script
trans_text = dial_comparison_transliteration_rom_dev_ph1(
temp_text, src_lang, temp_dest_script, dest_script
elif dest_script == "Gurmukhi" and src_script == "Arabic":
temp_dest_script = "Latin"
temp_text = dial_comparison_transliteration_arbic_to_rom_ph1(
text, src_lang, src_script, temp_dest_script
trans_text = dial_comparison_transliteration_latin_gurmukhi(
temp_text, src_lang, temp_dest_script, dest_script
elif dest_script == "Gujarati" and src_script == "Arabic":
temp_dest_script = "Latin"
temp_text = dial_comparison_transliteration_arbic_to_rom_ph1(
text, src_lang, src_script, temp_dest_script
trans_text = dial_comparison_transliteration_latin_to_gu_or_ml_ta_bn(
temp_text, src_lang, temp_dest_script, dest_script
elif dest_script == "Cyrillic" and src_script == "Arabic":
temp_dest_script = "Latin"
temp_text = dial_comparison_transliteration_arbic_to_rom_ph1(
text, src_lang, src_script, temp_dest_script
trans_text = dial_comparison_transliteration_latin_cyrillic(
temp_text, src_lang, temp_dest_script, dest_script
elif dest_script == "Arabic" and src_script == "Latin":
trans_text = dial_comparison_transliteration_latin_arabic(
text, src_lang, src_script, dest_script
elif dest_script == "Cyrillic" and src_script == "Devanagari":
temp_dest_script = "Latin"
temp_text = dial_comparison_transliteration_dev_rom_ph1_sentence_wise(
text, src_lang, src_script, temp_dest_script
trans_text = dial_comparison_transliteration_latin_cyrillic(
temp_text, src_lang, temp_dest_script, dest_script
elif dest_script == "Kannada" and src_script == "Arabic":
temp_dest_script = "Latin"
temp_text = dial_comparison_transliteration_arbic_to_rom_ph1(
text, src_lang, src_script, temp_dest_script
trans_text = dial_comparison_transliteration_latin_to_gu_or_ml_ta_bn(
temp_text, src_lang, temp_dest_script, dest_script
elif dest_script == "Tamil" and src_script == "Arabic":
temp_dest_script = "Latin"
temp_text = dial_comparison_transliteration_arbic_to_rom_ph1(
text, src_lang, src_script, temp_dest_script
trans_text = dial_comparison_transliteration_latin_to_gu_or_ml_ta_bn(
temp_text, src_lang, temp_dest_script, dest_script
elif dest_script == "Telugu" and src_script == "Arabic":
temp_dest_script = "Latin"
temp_text = dial_comparison_transliteration_arbic_to_rom_ph1(
text, src_lang, src_script, temp_dest_script
trans_text = dial_comparison_transliteration_latin_telugu_sentence_wise(
temp_text, src_lang, temp_dest_script, dest_script
elif dest_script == "Malayalam" and src_script == "Arabic":
temp_dest_script = "Latin"
temp_text = dial_comparison_transliteration_arbic_to_rom_ph1(
text, src_lang, src_script, temp_dest_script
trans_text = dial_comparison_transliteration_latin_to_gu_or_ml_ta_bn(
temp_text, src_lang, temp_dest_script, dest_script
elif dest_script == "Bengali" and src_script == "Arabic":
temp_dest_script = "Latin"
temp_text = dial_comparison_transliteration_arbic_to_rom_ph1(
text, src_lang, src_script, temp_dest_script
trans_text = dial_comparison_transliteration_latin_to_gu_or_ml_ta_bn(
temp_text, src_lang, temp_dest_script, dest_script
elif dest_script == "Oriya" and src_script == "Arabic":
temp_dest_script = "Latin"
temp_text = dial_comparison_transliteration_arbic_to_rom_ph1(
text, src_lang, src_script, temp_dest_script
trans_text = dial_comparison_transliteration_latin_to_gu_or_ml_ta_bn(
temp_text, src_lang, temp_dest_script, dest_script
elif dest_script == "Cyrillic" and src_script == "Kannada":
temp_dest_script = "Latin"
temp_text = dial_comparison_transliteration_kann_to_rom_ph1(
text, src_lang, src_script, temp_dest_script
trans_text = dial_comparison_transliteration_latin_cyrillic(
temp_text, src_lang, temp_dest_script, dest_script
elif dest_script == "Gujarati" and src_script == "Kannada":
temp_dest_script = "Latin"
temp_text = dial_comparison_transliteration_kann_to_rom_ph1(
text, src_lang, src_script, temp_dest_script
trans_text = dial_comparison_transliteration_latin_to_gu_or_ml_ta_bn(
temp_text, src_lang, temp_dest_script, dest_script
elif dest_script == "Gurmukhi" and src_script == "Kannada":
temp_dest_script = "Latin"
temp_text = dial_comparison_transliteration_kann_to_rom_ph1(
text, src_lang, src_script, temp_dest_script
trans_text = dial_comparison_transliteration_latin_gurmukhi(
temp_text, src_lang, temp_dest_script, dest_script
elif dest_script == "Oriya" and src_script == "Kannada":
temp_dest_script = "Latin"
temp_text = dial_comparison_transliteration_kann_to_rom_ph1(
text, src_lang, src_script, temp_dest_script
trans_text = dial_comparison_transliteration_latin_to_gu_or_ml_ta_bn(
temp_text, src_lang, temp_dest_script, dest_script
elif dest_script == "Cyrillic" and src_script == "Tamil":
temp_dest_script = "Latin"
temp_text = dial_comparison_transliteration_tamil_to_rom_ph1(
text, src_lang, src_script, temp_dest_script
trans_text = dial_comparison_transliteration_latin_cyrillic(
temp_text, src_lang, temp_dest_script, dest_script
elif dest_script == "Tamil" and src_script == "Cyrillic":
temp_dest_script = "Latin"
temp_text = dial_comparison_transliteration_cyrilic_latin_sentence_wise(
text, src_lang, src_script, temp_dest_script
trans_text = dial_comparison_transliteration_latin_to_gu_or_ml_ta_bn(
temp_text, src_lang, temp_dest_script, dest_script
elif dest_script == "Tamil" and src_script == "Bengali":
temp_dest_script = "Latin"
temp_text = dial_comparison_transliteration_beng_tel_mal_to_rom_ph1(
text, src_lang, src_script, temp_dest_script
trans_text = dial_comparison_transliteration_latin_to_gu_or_ml_ta_bn(
temp_text, src_lang, temp_dest_script, dest_script
elif dest_script == "Telugu" and src_script == "Bengali":
temp_dest_script = "Latin"
temp_text = dial_comparison_transliteration_beng_tel_mal_to_rom_ph1(
text, src_lang, src_script, temp_dest_script
trans_text = dial_comparison_transliteration_latin_telugu_sentence_wise(
temp_text, src_lang, temp_dest_script, dest_script
elif dest_script == "Malayalam" and src_script == "Bengali":
temp_dest_script = "Latin"
temp_text = dial_comparison_transliteration_beng_tel_mal_to_rom_ph1(
text, src_lang, src_script, temp_dest_script
trans_text = dial_comparison_transliteration_latin_to_gu_or_ml_ta_bn(
temp_text, src_lang, temp_dest_script, dest_script
elif dest_script == "Arabic" and src_script == "Devanagari":
temp_dest_script = "Latin"
temp_text = dial_comparison_transliteration_dev_rom_ph1_sentence_wise(
text, src_lang, src_script, temp_dest_script
trans_text = dial_comparison_transliteration_latin_arabic(
temp_text, src_lang, temp_dest_script, dest_script
elif dest_script == "Arabic" and src_script == "Cyrillic":
temp_dest_script = "Latin"
temp_text = dial_comparison_transliteration_cyrilic_latin_sentence_wise(
text, src_lang, src_script, temp_dest_script
trans_text = dial_comparison_transliteration_latin_arabic(
temp_text, src_lang, temp_dest_script, dest_script
elif dest_script == "Arabic" and src_script == "Gurmukhi":
temp_dest_script = "Latin"
temp_text = dial_comparison_transliteration_gurmukhi_latin_sentence_wise(
text, src_lang, src_script, temp_dest_script
trans_text = dial_comparison_transliteration_latin_arabic(
temp_text, src_lang, temp_dest_script, dest_script
elif dest_script == "Arabic" and src_script == "Gujarati":
temp_dest_script = "Latin"
temp_text = dial_comparison_transliteration_beng_tel_mal_to_rom_ph1(
text, src_lang, src_script, temp_dest_script
trans_text = dial_comparison_transliteration_latin_arabic(
temp_text, src_lang, temp_dest_script, dest_script
elif dest_script == "Latin" and src_script == "Hanji":
if src_lang == "zh-CN":
src_lang = "zh-Hans"
trans_text = dial_comparison_transliteration_chinese_latin(
text, src_lang, src_script, dest_script
elif dest_script == "Devanagari" and src_script == "Hanji":
if src_lang == "zh-CN":
src_lang = "zh-Hans"
temp_dest_script = "Latin"
temp_text = dial_comparison_transliteration_chinese_latin(
text, src_lang, src_script, temp_dest_script
trans_text = dial_comparison_transliteration_rom_dev_ph1(
temp_text, src_lang, temp_dest_script, dest_script
elif dest_script == "Arabic" and src_script == "Hanji":
if src_lang == "zh-CN":
src_lang = "zh-Hans"
temp_dest_script = "Latin"
temp_text = dial_comparison_transliteration_chinese_latin(
text, src_lang, src_script, temp_dest_script
trans_text = dial_comparison_transliteration_latin_arabic(
temp_text, src_lang, temp_dest_script, dest_script
elif dest_script == "Gurmukhi" and src_script == "Hanji":
if src_lang == "zh-CN":
src_lang = "zh-Hans"
temp_dest_script = "Latin"
temp_text = dial_comparison_transliteration_chinese_latin(
text, src_lang, src_script, temp_dest_script
trans_text = dial_comparison_transliteration_latin_gurmukhi(
temp_text, src_lang, temp_dest_script, dest_script
elif dest_script == "Gujarati" and src_script == "Hanji":
if src_lang == "zh-CN":
src_lang = "zh-Hans"
temp_dest_script = "Latin"
temp_text = dial_comparison_transliteration_chinese_latin(
text, src_lang, src_script, temp_dest_script
trans_text = dial_comparison_transliteration_latin_to_gu_or_ml_ta_bn(
temp_text, src_lang, temp_dest_script, dest_script
elif dest_script == "Oriya" and src_script == "Hanji":
if src_lang == "zh-CN":
src_lang = "zh-Hans"
temp_dest_script = "Latin"
temp_text = dial_comparison_transliteration_chinese_latin(
text, src_lang, src_script, temp_dest_script
trans_text = dial_comparison_transliteration_latin_to_gu_or_ml_ta_bn(
temp_text, src_lang, temp_dest_script, dest_script
elif dest_script == "Latin" and src_script == "Thai":
trans_text = dial_comparison_transliteration_th_sin_mng_heb_latin(
text, src_lang, src_script, dest_script
elif dest_script == "Latin" and src_script == "Sinhala":
trans_text = dial_comparison_transliteration_th_sin_mng_heb_latin(
text, src_lang, src_script, dest_script
elif dest_script == "Latin" and src_script == "Hebrew":
trans_text = dial_comparison_transliteration_th_sin_mng_heb_latin(
text, src_lang, src_script, dest_script
elif dest_script == "Latin" and src_script == "Mongolian":
src_lang = "mn-Cyrl"
trans_text = dial_comparison_transliteration_th_sin_mng_heb_latin(
text, src_lang, src_script, dest_script
return trans_text
# -> Main Transliteration Function to co-ordingate all the functions
def makeTransliteration_only(**kwargs):
# Seting the Variables Required for Transliteration
# dial_dest_script = kwargs.get("dial_dest_script")
# original_file = kwargs.get("original_file")
# dial_dest_lang = kwargs.get("dial_dest_lang")
# is_dialogue_transliteration_required = kwargs.get(
# "is_dialogue_transliteration_required"
# )
# is_action_line_transliteration_required = kwargs.get(
# "is_action_line_transliteration_required"
# )
# action_line_dest_script = kwargs.get("action_line_dest_script")
# action_line_src_lang = kwargs.get("action_line_src_lang")
# action_line_src_script = kwargs.get("action_line_src_script")
# scenes_original = kwargs.get("scenes_original")
# restrict_to_five = kwargs.get("restrict_to_five")
# filename2 = original_file
line = kwargs.get('line')
lang = kwargs.get('lang')
src_script = kwargs.get('src_script')
dest_script = kwargs.get('dest_script')
dual_dial_script = kwargs.get('dual_dial_script')
# print("transliterating action lines ", dest_script,
# src_script,
# lang,
# line)
# trans_text = transliterate(
# dest_script,
# src_script,
# lang,
# line,
# )
# else:
# trans_text = line
""" Checking if Transliteration is really Required or not """
if (src_script == dest_script and dual_dial_script == "No"):
return line
print("transliterating", dest_script, src_script, lang, str(line))
return transliterate(dest_script, src_script, lang, str(line))
# create an instance of a word document
# doc = docx.Document()
# x = datetime.datetime.now(timezone("UTC")).astimezone(
# timezone("Asia/Kolkata"))
# if kwargs.get('ignore_because_sample_script') == True:
# doc_file = filename2
# else:
# doc_file = (
# basePath
# + "/media/scripts/translated/"
# + "trans_"
# + str(dial_dest_lang)
# + "_"
# + str(x.strftime("%d"))
# + "_"
# + str(x.strftime("%b"))
# + "_"
# + str(x.strftime("%H"))
# + str(x.strftime("%I"))
# + "_"
# + "trans"
# + "_of_"
# + ntpath.basename(filename2)
# )
# -> Getting All the scenes form the Script File with updated actionlines from whichever previously concluded steps
# refined, total_scenes = getRefined(filename2)
# sluglines, without_slug = getSlugAndNonSlug(refined)
# characters = getSpeakers(without_slug)
# scenes1, actionline, parenthetical_lis, speakers, dialogues = getScenes(
# refined, total_scenes, characters
# )
# -> Restricitng Number of scenes to five if user only wants sample of script
# if restrict_to_five == "yes":
# scenes1 = scenes1[:5]
# -> This forloop detects actionline source language, dialogue source language and dialogue source script
# to avoid the load for detection of language in each and every line in next code(for-loop)
# for scene in tqdm(scenes1):
# x = "False"
# y = "False"
# for i, line in enumerate(scene):
# if i == 0:
# continue
# if isinstance(line, str):
# x = "True"
# non_dial_src_lang = language_detector(line)
# else:
# [speaker] = line.keys()
# if speaker == "Transition":
# continue
# if line[speaker][0] != "NONE":
# continue
# if line[speaker][2] == "":
# continue
# y = "True"
# dial_src_lang = language_detector(line[speaker][2])
# dial_src_script = script_det(line[speaker][2])
# if x == "True" and y == "True":
# break
# scenes_current = scenes1
# if scenes_original:
# scenes1 = zip(scenes1, scenes_original)
# else:
# scenes1 = zip(scenes1, scenes1)
# -> Transliterating The Text Begins here
# for scene, scene_original in tqdm(scenes1):
# for i, (line, line_original) in enumerate(zip(scene, scene_original)):
# if i == 0:
# addSlugLine(doc, line)
# continue
# if isinstance(line, str):
# print("transliterating action lines ",action_line_dest_script,
# action_line_src_script,
# action_line_src_lang,
# line)
# if is_action_line_transliteration_required:
# trans_text = transliterate(
# action_line_dest_script,
# action_line_src_script,
# action_line_src_lang,
# line,
# )
# else:
# trans_text = line
# addActionLine(doc, trans_text, non_dial_src_lang)
# else:
# print("In dialogue")
# [speaker] = line.keys()
# if speaker == "Transition":
# # if want to translate transition also along with action line use addTransition
# # (doc,translator.translate(speaker,dest = gtrans_dict[actionline_dest_lang]).text)
# addTransition(doc, line[speaker])
# continue
# addSpeaker(doc, speaker)
# if line[speaker][0] != "NONE": # In parenthitical part
# addParenthetical(doc, line[speaker][0])
# print("dialogue to be transliterated ", line[speaker][2])
# if line[speaker][2] == "":
# continue
# trans_text = line[speaker][2]
# if is_dialogue_transliteration_required:
# if dial_dest_script == dial_src_script:
# trans_text = trans_text
# else:
# trans_text = transliterate(
# dial_dest_script, dial_src_script, dial_src_lang, trans_text
# )
# if dual_dial_script == "Yes":
# dual_script(
# doc, line_original[speaker][2], trans_text, dial_src_lang
# )
# else:
# addDialogue(doc, trans_text, dial_src_lang)
# # Saving the Docfile
# doc.save(doc_file)
# print("done file is saved")
# return doc_file, scenes_current
def add_dual_dialogue(converted_df, original_df, non_dial_dest_lang, dial_dest_lang):
doc = docx.Document()
for idx, line in enumerate(converted_df):
if line[3] == 'special_term' or line[3] == 'transition':
addTransition(doc, str(line[2]))
elif line[3] == 'slugline':
addSlugLine(doc, str(line[2]))
elif line[3] == 'action':
addActionLine(doc, str(line[2]), non_dial_dest_lang)
elif line[3] == 'speaker':
addSpeaker(doc, str(line[2]))
elif line[3] == 'parenthetical':
addParenthetical(doc, str(line[2]))
elif line[3] == 'dialogue':
dual_script(doc, str(original_df[idx][2]), str(line[2]), dial_dest_lang)
return doc