
15 KiB
Executable File

1SNCurrent line PNBLNNBLP. Diff, Indent Line N. Diff. Indent linePPNBLNNNBLRevised Conditions
2PLB ?NLB ?STARTING SPACE COUNTLAST CHAR PLACEMENTParanthetical presence CASEPLB ?pnbl parentheticalPREVIOUS NON BLANK LINE INDENT vS. CURRENT LINE INDENTPNBL starting space countPNBL last char placementPNBL caseNLB ?nnbl ParentheticalNEXT NON BLANK LINE INDENT VS. CURRENT LINE INDENTNNBL starting space countNNBL last char placementNNBL casePLB?NLB?PREVIOUS Different INDENT line vS. CURRENT LINE INDENTstarting space countlast character placement parenthecal presncecasePLB?NLB?Next Different INDENT Line vS. CURRENT LINE INDENTstarting space countlast character placement parenthecal presncecase
3ps1Slugline fullPureYY11-1530-65AbsentAllUpperMaybeAbsentMore;SameAllUpper;FirstCamel;FirstUpper;AllLower;MidUpper;EndUpper;PartialMaybeAbsentSameFirstCamel;FirstUpper;AllLower;MidUpper;EndUpper;PartialMaybeYMoreAbsentYNMoreAbsent;PartMidEndplb - Y, previous line FADE IN: - Y, nlb - Y, allCaps - Y, int/ext or ext/int or i/e or e/i or int or ext - present, previous to previous line(if any) = space count - 15/35/<75, case_format - upper/partial/camel, next to next line = space count - 15, camel/partial. Numerics are found in <15 space counts.
4ps2Slugline beginning PureYN11-1530-72AbsentAllUpperMaybeAbsentMore;SameAllUpper;FirstCamel;FirstUpper;AllLower;MidUpper;EndUpper;PartialYAbsentSameAllUpperMaybeYMoreAbsentYNMoreAbsent;PartMidEndplb - Y, nlb - N, allCaps - Y, int/ext or ext/int or i/e or e/i or int or ext - present, previous to previous line(if any) - upper/partial/camel/lower, next to next line - (plb - Y, nlb - Y), next line should have the characteristics of slugline - upper. numerics are found in the <15 space counts.
5ps3slugline ending pureNY1519-72AbsentAllUpperYAbsentSameAllUpperMaybeAbsentSameFirstCamel;FirstUpper;AllLower;MidUpper;EndUpper;PartialMaybeYMoreAbsentYNMoreAbsent;PartMidEndplb - N, nlb - Y, allCaps - Y, previous line has Slugline characteristics, pvs to pvs - (" ") Space count = 15.
6ps4Action beginning linepureYN1565-72AbsentFirstCamel;FirstUpperMaybeAbsentMore;SameAllUpper;FirstCamel;FirstUpper;AllLower;MidUpper;EndUpper;PartialMaybeAbsentSameFirstCamel;FirstUpper;AllLower;MidUpper;EndUpper;PartialMaybeYMoreAbsentYMaybeMoreAbsent;PartMidEndplb - Y, nlb - N, allCaps - N, camel/lower/partial - Y, Space count = 15, space count of next non blank line =15, space count of previous non blank line = 15 or 25
7ps5Action Middle linepureNN1565-72AbsentAllLower;MidUpper;EndUpper;PartialMaybeAbsentSameFirstCamel;FirstUpper;AllLower;MidUpper;EndUpper;PartialMaybeAbsentSameFirstCamel;FirstUpper;AllLower;MidUpper;EndUpper;PartialMaybeYMoreAbsentYMaybeMoreAbsent;PartMidEndplb - N, nlb - N, camel/lower/partial - Y, Space count = 12-18, previous non blank line space count = 12-18, next non blank line space count =12-18, space count = previous non blank line spacr count= next non blank line space count
8ps6Action Ending linepureMaybeY1519-65AbsentFirstCamel;FirstUpper;AllLower;MidUpper;EndUpper;PartialMaybeAbsentMore;SameAllUpper;FirstCamel;FirstUpper;AllLower;MidUpper;EndUpper;PartialMaybeAbsentSame;MoreAllUpper;FirstCamel;FirstUpper;MidUpper;EndUpper;PartialMaybeYMoreAbsentYMaybeMoreAbsent;PartMidEndplb - N, nlb - Y, camel/lowe/partial - Y, Space count = 15, Previous to previous line - (either dialogue ending or slug ending or action ending), next to next line -( speakr, transition, slug, action ending), does not contain any of the INT, EXT, I/E, E/I, I./E, E./I (for stage-1 ps6 conditions to be revisted and made strickter.)
9ps7Speaker alone pureYN3537-65AbsentAllUpperMaybeAbsentLessFirstCamel;FirstUpper;AllLower;MidUpper;EndUpper;PartialMaybeAbsent;StartingLeft;Complete;LessFirstCamel;FirstUpper;AllLower;MidUpper;EndUpper;PartialMaybeYLessAbsentNMaybeLessAbsent;StartingLeft;Complete;plb - Y, nlb - N, allCaps - Y, previous to previous line - camel/lower/partial, space count = 15, next line - '(' or ')' or space count=30/space count=25, Space count = 35
10ps8speaker with ExtensionpureYN3540-68PartMidEndAllUpper;FirstUpperMaybeAbsentLessFirstCamel;FirstUpper;AllLower;MidUpper;EndUpper;PartialMaybeAbsent;StartingLeft;Complete;LessFirstCamel;FirstUpper;AllLower;MidUpper;EndUpper;PartialMaybeYLessAbsentNMaybeLessAbsent;StartingLeft;Complete;plb - Y, nlb - N, allcaps - Y, along with speaker name parenthetical starting and ending are present, Space count = 35
11ps9isolated speaker ExtensionPureNN3539-65CompleteAllUpperYAbsentMore;SameAllUpper;FirstUpperMaybeAbsent;StartingLeft;Complete;LessFirstCamel;FirstUpper;AllLower;MidUpper;EndUpper;PartialYNLessAbsentNMaybeLessAbsent;StartingLeft;Complete;plb - N, nlb - N, next line - '(' or ')' or camel/lower/partial, Space count = 35, Standard terms are present within parenthetical
12ps10Parenthetical completePureNN3036-51CompleteAllLower;FirstCamel;PartialYAbsentMoreAllUpper;FirstUpperMaybeAbsentLessFirstCamel;FirstUpper;AllLower;MidUpper;EndUpper;PartialYNMoreAbsent;CompleteNMaybeLessAbsentplb - N, nlb - N, camel/lower/partial - Y, parenthetical starting - Y, parenthetical ending - Y, pvs line - upper/ '( ' or ')' and standard speaker extension terms not present within the parenthetical, nxt line - camel/partial/lower, space count = 30, There should not be text outside the brackets.
13ps11Parenthetical beginningPureNN3036-51StartingLeftAllLower;FirstCamel;PartialYAbsentMoreAllUpper;FirstUpperNAbsent;EndingRightSameAllLower;PartialYNMoreAbsent;CompleteNMaybeLessAbsentplb - N, nlb - N, camel/lowe/partial - Y, parenthetical starting - Y, pvs line - upper,space count = 35 and standard speaker extension terms not present within the parenthetical, nxt line - right parenthetical present, space count = 30, there should not be any text left to left parenthetical.
14ps12Parenthetical ending PureNN3032-49EndingRightAllLower;PartialNStartingLeft;AbsentSameAllLower;PartialMaybeAbsentLessFirstCamel;FirstUpper;MidUpper;EndUpper;PartialYNMoreAbsent;CompleteNMaybeLessAbsentplb - N, nlb - N , parenthetical ending - Y, pvs line - left parenthetical present and standard terms not present, space count = 30, there should not be any text right to right parenthetical.
15ps13Dialogue beginning linePureNN2552-62AbsentFirstCamel;PartialMaybeAbsent;Complete;PartMidEnd;OnlyRightMoreAllUpper;FirstCamel;FirstUpper;AllLower;MidUpper;EndUpper;PartialMaybeAbsentSameAllLower;MidUpper;EndUpper;PartialMaybeNMoreAbsent;Complete;EndingRightYMaybeMore;LessAbsent;Complete;StartingLeftplb - N, nlb- No, camel/lowe/partial - Y , space count = 25, nxt line - space count=25/30, space count= next line space count, nxt to nxt line - space count = 150+/25
16ps14Dialogue Middle linePureNN2552-62AbsentAllLower;PartialNAbsentSameFirstCamel;FirstUpper;AllLower;MidUpper;EndUpper;PartialMaybeAbsentSameAllLower;MidUpper;EndUpper;PartialMaybeNMoreAbsent;Complete;EndingRightYMaybeMore;LessAbsent;Complete;StartingLeftplb -N, nlb - N, camel/lower/partial -Y, space count = 25, previous line space count = 25.
17ps15Dialogue Ending linePureNY2526-59AbsentFirstCamel;AllLower;PartialMaybeAbsent;Complete;PartMidEnd;EndingRightMore;SameAllUpper;FirstCamel;FirstUpper;AllLower;MidUpper;EndUpper;PartialMaybeAbsent;StartingLeft;Complete;Less;MoreAllUpper;FirstCamel;FirstUpper;AllLower;MidUpper;EndUpper;PartialMaybeNMoreAbsent;Complete;EndingRightYMaybeMore;LessAbsent;Complete;StartingLeftplb - N, nlb - Y, camel/lowe/partial - Y, nxt to nxt line - upper(35)/camel(15 or 35)/partial(15 or 35). no left parenthetical present
18ps16TransitionPureYY50-7869-72AbsentAllUpperMaybeAbsentLessFirstCamel;FirstUpper;AllLower;MidUpper;EndUpper;PartialYAbsentLessAllUpper;FirstCamel;FirstUpper;MaybeYLessAbsentYYLessAbsentplb & nlb - Y, allCaps - Y, nxt to nxt line - upper,space count=15, pvs to pvs line - space count=15/25,camel/partial/lower, space count = 36-73
19ps17Special TermPureYY1519-55AbsentAllUpperMaybeAbsentSame;MoretbdYAbsentSame;MoretbdMaybeYMoreAbsentYYMoreAbsent;PartMidEndplb & nlb - Y, allCaps - Y, belongs to a list of terms.
20ps18ps1 + ps4 / ps1 + ps6Slugline mixed with suceeding action lineImpureYMaybe1569-72AbsentFirstUpperMaybeAbsentMore;SameAllUpper;FirstCamel;FirstUpper;AllLower;MidUpper;EndUpper;PartialMaybeAbsentSametbdMaybeYMoreAbsentYMaybeMoreAbsent;PartMidEndplb - Y, pvs to pvs - transition/last action line/dialogue ending line, next line - action line/blank, check with the time of day and if the line is continuing
21ps19ps16 + ps1Slugline mixed with preceeding transitionImpureYY50-15069-72AbsentAllUpperMaybeAbsentLesstbdMaybeAbsentLesstbdMaybeYLessAbsentYNLessAbsent;PartMidEndplb - Y, pvs to pvs - action/dialogue ending lines, nxt line - blank/continuing slugline, check with the transition element present in the line and if the same line contains int/ext or i/e or int or ext. space count = 36-73.
22ps20Parenthetical Middle.NN3052-62AbsentAllLower;PartialMaybeAbsent;StartingLeftSametbdMaybeAbsent;EndingRightSameAllLower;PartialYNMoreAbsent;CompleteNMaybeLessAbsentcheck with any elements present(like pageNo, movie production) other than the standard slugline format
23ps21ps6 + ps7Action ending line mixed with suceeding speaker name.ImpureMaybeN1522-72AbsentFirstCamel;AllLower;Partial;EndUpperMaybeAbsentMore;SametbdNAbsent;StartingLeft;Complete;MoretbdMaybeYMoreAbsentNMaybeMoreAbsent;StartingLeft;Complete;check action ending line whether last few words are allCaps, space count = 15, partial/camel - Y, nxt line - parenthetical/dialogue, pvs - action middle line/blank.
24ps22ps6 + ps16Action ending line mixed with suceeding transition.ImpureMaybeY1569-72AbsentFirstCamel;AllLower;Partial;EndUpperMaybeAbsentMore;SametbdYAbsentSametbdMaybeYMoreAbsentYYMoreAbsentcheck action ending line whether last two or three words contain the element from transitions list, nxt line - blank, nxt to nxt line - slugline, pvs line - blank/action middle line,.
25ps25ps7 + ps10 / ps8 + ps10Speaker name mixed with suceeding parenthetical.ImpureYN3540-68MixedLeftFirstUpperMaybeAbsentLesstbdMaybeAbsentLesstbdMaybeYLessAbsentNMaybeLessAbsent;EndingRightcheck if the line have allCaps words and after that it should have left parenthetical, Space count = 35, pvs line - blank, parenthetical doesn't contain externsion terms or cont'd.
26ps26ps10 + ps13 / ps10 + ps15Parenthetical mixed with suceeding dialogue.ImpureNMaybe3034-60PartBegMid;MixedRightAllLower;FirstCamel;PartialYAbsentMoretbdMaybeAbsent;StartingLeft;Complete;LesstbdYNMoreAbsent;CompleteYMaybeLessAbsent;Complete;StartingLeftcheck if a line starts with the left parenthetical, space count = 30, pvs line - speaker/speaker with extension, there is text present after the right parenthetical.
27ps27ps15 + ps10Parenthetical mixed with preceeding dialogue.ImpureNN2530-60PartMidEnd;MixedLeftAllLower;FirstCamel;PartialMaybeAbsent;CompleteMore;SametbdYAbsentSametbdMaybeNMoreAbsent;Complete;EndingRightNMaybeMore;LessAbsentcheck if before left parenthetical contains any words, space count = 35, either the parenthetical will close in the same line or it can be extended to next line and if not in the nxt line it can be in nxt to nxt line.
28ps28ps15+ps7Dialogue Endline mixed with suceeding speaker name impureNN2530-59AbsentEndUpperMaybeAbsent;Complete;PartMidEnd;EndingRightMore;SametbdMaybeAbsent;StartingLeft;Complete;Same;MoretbdMaybeNMoreAbsent;Complete;EndingRightNMaybeMore;LessAbsent;StartingLeft;Completeplb - N, nlb - N, camel/lowe/partial - Y, space count =35, nxt line space count=30 0r 35, nxt to nxt line space count =35. no left parenthetical present
29ps29ps15 + ps4 / ps15 + ps6Dialogue line mixed with suceeding action line.ImpureNMaybe2530-72AbsentAllLower;FirstCamel;PartialMaybeAbsent;Complete;PartMidEnd;EndingRightMore;SametbdMaybeAbsentLesstbdMaybeNMoreAbsent;Complete;EndingRightYMaybeMore;LessAbsentcheck after completing the dialogue the sentence should be in present tense. space count = 35, pvs line- parenthetical/speaker/dialogue, nxt line - action/blank
30ps30ps7 + ps13 / ps7 + ps15 / ps8 + ps13 / ps8 + ps15Dialogue line mixed with preceeding speaker name.ImpureYMaybe3540-60AbsentFirstUpperMaybeAbsentLesstbdMaybeAbsent;StartingLeft;Complete;LesstbdMaybeYLessAbsentYMaybeLessAbsent;Complete;StartingLeftcheck if first two or three words contains allCaps and not special terms, pvs line - blank, space count = 35, nxt line - blank/dialogue.
31ps31ps16 + ps17Transition mixed with special words like PBS.ImpureYY50-15069-72AbsentAllUpperMaybeAbsentMore;Less;SametbdYAbsentLess;SametbdMaybeYMore;LessAbsentYYMore;LessAbsentcheck if line contains special terms and transitions both with allCaps, plb & nlb -Y.
32ps34Blank linePurecase format - None, data - blank
34Identify sluglines , see if scene numbers corresponding to them are in sequence ,,, if a scne is issing = one slugline should be between these two
35more between dialogues at page break (examine separately)
36more than one scenes written together
37sublocations in the slugline
38Page no mixing with other elements
40Rajeev : Boos ..Thank you for calling bhaisahab?(to
41KUNWAR) Bhaisahab, kya kaam hoga ?
42KUNWAR :- Kuchh khas nahin...NCC mein the ?
43RAJEEV - Haan sir ...chhah saal !
44Intercut over-