
272 lines
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Executable File

This Module contains Generic abstract classes.
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from typing import cast, Any, TypeVar
# from celery import Task
abs_attr_type = TypeVar('abs_attr_type')
class DummyAttribute:
A Dummy Type for abstract_attribute to return.
def abstract_attribute(obj = None, type_ = Any) -> abs_attr_type:
Use this to make abstract attributes of given type.
obj : Any -> It takes the object when using it as a decorator.
type_ : Any -> Provide the type of variable you want to declear.
(Default = Any)
_obj = cast(type_, obj)
if obj is None:
_obj = DummyAttribute()
_obj.__is_abstract_attribute__ = True # type: ignore
return cast(abs_attr_type, _obj)
class MyABCMeta(ABCMeta):
def __call__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
instance = ABCMeta.__call__(cls, *args, **kwargs)
abstract_attributes = {
for name in dir(instance)
if getattr(getattr(instance, name), '__is_abstract_attribute__', False)
if abstract_attributes:
raise NotImplementedError(
"Can't instantiate abstract class {} with"
" abstract attributes: {}".format(
', '.join(abstract_attributes)
# return instance
# class GenericCeleryTask(Task,metaclass=MyABCMeta):
# '''
# This is a Abstract Class for implementation of Classs-Based
# Celery Tasks for MNF.
# It contains all the necessary methods that must be implemented
# by and any class inheriting it to be in-lined with the integration.
# Do read the doc-scrings of each method for insites.
# ____________________________________________________________________________
# This Class itself inherits from Task which is the main Class for
# celery class-bases task implementation.
# For reference of implementation of GenericCeleryTask, checkout neutralAudit
# /
# ____________________________________________________________________________
# By Amulya Paritosh
# '''
# track_started = True
# '''
# If enabled the task will report its status as 'started' when the task
# is executed by a worker. Disabled by default as the normal behavior
# is to not report that level of granularity. Tasks are either pending,
# finished, or waiting to be retried.
# '''
# name : str = abstract_attribute(type_ = str)
# '''
# This is an attribute which must be defined.
# `name = <app_name.module.class>`
# '''
# soft_time_limit : int = abstract_attribute(type_ = int)
# '''
# This is an attribute which must be defined.
# This is the time limit for which the task will run. If this time limit
# is exceeded, SoftTimeLimitExceeded error will be raised.
# '''
# @abstractmethod
# def to_run(self) -> bool:
# '''
# Put logic of checking if the queued task is to be run or not.
# This to_run function is the part of 2nd block of `run()` method (check out
# `run()` method to know more about the logic blocks of running the task).
# This method must be called in `run()` method.
# '''
# ...
# @abstractmethod
# def after_return(self, status, retval, task_id, args, kwargs, einfo) -> None:
# '''
# Handler called after the task returns.
# This method is called when the task returns irrespective of its success or
# failure.
# Can be used for freeing resources and deleting objects.
# ____________________________________________________________________________
# Arguments:
# status (str): Current task state.
# retval (Any): Task return value/exception.
# task_id (str): Unique id of the task.
# args (Tuple): Original arguments for the task.
# kwargs (Dict): Original keyword arguments for the task.
# einfo (~billiard.einfo.ExceptionInfo): Exception information.
# ____________________________________________________________________________
# Returns:
# None: The return value of this handler is ignored.
# '''
# ...
# @abstractmethod
# def on_failure(self, exc, task_id, args, kwargs, einfo) -> None:
# '''
# Error handler.
# This is run by the worker when the task fails.
# Put a control for expected exceptions here for their special handling.
# Check with `is_expected_exceptions()` static classmethod.
# ____________________________________________________________________________
# Arguments:
# exc (Exception): The exception raised by the task.
# task_id (str): Unique id of the failed task.
# args (Tuple): Original arguments for the task that failed.
# kwargs (Dict): Original keyword arguments for the task that failed.
# einfo (~billiard.einfo.ExceptionInfo): Exception information.
# ____________________________________________________________________________
# Returns:
# None: The return value of this handler is ignored.
# '''
# ...
# @abstractmethod
# def on_success(self, retval, task_id, args, kwargs) -> None:
# '''
# Success handler.
# Run by the worker if the task executes successfully.
# ____________________________________________________________________________
# Arguments:
# retval (Any): The return value of the task.
# task_id (str): Unique id of the executed task.
# args (Tuple): Original arguments for the executed task.
# kwargs (Dict): Original keyword arguments for the executed task.
# ____________________________________________________________________________
# Returns:
# None: The return value of this handler is ignored.
# '''
# ...
# @abstractmethod
# def on_retry(self, exc, task_id, args, kwargs, einfo) -> None:
# '''
# Retry handler.
# This is run by the worker when the task is to be retried.
# ____________________________________________________________________________
# Arguments:
# exc (Exception): The exception sent to :meth:`retry`.
# task_id (str): Unique id of the retried task.
# args (Tuple): Original arguments for the retried task.
# kwargs (Dict): Original keyword arguments for the retried task.
# einfo (~billiard.einfo.ExceptionInfo): Exception information.
# ____________________________________________________________________________
# Returns:
# None: The return value of this handler is ignored.
# '''
# ...
# @abstractmethod
# def run(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
# '''
# The body of the task executed by workers. Here write the main code blocks to
# be run.
# The Logic should be written in 3 blocks (its just a convention)
# block1 : initialization of certian required fields.
# block2 : check if to go ahed with the execution with to_run() method.
# block3 : main block of the code to run.
# '''
# ...
# @classmethod
# def is_expected_exceptions(cls, exc) -> bool:
# '''
# This checks if the provided exception was expected or not.
# ____________________________________________________________________________
# Returns :
# bool
# '''
# return isinstance(exc, cls.throws)
class ABCFileType(metaclass=MyABCMeta):
All FileTypes to inherit it.
Contains some must have attributes.
allowed_extentions : tuple = abstract_attribute(type_ = tuple)
def validate() -> bool:
return True