
12 KiB
Executable File

1SNConditionsCase formatwithin paranthesisprevious line BlankNext line Blank Starting Spaces countIf starting space count = starting space count of previous line Previous non blank line isnext non blank line is...
2Camel e.g. PayPalUpper (INDIA)Lower (ramesh)Partial (Ramesh)entire linePart of line only left paranthetical presentonly right paranthetical presentYNYN<15 with numeric charecter152530350-1416-2426-2931-3436-73Slugline beginning line(ps2)Full slugline(ps1)Slugline endling (ps3)Action beginning(ps4)Action middle(ps5)Action ending line(ps6)Speaker name(ps7)ParentheticalDialogue beginning (ps13)Dialogue middle(ps14)Dialogue ending line(ps15)Transition(ps16)Slugline ending line(ps3)Slugline beginning(ps2)Full slugline(ps1)Transition(ps16)Dialogue beginning(ps13)Dialogue middle(ps14)Dialogue ending(ps15)ParentheticalSpeaker(ps7)Action beginning line(ps4)Action middle line(ps5)Action ending line(ps6)
3ps1Slugline fullplb - Y, previous line FADE IN: - Y, nlb - Y, allCaps - Y, int/ext or ext/int or i/e or e/i or int or ext - present, previous to previous line(if any) = action ending line/transition/dialogue ending line, next to next line = action beginning line/ action ending line. Numerics are found in < 15 space counts.110151111101101101011110105551000001000011000000001111
4ps2Slugline beginning plb - Y, nlb - N, allCaps - Y, int/ext or ext/int or i/e or e/i or int or ext - present, previous to previous line(if any) - action ending line/dialogue ending line/transition, next to next line - Blank, next line should have the characteristics of slugline. numerics are found in the <15 space counts.1101511111011101010111101055510000111000011100000000000
5ps3slugline ending plb - N, nlb - Y, allCaps - Y, previous line has Slugline characteristics, pvs to pvs - Blank or FADE IN Space count = 15.110151111110101110111101055510100000000000000000001111
6ps4Action beginning lineplb - Y, nlb - N, allCaps - N, camel/lower/partial - Y, Space count = 15 and pvs to pvs - slugline/dialogue ending line/action ending line.10110101111101110110111101055510011001000010000000000011
7ps5Action Middle lineplb - N, nlb - N, camel/lower/partial - Y, Space count = 15, pvs line - action beginning line, next line- action ending/ action middle line.10110101111110110110111101055510000110000000000000000011
8ps6Action Ending line nlb - Y, camel/lowe/partial - Y, Space count = 15, pvs line - blank/ action middle line.10110101111110101110111101055510011111000010011111101111
9ps7Speaker alone plb - Y, nlb - N, allCaps - Y, previous to previous line - Action ending line/dialogue ending line, next line - parenthetical/dialogue beginning line/dialogue ending line, Space count = 35.5101111111011101111105555101011001000010000011110000
10ps8speaker with Extensionplb - Y, nlb - N, allcaps - Y, along with speaker name parenthetical starting and ending are present, Space count = 35110111101011011101111105554101011001000010000011110000
11ps9isolated speaker Extensionplb - N, nlb - N, next line - parenthetical/dialogue starting line/ dialogue ending line, Space count = 35, Standard terms are present within parenthetical11051101111011011111105555101000000100000000011110000
12ps10Parenthetical completeplb - N, nlb - N, camel/lower/partial - Y, parenthetical starting - Y, parenthetical ending - Y, pvs line - speaker/speaker with extension and standard speaker extension terms not present within the parenthetical, nxt line - dialogue starting line/dialogue ending line, space count = 30 and next line space count= 2510110101011110101101111015551051000000100000000011100000
13ps11Parenthetical beginningplb - N, nlb - N, camel/lowe/partial - Y, parenthetical starting - Y, pvs line - speaker/speaker with extension and standard speaker extension terms not present within the parenthetical, nxt line - right parenthetical present, space count = 3051101011010111011011110155510510000000100000011111110000
14ps12Parenthetical ending plb - N, nlb - N , parenthetical ending - Y, pvs line - left parenthetical present and standard terms not present, space count = 30 and next line space count = 2551101011011011011011110155510510000000010000000011100000
15ps13Dialogue beginning lineplb - N, camel/lowe/partial - Y , space count = 25, pvs line - parenthetical ending line/parenthetical complete, pvs to pvs line - speaker/Blank, & nxt line - dialogue middle line and nxt to nxt line - dialogue/middle linedialogue ending line/blank/slugline/action starting line/actione ending line/speaker/transition.1011010111111010101110115101010510000000110000000001100000
16ps14Dialogue Middle lineplb -N, nlb - N, camel/lower/partial -Y, space count = 25,pvs to pvs line - speaker/parenthetical ending line or parenthetical complete, nxt to nxt line - dialogue middle line/dialogue ending line/blank.101101011111101101110115101010510000000011100000001110000
17ps15Dialogue Ending lineplb - N, nlb - Y, camel/lowe/partial - Y, nxt to nxt line - speaker/slugline/action beginning line/action ending line, space count = 25, previous line space count = 25.101101011111101011110115101010510000000111100011100001111
18ps16Transitionplb & nlb - Y, allCaps - Y, nxt to nxt line - Slugline, pvs to pvs line - action ending line/dialogue ending line, space count = 36-735101011111101101111115555101000001000010011000000000
19ps17Special Termplb & nlb - Y, allCaps - Y, belongs to a list of terms.11011111110110111111555551011001000011011000000000
20ps18Slugline mixed with suceeding action lineplb - Y, pvs to pvs - transition/action ending line/dialogue ending line, next line - action middle line/action ending line/blank, check with the time of day and if the line is continuing, space count = 15511511115115151115105551000001000011000000001011
21ps19Slugline mixed with preceeding transitionplb - Y, pvs to pvs - action ending /dialogue ending lines, nxt line - blank/continuing slugline, check with the transition element present in the line and if the same line contains int/ext or i/e or int or ext. space count = 36-73.15111111515115111555551000001000010000000000111
22ps20Slugline mixed with preceeding Page header.check with any elements present(like pageNo, movie production) other than the standard slugline format55111111515115111555551000001000011000000001111
23ps21Action ending line mixed with suceeding speaker name.check action ending line whether last few words are allCaps, space count = 15, partial/camel - Y, nxt line - parenthetical/dialogue, pvs - action middle line/blank. 51151111151515111555555011110000010000011110000
24ps22Action ending line mixed with suceeding transition.check action ending line whether last two or three words contain the element from transitions list, nxt line - blank, nxt to nxt line - slugline, pvs line - blank/action middle line,. 51551111151515111555555000110000010011000000000
25ps23Action line succeded by page no. (footer)check if a number appears to the end of the line51111111151515111555555011110000010011111101011
26ps24Action line preceded by page no. (Header)check if a number appears to the start of the line.51111111151115111555551011110000010011110001
27ps25Speaker name mixed with suceeding parenthetical.check if the line have allCaps words and after that it should have left parenthetical, Space count = 35, pvs line - blank, parenthetical doesn't contain externsion terms or cont'd.5511151015115111155555101000001100010000011110000
28ps26Parenthetical mixed with suceeding dialogue.check if a line starts with the left parenthetical, space count = 30, pvs line - speaker/speaker with extension, there is text present after the right parenthetical. 5155151105155111515551051000000110000000001101100
29ps27Parenthetical mixed with preceeding dialogue.check if before left parenthetical contains any words, space count = 35, either the parenthetical will close in the same line or it can be extended to next line and if not in the nxt line it can be in nxt to nxt line. 515515111515111515551051000000101100000011100000
30ps28Dialogue Endline mixed with suceeding page no.check if a number appears to the end of the line51551111155111511555555000000111100011100001111
31ps29Dialogue line mixed with suceeding action line.check after completing the dialogue the sentence should be in present tense. space count = 35, pvs line- parenthetical/speaker/dialogue, nxt line - action/blank 51551111155111511555555000000111100011100001011
32ps30Dialogue line mixed with preceeding speaker name.check if first two or three words contains allCaps and not special terms, pvs line - blank, space count = 35, nxt line - blank/dialogue.515511111555115155555101011001100010011101101111
33ps31Transition mixed with special words like PBS.check if line contains special terms and transitions both with allCaps, plb & nlb -Y. 115511115151111115555101000001000010011000000000
34ps32Transition and scene numbers are mixedcheck along with the transition numbers are present that number should be from a slugline, space count < 15115111115151111115555101
35ps33two transition mixedcheck if multiple transitions are present 155111115151111115555101
36ps34Blank linecase format - None, data - blank10101010011001000011011100001111
38Identify sluglines , see if scene numbers corresponding to them are in sequence ,,, if a scne is issing = one slugline should be between these two
39more between dialogues at page break (examine separately)
40more than one scenes written together
41sublocations in the slugline
42Page no mixing with other elements
44Intercut over-