114 lines
3.9 KiB
Executable File
114 lines
3.9 KiB
Executable File
from indictrans import Transliterator
from libindic.transliteration import getInstance
# import final_transliteration_only.py
t = getInstance()
from indic_transliteration import sanscript
from indic_transliteration.sanscript import transliterate
import requests, uuid, json
from transliterate import translit, get_available_language_codes
# import polyglot
from polyglot.transliteration import Transliterator as polygolot_transliterator
from polyglot.text import Text
# blob = """We will meet at eight o'clock on Thursday morning."""
# text1212 = Text(blob)
# # for x in text1212.transliterate("ar"):
# # print(x)
# trans_text = text1212.transliterate("ar")
# print(trans_text)
# from polyglot.downloader import downloader
# downloader.download("TASK:transliteration2", quiet=True)
# from transliterate import translit
# text = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"
# print(translit(text, 'hy'))
# transliterator = Transliterator(source_lang="en", target_lang="ru")
# print(transliterator.transliterate(u"preprocessing"))
# indic_src_lang = "eng"
# indic_dest_lang = "urd"
# # azure_src_script = ""
# # azure_dest_script = "Deva"
# # azure_src_lang = "Arab"
# # libindic_dest_script = "en"
# text = """ Hello """
# # out = translit(text, 'ru')
# # print(out)
# # #indic-transliteration
# trn = Transliterator(source=indic_src_lang, target=indic_dest_lang, build_lookup=True)
# trans_text = trn.transform(text)
# print("Indic-trans: ", trans_text)
# with open('readme.txt', 'w') as f:
# f.write('Indic Translierated' + "\n")
# f.write(trans_text + "\n")
# f.close()
# # #libindic-translation
# # code = libindic_dest_script+'_IN'
# # lib_out = t.transliterate(text, code)
# # # print("Libindic: ", lib_out)
# # with open('readme.txt', 'w') as f:
# # f.write('Libindic Translierated' + "\n")
# # f.write(lib_out + "\n")
# # f.close()
# # #indic-trans-IAST
# # # ind_out = transliterate(text, sanscript.H, sanscript.)
# # # # print("Indic-trans-IAST: ", ind_out)
# # # with open('readme.txt', 'w') as f:
# # # f.write('Indic-trans IAST Translierated' + "\n")
# # # f.write(lib_out + "\n")
# # # f.close()
# # #comparing results
# # # sources_name = {'0':'indic_trans', '1':'libindic', '2':'indic_trans_IAST'}
# # # priority_list =['indic_trans', 'libindic', 'indic_trans_IAST']
# # # Out = []
# # # out = [trans_text, lib_out, ind_out]
# # # Out = all_transliteration.compare_outputs_transliteration(text, out, sources_name, priority_list)
# # # print(Out)
# # #azure-transliteration
text = "Hello this is dharmesh"
text2 = "שמי דהרש"
azure_src_lang = "iw"
azure_src_script = 'Hebr'
azure_dest_script = "Latn"
subscription_key = "83ce6233419541929f7ab0d3035fca58"
endpoint = "https://api.cognitive.microsofttranslator.com"
location = "eastus"
path = '/translate'
constructed_url = endpoint + path
headers = {
'Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key': subscription_key,
'Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Region': location,
'Content-type': 'application/json',
'X-ClientTraceId': str(uuid.uuid4())
constructed_url1 = "https://api.cognitive.microsofttranslator.com/transliterate?api-version=3.0"
params = {'api-version': '3.0', 'language':azure_src_lang, 'fromScript': azure_src_script, 'toScript': azure_dest_script}
body = [{'text': text2}]
request = requests.post(constructed_url1, params=params, headers=headers, json=body)
response = request.json()
# with open('readme.txt', 'w') as f:
# f.write(response[0]['text'])
# azure_out = response
# print(response, encoding="utf-8")
# # azure = azure_transliteration(text, azure_src_lang, azure_dest_script)
# # with open('readme.txt', 'a') as f:
# # f.write('Azure Translierated' + "\n")
# # f.write(azure_out + "\n")
# # f.close()