264 lines
12 KiB
Executable File
264 lines
12 KiB
Executable File
import requests
import time
from tqdm import tqdm
import ast
import json
from WalletCreation import walletCreation
# from users.models import UserCredentialsForBlockchain
from pymongo import MongoClient
from blockchainsetting import UPLOAD_FILES,SET_ONLY_OWNER, GET_OWNER
def decryptionOfPrivate(privateKey,key):
url_string = privateKey
iv = 77423458040705335549997212640120530171624814583885731800099110782272387303263
passwordSalt = b"\xd3\x06b\xdf\xdc\xd1u\xd0V\xb2\xd8\xbci\xe9\xc8\r"
password = key
keyutf = pbkdf2.PBKDF2(password, passwordSalt).read(32)
# ciphertext = encrypted url string
aes = pyaes.AESModeOfOperationCTR(keyutf, pyaes.Counter(iv))
ciphertext = aes.decrypt(url_string)
return ciphertext
print("Somthing went worng")
# url = ""
# geturl = ""
# uploadApi = ""
def uploadAfile():
# file = open('/home/user/mnf/project/MNF/Blockchain2/big_buck_bunny_720p_30mb.mp4', 'r')
# content = file.read()
# Replace 'video.mp4' with the path to your video file
# video_path = '/home/user/mnf/project/MNF/Blockchain2/videoplayback.mp4'
# Open the video file in binary read mode
# with open(video_path, 'rb') as video_file:
# video_data = video_file.read()
data ={
"file":"hello world"
response =requests.post(UPLOAD_FILES,files=data)
data = response.json()
# uploadAfile()
def getFileFromIpfs():
video_url = ""
response = requests.get(video_url, stream=True)
# Check if the request was successful
if response.status_code == 200:
# Get the total size of the video in bytes
total_size = int(response.headers.get('content-length', 0))
# Replace 'video.mp4' with the desired file path and name
output_file_path = 'video1.mp4'
# Save the video to a local file with a progress bar
with open(output_file_path, 'wb') as video_file, tqdm(
) as progress_bar:
for data in response.iter_content(chunk_size=1024):
print("Video saved successfully.")
print("Failed to download the video. Status code:", response.status_code)
# getFileFromIpfs()
def postdatas():
Counter = 0
startTime= time.time()
disct = {
"showcase_id": {
"$binary": {
"base64": "grPhbfRRS7mtVQlnUXrFgg==",
"subType": "03"
"user_id_id": 1,
"project_number": Counter,
"showcase_string": "1670584877.626224-showcase",
"date_of_submission": {
"$date": "2022-12-09T11:21:38.738Z"
"loglines": "xsdcfv",
"projecttitle": "xdcfvg",
"projecttype": "",
"languageactionlines": "Arabic",
"languagedialogues": "Arabic",
"genre": "Drama",
"rating": "0.00",
"total_rating": 0,
"viewercount": 0,
"subgenre": "",
"shortfilm": "false",
"documentory": "false",
"webseries": "false",
"tvserial": "false",
"featurefilm": "false",
"other": "false",
"other_value": "",
"setintime": "Medieval",
"setingeography": "xedcrvt",
"duration": 123,
"copyright": "false",
"registered_with": "",
"anycoauthor": "false",
"nameofcoauthor": "",
"emailidcoauthor": "",
"budgetcurrency": "CAD",
"budgetamount": 1234,
"projectstatus": "Project Completed",
"noofscenes": "",
"noofcharacters": "",
"nooflocations": "",
"specialrequirement": "",
"starcast": "",
"onepageruploaded": {
"$binary": {
"base64": "k++jaa8DEFGn6cYMqkSE8yIzNyrFLDF3zRKlIFEi8Y11e0R9imMNJYl9jf7R8A==",
"subType": "00"
"storyuploaded": "null",
"samplescriptuploaded": "null",
"fullscriptuploaded": "null",
"samplefootageuploaded": "null",
"findcowriter": "false",
"commissionproject": "false",
"partfinancing": "false",
"fullfinancing": "false",
"fundrequiredcurrency": "null",
"fundrequiredamount": 0,
"auction_fullrights": "false",
"auction_limitedrights": "false",
"auctionstartdate": "null",
"auctionstopdate": "null",
"reservepricecurrency": "null",
"reservepriceamount": 0,
"pitchdeckuploaded": "null",
"samplenarrationuploaded": "null",
"characterintrouploaded": "null",
"scriptanalysisuploaded": "null",
"narratefulluploaded": "null",
"narratefulluploaded_s3": "null",
"total_file_size": 102572,
"whocansee_story": "null",
"whocansee_onepager": "null",
"whocansee_samplescript": "null",
"whocansee_samplenarration": "null",
"whocansee_fullscript": "null",
"whocansee_fullnarration": "null",
"whocansee_scriptanalysis": "null",
"whocansee_charintroduction": "null",
"whocansee_samplefootage": "null",
"whocansee_pitchdeck": "null",
"showcase_shortlist_count": 0,
"uploaded_at": 1670584877
payloadStrData = str(disct)
data ={
"Module": "narration",
"Services": "PitchdeckCreation",
"Data": "asdf",
response =requests.post(SET_ONLY_OWNER,json=data)
endTime= time.time()
finalTime = endTime-startTime
def getdata():
startTime= time.time()
Module= "narration"
servicesName = "PitchdeckCreation"
data ={
# "private_key":"0x6f06e1108b833b1918067042e13e60eda262705b80385a02d0330ce0db31d3ad",
"user_id": 1,
"Module": Module,
"Services": servicesName,
"Project": 1,
response =requests.get(GET_OWNER,params=data)
getData = response.json()
getdatafromblockchain = getData.get("getData")[2][1]
# print(getdatafromblockchain, type(getdatafromblockchain))
# finalstring = "[{'onepager': 'True', 'id': 1, 'user_id_id': 'yadavkiran699@gmail.com', 'script_id': 'scr_1690533008', 'script_title': 'Looper_5733_CiQg5Tr', 'actionline_language': 'en', 'actionline_script_language': 'Latin', 'dialogues_language': 'en', 'dialogues_script_language': 'Latin', 'document_name': 'Looper_5733_CiQg5Tr.docx', 'script_file_path': '/home/user/mnf/project/MNF/media/scripts/Looper_5733_CiQg5Tr.docx', 'author_name': 'yadavkiran699@gmail.com'}, {'choosescript': 'Looper_5733_CiQg5Tr.docx', 'scriptDetails': <MNFScriptDatabase: scr_1690533008>, 'scriptname': <FieldFile: None>, 'genre': 'Comedy', 'subGenre': 'Comedic Thriller', 'projecttype': 'Feature Film', 'noepisodes': '', 'eachepisodes': '', 'language': 'Chinese', 'dialect_language': 'Mandarin', 'platformproposed': '', 'country': '', 'countryCode': '+91', 'city': None, 'state': None, 'languagebelt': '', 'target_audience': '', 'target_field': '', 'timeperiod': 'Ancient Times', 'geography': '', 'dialogue_reference': '', 'premise': '', 'logline': 'as sa as as sa saa as sa sa sa', 'author': True, 'name': 'yadavkiran699@gmail.com', 'author_profile': None, 'author_email': 'yadavkiran699@gmail.com', 'phonenumber': '0000000000000', 'author_about': 'as sa as as sa saa as sa sa sa', 'author_link': '', 'auplot_story_flowthor': True, 'protagonist': 'as sa as as sa saa as sa sa sa', 'barrier': 'as sa as as sa saa as sa sa sa', 'midpoint': 'as sa as as sa saa as sa sa sa', 'climax': 'as sa as as sa saa as sa sa sa', 'conflictresolved': 'as sa as as sa saa as sa sa sa', 'minute_protogonist': '0', 'conflict_reaches_climax': '0', 'dream_cast_locations': True, 'upload_image1': None, 'leadcharacter': ['JOE', 'asasasasaa', None], 'strengths_and_expectation': True, 'monetary_non_monetary_expectation': ''}]"
# print(finalstring)
# varibale = "{'onepager': 'True', 'id': 1, 'user_id_id': 'yadavkiran699@gmail.com', 'script_id': 'scr_1690533008', 'script_title': 'Looper_5733_CiQg5Tr', 'actionline_language': 'en', 'actionline_script_language': 'Latin', 'dialogues_language': 'en', 'dialogues_script_language': 'Latin', 'document_name': 'Looper_5733_CiQg5Tr.docx', 'script_file_path': '/home/user/mnf/project/MNF/media/scripts/Looper_5733_CiQg5Tr.docx', 'author_name': 'yadavkiran699@gmail.com'}"
# pravesh = "[{'pravesh': 33},{'pravesh': 33}]"
# varibale1 = "{'choosescript': 'Looper_5733_CiQg5Tr.docx','scriptDetails': '<MNFScriptDatabase: scr_1690533008>', 'scriptname': '<FieldFile: None>', 'genre': 'Comedy', 'subGenre': 'Comedic Thriller', 'projecttype': 'Feature Film', 'noepisodes': '', 'eachepisodes': '', 'language': 'Chinese', 'dialect_language': 'Mandarin', 'platformproposed': '', 'country': '', 'countryCode': '+91', 'city': 'None', 'state': 'None', 'languagebelt': '', 'target_audience': '', 'target_field': '', 'timeperiod': 'Ancient Times', 'geography': '', 'dialogue_reference': '', 'premise': '', 'logline': 'as sa as as sa saa as sa sa sa', 'author': 'True', 'name': 'yadavkiran699@gmail.com', 'author_profile': 'None', 'author_email': 'yadavkiran699@gmail.com', 'phonenumber': '0000000000000', 'author_about': 'as sa as as sa saa as sa sa sa', 'author_link': '', 'auplot_story_flowthor': 'True', 'protagonist': 'as sa as as sa saa as sa sa sa', 'barrier': 'as sa as as sa saa as sa sa sa', 'midpoint': 'as sa as as sa saa as sa sa sa', 'climax': 'as sa as as sa saa as sa sa sa', 'conflictresolved': 'as sa as as sa saa as sa sa sa', 'minute_protogonist': '0', 'conflict_reaches_climax': '0', 'dream_cast_locations': 'True', 'upload_image1': 'None', 'leadcharacter': ['JOE', 'asasasasaa', 'None'], 'strengths_and_expectation': 'True', 'monetary_non_monetary_expectation': ''}"
# try:
# # disct = ast.literal_eval(getdatafromblockchain)
# # print(disct)
# # converted_dict = eval(getdatafromblockchain)
# # print(converted_dict["MNFScriptDatabase1"])
# except Exception as e:
# print(e)
def load_string_to_dicts(data):
string_data = data.replace("'", '"')
list_data = json.loads(string_data)
return list_data
# getdata()
# accountDetail = walletCreation()
# binaryToHex = accountDetail[1].hex()
# blockchain_obj = UserCredentialsForBlockchain()
# blockchain_obj.user = user
# blockchain_obj.privateKey = binaryToHex
# blockchain_obj.publicKey = accountDetail[0]
# blockchain_obj.save()
# MongoDBUrl = "mongodb+srv://MNF:root@cluster0.gbkxi.gcp.mongodb.net/DB?retryWrites=true&w=majority"
# MongoDBUrl = "mongodb+srv://mynextfilm:mnf123@cluster0.ojasb.mongodb.net/myFirstDatabase?retryWrites=true&w=majority"
# client = MongoClient(MongoDBUrl)
# db = client.DB
# users = db["auth_user"].find()
# for user in users:
# if "id" in user:
# print(user["id"])
# accountDetail = walletCreation()
# binaryToHex = accountDetail[1].hex()
# blockchain_obj = UserCredentialsForBlockchain()
# blockchain_obj.user = 1
# blockchain_obj.privateKey = binaryToHex
# blockchain_obj.publicKey = accountDetail[0]
# blockchain_obj.save()